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The mid-Cenomanian Dunvegan Formation represents a delta complex deposited on a foreland basin ramp over about 2 my. The Dunvegan is divided into 10 transgressive–regressive allomembers, labelled J–A in ascending order, each defined by regional marine transgressive surfaces. Parasequences within allomembers show an aggradational to offlapping stacking pattern that reflects alternate generation and removal of accommodation. The upper surfaces of allomembers H–E are incised by extensive valley systems traceable for up to 320 km and over about 50 000 km2. Valley depths range up to 41 m and can change significantly over short distances. However, the average depth of incision (mean 21 m) shows no systematic variation in longitudinal profiles and no evidence of headward shallowing. Valleys are typically 1–2 km wide, but locally widen to about 8 km. Widening is sometimes associated with confluence zones, but elsewhere it is not. Updip reaches of valleys are dominated by cross-bedded fluvial sandstone forming multistorey point-bar deposits. Sandstones contain widespread but uncommon paired carbonaceous drapes recognizable as tidal bundles. Inclined heterolithic stratification is locally well developed at the top of the valley fill. Downdip reaches of valleys, typically within 50 km of the lowstand shoreline, have a sandstone-dominated lower part and, locally, a mud-rich upper portion consisting of a variety of laminated heterolithic facies with a clear tidal signature. These heterolithic deposits may represent central basin, tidal flat, bayhead delta and point-bar environments. Valley filling took place mainly during the transgressive systems tract (TST) when tidally influenced environments migrated upvalley. Semi-diurnal tidal backwater effects extended at least 30 km landward of the regional maximum transgressive marine shoreline. The aggradational late TST and highstand systems tract (HST) includes deltaic and coastal plain deposits comprising lake and anastomosed river deposits that suggest a very low gradient (≈ 1:3000). Delta parasequences of the falling stage systems tract (FSST) offlap seaward and have no equivalent coastal plain deposits. The FSST has an average width of 60 km and an inferred gradient of 1:2500. The upper surfaces of the HST and FSST are extensively incised by valleys. The lowstand systems tract (LST) is subtly aggradational, lacks valleys and is characterized by large delta lobes fed by major distributaries. The width and inferred slope of the FSST, coupled with the thickness of aggradational TST and HST deposits on the coastal plain, suggest a vertical accommodation of about 35 m per transgressive event. About 11 m of this is attributed to isostatic subsidence resulting from water and sediment loads; the residual 24 m is attributed to eustatic rise. This sea-level change is of the same order of magnitude as the valley depths. The length of valleys, however, does not seem to be explicable solely in terms of downstream forcing by sea-level change, and an additional, upstream-forcing mechanism, possibly related to precipitation cycles in the Milankovitch band, might be inferred.  相似文献   
Abstract– As part of our continuing survey of meteorite physical properties, we measured grain and bulk density, porosity, and magnetic susceptibility for 41 stones from 23 enstatite chondrites (ECs), all with masses greater than 10 g, representing the majority of falls and a significant percentage of all available non‐Antarctic EC meteorites. Our sampling included a mix of falls and finds. For falls, grain densities range from 3.45 to 4.17 g cm?3, averaging 3.66 g cm?3; bulk densities range from 3.15 to 4.10 g cm?3, averaging 3.55 g cm?3; porosities range from 0 to 12% with the majority less than 7%, and magnetic susceptibilities (in log units of 10?9 m3 kg?1) from 5.30 to 5.64, with an average of 5.47. For finds, weathering reduces both grain and bulk densities as well as magnetic susceptibilities. On average, finds have much higher porosity than falls. The two EC subgroups EH and EL, nominally distinguished by total iron content, exhibit similar values for all of the properties measured, indicating similar metallic iron content in the bulk stones of both subgroups. We also observed considerable intra‐meteorite variation, with inhomogeneities in bulk and grain densities at scales up to approximately 40 g (approximately 12 cm3).  相似文献   
