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The combination of magnetotelluric survey and laboratory measurements of electrical conductivity is a powerful approach for exploring the conditions of Earth’s deep interior. Electrical conductivity of hydrous silicate melts and aqueous fluids is sensitive to composition, temperature, and pressure, making it useful for understanding partial melting and fluid activity at great depths. This study presents a review on the experimental studies of electrical conductivity of silicate melts and aqueous fluids, and introduces some important applications of experimental results. For silicate melts, electrical conductivity increases with increasing temperature but decreases with pressure. With a similar Na+ concentration, along the calc-alkaline series electrical conductivity generally increases from basaltic to rhyolitic melt, accompanied by a decreasing activation enthalpy. Electrical conductivity of silicate melts is strongly enhanced with the incorporation of water due to promoted cation mobility. For aqueous fluids, research is focused on dilute electrolyte solutions. Electrical conductivity typically first increases and then decreases with increasing temperature, and increases with pressure before approaching a plateau value. The dissociation constant of electrolyte can be derived from conductivity data. To develop generally applicable quantitative models of electrical conductivity of melt/fluid addressing the dependences on temperature, pressure, and composition, it requires more electrical conductivity measurements of representative systems to be implemented in an extensive P-T range using up-to-date methods.  相似文献   
吉木萨尔凹陷为准东地区重要含油气单元.吉15井工业油流的获得显示出石炭系具良好的勘探前景.通过对 该区石炭系地震反射特征研究发现其地层超覆、削蚀关系明显,可追踪对比性强,是区内石炭系重要层组划分标志, 可划分出上石炭统巴塔玛依内山组(简称巴山组)和下石炭统,首次对该区石炭系构造单元进行系统划分.  相似文献   
史剑  闻斌  王凯 《海洋预报》2007,24(2):74-82
通过与浮标观测资料的对比分析,指出NCEP动量通量、再计算NCEP热通量更能够代表NCEP再分析数据库的数值模拟效果。当风速大于20m/s时,数值模拟的湍通量低于浮标块体湍通量,当风速在10~20m/s时,数值模拟的湍通量高于浮标块体湍通量。同时还发现数值模拟结果的延迟现象,以及不能反映大风过后快速的海气温差变化而引起的感热通量变化。  相似文献   
Freshwater flocculation of suspended sediments in the Yangtze River, China   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Leicheng Guo  Qing He 《Ocean Dynamics》2011,61(2-3):371-386
This study focuses on suspended sediments and in situ flocculation in the Yangtze River, with the goal of improving our understanding of the relationship between freshwater and estuarine flocculation. A field survey with state-of-the-art instruments was carried out in January 2008 in the reach from downstream of the Three Gorges Dam to the estuary. The data show that in situ floc mean diameters range from 22 to 182???m in the river, whereas the median dispersed grain sizes are 4.4?C11.4???m. This demonstrates that flocculation is an important process during the transport of suspended sediments along the river. The flocculation characteristics, suspended sediment concentration and dispersed grain sizes all vary longitudinally in the main stream of the Yangtze River. Biochemical factors are likely be more significant in the freshwater flocculation than in the estuary, where hydrodynamics and biochemical factors are both important. Flocculation is found in the freshwater river, in the estuary and in coastal waters, which indicates that dynamic break-up/reflocculation processes take place during the suspended sediment transport. The freshwater flocs may behave as parent flocs to the estuarine flocculation. This study enhances our understanding of flocculation from estuarine and coastal areas to fresh river systems and provides insights into the effects of input of riverine flocs to the estuarine flocculation and into the sources and fate of flocs.  相似文献   
