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Coral reefs in the Negril Marine Park (NMP), Jamaica, have been increasingly impacted by nutrient pollution and macroalgal blooms following decades of intensive development as a major tourist destination. A baseline survey of DIN and SRP concentrations, C:N:P and stable nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) of abundant reef macroalgae on shallow and deep reefs of the NMP in 1998 showed strong P-limitation and evidence of increasing sewage pollution. In 1999, a sewage collection and treatment project began divertin...  相似文献   
Hydrothermal systems are often studied by collecting thermal gradient data and temperature/depth curves. These data contain important information about the flow field, the evolution of the hydrothermal system, and the location and nature of the ultimate heat sources. Thermal data are interpreted by the “forward” method; the thermal field is calculated based on selected initial conditions and boundary conditions such as temperature and permeability distributions. If the calculated thermal field matches the data, the chosen conditions are inferred to be possibly correct. Because many sets of initial conditions may produce similar thermal fields, users of the “forward” method may inadvertently miss the correct set of initial conditions. Analytical methods for “inverting” data also allow the determination of all the possible solutions consistent with the definition of the problem. In this paper we suggest an approach for inverting thermal data from a hydrothermal system, and compare it to the more conventional approach. We illustrate the difference in the methods by comparing their application to the Salton Sea Geothermal Field by Lau (1980a) and Kasameyer, et al. (1984). In this particular example, the inverse method was used to draw conclusions about the age and total rate of fluid flow into the hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
The N–S trending, 2–4 km wide Ramagiri schist belt is made up of three blocks dominated by metavolcanic rocks, separated and surrounded by granitic rocks of distinct characteristics. The metavolcanic rocks are tholeiitic in composition and are very similar in their major element composition as well as in their abundances of some trace elements. However, the rare earth elements (REE) require distinct sources. The rocks of the amphibolite facies eastern block have LREE depleted REE patterns ([Ce/Yb] = 0.7–0.9), requiring derivation from depleted mantle-like sources. The greenschist facies metatholeiitic rocks of the central block have LREE enriched REE patterns ([Ce/Yb] = 3–6), reflecting the nature of their source(s). The Nd isotopic data require that the LREE enriched nature could not have been attained significantly prior to its melting. The fine-grained, upper greenschist facies metatholeiites of the western block have flat to slightly LREE depleted patterns ([Ce/Yb] = 0.8–0.95). Minor fractional crystallization of rock forming minerals may relate a few samples to each other among samples from each of the three blocks. Different extents of partial melting of distinct mantle sources have played a dominant role in the generation of the parent magmas to the central versus eastern and western block metatholeiites. The geochemical data suggest that the mantle sources were non-lherzolitic, and that these sources may have seen previous episodes of melt addition and extraction prior to melting that gave rise to the parent melts to the rocks ∼2750 Ma ago. The REE data indicate that while the sources of the eastern and western block rocks were similar to depleted mantle (ɛNd( i ) about +2), the source of the central block rocks (ɛNd( i ) about +3.5) were enriched in large ion lithophile element (LILE)-rich fluids/melts probably derived from subducting oceanic crust. This and other trace element signatures point to magma extraction in tectonic settings similar to modern island arcs. Subsequent to magma emplacement and crystallization, all the three suites of rocks were affected by interaction with low-temperature, crustal derived fluids (ɛNd 2750Ma of about −8 to −12), probably during the accretion of the three blocks of the belt in the present form. The inferred source characteristics, tectonic setting of magma generation and the crustal fluid processes seem to suggest that Phanerozoic-style tectonic processes may have been important in the generation of Archean crust in the Dharwar craton. Received: 31 July 1995 / Accepted: 12 May 1997  相似文献   
This study analyzes the relationship between Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) obtained from Terra and Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and ground-based PM10 mass concentration distribution over a period of 5 years (2008–2012), and investigates the applicability of satellite AOD data for ground PM10 mapping for the Croatian territory. Many studies have shown that satellite AOD data are correlated to ground-based PM mass concentration. However, the relationship between AOD and PM is not explicit and there are unknowns that cause uncertainties in this relationship. The relationship between MODIS AOD and ground-based PM10 has been studied on the basis of a large data set where daily averaged PM10 data from the 12 air quality stations across Croatia over the 5 year period are correlated with AODs retrieved from MODIS Terra and Aqua. A database was developed to associate coincident MODIS AOD (independent) and PM10 data (dependent variable). Additional tested independent variables (predictors, estimators) included season, cloud fraction, and meteorological parameters — including temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, as well as planetary boundary layer height — using meteorological data from WRF (Weather Research and Forecast) model. It has been found that 1) a univariate linear regression model fails at explaining the data variability well which suggests nonlinearity of the AOD-PM10 relationship, and 2) explanation of data variability can be improved with multivariate linear modeling and a neural network approach, using additional independent variables.  相似文献   
We present some error expressions for approximate modal solutions of viscously damped linear structural vibration equations; these approximations are calculated by a variety of modal techniques. Motivated by our numerical experience, we show the equivalence of some different modal solutions in the presence of classical damping and, in passing, we obtain a previously unremarked manifestation of this type of damping. We make some brief comments about obtaining error estimates and, finally, we show some numerical results for a standard test problem which illustrate properties of the modal solutions.  相似文献   
