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Using 10-year (January 1998–October 2007) dataset of Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS), we extracted the dominant spatial patterns and temporal variations of the chlorophyll distribution in the central western South China Sea (SCS) through Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis. The results show that the first EOF mode is characterized by a high chlorophyll concentration zone along the Vietnam coast. We found two peaks in summer (July–August) and in winter (December), respectively, in no...  相似文献   
Total pollutant load control management for total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) is an urgent task required to gain a good water quality status in Jiaozhou Bay (  相似文献   
针对我国海岛礁精确基础地理信息空白的现状,开展了基于轻小型无人机微机电(MEMS)POS辅助航空摄影测量系统的集成、安装、测试及南海某岛礁1∶2 000高精度测图精度验证实验,结果表明使用轻小型无人机MEMS POS辅助航空摄影测量系统无控制时难以达到高精度测图的精度要求,在加入少量控制点时,可以明显地提高测图精度。在此基础上给出基于轻小型无人机MEMS POS辅助航空摄影测量技术在远海岛礁高精度测图中的合理性建议。  相似文献   
2001年MW7.8昆仑山地震是近半个世纪以来青藏高原发生的最大震级地震。同震破裂产生的巨大应力扰动驱动控制着显著震后形变。二十年尺度的大地测量数据记录了地震后长时间、大范围、时空依赖的震后形变演化过程及差异,揭示了昆仑山地震破裂段复杂的断层分段震后运动学特征、分段摩擦性质差异和青藏高原中北部岩石圈流变性质/结构横向各向异性。本文简要回顾昆仑山地震后基于二十年尺度时序InSAR和GPS的震后形变观测方法和时空特征,特别是时空密集的InSAR观测,是该构造区震后GPS观测的重要补充及其不可替代的观测手段;总结大范围震后形变模拟方法及其揭示的震后运动过程、多种动力学机制及其关系。最后总结提出昆仑山地震震后形变20年研究取得的科学认识及尚待深入研究的科学问题,一方面要持续性地对东昆仑断裂带大范围地表形变进行观测研究;另一方面,要不断更新震后形变模型,进一步深化对该断裂带地震周期形变、区域构造对周期形变控制作用、复杂断层运动时空演化机制的认识。   相似文献   
税国洪 《铀矿地质》1990,6(4):251-255
本文综述了10年来痕量钍的分离富集方法和测定方法,包括分光光度法、荧光光度法、极谱法、中子活化法、X射线荧光法等,应用这些方法测定ppb级的针,能得到满意的结果。  相似文献   
Models of marine ecosystem dynamics play an important role in revealing the evolution mechanisms of marine ecosystems and in forecasting their future changes. Most traditional ecological dynamics models are established based on basic physical and biological laws, and have obvious dynamic characteristics and ecological significance. However, they are not flexible enough for the variability of environment conditions and ecological processes found in offshore marine areas, where it is often difficult to obtain parameters for the model, and the precision of the model is often low. In this paper, a new modeling method is introduced, which aims to establish an evolution model of marine ecosystems by coupling statistics with differential dynamics. Firstly, we outline the basic concept and method of inverse modeling of marine ecosystems. Then we set up a statistical dynamics model of marine ecosystems evolution according to annual ecological observation data from Jiaozhou Bay. This was done under the forcing conditions of sea surface temperature and surface irradiance and considering the state variables of phytoplankton, zooplankton and nutrients. This model is dynamic, makes the best of field observation data, and the average predicted precision can reach 90% or higher. A simpler model can be easily obtained through eliminating the terms with smaller contributions according to the weight coefficients of model differential items. The method proposed in this paper avoids the difficulties of obtaining and optimizing parameters, which exist in traditional research, and it provides a new path for research of marine ecological dynamics.  相似文献   
