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利用新疆巴楚气象站1984—2013年逐日气象资料,运用线性回归、趋势系数、异常度、Mann-Kendall突变检验等方法,分析了巴楚县多时间尺度气温的变化特征对冬小麦生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明:近30 a巴楚县冬季、春季平均气温均呈上升趋势,其中春季平均气温上升趋势显著,并于1998年发生了增暖性突变;寒冷日和酷冷日数均呈减少趋势,其中寒冷日数在1996年发生了减少性突变;稳定通过0℃界限温度的初日表现为提前、终日表现为推迟,持续日数则相应表现为增加趋势;日最高气温≥30℃日数呈增加趋势;冬小麦生长季内前期气温偏低,后期气温偏高是影响小麦产量的主要气候因子,其中抽穗、开花期的平均气温与小麦产量显著相关。  相似文献   
西北地区陆地生态系统植被状态参数业务化遥感研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植被指数(NDVI)和叶面积指数(LAI)是两个非常重要的陆地生态系统植被状态参数.我们首先利用最大值(MVC)合成方法使用先进遥感数据如MODIS、AVHRR3等得到旬合成植被指数(NDVI),然后利用最新的经验方法针对不同的陆地生态系统类型反演得到叶面积指数,重点研究了我国沙尘暴发生频率较高的我国西北地区植被覆被状态及其变化情况.植被指数能够反映区域,乃至全球范围植被年季状态,用于监测陆地生态系统植物光合作用活动及其变化.植被指数作为一个基础参数能够用于计算反演更高级别的陆地生态系统状态参数.叶面积指数直接影响植被的光合作用,蒸腾作用的变化和陆面过程的能量平衡状态.在沙尘暴预测研究中使用的起沙过程模型需要将叶面积指数作为一个关键输入变量,另外,绝大多数生态过程模型模拟碳、水循环时也都需要将叶面积指数作为一个非常重要的输入变量.我们总结了最新的叶面积指数经验反演方法,针对6钟不同的陆地生态系统类型应用不同经验模型计算得到了叶面积指数.  相似文献   
通过对发生阶跃的GNSS基准站坐标序列谱指数的求解,表明了其具有有色噪声的特性,并对三分量分别建立了最优噪声模型,以此对GNSS基准站坐标的阶跃偏移量进行了精确估计,探明了地震和仪器更换对测站产生的精细影响。同时利用求解的阶跃偏移量对坐标序列进行修正,对获取连续性变化的测站坐标序列和获取精确的测站三维运动参数具有重要意义。  相似文献   
为研究百色盆地红土剖面中粘土矿物的特征并恢复盆地中更新世以来的古气候演化序列,利用X射线衍射分析对百色盆地大旺红土剖面中粘土矿物进行了深入、系统的研究。结果表明,沉积物的粘土矿物组成主要为伊利石、高岭石及蛭石(或羟基铝蛭石),但在约0.26Ma处其相对含量出现明显变化,表明百色盆地中更新世中期至晚更新世早期表生风化作用逐渐加强,其气候条件经历了从“相对干凉→暖湿”的演化。这一结果与河湖相沉积物磁化率所记录的MIS 7.5(0.26Ma)“冰期→间冰期”转折时期相一致。沉积物中伊利石结晶度结果显示,其(001)衍射峰半高宽值从早期的相对平稳转变为晚期的波动性变化,说明百色地区气候经历了相对冷干到相对暖湿的转型,与粘土矿物相对含量变化、河湖相沉积物磁化率变化、邻区钙华沉积及南海各古气候指标所揭示的记录相一致。  相似文献   
The 1.86 Ga Liangtun-Kuangdonggou complex (LKC) is one of the oldest alkaline syenite bodies so far discovered in China. This syenite suite has elevated contents of total alkali (K2O Na2O), with an average of 10.50%, and a mean Rittmann Index (σ) of 6.48. The intrusions have slightly higher concentrations of K2O than those of Na2O on a weight percent basis, indicating the rocks belong to potassium-rich alkaline syenite series. Total rare-earth element concentrations (∑REE ) of the rocks are relatively high, ranging from 324×10 -6 to 1314×10 -6, with a mean value of 666×10 -6. The REE patterns are subparallel and rightward steep with (La/Yb)N >33, showing mild negative to positive Eu anomalies (δEu: 0.63-1.15). All samples exhibit strong LILE and LREE enrichments and TNT (Nb, Ta, Ti) and P depletions in multi-element spidergrams. On the εSr(t)-εNd(t) correlation diagram, most analytical data points plot within the enriched mantle field with low ( 87Sr/86Sr)i ratios (0.7045-0.7051) and negative εNd(t) values (-3.72--3.97), falling among those kimberlites from Fuxian County, Liaoning Provinve, from Mengyin County, Shandong Province and the Ⅱ-type kimberlites from South Africa. These characteristics imply that the LKC-rocks may have the same source as the above-mentioned kimberlites, i.e., they have close connections to the materials derived from enriched mantle reservoirs, further revealing that the upper mantle beneath the northeastern part of the North China Plate had been highly enriched before 1.86 Ga. Geodynamically, the LKC-rocks were formed in a within-plate environment with close genetic connections to rift-related alkaline magma activities possibly controlled by ancient mantle plumes.  相似文献   