Compositions and pleochroism of micas in fourteen peraluminous alkali-feldspar granites in the eastern part of the Late Proterozoic Arabian Shield are unlike those of micas (principally biotite) in most calc-alkaline granitoid rocks. Compositions of these micas are distinguished by elevated abundances of Li2O, F, and numerous cations and by low MgO abundances. These micas, constituents of highly evolved rare-metal enriched granitoids, represent an iron-lithium substitution series that ranges from lithium-poor siderophyllite to lithium-rich ferroan lepidolite. The eastern Arabian Shield also hosts six epizonal granitoids that contain colorless micas. Compositions of these micas, mostly muscovite, and their host granitoids are distinct from those of the iron-lithium micas and their host granitoids. Compositions of the analyzed micas have a number of petrogenetic implications. The twenty granitoids containing these micas form three compositional groups that reflect genesis in particular tectonic regimes; mica compositions define the same three groups. The presence of magmatic muscovite in six of these shallowly crystallized granitoids conflicts with experimental data indicating muscovite stability at pressures greater than 3 kbar. Muscovite in the Arabian granitoids probably results from its non-ideal composition; the presence of muscovite cannot be used as a pressure indicator. Finally, mineral/matrix partition coefficients are significantly greater than 1.0 for a number of cations, the rare-earth elements in particular, in many of the analyzed iron-lithium micas. Involvement of these types of micas in partial melting or fractionation processes can have a major influence on silicate liquid compositions.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the reliability of the geochemical and hydrodynamic sampling in a phreatic aquifer of semi-arid Africa. These remarks are based on a dense network and on detailed data collected for about ten years in the Continental Terminal water table near Niamey, Niger. The natural potentiometric fluctuations are seasonal (up to 6 m during the rainy season) and interannual (up to 10 m since the 1960s). Hydrodynamic measurements can be disturbed by artificial flooding into the wells (20% of the network) and by domestic drawings (up to 2 m of lowering). Geochemical characteristics can vary seasonally: isotopic modifications and salinity increase near recharge areas, with more stability further away. They can also vary artificially in wells because of their large opening towards the open air. Artifical increases of salinity of one order of magnitude and contaminations of 14C activities of up to 20 pmC occur in some wells by atmospheric dust inputs or organic matter which was has fallen into the well. In conclusion, some recommendations are given for a representative sampling in semi-arid phreatic aquifers.  相似文献   
We estimate the acceleration on the Local Group (LG) from the 2 Micron All-Sky Redshift Survey (2MRS). The sample used includes about 23 200 galaxies with extinction-corrected magnitudes brighter than   K s= 11.25  and it allows us to calculate the flux-weighted dipole. The near-infrared flux-weighted dipoles are very robust because they closely approximate a mass-weighted dipole, bypassing the effects of redshift distortions and require no preferred reference frame. This is combined with the redshift information to determine the change in dipole with distance. The misalignment angle between the LG and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) dipole drops to  12°± 7°  at around  50  h −1 Mpc  , but then increases at larger distances, reaching  21°± 8°  at around  130  h −1 Mpc  . Exclusion of the galaxies Maffei 1, Maffei 2, Dwingeloo 1, IC342 and M87 brings the resultant flux dipole to  14°± 7°  away from the CMB velocity dipole. In both cases, the dipole seemingly converges by  60  h −1 Mpc  . Assuming convergence, the comparison of the 2MRS flux dipole and the CMB dipole provides a value for the combination of the mass density and luminosity bias parameters  Ω0.6m/ b L= 0.40 ± 0.09  .  相似文献   
Isotopic results (Sr, Nd, Pb), as well as concentrations ofmajor and trace elements (REE) are reported for whole-rock samplesand mineral separates from the onland alkaline complex of Serrade Monchique (South Portugal) and the offshore alkali basaltvolcanic suite of Mount Ormonde (Gorringe Bank). These two geneticallyrelated alkaline complexes were emplaced at the east Atlanticcontinent–ocean boundary during the Upper Cretaceous,i.e. 66–72 m.y. ago. Taken together, Serra de Monchiqueand Mount Ormonde may be seen as one of the few examples ofwithin-plate magmatism that straddles the continent–oceanboundary. Major and trace element compositions fail to revealany significant differences between onland and offshore complexes.This is particularly true regarding less differentiated samples(mg-number 0.40) which show the same progressive and continuousenrichment of their trace element patterns, with no specificanomaly (e.g. negative Nb anomaly) being present in samplesfrom the onland complex. Initial Pb and Sr isotopic compositionsalso do not allow any distinction to be made between Serra deMonchique and Mount Ormonde samples. Initial Pb isotope ratiosare moderately high (19.1 < 206Pb/204Pb < 19.8; 207Pb/204Pb= 15.6) in both cases. Moreover, once the effects of Sr contaminationby seawater are taken into