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Ana‐Maria Olteanu‐Raimond Glen Hart Giles M. Foody Guillaume Touya Tobias Kellenberger Demetris Demetriou 《Transactions in GIS》2017,21(1):74-90
The perspective of European National Mapping Agencies (NMA) on the role of citizen sensing in map production was explored. The NMAs varied greatly in their engagement with the community generating volunteered geographic information (VGI) and in their future plans. From an assessment of NMA standard practices, it was evident that much VGI was acquired with a positional accuracy that, while less than that typically acquired by NMAs, actually exceeded the requirements of the nominal data capture scale used by most NMAs. Opportunities for VGI use in map revision and updating were evident, especially for agencies that use a continuous rather than cyclical updating policy. Some NMAs had also developed systems to engage with citizen sensors and examples are discussed. Only rarely was VGI used to collect data on features beyond the standard set used by the NMAs. The potential role of citizen sensing and so its current scale of use by NMAs is limited by a series of concerns, notably relating to issues of data quality, the nature and motivation of the contributors, legal issues, the sustainability of data source, and employment fears of NMA staff. Possible priorities for future research and development are identified to help ensure that the potential of VGI in mapping is realized. 相似文献
A deterministic method for sensitivity analysis is developed and applied to a mathematical model for the simulation of flow in porous media. The method is based on the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the Jacobian matrix of the model. It is a local approach to sensitivity analysis providing a hierarchical classification of the directions in both the input space and of those in the output space reflecting the degree of sensitiveness of the latter to the former. Its low computational cost, in comparison with that of statistical approaches, allows the study of the variability of the results of the sensitivity analysis due to the variations of the input parameters of the model, and thus it can provide a quality criterion for the validity of more classical probabilistic global approaches. For the example treated here, however, this variability is weak, and deterministic and statistical methods yield similar sensitivity results. 相似文献
Mike Shantz Elizabeth Dowsett Emma Canham Guillaume Tavernier Mike Stone Jonathan Price 《水文研究》2004,18(5):865-878
This study examines the effect of drawdown on the timing and magnitude of suspended solids and associated phosphorus export from a 12 ha reservoir located in an urbanized watershed in southern Ontario, Canada. Water level in Columbia Lake was lowered by 1·15 m over a 2‐week period in November 2001. The total phosphorus (TP) concentrations ranged from 63 to 486 µg L?1 in Columbia Lake and 71 to 373 µg L?1 at its outflow. All samples exceeded the Provincial Water Quality Objective of 30 µg TP L?1. Outflow concentrations of suspended solids and TP increased significantly with decreasing lake level and were attributed to the resuspension of cohesive bottom sediments that occurred at a critical threshold lake level (0·65 m below summer level). Suspended solids at the outflow consisted of flocculated cohesive materials with a median diameter (D50) of c. 5 µm. Particulate organic carbon accounted for 8·5% of the suspended solids export by mass. A total mass of 18·5 t of suspended solids and 62·6 kg TP was exported from Columbia Lake, which represents a significant pulse of sediment‐associated P to downstream environments each autumn during drawdown. The downstream impacts of this release can be minimized if the water level in Columbia Lake is lowered no more than 0·5 m below summer levels. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Sébastien Gogo Jean-Baptiste Paroissien Fatima Laggoun-Défarge Jean-Marc Antoine Léonard Bernard-Jannin Guillaume Bertrand Philippe Binet Stéphane Binet Guillaume Bouger Yohann Brossard Thierry Camboulive Jean-Pierre Caudal Stéphane Chevrier Geneviève Chiapiuso Benoît D'Angelo Pilar Durantez Chris Flechard André-Jean Francez Didier Galop Laure Gandois Daniel Gilbert Christophe Guimbaud Louis Hinault Adrien Jacotot Franck Le Moing Emilie Lerigoleur Gaël Le Roux Fabien Leroy Alexandre Lhosmot Qian Li Elodie Machado Da Silva Jean-Sébastien Moquet Juanita Mora-Gomez Laurent Perdereau Thomas Rosset Marie-Laure Toussaint 《水文研究》2021,35(6):e14244
Mitigating and adapting to global changes requires a better understanding of the response of the Biosphere to these environmental variations. Human disturbances and their effects act in the long term (decades to centuries) and consequently, a similar time frame is needed to fully understand the hydrological and biogeochemical functioning of a natural system. To this end, the ‘Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique’ (CNRS) promotes and certifies long-term monitoring tools called national observation services or ‘Service National d'Observation’ (SNO) in a large range of hydrological and biogeochemical systems (e.g., cryosphere, catchments, aquifers). The SNO investigating peatlands, the SNO ‘Tourbières’, was certified in 2011 ( https://www.sno-tourbieres.cnrs.fr/ ). Peatlands are mostly found in the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere and French peatlands are located in the southern part of this area. Thus, they are located in environmental conditions that will occur in northern peatlands in coming decades or centuries and can be considered as sentinels. The SNO Tourbières is composed of four peatlands: La Guette (lowland central France), Landemarais (lowland oceanic western France), Frasne (upland continental eastern France) and Bernadouze (upland southern France). Thirty target variables are monitored to study the hydrological and biogeochemical functioning of the sites. They are grouped into four datasets: hydrology, fluvial export of organic matter, greenhouse gas fluxes and meteorology/soil physics. The data from all sites follow a common processing chain from the sensors to the public repository. The raw data are stored on an FTP server. After operator or automatic processing, data are stored in a database, from which a web application extracts the data to make them available ( https://data-snot.cnrs.fr/data-access/ ). Each year at least, an archive of each dataset is stored in Zenodo, with a digital object identifier (DOI) attribution ( https://zenodo.org/communities/sno_tourbieres_data/ ). 相似文献
