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Atmospheric stability conditions in the atmospheric surface layer control the distance and direction of transport of air contaminants. Near confined animal facilities, transport processes significantly impact air quality as these sites typically act as point sources of dust and odor constituents; however, little information is available on atmospheric stability effects. This study was conducted to assess year-round temporal patterns of atmospheric stability at a swine production facility and an adjacent commercial corn field (CF) in the US Midwest. Two towers of 10 and 20?m heights for continuous micrometeorological measurements were deployed within a CF and between swine buildings (BSB), respectively. Each tower was equipped with an eddy-covariance system at 6.8?m height, infrared thermometers, and six cup anemometers with thermocouples installed at log-distributed heights. Overall results from gradient Richardson number and Monin?CObukhov (z/L) calculations revealed a greater prevalence of unstable conditions for BSB compared with CF. During the 13-month measurement period, unstable cases (z/L ranging from ?1 to ?0.01) occurred 1.4 times more frequently for BSB than CF (52 vs. 39%, respectively), while stable cases (0.011?C0.2) were 1.8 times more frequent for CF than BSB (24 vs. 14%, respectively). These patterns were partly associated with higher surface radiometric temperatures for BSB. Relatively greater diurnal heat capture at BSB (ground and roof surfaces) and a cooling effect in CF through active canopy transpiration during the daytime explain these z/L and radiometric temperature results. Prevalent diurnal atmospheric instability at BSB suggests enhanced ascendant vertical transport of air pollutants perhaps causing greater mixing/dilution with the atmospheric layer and/or their facilitated transport over greater distances when sorbed onto particles. This enhanced understanding of the spatio-temporal patterns of atmospheric stability can be subsequently applied in further studies for identifying effective odor mitigation strategies near commercial animal production facilities.  相似文献   
Quantifying the energy balance above plant canopies is critical for better understanding of water balance and changes in regional weather patterns. This study examined temporal variations of energy balance terms for contrasting canopies [corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)]. We monitored energy balance for 4 years using eddy-covariance systems, net radiometers, and soil heat flux plates in adjacent production fields near Ames, Iowa. On an annual basis, soybean exhibited 20% and 30% lower sensible heat flux (H) and Bowen ratio than corn, respectively. As canopies developed, a gradual shift in turbulent fluxes occurred with decreasing H and increasing latent heat flux (LE), but with a more pronounced effect for corn. Conversely, during mid-growing season and as both canopies progressively senesced, H in general increased and LE decreased; however, soybean exhibited slightly greater LE and much lower H than corn. These temporal variations in magnitude and partitioning of turbulent fluxes translated into a pronounced energy imbalance for soybean (0.80) and an enhanced closure for corn (0.98) in August and September. These discrepancies could be directly associated with differences in momentum transport as shown by friction velocities of 0.34 and 0.28 m s?1 for corn and soybean, respectively. These results support influential roles of plant canopy on intensity and mode of surface energy exchange processes.  相似文献   
Low-level climatological wind fields over the La Plata River region of South America are synthesized with a dry, hydrostatic mesoscale boundary-layer numerical model. The model is forced at the upper boundary with the 1200 UTC local radiosonde observations and at the lower boundary with a land-river differential heating function defined from the daily meteorological observations of the region. The climatological wind field is defined as the mean value of a series of individual daily forecasts, employing two methods. The simplified method considers a 192-member ensemble (16 wind directions and 12 wind-speed classes at the upper boundary). Each member has a probability of occurrence that is determined from the 1959–1984 observations; the daily method uses a total of 3,248 days with available data during the same period. In both methods each realization is a daily forecast from which the mean wind distributions at 0300, 0900, 1500 and 2100 local standard time are calculated and compared to the observations of five meteorological stations in the region. The validation of the climatological wind fields for both methods is evaluated by means of the root-mean-square error of the wind-direction frequency distribution and mean wind speed by wind sector. The results obtained with the two methods are similar, and the errors in wind speed are always smaller than those in wind direction. The combined errors of wind direction and wind speed show that the ensemble method is outperformed by the daily method, on average by meteorological station in only one out of five of them, and on average by the time of the day in only one out of 4 h. The conclusion of the study is that the ensemble method is an appropriate methodology for determining high resolution, low-level climatological wind fields, with the boundary-layer model applied to a region with a strong diurnal cycle of surface thermal contrast. The proposed methodology is of particular utility for synthesizing wind fields over regions with limited meteorological observations, since the 192-member matrix can be easily defined with few observing points, as well as in the case of relatively incomplete records.  相似文献   