将可变网格大气环流模式LMDZ的模拟中心移动至中国地理中心附近(37°N,112.5°E),在东亚地区进行加密,使用其对应全球模式同步输出资料进行环流强迫,以观测海表温度SST和海冰SIC资料对下边界强迫,对1979-2008年各年5-9月对500 hPa高度场,850 hPa温度场和地面要素等进行了模拟,并利用同期的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和由中国气象台站资料生成的格点资料,评估该模式对东亚地区高空环流场、西太平洋副热带高压及地面温度、降水等的夏季气候平均态的模拟能力.结果表明:LMDZ可以较好的模拟平均环流场,其模拟结果能够反映实际的500 hPa高度场和850 hPa温度场的分布特征和趋势,但总体模拟值较观测值偏低;对副高强度的模拟能力偏弱、模拟的副高位置偏东,但准确的表现了副高随时间变化的移动特性;模式较好的再现了中国区域夏季地面气温和降水的空间分布特征;但从数值吻合度看,温度模拟主要呈区域性偏冷距平,在东南沿海地区偏低1~3℃,在西部青藏高原地区偏低3~4℃及以上,中部和东北大部基本无偏差;降水的模拟在中国西北地区与实际观测较为一致,其误差主要表现为在中国东南部沿海模拟的降水偏多;对7个子区域,模式对850 hPa温度场和地面日均气温的再现能力优于对500 hPa高度场的模拟,且子区域间模拟偏差结果相差大,其中华北区地面气温模拟偏差最小,西北区降水值模拟偏差最小.  相似文献   
建筑物附加应力的影响深度是评价采空区新建建筑是否会破坏冒落带和导水裂隙带内的应力平衡状态,进而引发破碎岩体"二次沉降"的重要依据。该文介绍分析了矩形基底建筑在均布荷载作用下角点附加应力对地下影响深度的计算原理,提出了使用线性逼近的方法,分别将复杂、非线性的土层自重应力函数及建筑物附加应力函数转化为线段微元,通过计算两直线段交点来获得建筑物附加应力影响深度的方法,并使用C#语言编制了相关计算程序。结合工程实例,分析了建筑物附加应力影响深度与土(岩)层容重、建筑物荷载、地基面积、地基形状的关系。  相似文献   
A numerical method is designed to examine the response properties of real sea areas to open ocean forcing. The application of this method to modeling the China’s adjacent seas shows that the Bohai Sea has a highest peak response frequency(PRF) of 1.52 d-1; the northern Yellow Sea has a PRF of 1.69 d-1; the Gyeonggi Bay has a high amplitude gain plateau in the frequency band roughly from 1.7 to 2.7 d-1; the Yellow Sea(including the Gyeonggi Bay), the East China Sea shelf and the Taiwan Strait have a common high amplitude gain band with frequencies around 1.76 to 1.78 d-1 and are shown to be a system that responds to the open ocean forcing in favor of amplifying the waves with frequencies in this band; the Beibu Gulf, the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea deep basin have PRFs of 0.91, 1.01 and 0.98 d-1 respectively. In addition, the East China Sea has a Poincare mode PRF of 3.91 d-1. The PRFs of the Bohai Sea, the northern Yellow Sea, the Beibu Gulf and the South China Sea can be explained by a classical quarter(half for the Bohai Sea) wavelength resonance theory. The results show that further investigations are needed for the response dynamics of the Yellow Sea-East China Sea-Taiwan Strait system, the East China Sea Poincare mode, the Taiwan Strait, and the Gulf of Thailand.  相似文献   
任意多边形工作面沉陷预计及精确的求取概率积分法反演参数是开采沉陷研究的重点。提出了使用Delaunay三角剖分将任意多边形开采区域划分为若干小三角形,然后进行沉陷预计的方法,解决了任意多边形沉陷预计的难题;综合模矢法和遗传算法优点,提出了组合算法,提高了概率积分法参数反演精度和效率;开发了集实测数据处理、预计模型参数反演和移动变形预计模块于一体的地表移动变形数据处理软件。优化算法的提出及系统开发,可以更好的服务于"三下采煤"、矿区建筑物稳定性评估、矿区土地复垦、采煤塌陷地治理规划设计等工作。  相似文献   
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