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应用MICAPS客观物理量资料,对丽江市2006—2011年82次强对流天气进行诊断分析。结果表明,强对流天气发生前,水汽大多处于高湿或中等湿度状态,一般暴雨时700hPa比湿大于等于9g/kg,冰雹时大于等于6g/kg,或700hPa相对湿度暴雨时大于等于80%,冰雹时大于等于60%;热力状况大多处于高温、高热、高能和对流不稳定状态,部分在川滇间有明显的能量锋存在,特别是暴雨,一般沙氏指数SI小于等于0℃、K指数大于等于35℃、丽江假相当位温θse大于等于68℃,丽江与西昌或成都间的θse差大于等于10℃;动力条件则大多表现为低层正涡度,高层负涡度的有利配置,部分中高层有明显的冷平流,特别是冰雹时,一般700hPa涡度大于等于0×10-5s-1,300hPa以上任一层涡度小于等于-30×10-5s-1,或700hPa层以上任一层温度平流小于等于-1×10-5℃·s-1。  相似文献   
胡杨沙堆是风沙流遇到胡杨干扰,沙物质堆积而形成的一种风积地貌类型。在风沙地貌领域,对胡杨沙堆的研究几乎空白。和田河西侧、麻扎塔格山以南的塔克拉玛干沙漠中分布有大量胡杨沙堆。基于野外RTK测量数据,利用GIS和统计手段,对胡杨沙堆进行信息提取与统计,定量分析了和田河西侧10个样方内胡杨沙堆的形态参数及沙堆空间分布格局。结果表明:1)沙堆形态不规则,形态参数空间差异显著,南北向形态参数均值变化较东西向稳定; 2)样方内沙堆形态参数间有良好的相关性,大部分沙堆处于发育阶段; 3)沙堆分布较稀疏,自西向东沙堆分布密度逐渐增大,从南到北为减小-增大-减小的变化趋势,总体上南部密度大于北部,东部密度大于西部; 4)10个样方沙堆与特定距离的随机分布差异性较小,整体上为离散分布,但东部较西部、北部较南部有小部分区域聚集分布。  相似文献   
本文分析讨论了1988年8月广东省出现异常天气的主要原因,并在此基础上提出一些可能成为此种反常天气预报线索的相关因子或前期征兆。结论认为,该月没有灾害性热带气旋影响广东,但同时却又出现较长的连阴雨天气,其主要原因是由于东亚大气环流出现异常——中纬西风带和西太平洋副热带高压脊均比常年偏南近十个纬度所造成。在这种类似于春末夏初的大尺度环流形势控制下,热带西北太平洋(包括南海)的局地条件不利于灾害性热带气旋形成,而更东面的海区生成的灾害性热带气旋则全部偏北行或转向;另一方面,季风雨带的位置比常年偏南得多,落在华南。 上述环流系统和天气的异常,与赤道东太平洋海温异常有一定关系,且海温变化超前。该年4—7月东亚西风环流指数的变化也提供了若干前兆。综合考察这些因素,有可能预先对这种环流和天气的异常作出定性的估计。   相似文献   
2021年6-9月广西经历了1951年以来最高的月平均气温,大范围高温天气频发.利用1961-2021年广西国家地面气象观测站日平均气温和日最高气温观测资料、1991-2021年ERA5再分析资料和西太平洋副热带高压指数资料,对此次广西异常高温的特征和成因进行了研究分析.结果 表明,气候变暖是导致此次高温事件的重要气候...  相似文献   
Taiwan suffers from an average of three or four typhoons annually, and the inundation caused by the heavy precipitation that is associated with typhoons frequently occurs in lowlands and floodplains. Potential inundation maps have been widely used as references to set up non-structural strategies for mitigating flood hazards. However, spatiotemporal rainfall distributions must be addressed to improve the accuracy of inundation forecasting for emergency response operations. This study presents a system for 24-h-ahead early warning of inundation, by coupling the forecasting of typhoon rainfall with the modeling of overland flow. A typhoon rainfall climatology model (TRCM) is introduced to forecast dynamically the spatiotemporal rainfall distribution based on typhoon tracks. The systematic scheme for early warning of inundation based on the spatiotemporal downscaling of rainfall and 2D overland-flow modeling yields not only the extent of inundation, but also the time to maximum inundation depth. The scheme is superior to traditional early warning method referring to the maximum extent and depth of inundation determined from conditional uniform rainfall. Analytical results show that coupling TRCM with an overland-flow model yields satisfactory inundation hydrographs for warning of the extent and peak time of inundation. This study also shows that the accuracy of forecasting spatiotemporal rainfall patterns determines the performance of inundation forecasting, which is critical to emergency response operations.  相似文献   
