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We use a multi-proxy (n = 11) paleolimnological approach on deep-water sediment from eastern Lake Ontario to characterize both long- and short-term regional climate change over the past ~10,000 calendar years. Proxies included % total organic matter, % total carbonate, magnetic susceptibility, C/N ratios, % organic carbon, % total nitrogen, % biogenic silica and 18O and 13C of carbonate, as well as 13C and 15N of bulk organic matter. There is a marked shift in most proxies at ~9.4 ka which defines the start of Holocene warmth in this region. Prior to this, the area was influenced by the post-Younger Dryas cold/wet interval, controlled by a southward displacement of the polar front jet stream, when many proxies were at their minimum. The Hypsithermal interval (~9.4–5.3 ka) was the warmest and wettest of the Holocene due to a long-term increase in summer insolation. The Hypsithermal, however, was interrupted by two cold climates; the 8.2 ka event (~8.4–8.0 ka) and the Nipissing Rise (~6.8–5.0 ka), both of which are linked to a reduction in thermohaline circulation and northward oceanic heat transport. The Neoglacial interval (~5.3 ka to ~1850 AD), driven by a long-term decrease in summer insolation, was cooler and dryer, but more stable, than the Hypsithermal. The short Historic interval (post ~1850 AD) was characterized by some of the largest amplitude and most abrupt anomalies of the past 10,000 years, due to intense anthropogenic activity, when a number of proxies reached unprecedented values.  相似文献   
This paper describes an exercise with children in the implementation of housing rights. Based on the argued opinion that housing rights cannot be exercised without participation and that participation without knowledge is pretence, a Kids and Architecture programme was initiated with a group of 40 children — displaced from homes in the Klong Toey slum in Bangkok — at a girls' home run by the Human Development Foundation (HDF). The programme, developed in two phases and involving students from the King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), School of Architecture, set about to teach these children some of the elements of architecture so that they could participate in the design of their own housing. From this experiment a number of conclusions are drawn about the implementation of housing rights and about the teaching of architecture, both to children and architecture students.  相似文献   
Climate change will shape the future of Russia, and vice versa, regardless of who rules in the Kremlin. The world's largest country is warming faster than Earth as a whole, occupies more than half the Arctic Ocean coastline, and is waging a carbon-intensive war while increasingly isolated from the international community and its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Officially, the Russian government argues that, as a major exporter of hydrocarbons, Russia benefits from maintaining global reliance on fossil fuels and from climate change itself, because warming may increase the extent and quality of its arable land, open a new year-round Arctic sea route, and make its harsh climate more livable. Drawing on the collective expertise of a large group of Russia-focused social scientists and a comprehensive literature review, we challenge this narrative. We find that Russia suffers from a variety of impacts due to climate change and is poorly prepared to adapt to these impacts. The literature review reveals that the fates of Russia's hydrocarbon-dependent economy, centralized political system, and climate-impacted population are intertwined and that research is needed on this evolving interrelationship, as global temperatures rise and the international economy decarbonizes in response. This article is categorized under:
  • Policy and Governance > National Climate Change Policy
  • Trans-disciplinary Perspectives > National Reviews
  • Trans-disciplinary Perspectives > Regional Reviews
Cementation of bryozoan-echinoid-benthic foraminiferal temperate shelf carbonates of the Oligocene Te Kuiti Group, North Island, New Zealand, occurred mainly during subsurface burial. The calcite cements in the limestones are dominated by equant and syntaxial rim spar which typically becomes ferroan (given an iron supply) and, compared to the skeletal material with normal marine δ18O values from +2 to −1‰, more depleted in 18O with depth of burial, the δ18O composition of bulk cement samples ranging from −1 to −7‰. These trends reflect the establishment in pore waters during sediment burial of reducing conditions and gradually increasing temperatures (20–50°C), respectively. The δ13C values (0 to +3‰) of the cements remain the same as the host marine shells, suggesting the source of carbon in the cements was simply redistributed marine carbonate derived from shell dissolution.

Two gradational burial diagenetic environments influenced by marine-derived porewaters are arbitrarily distinguished: shallow burial phase and moderate burial phase. During the shallow burial phase, down to 500–600 m sub-bottom depth, the carbonates lost at least 25% of their original porosity by mechanical compaction and were selectively cemented by non-ferroan or usually ferroan, variably luminescent, slightly 18O-depleted sparry calcite cement (δ18O −2 to −4‰), mainly as syntaxial rims about echinoid grains. These shallow-burial cements form less than about 10% of total cement in the majority of the limestones and their source was probably mainly mild intergranular dissolution of calcitic skeletal fragments accompanying the onset of chemical compaction. During the moderate burial phase, between about 600 and 1100 m sub-bottom depth, porosity loss continued (typically to about 70% of its original value) as a result of pressure-solution of calcitic bioclasts associated with more advanced stages of chemical compaction. This involved development of a wide variety of non-sutured and microstylolitic solution seams, including both single and composite, wispy or continuous, bedding-parallel types and non-parallel reticulate forms. The released carbonate was precipitated as ferroan (or non-ferroan where iron supply was negligible), dull luminescent, strongly 18O-depleted (δ18O −4 to −7‰), mainly equant calcite spar cement, occluding available pore space in the limestones.  相似文献   

Pre-Late Devensian organic deposits in the Buchan area of northeast Scotland were investigated for their geomorphological and palaeoecological (pollen, plant macrofossils, coleoptera) properties. Close ecological agreement exists between fossil indicators and allows the inference that the environment in the vicinity of the deposits was a dwarf shrub tundra of the type met today in high latitude areas of Scandinavia and arctic Russia. The latest in a series of radiocarbon dates from the site produced determinations beyond the limits of the method, although the geomorphological and fossil evidence appears to point to an interstadial date within Oxygen Isotope Stages 5a or 5c. The site has special significance for arguments concerning the much-debated concept of ‘Moraineless Buchan’; indeed, evidence is presented which supports the concept of extensive ice sheet glaciation during the Late Devensian for this crucial geographical area. If Buchan is to be seen as a further casualty amongst other disputed ice-free enclaves, then a return to earlier models of extensive ice sheet glaciation in the Late Devensian of Scotland would seem to be necessary. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The elements Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Zn were concentrated from seawater using tetraethylenepentamine resin and analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The spatial distribution of these elements in the northwest Atlantic Ocean is discussed with respect to possible riverine inputs to the area from Puerto Rico.  相似文献   
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