Southern Brazil has recently been the subject of many major natural hazards from weather and climatic origin, including violent floods in 2016 caused by very heavy rains. It has also experienced episodes of droughts and heat waves in recent years. The state of Paraná, located at the climatic transition zone, has densely populated urban areas, vast cultivation areas, and hydro-electric reservoirs (more than 20), so those extreme events are letting local populations vulnerable to the vagaries of the climate and their impacts on community, infrastructure, and ecosystem. This study analyzes climatic variability and trends of about ten climatic indices (with RClimDex), calculated by using daily thermal data of ten stations spread mainly in two geographic regions of Paraná. The Mann-Kendall and Pettitt tests were applied for trends analysis and determine the presence of breakpoints in the time series (1971–2014). Our results showed that for the various thermal indices, there is a reduction of the cold days on all the stations, indicating a more pronounced increase of the indices based on the maximum temperatures (TX), especially in the north. On the other hand, the indexes based on minimum temperatures (TN) show a more modest and partial increase, varying accordingly to the location of the stations. Regionally, the trends calculated were similar, that is, North region presents a more expressive increase of the indices of heat whereas in the east predominates a reduction. 相似文献
The paper discusses the development of economic techniques for dealing with uncertainties in economic analysis of planting trees to mitigate climatic change. In consideration of uncertainty, time preference and intergenerational equity, the traditional cost-benefit analysis framework is challenged with regard to the discounting/non-discounting of carbon uptake benefits, and because it usually uses a constant and positive discount rate. We investigate the influence of various discounting protocols on the outputs of economic analysis. The idea of using the declining discount rate is also considered. Several numerical examples dealing with the analysis of afforestation for carbon sequestration in Scotland and Ukraine are provided. We show that the choice of discounting protocols have a considerable influence on the results of economic analysis, and therefore, on the decision-making processes related to climate change mitigation strategies. The paper concludes with some innovative insights on accounting for uncertainties and time preference in tackling climate change through forestry, several climate policy implications of dealing with uncertainties, and a brief discussion of what the use of different discounting protocols might imply for decision making. 相似文献
Guillaume Martinat Ying Xu Chester E. Grosch Andrés E. Tejada-Martínez 《Ocean Dynamics》2011,61(9):1369-1390
Turbulent shear flows on shallow continental shelves (here shallow means that the interaction with the solid, no-slip bottom
is important) are of great importance because tide- and wind-driven flows on the shelf are drivers of the transfer of momentum,
heat, and mass (gas) across the air–sea interface. These turbulent flows play an important role because vertical mixing and
current are vectors for the transport of sediment and bioactive material on continental shelves. Understanding the dynamics
of this class of flows presents complications because of the presence of a free surface and also because the flow can be driven
by a pressure gradient (a tidal current), a stress at the free surface (a wind-driven current), or a combination of both.
In addition, the flow can be modified by the presence of a wave field that can induce Langmuir circulation (Langmuir, Science
87:119–123, 1938). Large eddy simulation is used to quantify the effects of pressure gradient and wind shear on the distinctive structures
of the turbulent flow. From these computations, an understanding of the physics governing the turbulence of pressure-driven
and wind-driven flows, how they can interact in a normal or a tangential direction, and the effect of wave forcing on these
flows is obtained. 相似文献
Alex de Sherbinin Anamaria Bukvic Guillaume Rohat Melanie Gall Brent McCusker Benjamin Preston Alex Apotsos Carolyn Fish Stefan Kienberger Park Muhonda Olga Wilhelmi Denis Macharia William Shubert Richard Sliuzas Brian Tomaszewski Sainan Zhang 《Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change》2019,10(5)
Maps synthesizing climate, biophysical and socioeconomic data have become part of the standard tool‐kit for communicating the risks of climate change to society. Vulnerability maps are used to direct attention to geographic areas where impacts on society are expected to be greatest and that may therefore require adaptation interventions. Under the Green Climate Fund and other bilateral climate adaptation funding mechanisms, donors are investing billions of dollars of adaptation funds, often with guidance from modeling results, visualized and communicated through maps and spatial decision support tools. This paper presents the results of a systematic review of 84 studies that map social vulnerability to climate impacts. These assessments are compiled by interdisciplinary teams of researchers, span many regions, range in scale from local to global, and vary in terms of frameworks, data, methods, and thematic foci. The goal is to identify common approaches to mapping, evaluate their strengths and limitations, and offer recommendations and future directions for the field. The systematic review finds some convergence around common frameworks developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, frequent use of linear index aggregation, and common approaches to the selection and use of climate and socioeconomic data. Further, it identifies limitations such as a lack of future climate and socioeconomic projections in many studies, insufficient characterization of uncertainty, challenges in map validation, and insufficient engagement with policy audiences for those studies that purport to be policy relevant. Finally, it provides recommendations for addressing the identified shortcomings. This article is categorized under:
- Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change > Values‐Based Approach to Vulnerability and Adaptation