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影响珠江三角洲可持续城市化发展的若干环境地质问题   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
支兵发 《地质通报》2005,24(6):576-581
珠江三角洲经济区城市化进程迅猛。环境地质问题是快速城市化进程的“副产物”、泛都市化趋势下人-地-生相互关系失调的反映。对可持续城市化进程具有广泛影响的主要环境地质问题有软土区地面形变,海岸异常变迁衍生的港口、河道、口门淤积和城市洪涝,水土污染,水质性缺水,构造稳定性和隐伏岩溶塌陷,按成因类型可分为原生为主型、次生为主型、原生与次生结合型3类环境地质问题。可持续城市化的关键之一在于科学利用环境资源,降低环境地质问题的风险。鉴于城市化决策和实践忽视城市地学工作成果的应用和城市地学工作系统性不足,建议尽快系统地开展以环境地质为主体的城市地学工作。  相似文献   
在乙醇存在下,以偶氮胂Ⅲ为指示剂,乙二胺、磺基水杨酸为掩蔽剂,EDTA容量法直接测定稀土萃取分离工艺负载有机相中稀土浓度。省去了有机相的反萃取分离过程,提高了测定的准确度。对不同浓度的稀土有机相样品进行测定,其相对标准偏差(n=5)在1.00—0.29%范围。方法适合于环烷酸体系萃取分离稀土元素工艺各级水相、有机相中稀土浓度的直接测定。  相似文献   
广东气候变化评估报告(节选)   总被引:40,自引:68,他引:40  
IPCC第4次报告指出:近100年全球平均气温升高了0.74℃,最近50年有加速之势,而且很可能主要由人类活动引起;预计21世纪,全球仍将表现为明显的增温,极端天气气候事件及其引发的气象灾害可能更加严重。近50年,广东气温升高与全球平均水平相当,其中珠江三角洲地区是主要增温区域,其次是东南部沿海地区。预计广东在2011~2040年、2041~2070年和2071~2100年的年平均气温可能分别升高约1.0、1.9和2.8℃。在全球变暖的背景下,广东地区气候变化的特征主要表现在:降水变率加大,旱涝灾害频繁;登陆台风的个数减少,初台登陆时间异常;高温日数增加,高温酷热、热浪愈发频繁;低温日数减少,暖冬突出;极端最低气温变化不稳定性增加,寒冷灾害加重;灰霾天气增多,日照时数减少;极端天气气候事件及其引发的气象灾害造成的经济损失显著增大。广东近50年的增暖在很大程度上可能归因于温室气体浓度增加造成的温室效应,这种温室效应已经对增暖做出了实质性的贡献;城市化导致的热岛效应加剧了局部地区的气温上升。气候变暖既有负面影响也有正面影响,但负面影响可能超过正面影响。气候变暖将导致海平面上升,继而可能对广东沿海低洼地区带来严重的负面影响。在过去近100年全球海平面上升约10~20 cm,广东海平面上升速率为1.7 mm/年,海平面上升会使海岸侵蚀加重,咸潮海水入侵加剧;温度上升可能使广东近海珊瑚礁生态系统退化,且变得更加脆弱;珠江口的咸潮上溯的现象可能更加频繁;广东沿海的赤潮可能更加频发。气候变暖将导致农业生产的不稳定性增加,产量波动大,农业成本和投资将增加。此外,气候变化对我省国民经济的一些方面(如水资源、人类健康、人类居住环境、保险和其它金融业)的影响可能以负面为主。为适应和减缓气候变化的影响,建议:通过节能降耗,减缓温室气体排放;采取措施,适应已经发生了变化的气候;提高对气候系统的监测能力;加强气候变化领域的科学研究、适应对策研究及技术开发;在经济社会发展规划中统筹考虑应对气候变化问题;提高公众的气候保护意识;加大资金投入;积极开展合作与交流。  相似文献   
通过铸体薄片鉴定、X射线衍射、扫描电镜以及镜煤等多种实验手段对乌石凹陷流沙港组砂岩成岩作用及孔隙演化做了详细研究.结果表明:乌石凹陷流沙港组二段、三段岩石类型主要为石英砂岩,少量长石石英砂岩,粒级分选中等偏差.砂岩的成岩强度均已达到中成岩阶段A期.孔隙类型以原生粒间孔和次生溶蚀孔隙为主,压实作用、胶结作用等减少原生粒间孔隙,溶蚀作用产生大量的次生溶孔,改善储集层物性.  相似文献   
With rapid urbanization and the socio-economic transformation,cultivated land protection has gradually become a major concern in China. The economic compensation plays a crucial role in promoting cultivated land protection and improving the utilization ratio of cultivated land. Farmer household's satisfaction has a great influence on the effectiveness of compensation. Therefore,households' willingness to select the economic compensation pattern for cultivated land protection has been considered and re-examined. By employing Participatory Rural Appraisal method (PRA),3 villages and 392 households were investigated and sampled in mesa and hilly areas of Chongqing. Then a quantitative analysis framework of household livelihood hexagon has been developed to quantify the livelihood assets of different farmer households. Finally,the Gray Relation Model and Probit Regression Model have been employed to explore the coupling relationship between the household livelihood assets and their compensation pattern options. The results show that there are both qualitative and spatial heterogeneity in household livelihood assets. We found that the inequality of livelihood assets is evident for five household types. There is a spatial trend that the higher the elevation,the less livelihood assets are. In addition,their options of economic compensation pattern vary from Chengdu Pattern to Foshan Pattern due to their difference in livelihood assets and difference in location. In detail,there is a coupling relationship between household livelihood assets and their compensation pattern;negative correlation is observed between natural assets value and household pattern options,while the other livelihood assets have positive impacts on compensation pattern in varying degrees,which from the top are psychological assets,human assets,physical assets,financial assets,and social assets respectively. A conceptual compensation pattern system has been designed to meet the demands for farmer households mainly according to their shortage in livelihood assets. In addition,compensation method,compensation standard,the basis of compensation and the source of compensation funds have been proposed accordingly.  相似文献   
中国区域经济增长差异研究进展与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
