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Natural Hazards - Roadway closures magnify the adverse effects of disasters on people since any type of such disruption increases the emergency response travel time (ERTT), which is of central...  相似文献   
The presented paper analyses the variability of grain size distribution parameters of bedload transported by the gravel‐bed Scott River (Svalbard) draining a glacier catchment with an area of 10 km2. The grain size distribution analysis is one of the basic elements of identification of the fluvial transport mechanisms in gravel‐bed rivers. It is used for the determination of threshold values for bedload movement. It is also treated as an important indicator of the origin, routes of distribution, and conditions of transport and deposition of fluvial bedload. The field study in a natural proglacial gravel‐bed channel was carried out at two reaches in the mouth section of Scott River. The study revealed relatively high temporal variability and similar mean parameters of grain size distribution in conditions of low discharges. Bedload transport rates reached a mean of 71.9–76.0 kg d?1 in channel cross‐section. Bedload texture was dominated by gravels with a proportional contribution of the fine‐grained fraction along with very fine‐grained gravels (8‐2 mm) of 38.8%. The medium‐grained fraction (16‐8 mm) constituted 33.7%, with a lower contribution from the coarse‐grained fraction (32‐16 mm) of 23.2%, and the very coarse‐grained fraction (64‐32 mm) of 4.4%. Two periods in the course of bedload transport and distribution of grain size distribution parameters were distinguished based on variation of hydro‐meteorological conditions. The first half of the measurement period was distinguished by significantly higher values of daily loads and increased contribution of the coarse‐grained and very coarse‐grained fraction (28–31% and 6.2–6.6%, respectively). During this time, the river discharged up to 94% of bedload. This resulted in a clear tendency for riverbed scouring. The second half was distinguished by generally low daily bedload transport rates (<10 kg d?1), an increase in contribution of fine‐ and very fine‐grained gravels (42–55.6%), and a change in the tendency to aggradation. Grain size indices were more varied, and grains were usually finer and better sorted. Selective transport processes, often related to redeposition, were dominant in the channel. Along with an increase in flow velocity, conditions for material deposition became more variable. This was manifested in weaker sorting and an increase in grain diameter.  相似文献   
The observations made by the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) of molecular CO in absorbing gas towards X Persei are reported. The two-component statistical equilibrium model incorporating radiative excitation of CO by line emission at the same velocity that originates in nearby molecular clouds has been used to reproduce high-resolution GHRS spectra. Earlier analysis indicates that the cloud has a complex structure and at least a two-component model should be used to obtain accurate results. The spectra obtained from the International Ultraviolet Explorer ( IUE ) were used to complement GHRS data and constrain the space of possible solutions. The new oscillator strengths recommended by Eidelsberg et al. for A–X bands have been used. The results show that one of the components may be attributed to the Perseus OB2 molecular cloud, and the other component to an extension of the Taurus dark cloud. The total CO column density N (CO)=(1.0±0.2)×1016 cm−2 has been determined. According to the results about 85 per cent of the observed CO belongs to an extension of the Taurus dark cloud. The CO radiation that originates in nearby molecular clouds may be the dominant excitation mechanism of the observed CO. The early results of 13CO line analysis indicate a 13CO/12CO ratio of about 40.  相似文献   
The bootstrap method is used to determine errors of basic attributes of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) visually identified in images obtained by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) mission’s Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) instruments. The basic parameters of CMEs are stored, among others, in a database known as the SOHO/LASCO CME catalog and are widely employed for many research studies. The basic attributes of CMEs (e.g. velocity and acceleration) are obtained from manually generated height-time plots. The subjective nature of manual measurements introduces random errors that are difficult to quantify. In many studies the impact of such measurement errors is overlooked. In this study we present a new possibility to estimate measurements errors in the basic attributes of CMEs. This approach is a computer-intensive method because it requires repeating the original data analysis procedure several times using replicate datasets. This is also commonly called the bootstrap method in the literature. We show that the bootstrap approach can be used to estimate the errors of the basic attributes of CMEs having moderately large numbers of height-time measurements. The velocity errors are in the vast majority small and depend mostly on the number of height-time points measured for a particular event. In the case of acceleration, the errors are significant, and for more than half of all CMEs, they are larger than the acceleration itself.  相似文献   
This study deals with the behaviour of mixtures of sand and saturated kaolin paste considered as composite materials made of permeable and deformable (with non‐linear behaviour) matrix (the kaolin paste) with rigid and impervious inclusions (the sand grains). Oedometric and permeability tests highlight the key role of the state of the clay paste, and show the existence of a threshold of sand grain concentration above which a structuring effect influences both compressibility and permeability. At the light of these experiments two homogenization schemes (with simplifying assumptions to make the problem manageable) are considered to model these two parameters. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons with experimental data point out their respective domain of interest and limitations: a tangent homogenization scheme is shown to be sufficient to describe the macroscopic properties for dilute sand concentration; above the concentration threshold, the structuring effect is captured by the new homogenization scheme developed in this paper. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Precise U–Pb zircon dates from three volcanic ash beds that bracket the Hangenberg Shale in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, constrain the age and duration of one of the most significant palaeobiological events of the Palaeozoic Era, the Hangenberg Event. It is linked to a terminal Devonian global shift from greenhouse to icehouse climate conditions, a global transgression, and widespread black shale deposition. Our results constrain the Hangenberg Event to between 358.97 ± 0.11 Ma and 358.89 ± 0.20 Ma, with a calculated duration of 0.05 +0.14/?0.05 Ma. A third, underlying ash bed yielded a distinctly older age of 359.97 ± 0.46 Ma. The duration of ~50–100 ka. for the event is comparable to those of Quaternary glaciations, and is consistent with both a glacio‐eustatic origin for the eustatic fluctuations and changes in ocean chemistry that led to this major reorganization of the biosphere.  相似文献   
Hard coal mining in the area of the Bytom Syncline (Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland) has been associated with the occurrence of high-energy seismic events (up to 109 J; local magnitude up to 4.0), which have been recorded by the local mining seismological network and regional seismological network. It has been noticed that the strongest seismic events occur when the mine longwall alignments coincide with the syncline axis. Data recorded by the improved local seismic network in the Bobrek Mine allow the estimation of the depths of the events’ hypocentres during excavation of longwall panel 3 as it approached the syncline axis. The recorded data were also used to estimate the location of the rupture surface and stress distribution in the seismic focus region. It was concluded that tectonic stresses, particularly horizontal stress components, are essential in the distribution of seismic tremors resulting from reverse faulting. The stresses induced by mining activity are only triggering tectonic deformations. The hypocentres of the strongest seismic events during mining of longwall panel 3/503 were located 300–800 m deeper than the level of coal seam 503.  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Sunshine duration analysis was based on a series of measurements spanning the period from 1901 to 2014 for Śnieżka (1603&nbsp;m&nbsp;a.s.l.)...  相似文献   
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