—In order to study both the interplate seismic loading cycle and the distribution of intraplate deformation of the Andes, a 215 site GPS network covering Chile and the western part of Argentina was selected, monumented and observed in 1993 and 1994. A dense part of the network in northern Chile and northwest Argentina, comprising some 70 sites, was re-observed after two years in October/November, 1995. The M w = 8.0 Antofagasta (North Chile) earthquake of 30th July, 1995 took place between the two observations. The city of Antofagasta shifted 80 cm westwards by this event and the displacement still reached 10 cm at locations 300 km from the trench. Three different deformation processes have been considered for modeling the measured displacements (1) interseismic accumulation of elastic strain due to subduction coupling, (2) coseismic strain release during the Antofagasta earthquake and (3) crustal shortening in the Sub-Andes.¶Eastward displacement of the sites to the north and to the south of the area affected by the earthquake is due to the interseismic accumulation of elastic deformation. Assuming a uniform slip model of interseismic coupling, the observed displacements at the coast require a fully locked subduction interface and a depth of seismic coupling of 50 km. The geodetically derived fault plane parameters of the Antofagasta earthquake are consistent with results derived from wave-form modeling of seismolog ical data. The coseismic slip predicted by the variable slip model reaches values of 3.2 m in the dip-slip and 1.4 m in the strike-slip directions. The derived rake is 66°. Our geodetic results suggest that the oblique Nazca–South American plate convergence is accommodated by oblique earthquake slip with no slip partitioning. The observed displacements in the back-arc indicate a present-day crustal shortening rate of 3–4 mm/year which is significantly slower than the average of 10 mm/year experienced during the evolution of the Andean plateau.  相似文献   
The fractal dimension (D) was estimated for nine tidal channels depicted in thematic mapper (TM) Landsat-5 imagery to derive information about the degree of geomorphological control on a tidal channel network characteristic of the Bahía Blanca Estuary (Argentina). Two methods, box counting and contiguity, were used to estimate fractal dimensions for each tidal channel. All channels produced D values close to 1, meaning that they are self-affine fractal features. However, these fractal dimensions do not represent the meandering pattern complexity characteristic of the tidal channels analysed. Although both methods allowed for estimation of D, the contiguity method showed that three of the channels actually are not fractal but have sinusoidal characteristics, a condition that was not detected by the former method.  相似文献   
Although the seismic actions generally consist of a combination of waves, which propagates with an angle of incidence not necessarily vertical, the common practice when analyzing the dynamic behavior of pile groups is based on the assumption of vertically incident wave fields. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the angle of incidence of SV waves affects the dynamic response of pile foundations and piled structures. A three-dimensional boundary element-finite element coupling formulation is used to compute impedances and kinematic interaction factors corresponding to several configurations of vertical pile groups embedded in an isotropic homogeneous linear viscoelastic half-space. These results, which are provided in ready-to-use dimensionless graphs, are used to determine the effective dynamic properties of an equivalent single-degree-of-freedom oscillator that reproduces, within the range where the peak response occurs, the response of slender and nonslender superstructures through a procedure based on a substructuring model. Results are expressed in terms of effective flexible-base period and damping as well as maximum shear force at the base of the structure. The relevance and main trends observed in the influence of the wavefront angle of incidence on the dynamic behavior of the superstructure are inferred from the presented results. It is found that effective damping is significantly affected by the variations of the wave angle of incidence. Furthermore, it comes out that the vertical incidence is not always the worst-case scenario.  相似文献   