缩小区域经济增长差异是中国区域经济发展的核心问题。本文从地理学和经济学的视角, 综合运用文献资料法、对比分析法, 评述了区域经济增长差异研究的进展, 分析了存在的主要问题, 并展望了下一步的研究重点与方向。结果表明:近年来国外研究在多学科融合框架下更为关注地理的作用, 从而导致空间计量分析和空间统计分析成为热点方法, 地理信息技术逐步受到重视, 研究尺度逐步降低并向实用化发展。国内研究多是国外经验在中国的验证, 本土化创新不足;研究尺度以省域层面为主, 城市和县域研究明显缺乏;空间效应逐步受到关注, 对区域差异的基本问题仍存在较大争议。未来研究应在数据选取上更为细化和全面, 尝试追踪和监测区域经济差异的动态变化格局, 构建经济增长差异定量测度方法体系和技术平台, 加强区域间的关联以及经济溢出、空间溢出效应测度研究, 关注差异机制和机理解析。  相似文献   
Sedimentary rock-hosted disseminated gold (SRHDG) deposits in the Youjiang-Nanpanjiang Basin,southwestem Guizhou Province are commonly hosted by the same fold crests that commonly contain a remarkable amount of organic material. The total organic carbon (TOC) contents of the ores and host rocks are usually less than 1%. The reflectance of vitrinite and pyrobitumen in the ores and the host rocks ranges from 1.5% to 4.5%, often in the range of 2% to 3%. In the Lannigou deposit, the reflectance of vitrinite and pyrobitumen in the ores is usually somewhat higher than those within the host rocks, indicating a hydrothermal impact on the organic matter in the altered host rocks. On the contrary, the estimated maximum paleotemperatures of the Getang and Zimudang deposits are higher than the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions in the ores, signifying that the organic matter maturation predated Au mineralization. No correlation between the organic matter contents and Au concentrations were recognized in the ores.However, the most striking observation is that there is a positive correlation between the $2 (a parameter of Rock-Eval analysis), Au and As contents of the ores in the Lannigou deposit. Organic matter maturation and migration is apparent from the TOC vs. HCI diagram. Furthermore, group analysis of the dichloromethane extractable organic component of the ores and host rocks shows that the maturation degree of the organic matter in the ores is slightly higher than that of the host rocks in the Lannigou gold deposit. However, the compositions of their alkanes, steranes and terpenes, which serve as biomarkers, are quite similar; this suggests that the organic matter found in the ores and host rocks has a common marine source. Organic matter probably contributed to the preconcentration of Au in the host rocks. Hydrocarbons in the system,on the other hand, clearly contributed to the emplacement of the gold mineralization through thermal sulfate reduction.Organic matter in the solution might have increased the potential of the hydrothermal solution to transport Au.  相似文献   
根据收集到的日照市海岸带浅地层剖面测量调查资料,把多条浅地层剖面中出露的古河道断面推测性地连接起来,重建了以往的古河道体系,综合分析了日照市海岸带古河道的分布特征。日照近海区域存在一个主干河道呈SW-NE走向的梳状河道网,古河道形成于距今约4.4万a的末次冰期。古河道的形成是河流的侵蚀、搬运、沉积及后期的海平面上升、潮汐改造等多种因素共同作用的结果。在末次冰期,研究区内气候湿润,河流流速较大,河流搬运泥沙的能力较强,长期侵蚀作用形成下切古河道,在古河道中容易形成淤积较多河流携带的砂体。古河道断面形态主要呈U形、V形、W形、箱形和倒梯形。主干河道北西侧,分支河道较密,南东侧分支河道较稀疏。主河道长约40km,横截面由南西向北东逐渐变宽,最宽处达4km。分支河道多数以NW向为主,少数为NE向,长度介于8~20km之间,宽度约为1~3km。古河道主要位于16~24m水深的闭合深度以外区域,对其中的砂体经过粒度筛选可作为将来进行人工抛沙的砂源。  相似文献   
A U -Pb zircon age of 2774±24 Ma for eclogite from the Bixiling rock body of Anhui Province, central China, indicates that the Dabieshan coesite-bearing eclogite was probably formed in the Late Archaean. A phengite Ar-Ar isochron age of 662±13 Ma for the eclogite confines also an upper limit age of its subsequent retrograde metamorphism in the Precambrian. The results of isotopic dating for such type of eclogite coincide with the geological features of its restricted occurrence within the Archaean metamaorphic terrain composed of the Dabie Group. It is believed that the Dabieshan coesite-bearing eclogite terrain might be a Late Archaean ultra-high-pressure metamorphic belt. The Dabie Mountains area was the eastward extension of the southern Qinling structural belt during the Triassic. Both the Dabie Group and the coesite-bearing eclogite hosted therein underwent a late-stage dynamic metamorphic event. The present authors have obtained a muscovite Ar-Ar isochron age of 192.6±2.8 Ma from plagioclase gn  相似文献   
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