Technique for Controlling Spread of Limnotic Oncomelania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease mostly found in areas along the Changjiang River of China. The disease is spread solely through an intermediary named oncomelania, so its spread of schistosomiasis can be controlled by properly designing water intakes which prevent oncomelania from entering farming land or residential areas. This paper reports a successful design process and a new oncomelania-free intake device. The design of the new intake is based on a sound research program in which extensive experimental studies were carried out to gain knowledge of oncomelania eco-hydraulic behavior and detailed flow field information through CFD simulation.  相似文献   
中国锰矿物研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我们自1970年起,先后对广西、广东、湖南、江西、福建、贵州、四川、云南、辽宁、陕西、甘肃等锰矿床进行了考察和标本采集。在大量光薄片鉴定、化学分析及电子探针分析、X射线粉晶分析的基础上,基本上查明了我国各类锰矿床中主要锰矿物的种属和名称。其中较有工业意义的达二十余种。这些锰矿物大多是我国未曾发现或未报道过的。  相似文献   
With the Taihu Basin as a study area, using the spatially distributed and mechanism-based SWAT model, preliminary simulations of nutrient transport in the Taihu Basin during the period of 1995:_2002 has been carried out. The topography, soil, meteorology and land use with industrial point pollution discharge, the loss of agricultural fertilizers, urban sewerage, and livestock drainages were all considered in the boundary conditions of the simulations. The model was calibrated and validated against water quality monitoring data from 2001 to 2002. The results show that the annual total productions of nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) into Lake Taihu are 40000t and 2000t respectively. Nutrient from the Huxi Region is a major resource for Lake Taihu. The non-point source (surface source) pollution is the main form of catchment sources of nutrients into Lake Taihu, occupied TN 53% and TP 56% respectively. TN and TP nutrients from industrial point pollution discharge are 30% and 16%, and sewerage in both forms of point source and non-point source are TN 31% and TP 47%. Both the loss of agricultural fertilizers and livestock drainages from the catchment should be paid more attention as an important nutrient source. The results also show that SWAT is an effective model for the simulation of temporally and spatially nutrient changes and for the assessment of the trends in a catchment scale.  相似文献   
随着新观测技术和理论的进一步发展,同位素地球化学方法在地震监测预测研究中发挥了越来越重要的作用。通过同位素地球化学方法确定地下流体来源,研究地下流体循环特征,分析地震前兆异常的成因,评估地质构造活动的程度,开展地震预测研究。同位素示踪技术还可以结合深源流体监测和地球物理方法,揭示地震孕育、流体与震源之间的关系。此外,同位素地球化学还可以构建断裂带流体地球化学背景特征,用于地震监测点映震效能的评估,提高地震监测预测的准确性,为地震新监测点的布设和震情跟踪提供技术支撑。通过对现今同位素在地震监测预测中所使用的方法、技术及国内外应用情况的总结分析,力图全面认识同位素地球化学在地震监测预测应用中的现状及发展趋势。  相似文献   
本文论述了宇宙中子、反射宇宙中子的形成过程和反射宇宙中子测量装置的研制。对入射宇宙中子流和反射宇宙中子流的测量与研究 ,可为揭示大气环境和解决工程地质问题提供一种新的方法和手段  相似文献   
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