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Zircon crystals from a locally charnockitized Paleoproterozoic high-K metagranite from the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) of southern India have been investigated by high-spatial resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis of U–Th–Pb and rare earth elements (REE), together with scanning ion imaging and scanning ion tomography (depth-profiled ion imaging). The spot analyses constrain the magmatic crystallization age of the metagranite to ca. 1,850 Ma, with ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism occurring at ca. 570 Ma and superimposed charnockite formation at ca. 520–510 Ma, while the ion imaging reveals a patchy distribution of radiogenic Pb throughout the zircon cores. Middle- to heavy-REE depletion in ca. 570 Ma zircon rims suggests that these grew in equilibrium with garnet and therefore date the UHT metamorphism in the KKB. The maximum apparent 207Pb/206Pb age obtained from the unsupported radiogenic Pb concentrations is also consistent with formation of the Pb patches during this event. The superimposed charnockitization event appears to have caused additional Pb-loss in the cores and recrystallization of the rims. The results of depth-profiling of the scanning ion tomography image stack show that the Pb-rich domains range in size from <5 nm to several 10 nm (diameter if assumed to be spherical). The occurrence of such patchy Pb has previously been documented only from UHT metamorphic zircon, where it likely results from annealing of radiation-damaged zircon. The formation of a discrete, heterogeneously distributed and subsequently immobile Pb phase effectively arrests the normal Pb-loss process seen at lower grades of metamorphism.  相似文献   
Over a large area of the Bengal delta in West Bengal, India, arsenic distribution patterns in groundwater were studied. One hundred and ten boreholes at different target locations were made, subsurface sediments were logged and analysed, and arsenic values in sediments vis-à-vis groundwater were compared. The study elucidates the subsurface geology of the western part of Bengal delta and characterises the sediments that were intersected in different boreholes with contrasting values of arsenic in groundwater. It reveals an existence of multiple aquifers stacked over each other. Depending on the color and nature of aquifer-sands and their overlying clay beds six aquifer types (Type-1 to Type-6) are classified and described. Sediment-arsenic for all the varieties of aquifer sands are near similar but the groundwater-arsenic of these six aquifers varies widely. Type-2 and Type-5 aquifers host arsenic-contaminated groundwater whereas the other four aquifers are arsenic-free. Type-2 and Type-5 aquifers are capped by a grey to dark grey soft organic matter-rich clay unit which makes these aquifers semi-confined to leaky-confined. These contribute in releasing arsenic from the sediments. The results of this study are employed in a proposed georemedial measure against this hazardous toxic element.  相似文献   
Present study is an effort to distinguish between the contributions of natural weathering and anthropogenic inputs towards high salinity and nutrient concentrations in the groundwater of National Capital Territory (NCT) Delhi, India. Apart from the source identification, the aquifer of entire territory has been characterized and mapped on the basis of salinity in space and water suitability with its depth. Major element chemistry, conventional graphical plots and specific ionic ratio of Na+/Cl, SO4 2−/Cl, Mg2+/Ca2+ and Ca2+/(HCO3  + SO4 2−) are conjointly used to distinguish different salinization sources. Results suggest that leaching from the various unlined landfill sites and drains is the prime cause of NO3 contamination while study area is highly affected with inland salinity which is geogenic in origin. The seasonal water level fluctuation and rising water level increases nutrients concentration in groundwater. Mixing with old saline sub-surface groundwater and dissolution of surface salts in the salt affected soil areas were identified as the principle processes controlling groundwater salinity through comparison of ionic ratio. Only minor increase of salinity is the result of evaporation effect and pollution inflows. The entire territory has characterized into four groups as fresh, freshening, near freshening and saline with respect to salinity in groundwater. The salinity mapping suggests that in general, for drinking needs, groundwater in the fresh, freshening and near freshening zone is suitable up to a depth of 45, 20 and 12 m, respectively, while the saline zones are unsuitable for any domestic use. In the consideration of increasing demand of drinking water in the area; present study is vital and recommends further isotopic investigations and highlights the need of immediate management action for landfill sites and unlined drains.  相似文献   
