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为有效解决传统遥感图像变化检测预处理复杂的问题,提出一种基于随机补片和DeepLabV3+的建筑物遥感图像变化检测方法。以ResNet50特征提取网络为基础,创建DeepLabV3+语义分割网络,并在图像和标签中创建大小为224像素×224像素的随机补片作为网络输入,训练建筑物提取网络;修改建筑物提取网络输入层为6通道,通过矩阵运算将两期遥感图像转换为一幅6通道非RGB图像,利用转换后的非RGB图像进行网络训练并验证变化检测精度。实验1利用ENVI5.3软件,采用马氏距离法进行变化检测;实验2采用改进的U-Net网络和随机补片,完成网络训练和精度验证;实验3使用实验2的训练数据和验证数据,采用随机补片和DeepLabV3+网络进行变化检测网络训练及精度验证。实验结果表明,该方法实验1、实验2、实验3建筑物变化检测平均交并比分别为24.43%、83.14%、89.90%,边界轮廓匹配分数分别为61.47%,80.24%、96.51%。  相似文献   
"雪球事件"以来,早期生命呈现多层次、大规模的加速演化,到寒武纪前夕,生命大爆发达到高潮;在生命剧烈演替的同时,地球环境标志也发生着响应,碳同位素剧烈漂移,并且与各个生命演化节点相对应。但是在划分最重要的地质界线,埃迪卡拉(震旦)系——寒武系界线及界线层型和点位("金钉子",GSSP)确立的问题上迄今仍存在着较大的分歧,以遗迹化石Treptichnus pedum作为该GSSP的标志化石,因其跨系、跨阶产出,生物延限长,因而在全球的生物地层划分对比中(特别在西伯利亚和中国华南地区)一直质疑声不断,而且以遗迹化石作为标志化石本身也具有一定的缺陷。中国华南地区两类古老的宏体化石——矿化管状的Cloudina和条带状的Shaanxilithes在全球范围内可以很好的对比,并且这两种实体化石的出现都对应着碳同位素的明显正漂移。本文通过研究华南震旦系顶部化石带的地层分布和地理分布,综合分析了其时空分布特点和系统演化意义,深入探讨了Cloudina和Shaanxilithes作为寒武系底界标志化石所具备的潜力,对埃迪卡拉(震旦)纪—寒武纪地层界线划分和层型选择提出了更为理想的标准。  相似文献   
高分辨率地震勘探技术贯穿于野外采集、室内资料处理和解释各个环节。文章从三维地震资料处理角度出发,探讨高分辨率、高信噪比和高保真度处理的关键技术措施,即波场净化处理,振幅、频率和相位补偿,叠前反褶积,静校正和动校正及叠后频谱整形。最后以实际资料说明经高分辨率处理后,频宽达到350Hz,给解释人员提供优质剖面,为分辨小间距薄煤层奠定基础。  相似文献   
Auto-temperature-controlled ventilation embankment is an effective engineering measure for “cooling roadbed”. Practice proves that this new method can sufficiently make use of natural cold energy. It has the advantages of higher efficiency, better cooling effect and feasibility in engineering practice, and wider application in various environment, etc. And also, it is comparatively cheap in project cost. Through practice in the field for half a year, the testing results show that, with the application of auto-temperature-controlled system, the artificial permafrost table has been raised by 65 cm. The artificial permafrost table was basically at the embankment bottom, and the action of freeze-thaw circle on engineering stability was effectively avoided. In the month with highest ground temperature, in the scope with 1–4 m in depth, including the majority of the embankment and the upper part in the original seasonal layer, the ground temperature decreased by 0.7°C. Through thermal flux calculation in the original seasonal layer, in the month with the maximum thermal flux coming into permafrost, it is found that the thermal flux reduces nearly by half. Coming into the cooling period for nearly a month, the ground temperature in entire auto-temperature-controlled embankment is close to zero, and the foundation is at negative temperature. But in a large region in the embankment and foundation the ground temperature was over 0°C and varied from 0°C to0.39°C in ordinary ventilation embankment.  相似文献   
Long-chain n-alkanols and n-alkanes in core sediments from the northern South China Sea (SCS) were measured to make a comparison during terrestrial vegetation reconstruction from ~42 ka to ~7 ka. The results showed that terrestrial vegetation record from long-chain n-alkanes matched well with previous studies in nearby cores, showing that more C4 plants developed during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and C3 plants dominated in the interglacial period. However, these scenarios were not revealed by terrestrial vegetation reconstruction using long-chain n-alkanols, which showed C3 plant expansion during the LGM. The discrepancy during the interglacial period could be attributed to the aerobic degradation of functionalized long-chain n-alkanols in the oxygen-rich bottom water, resulting in poor preservation of terrestrial vegetation signals. On the other hand, the different advantages of functionalized n-alkanols and non-functional n-alkanes to record local and distal vegetation signals, respectively, may offer a potential explanation for the contradiction during the LGM when the SCS was characterized by low-oxygen deep water. Nevertheless, large variations on n-alkyl lipid compositions in C3/C4 plants could play a part in modulating sedimentary long-chain n-alkanols and n-alkanes toward different vegetation signals, thereby suggesting that caution must be taken in respect to the terrestrial vegetation reconstruction using long-chain n-alkanes and long-chain n-alkanols.  相似文献   
The water balance in C'hina is studied in this paper, which follows the papers on the radiation balance and the heat balance in China. Using the data from more than 200 meteorological stations for 1961-1970 and about 200 hydrometric stations bcforc1972, we, through the equation of water balance, have calculated the monthly and annual amounts of precipitation, evaporation, run-off and soil water variation. The water balance and the hydroclimatological characteristics of China arc given.  相似文献   
虽然关于一些重要参数值仍然存在显著的不确定性,地学家们一致认为断层分布遵从幂律标度关系。本文我们把这些标度关系和地震分布的幂律标度关系结合起来获得了区域板内地震复发间隔对断层长度的标度关系式,再对其进行局部校准进而得到某一具体小地方的地震危险估计方法。小断层(未跨越孕震层与断4层)的标度资料表明地震复发间隔和断层长度的负幂成比例变化。由于最近认识到了大震标度中参数的不确定性,对于大断层(跨越孕震层的断层),其地震复发间隔是和断层长度的负幂还是和正幂成比例变化的问题是不确定的,这个问题对地震危险估计是至关重要的。  相似文献   
Emergy analysis is effective for analyzing ecological economic systems. However, the accuracy of the approach is af-fected by the diversity of economic level, meteorological and hydrological parameters...  相似文献   
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