account and the most contaminatedsamples discarded using data from fresh clinopyroxene separatesand results of leaching experiments, the initial Sr isotopiccompositions of Mount Ormonde samples are found to be unradiogenic(87Sr/86Sr = 0.7031±1) and identical to those obtainedat Serra de Monchique (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7032±1). In contrast,a systematic mean difference of 2 Nd units is observed betweenSerra de Monchique [Nd(T) = +4.8] and Mount Ormonde [Nd(T) =+6.6] whole-rock samples. Surprisingly, a variation is alsoobserved at Mount Ormonde between the whole-rock samples andone of the two analysed clinopyroxene separates. Whereas MountOrmonde whole-rock samples invariably yielded Nd(T) = +6.6 (meanvalue), a value of +0.5 is obtained for one clinopyroxene separate,whereas another gives +6.0. The above geochemical and isotopicresults make it possible to assign respective roles to the asthenosphere,lithosphere and crust in the petrogenesis of Serra de Monchiqueand Mount Ormonde complexes. We propose that both complexesshare a common mantle source whose isotopic characteristicsare very similar to the source of oceanic island basalts. Continentalmantle lithosphere, already characterized isotopically by studiesof peridotite massifs within the Iberian peninsula, acts asa contaminant which is evident onland on the whole-rock scale,and also present offshore as discrete clinopyroxene xenocrysts.The continental crust appears to play no role in the petrogenesisof the Serra de Monchique alkaline rocks. KEY WORDS: alkaline complexes; continental lithosphere; isotope geochemistry; passive continental margin; within-plate volcanics  相似文献   
We report in situ ion microprobe analyses of oxygen isotopic compositions of olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, high-Ca pyroxene, anorthitic plagioclase, glassy mesostasis, and spinel in five aluminum-rich chondrules and nine ferromagnesian chondrules from the CR carbonaceous chondrites EET92042, GRA95229, and MAC87320. Ferromagnesian chondrules are isotopically homogeneous within ±2‰ in Δ17O; the interchondrule variations in Δ17O range from 0 to −5‰. Small oxygen isotopic heterogeneities found in two ferromagnesian chondrules are due to the presence of relict olivine grains. In contrast, two out of five aluminum-rich chondrules are isotopically heterogeneous with Δ17O values ranging from −6 to −15‰ and from −2 to −11‰, respectively. This isotopic heterogeneity is due to the presence of 16O-enriched spinel and anorthite (Δ17O = −10 to −15‰), which are relict phases of Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) incorporated into chondrule precursors and incompletely melted during chondrule formation. These observations and the high abundance of relict CAIs in the aluminum-rich chondrules suggest a close genetic relationship between these objects: aluminum-rich chondrules formed by melting of spinel-anorthite-pyroxene CAIs mixed with ferromagnesian precursors compositionally similar to magnesium-rich (Type I) chondrules. The aluminum-rich chondrules without relict CAIs have oxygen isotopic compositions (Δ17O = −2 to −8‰) similar to those of ferromagnesian chondrules. In contrast to the aluminum-rich chondrules from ordinary chondrites, those from CRs plot on a three-oxygen isotope diagram along the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line and form a continuum with amoeboid olivine aggregates and CAIs from CRs. We conclude that oxygen isotope compositions of chondrules resulted from two processes: homogenization of isotopically heterogeneous materials during chondrule melting and oxygen isotopic exchange between chondrule melt and 16O-poor nebular gas.  相似文献   
After its formation, a rill may remain in the field for months, often receiving lower flow rates than the formative discharge. The objective of this work was to evaluate the rill flow transport capacity of soil aggregates at discharges unable to erode the rill, and to analyse the influence of the rill macro‐roughness on this transport process. A non‐erodible rill was built in which roughness was reproduced in detail. In order to assess only the rill macro‐roughness, a flat channel with a similar micro‐roughness to that in the rill replica was built. Rill and channel experiments were carried out at a slope of 8 and at six discharges (8·3 × 10?5 to 5·2 × 10?4 m3 s?1) in the rill, and eight discharges (1·6 × 10?5 to 5·2 × 10?4 m3 s?1) in the channel. Non‐erodible aggregates of three sizes (1–2, 3–5 and 5–10 mm) were released at the inlet of the rill/channel. The number of aggregates received at the outlet was registered. The number and position of the remaining aggregates along the rill/channel were also determined. The rill flow was a major sediment transport mechanism only during the formation of the rill, as during that period the power of the flow was great enough to overcome the influence of the macro‐roughness of the rill bed. At lower discharges the transport capacity in the previously formed rill was significantly less than that in the flat channel under similar slope and discharge. This was determined to be due to local slowing of flow velocities at the exit of rill pools. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Wavefield decomposition forms an important ingredient of various geophysical methods. An example of wavefield decomposition is the decomposition into upgoing and downgoing wavefields and simultaneous decomposition into different wave/field types. The multi‐component field decomposition scheme makes use of the recordings of different field quantities (such as particle velocity and pressure). In practice, different recordings can be obscured by different sensor characteristics, requiring calibration with an unknown calibration factor. Not all field quantities required for multi‐component field decomposition might be available, or they can suffer from different noise levels. The multi‐depth‐level decomposition approach makes use of field quantities recorded at multiple depth levels, e.g., two horizontal boreholes closely separated from each other, a combination of a single receiver array combined with free‐surface boundary conditions, or acquisition geometries with a high‐density of vertical boreholes. We theoretically describe the multi‐depth‐level decomposition approach in a unified form, showing that it can be applied to different kinds of fields in dissipative, inhomogeneous, anisotropic media, e.g., acoustic, electromagnetic, elastodynamic, poroelastic, and seismoelectric fields. We express the one‐way fields at one depth level in terms of the observed fields at multiple depth levels, using extrapolation operators that are dependent on the medium parameters between the two depth levels. Lateral invariance at the depth level of decomposition allows us to carry out the multi‐depth‐level decomposition in the horizontal wavenumber–frequency domain. We illustrate the multi‐depth‐level decomposition scheme using two synthetic elastodynamic examples. The first example uses particle velocity recordings at two depth levels, whereas the second example combines recordings at one depth level with the Dirichlet free‐surface boundary condition of zero traction. Comparison with multi‐component decomposed fields shows a perfect match in both amplitude and phase for both cases. The multi‐depth‐level decomposition scheme is fully customizable to the desired acquisition geometry. The decomposition problem is in principle an inverse problem. Notches may occur at certain frequencies, causing the multi‐depth‐level composition matrix to become uninvertible, requiring additional notch filters. We can add multi‐depth‐level free‐surface boundary conditions as extra equations to the multi‐component composition matrix, thereby overdetermining this inverse problem. The combined multi‐component–multi‐depth‐level decomposition on a land data set clearly shows improvements in the decomposition results, compared with the performance of the multi‐component decomposition scheme.  相似文献   
Dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM) have been investigated along a transect between Cherbourg and the Isle of Wight. In addition, the relative contribution of different sources of POM have been assessed by the use of lipid biomarkers (e.g. fatty acids). Seawater samples were collected at two depths (subsurface and above the bottom) at five stations located on the transect during five cruises (from September 1994 to July 1995). Particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations vary between 30–530 μg l−1 and 0.5–2.7 mg l−1, respectively, for all the cruises. Fluxes of POM and DOM have been estimated at 0.6×1012 g yr−1 and 6.5×1012 g yr−1 of carbon, respectively. General fluxes of water and therefore of DOC and POC are oriented eastward. However, around the Isle of Wight a westward oriented flux exists due to a gyre located in the area. The major DOC and POC fluxes occur in the central part of the Channel where the water column is deepest. Seasonal variations of different sources of POM (algal, bacterial and terrigenous) have been examined for the five cruises. The fresh algal organic fraction is relatively important in September in coastal waters with a predominance of diatom species on the English side, whereas it has a low or undetectable contribution during winter months. The bacterial fraction generally varies in concert with the algal component. It is low during the winter period and more important in bloom or post-bloom conditions, as for example in May. Terrestrial organic matter is restricted to coastal areas in September, and is present at low levels in May and July. Nevertheless, in November and February, terrigenous inputs have been clearly identified for the whole transect even in central waters.  相似文献   
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