Double Fourier series models of two doline and two cockpit landscapes in northern Jamaica, each 2 × 2 km in area, explained 92% and 90%, and 73% and 58% of the variance in the topographic data. The ten most significant waves accounted for 74% and 76%, and 61% and 58% of the variance in each model. The greater importance of frequency pairs of longer wavelength in the doline karst models suggests that there are fewer horizontally and vertically persistent bedrock fractures controlling topographic development in the doline areas than in the cockpit terrains—a fact confirmed by fracture-trace mapping. Frequency pair orientations and powers indicate that north-west- and northeast-trending fractures exert a major influence on topographic development in the cockpit terrains and that east-trending fractures are relatively more important in the doline areas. Further studies are needed to determine if Fourier models of the doline, cockpit, and tower karst styles differ in a consistent fashion and to find out to what extent these differences are related to the bedding, fracture, and relief characteristics of the karst bedrock. [Key words: Jamaica, karst, morphometry, double Fourier series, dolines, cockpits.]  相似文献   
Crater detection algorithms (CDAs) are an important subject of the recent scientific research. A ground truth (GT) catalogue, which contains the locations and sizes of known craters, is important for the evaluation of CDAs in a wide range of CDA applications. Unfortunately, previous catalogues of craters by other authors cannot be easily used as GT. In this paper, we propose a method for integration of several existing catalogues to obtain a new craters catalogue. The methods developed and used during this work on the GT catalogue are: (1) initial screening of used catalogues; (2) evaluation of self-consistency of used catalogues; (3) initial registration from three different catalogues; (4) cross-evaluation of used catalogues; (5) additional registrations and registrations from additional catalogues; and (6) fine-tuning and registration with additional data-sets. During this process, all craters from all major currently available manually assembled catalogues were processed, including catalogues by Barlow, Rodionova, Boyce, Kuzmin, and our previous work. Each crater from the GT catalogue contains references to crater(s) that are used for its registration. This provides direct access to all properties assigned to craters from the used catalogues, which can be of interest even to those scientists that are not directly interested in CDAs. Having all these craters in a single catalogue also provides a good starting point for searching for craters still not catalogued manually, which is also expected to be one of the challenges of CDAs. The resulting new GT catalogue contains 57,633 craters, significantly more than any previous catalogue. From this point of view, GT-57633 catalogue is currently the most complete catalogue of large Martian impact craters. Additionally, each crater from the resulting GT-57633 catalogue is aligned with MOLA topography and, during the final review phase, additionally registered/aligned with 1/256° THEMIS-DIR, 1/256° MDIM and 1/256° MOC data-sets. Accordingly, the resulting GT-57633 catalogue can successfully be used as a part of the framework for evaluation of CDAs.  相似文献   
Development of new techniques, enabling simultaneous determination of large numbers of elements in environmental samples, can force analysts to use certified reference materials that do not contain all the elements of interest. In this paper, the mass fractions of forty‐six major and trace elements, including rare earth elements (REE), are presented in one soil (NCS DC 77302 also known as GBW 07410) and five sediment (Metranal‐1, IAEA 405, MESS‐3, NCS DC 73309 also known as GBW 07311 and NCS DC 75301 also known as GBW 07314) certified reference materials determined by high resolution inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry. The selected certified materials represent a spectrum of geological matrices often analysed in environmental studies. Measured elements include certified elements, elements listed with information values as well as new elements absent from certificates, including REEs and some other elements. REE + Y mass fractions in the river sediment reference material Metranal‐1 are reported for the first time. The results obtained are in agreement with available certified or information values.  相似文献   
Multivariate analysis of contaminant data from a multi-year monitoring program demonstrates alterations in the hepatic chemistry of metals in fish exposed to organic contaminants. Metals (Ag, As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, Zn) and organic chemicals (PCBs, DDTs, chlordanes, dieldrins, PAHs) were measured in liver and associated sediments for winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) from 23 sites along the northeast Atlantic coast and for Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) from 30 sites along the southeast Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States. Concentrations of habitat contaminants varied from nil to levels signifying important anthropogenic inputs and thus provided a range in chronic exposures and related contaminant stress levels with which to investigate the response of hepatic chemistry in fish representative of viable populations. The data, analyzed by principal component, principal component regression, and biplot procedures, demonstrated an opposing relationship between micronutrient elements, principally Zn, and exposure to organic contaminants in winter flounder. This relationship was not present in Atlantic croaker that were resident in less contaminated habitats. Based on median concentrations in sediment, exposure of winter flounder to important organic contaminants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, DDTs) exceeded that for Atlantic croaker by 7 to 50 times. Coincident with depletion of hepatic Zn and Cd in winter flounder was accumulation of Hg and Ag. My results, in agreement with those of others, implicate the negative effects of hepatic detoxification of organic contaminants on metal binding in liver, which can cause depletion of essential elements while contaminant and potentially toxic elements accumulate.  相似文献   
This paper reexamines the stratigraphy, sources, and paleoclimatic significance of Holocene Bignell Loess in the central Great Plains. A broadly similar sequence of loess depositional units and paleosols was observed in thick Bignell Loess sections up to 300 km apart, suggesting that these sections record major regional changes in the balance between dust deposition and pedogenesis. New optical ages, together with previously reported radiocarbon ages, indicate Bignell Loess deposition began 9000–11,000 yr ago and continued into the late Holocene; some Bignell Loess is <1000 yr old. There is little evidence that Holocene Loess was derived from flood plain sources, as previously proposed. Instead, thick Bignell Loess occurs mainly near the downwind margins of inactive dune fields, particularly atop escarpments facing the dunes. Thus, the immediate loess source was dust produced when the dunes were active. Previous work indicates that widespread episodes of dune activity are likely to have resulted from drier-than-present climatic conditions. The regionally coherent stratigraphy of Bignell Loess can be interpreted as a near-continuous record of climatically driven variation in dune field activity throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   
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