Exploration and exploitation of coal seams is one of the major resources for the energy sector in any country but at the same time water filled voids/water logged areas in the old workings of these seams are very critical problems for the coal mining industry. In such situations, disasters like inundation, landslides, collapsing of the old seams may occur. In this regard, it is necessary to find out the water saturated/water filled voids and zones in the mining areas. Since no established technique is available to find such zones, an experimental study using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) has been carried out in one of the coal mining areas near Dhanbad, to find out the feasibility of finding the barrier thickness and the water logged area in underground coal mines. The area under study forms part of Jharia coalfield in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand state. The coal bearing rocks of Barakar Formation of Lower Permian age (Gondwana period) occur in the area under a thin cover (10 m to15 m) of soil and or alluvium. Coal bearing Barakar Formations consist mainly of sandstone of varying grain size, intercalation of shale and sandstone, grey and carbonaceous-shale and coal seams. Since the water saturation reduces the resistivity of a formation to a large extent, water filled voids and old coal workings are expected to have significant resistivity contrast with the surrounding host rock. Hence, ERI technique was applied in such an environment as this technique uses high-density data acquisition both laterally and vertically by using multiple number of electrodes. Along with ERI, mise-à-la-masse (also called charged body) technique was also employed at one of the promising sites to find out the connectivity of water logged areas and also detection of these old workings from the surface measurements was analyzed. The interpreted 2D resistivity sections have clearly indicated the water bearing zone(s) along the profile which was well confirmed with the existing water level in the nearby borewells. On the other hand, this technique did not identify the size of the coal pillar and gallery (air filled voids), which might be due to the small size of the voids (i.e. about 2 m × 2 m) below a depth of 15m and more but have indicated altogether as a high resistive zone ranging from 600–1000 Ohm-m.  相似文献   
A study was carried out to test the usefulness of surface geochemical methods as regional evaluation tools in petroliferous region of the Mehsana block, North Cambay Basin. A suite of 135 soil samples collected from the depth of 2.5 m, were analyzed for adsorbed light gaseous hydrocarbons and carbon isotopes (δ13Cmethane and δ13Cethane). The light gaseous hydrocarbon analysis show that the concentration ranges 402 ppb, 135 ppb, 70 ppb, 9 ppb and 18 ppb of C1, C2, C3, iC4 and nC4, respectively. The value of carbon isotopic ranges of methane −29.5 to −43.0‰ (PDB) and ethane −19.1 to −20.9‰ (PDB). This data, when mapped, indicates patterns coinciding with major known oil and/or gas field of Sobhasan/Linch in this study area. The existence of un-altered petroliferous microseeps of catagenetic origin is observed in the study area. A regional study, such as the one described here, can provide important exploration facts concerning the regional hydrocarbon potential in a block. This method has been confirmed and can be applied successfully in frontier basins.  相似文献   
Elemental mobility based on major element geochemistry from 58 horizons related to six paleosols profiles in a typical Miocene — Pliocene Siwalik fluvial sequence in the NW Himalaya has been reported here. The paleosols developed over felsic parent material of fine to medium grained sandstone indicate notable enrichment of sesquioxides (Al2O3 = 29 % and Fe2O3 = 54 %) depicting significant leaching and dissolution. The depletion of base cations (mean wt% of Na2O = 0.24; CaO = 0.51) and SiO2 (mean wt% = 63.6) in the pedogenic layers and its enrichment in the parental material (mean wt% of Na2O = 0.44; CaO = 1.3; SiO2 = 70.1) shows a good gradient of elemental mobility due to pedogenesis. Bivariate plots of the base ratios (Na2O/K2O, CaO/K2O, and MgO/K2O) vs. Al2O3 reveal independent distribution for parent material, pedogenic horizons and the incipient zone indicating the gradual addition/removal of immobile/mobile elements with varying pedogenesis. Discontinuous and segmented pattern of the geochemical parameters enables discrimination of multiple pedogenic episodes and recognition of soil welding processes in the multistorey composite paleosols. We also test the applicability of the geochemical climofunctions: the Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) and Mean Annual Temperature (MAT); that demands more data for calibration in the Siwalik paleosols.  相似文献   