The Mexican coast can be regionalized according to the main economic activities performed in it; for the purpose of this work we are considering five regions: North Pacific, Mar de Cortes, outh Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean. According to the national census, the population of the coastal zone in Mexico is increasing at a higher rate than the national average. The main industries located in the coastal and marine zones are oil and gas, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, maritime transportation and ports, chemical industries, and minerals. Mexico has developed an environmental legal framework based on the Ley General del Equilibrio Ecologico y la Proteccion al Ambiente (LGEEPA), and the coastal management paradigm is strengthened through several other legal tools developed specifically for this purpose. There are three management strategies identified in this work for the coastal zone in Mexico: (1) Agency Leadership, (2) Protected Areas, and (3) Land Ordinance. Each one of these strategies includes stages for eventually developing an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) plan that considers vertical and horizontal integration, scientific research of natural resources and ecosystems, and socioeconomic issues.  相似文献   
Sergio E.  Barrientos 《Island Arc》1997,6(3):281-287
Abstract Indications of transient crustal displacement associated with the 3 March 1985, M, = 7.8, Central Chile earthquake are evidenced by various observational devices. Almost half a meter of coastal uplift at localities close to the epicentral region was detected by repeated leveling lines. A tide gauge at Valparaiso revealed minor coseismic coastal subsidence (∼ 10 cm) continuously developing after the earthquake. Two limnigraphs, 27 km apart, that were situated at the extremes of Rapel Lake to the south of the leveling line, have recorded continuously the equipotential lake level for more than 10 years, providing a permanent very-long-base tiltmeter. The water level difference at the two limnigraphs as a function of time resembles a ramp function, beginning approximately at the time of the earthquake occurrence and gradually developing over a period of 10 months with a maximum amplitude of 120 mm or 4.4 p radians in tilt. The shape of the time-dependent tilt is mimicked by the sea level signal recorded at Valparaiso, ∼ 100 km away from Rapel Lake, showing a maximum coastal subsidence of 0.6 m. Comparisons of sea level changes produced by the 1971, M, = 7.5, earthquake indicates that they represent rupture in different portions along the seismogenetic region as well as a different rupture mode. Gravity surveys carried out in three different pre- and post-seismic epochs, along the segment of the leveling line which shows major coseismic uplift, indicate that the whole region has subsided, post-seismically, 10 em in 5 years. These observations are interpreted in terms of a variable slip dislocation model. Inversions show that it is the more than 2 m of fault displacement in 10 months of post-seismic movement along the contact between the Nazca and South America plates, which is interpreted to be responsible for the time-dependent elevation changes.  相似文献   
The Tiribí Tuff covered much of the Valle Central of Costa Rica, currently the most densely populated area in the country (∼2.4 million inhabitants). Underlying the tuff, there is a related well-sorted pumice deposit, the Tibás Pumice Layer. Based on macroscopic characteristics of the rocks, we distinguish two main facies in the Tiribí Tuff in correlation to the differences in welding, devitrification, grain size, and abundance of pumice and lithic fragments. The Valle Central facies consists of an ignimbritic plateau of non-welded to welded deposits within the Valle Central basin and the Orotina facies is a gray to light-bluish gray, densely to partially welded rock, with yellowish and black pumice fragments cropping out mainly at the Grande de Tárcoles River Gorge and Orotina plain. This high-aspect ratio ignimbrite (1:920 or 1.1×10−3) covered an area of at least 820 km2 with a long runout of 80 km and a minimum volume outflow of 25 km3 (15 km3 DRE). Geochemically, the tuff shows a wide range of compositions from basaltic-andesites to rhyolites, but trachyandesites are predominant. Replicate new 40Ar/39Ar age determinations indicate that widespread exposures of this tuff represent a single ignimbrite that was erupted 322±2 ka. The inferred source is the Barva Caldera, as interpreted from isopach and isopleth maps, contours of the ignimbrite top and geochemical correlation (∼10 km in diameter). The Tiribí Tuff caldera-forming eruption is interpreted as having evolved from a plinian eruption, during which the widespread basal pumice fall was deposited, followed by fountaining pyroclastic flows. In the SW part of the Valle Central, the ignimbrite flowed into a narrow canyon, which might have acted as a pseudo-barrier, reflecting the flow back towards the source and thus thickening the deposits that were filling the Valle Central depression. The variable welding patterns are interpreted to be a result of the lithostatic load and the influence of the content and size of lithic fragments.  相似文献   
Here we discuss the effects of large ambient pressures and decreasing density gradients on the observed properties of dusty UC hii regions. Dust absorption can effectively reduce the size of the photo ionized region, and density gradients can modify the spectral index of the emission. The effects of the density gradients seem to be present in both galactic and extragalactic HII regions.  相似文献   
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