大雾是影响高速公路交通安全与运营效率的最主要的灾害天气之一。基于2004—2013年浙江省68个气象站大雾观测资料、基础地理信息数据以及高速公路历史灾情数据,开展浙江省高速公路大雾灾害风险区划研究。依据自然灾害风险分析原理,构建高速公路大雾灾害风险区划指标体系,以浙江省大雾出现的频次和持续时间作为大雾灾害的危险性评价指标;以因大雾导致的高速公路交通事故率、高速公路封路频次和持续时间作为脆弱性评价指标;以高速公路客运量和货运量作为暴露性评价指标。在ArcGIS的空间信息技术支持下,采用层次分析法和综合评价方法,建立了高速公路大雾灾害风险评估模型,最终完成浙江省高速公路大雾灾害风险区划图。区划结果表明,高风险区路段占全省路段总长的15.13%,主要分布在申嘉湖高速南浔段以及嘉善段、杭州湾环线高速萧山至越城段、杭州绕城西线高速、常台高速上虞至嵊州段、诸永高速诸暨至磐安段、沪昆高速诸暨段以及柯城段。  相似文献   
利用2010—2011年江西省有代表性的12个县(市)共34个观测点的双季早稻农业气象观测资料,采用频数分析方法,研究建立了江西省双季早稻长势观测定量指标。结果表明,在各主要生育期,不同苗情的早稻,其叶面积指数与单株干物质重量差异明显,可用于早稻长势的定量评价。产量分析表明,研究建立的双季早稻长势定量等级指标可用于实际。  相似文献   
We investigate the linear stability of a shocked accretion flow on to a black hole in the adiabatic limit. Our linear analyses and numerical calculations show that, despite the post-shock deceleration, the shock is generally unstable to non-axisymmetric perturbations. The simulation results of Molteni, Tóth & Kuznetsov can be well explained by our linear eigenmodes. The mechanism of this instability is confirmed to be based on the cycle of acoustic waves between the corotation radius and the shock. We obtain an analytical formula to calculate the oscillation period from the physical parameters of the flow. We argue that the quasi-periodic oscillation should be a common phenomenon in accretion flows with angular momentum.  相似文献   
盐渍洼地蟹种培育试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐渍洼地种蟹培育是解决成蟹养殖种苗来源的重要途径,文中介绍的幼蟹放养,饲养管理与水质控制,幼蟹生长率与土增重量的变化,蟹种成活率与回捕率等对蟹种池墉强化培育提供了经验与理论依据。  相似文献   
The Yanchangbeishan biotite adamellite in the Lenghu area of Qinghai is located in the west segment of the north margin of Qaidam. The rocks have high SiO2 (73.92%-75.98%) and K2O contents (3.71%-4.78%), but low MgO and CaO contents. The alumina saturation index (A/CNK) varies from 1.03 to 1.11, indicating the biotite adamellite is peraluminous. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the rocks are right dipping and display weak Eu anomalies. The rock contains the Al-rich mineral like garnet and possesses normative corundum contents of 1%. It has low Th and Y contents which are negatively correlated with Rb, suggesting the source rock was sedimentary rock. Thus, the biotite adamellite belongs to S-type granite. The granite was produced by partial melting of the crust material due to the underplating of mantle-derived magma. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating shows that the formation age of the rock is 254±4 Ma. Based on the regional geological background and the geochemical characteristics of the rocks, we consider that the formation of the Yanchangbeishan biotite adamellite was related to subduction, which is illustrated by the characteristics similar to those of the island-arc igneous rocks. Therefore, the results reveal that the north margin of Qaidam was in active continental margin tectonic environment during Late Permian epoch. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
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