The continuous and large-scale abstraction of groundwater has created a groundwater depletion problem in several parts of the Punjab state including Bist Doab, the interfluve region of Beas and Satluj rivers. In the present study, a few important parameters, viz. water level, stable isotope, EC, temperature, groundwater age, that can be used to fingerprint the over-exploitation of groundwater have been examined. It has been observed that with the increase in over-exploitation, the yield of shallow aquifer is progressively getting reduced and as a result forcing the farmers to sink their wells to deeper depths. With abstraction of deeper aquifer, the storage of old groundwater at the deeper aquifer is declining and getting replaced by induced accelerated inflow of young water from the recharge zone and the overlying shallow aquifer. The signatures of the modern water have been observed in the data analyzed for isotopic, hydro-chemical facies, electrical conductivity and temperature of water from deeper aquifer. The study has identified the usefulness of these parameters for identifying groundwater over-exploitation in the region. Depleting water resource may stagnate the economic progress of the region. The paper provides suitable water resource management strategies to be adopted to improve the sustainability of water resources and economic growth in the region.  相似文献   
Large quantities of leachate-contaminated lateritic soil results from dump yards in the southwest coast of India. These dump yards receive large quantities of municipal solid waste which includes chemical, industrial and biomedical wastes. Large areas of land are currently being used for this purpose. An extensive laboratory testing program was carried out to determine the compaction characteristics and hydraulic conductivity of clean and contaminated lateritic soil. Batch tests were used to study the immediate effect of leachate contamination on the properties of lateritic soil. Contaminated specimens were prepared by mixing the lateritic soil with leachate in the amount of 5%, 10% and 20% by weight to vary the degree of contamination. The results indicated a small reduction in maximum dry density and an increase in hydraulic conductivity due to leachate-contamination. The change induced by chemical reaction in the microstructure of the soil was studied by scanning electron microscope before and after contamination of soil with leachate. The structure of the leachate contaminated soil sample appeared to be aggregated in scanning electron microscope analysis. The aggregated structure increases the effective pore space and thus increases the hydraulic conductivity. Fifty percent increase in hydraulic conductivity was observed for specimens prepared at standard Proctor density and mixed with 20% leachate. Compaction characteristics did not change much with the presence of leachate up to 10%. With 20% leachate the maximum dry density decreased slightly indicating excess leachate in the soil. However the changes are not significant.  相似文献   
Performance of surface footing on geocell-reinforced soft clay beds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents the results of laboratory model tests carried out to develop an understanding of the behaviour of geocell-reinforced soft clay foundations under circular loading. Natural silty clay was used in this study. The geocells were prepared using biaxial polymer grid. The performance of the reinforced bed is quantified using non-dimensional factors i.e., Bearing capacity improvement factor (If) and Percentage reduction in footing settlement (PRS). The test results demonstrate that the geocell mattress redistributes the footing load over a wider area thereby improving the performance of the footing. The load carrying capacity of the clay bed is increased by a factor of up to about 4.5 times that of unreinforced bed. From the pressure-settlement responses, it is observed that the geocell-reinforced foundation bed behaves as a much stiffer system compared to the unreinforced case indicating that a substantial reduction in footing settlement can be achieved by providing geocell reinforcement in the soft clay bed. The maximum reduction in footing settlement obtained with the provision of geocell mattress of optimum size placed close to the footing is around 90%. Further improvement in performance is obtained with provision of an additional planar geogrid layer at the base of the geocell mattress.  相似文献   
Aerosols can affect the cloud-radiation feedback and the precipitation over the Indian monsoon region. In this paper, we propose that another pathway by which aerosols can modulate the multi-scale aspect of Indian monsoons is by altering the land–atmosphere interactions. The nonlinear feedbacks due to aerosol/diffuse radiation on coupled interactions over the Indian monsoon region are studied by: (1) reviewing recent field measurements and modeling studies, (2) analyzing the MODIS and AERONET aerosol optical depth datasets, and (3) diagnosing the results from sensitivity experiments using a mesoscale modeling system. The results of this study suggest that the large magnitude of aerosol loading and its impact on land–atmosphere interactions can significantly influence the mesoscale monsoonal characteristics in the Indo-Ganges Basin.  相似文献   
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