洞室围岩的某些参数,如弹性模量、强度参数等,对地下洞室的施工和设计具有极其重要的作用,直接进行这些参数的现场测量势必要耗费大量的物资和精力,在这种背景下,位移反分析的工程应用具有很重要的理论和实用价值。但洞室工程中大量不确定性因素的存在使得监测结果不可避免地存在随机性,有时会使得变形监测结果产生较大的误差,甚至失真。因此以监测结果的绝对值所反演得到的参数可能是错误的。在这种情况下,以监测数据的相对值进行参数反演在一定程度上可以消除测量误差。基于相对位移的随机反分析法并结合DFP优化算法开发了基于相对位移的随机反分析法,将其应用于一具体洞室工程中反演其弹性模量取得了较为理想的效果。  相似文献   
目的:探讨CT引导下20G切割式穿刺活检针在胸部病变活检中的临床应用价值,并分析并发症情况。材料和方法:回顾性分析资料完整的72例CT引导下胸部穿刺活检病例,所用的活检器材均为20G切割式穿刺活检针。纵隔病变5例,胸膜病变5例,肺部病变62例。统计穿刺活检诊断准确性,恶性病变诊断敏感性、特异性,分析并发症及其影响因素。结果:穿刺活检病理诊断为恶性病变58例,良性病变8例,非特异性诊断6例,后均经手术切除、临床治疗或随访证实。穿刺活检诊断准确率95.8%(66/72),恶性病变诊断敏感性95.1%(58/61),特异性为100%(11/11),无假阳性病例。6例(8.3%)发生并发症:气胸4例,肺泡出血1例,少量咯血1例。结论:采用20G切割式穿刺活检针进行CT引导下经皮胸部穿刺活检准确率高、并发症少,具有较高的临床价值。  相似文献   
The radon transport test, which is a widely used test case for atmospheric transport models, is carried out to evaluate the tracer advection schemes in the Grid-Point Atmospheric Model of IAP-LASG (GAMIL). Two of the three available schemes in the model are found to be associated with significant biases in the polar regions and in the upper part of the atmosphere, which implies potentially large errors in the simulation of ozone-like tracers. Theoretical analyses show that inconsistency exists between the advection schemes and the discrete continuity equation in the dynamical core of GAMIL and consequently leads to spurious sources and sinks in the tracer transport equation. The impact of this type of inconsistency is demonstrated by idealized tests and identified as the cause of the aforementioned biases. Other potential effects of this inconsistency are also discussed. Results of this study provide some hints for choosing suitable advection schemes in the GAMIL model. At least for the polax-region-concentrated atmospheric components and the closely correlated chemical species, the Flux-Form Semi-Lagrangian advection scheme produces more reasonable simulations of the large-scale transport processes without significantly increasing the computational expense.  相似文献   
The prime objective of this work is to provide a reference to predict the peak shear strength of rock fractures. The paper studied some shear properties of rock fractures and proposed an empirical formula for the peak shear strength of rock fractures based on 3D morphology parameters. The rock fractures were induced in cylindrical sandstone and marble specimens by means of indirect tension. A rock direct shear apparatus (RDS-200) was adopted to conduct direct shear tests on five groups of rock fractures under different levels of normal load. Before the direct shear test, 3D morphology parameters of rock fracture surfaces were obtained using a 3D optical scanner. By analyses of direct shear test data, the relationships between peak shear strength, peak shear displacement, peak dilatancy angle, residual friction coefficient and peak normal stress were found. According to the evolution trends of peak shear strength and peak dilatancy angle along with the normal stress, an empirical formula was proposed to predict the peak shear strength of rock fractures in both sliding and cutting failure modes considering the 3D morphology parameters of rock fracture surfaces. The empirical formula could be commonly used for different types (sandstone and marble) and grain sizes (powder-grained, fine-grained, medium-grained and coarse-grained) of rock fractures.  相似文献   
无线电波透视快速勘探技术及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线电波透视技术作为探测煤层工作面内地质构造的一种较为成熟方法,具有快速、轻便、透距大、成本低等优点,但也存在现场观测系统单一、耗时长、接收操作员劳动强度大等缺点。通过对无线电波透视技术现场观测系统的改进,提出"一发双收"数据采集方法及数据校正处理技术。由于"一发双收"的数据是由两个接收机同时接收,因此其数据必须经过校正才能使用。在数据采集中:一是要求两台接收机在一条测线同一地点的场强值差别很小;二是要求做到数据采集中至少存在一个重合接收点,且其重合点数据比值应在0.98~1.02范围内。"一发双收"数据使用无线电波透视CT软件系统处理软件进行拼接,若数据曲线出现阶梯跳跃,则应把低值(或者高值)乘以该重合点数据的比值以保证曲线平滑。在张集煤矿1114(3)工作面探测实践中,使用该技术探测画出其工作面存在三个主要异常区:1#异常区在退尺20~100m处为断层影响区;2#异常区退尺480~560m处为断层影响区;3#异常区在退尺1200~1300m处为断层和薄煤影响区。目前该工作面探测区已经回采,探测结果与实际回采验证结果比较吻合,说明一发双收的探测方式可行。  相似文献   
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