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本文简要介绍了GML3.0,分析了GML所具有的优点,并依此提出了基于GML3.0的WebGIS的三层体系架构,同时给出相应实现技术。  相似文献   
四川省矿区地质环境评价系统空间数据库采用面向对象的Geodatabase地理数据模型,通过ArcSDE空间数据引擎连接,把空间数据都存储在关系数据库Oracle 9i中。结合矿区基础地理数据与矿山环境、地质灾害、基础类、地质等专题数据,构建核心矿区空间地理信息框架和基于B/S和C/S的系统,实现有效地存储、管理和发布四川省各地矿区研究中所获得的大量宝贵的资料。  相似文献   
郭达志教授,1938年生于福建省龙岩市。1960年毕业于北京矿业学院(现中国矿业大学)并留校任教,1960年至1962年参加研究生班学习。1983~1985年被选派到英国诺丁汉大学留学,主修光电测量技术和数字制图。1988年以来先后多次到加拿大、美国、澳大利亚等国开展合作科研与学术交流。郭教授曾任中国矿业大学测量与地球物理勘探研究所所长、测量物理系系主任,校学术委员会委员、学位委员会委员等职。1989年至2005年连续四届担  相似文献   
Seasonal rainfall predictability over the Huaihe River basin is evaluated in this paper on the basis of 23-year(1981-2003) retrospective forecasts by 10 climate models from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) Climate Center(APCC) multi-model ensemble(MME) prediction system.It is found that the summer rainfall variance in this basin is largely internal,which leads to lower rainfall predictability for most individual climate models.By dividing the 10 models into three categories according to their sea surface temperature(SST) boundary conditions including observed,predicted,and persistent SSTs,the MME deterministic predictive skill of summer rainfall over Huaihe River basin is investigated.It is shown that the MME is effective for increasing the current seasonal forecast skill.Further analysis shows that the MME averaged over predicted SST models has the highest rainfall prediction skill,which is closely related to model’s capability in reproducing the observed dominant modes of the summer rainfall anomalies in Huaihe River basin.This result can be further ascribed to the fact that the predicted SST MME is the most effective model ensemble for capturing the relationship between the summer rainfall anomalies over Huaihe River basin and the SST anomalies(SSTAs) in equatorial oceans.  相似文献   
马文涛  田军  李前裕 《地球科学》2011,36(4):621-634
全球大洋深海有孔虫碳同位素(δ13C)记录中广泛发现40万年周期,这一周期可能与偏心率长周期的轨道驱动有关.1.6 Ma以来,δ13C的这一长周期拉长到50万年,且重值期不再与偏心率低值对应.目前对δ13C 40万年周期的成因及其周期拉长的机制还不明确.这里使用了包含9个箱体的箱式模型,用于研究热带过程与冰盖相互作用及其对大洋碳循环的影响.模拟结果显示当北半球高纬海区海冰迅速增大时冰盖迅速融化,进入冰消期,而当海冰快速消失后,冰盖则重新缓慢增长.冰盖变化具有冰期长,间冰期短的非对称形态.在季节性太阳辐射量的驱动下冰盖变化具有10万年冰期-间冰期旋回.当冰盖融化速率受北半球高纬夏季太阳辐射量控制时,冰盖变化的岁差周期明显加强,相位与地质记录一致,说明轨道驱动可以通过非线性相位锁定机制使冰盖变化与其在相位上保持一致.海冰的阻隔效应使大气中CO2在冰消期时增多.冰期时大洋环流减弱使大气中CO2逐渐减少.当模型只有ETP驱动的风化作用而不考虑冰盖变化时,模拟的δ13C记录显示极强的40万年周期,体现了大洋碳储库对热带风化过程的响应.当同时考虑冰盖变化和风化作用时,模拟的δ13C结果中40万年周期减弱而10万年周期加强,并且40万年周期上碳储库与偏心率的相位与不考虑冰盖变化时的相位也存在差异,反映了冰盖变化引起的洋流改组压制了大洋碳循环对热带过程的响应.   相似文献   
湘西沃溪W-Sb-Au矿床白钨矿Nd-Sr-Pb同位素对成矿流体的示踪   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
本文对湘西沃溪W-Sb-Au矿床白钨矿进行了系统的Nd-Sr-Pb同位素分析。结果表明,白钨矿的Sm、Nd含量较低,147Sm/144Nd(0.64~1.27)值和Sm/Nd值(1.11~2.22)变化较大,其εNd(t=199Ma)值也很低,平均为-25.5(n=9);白钨矿的87Sr/86Sr值(0.7476~0.7504)高,平均为0.74961(n=11),代表白钨矿形成时的初始87Sr/86Sr(t=199Ma)值;逐级分离Pb同位素分析结果显示白钨矿的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb、208Pb/204Pb值变化范围小,平均依次分别为18.11、15.61、38.6,与含金石英脉中黄铁矿、蚀变围岩及区域板溪群板岩等的相应Pb同位素比值基本一致。白钨矿Nd-Sr-Pb同位素组成和闪锌矿等其他矿物的Sr同位素特征指示成矿流体来自板溪群下伏成熟陆壳、深部花岗质岩浆、浅部赋矿围岩等源区。成矿流体是这些来自不同源区的流体相作用而形成的混合流体。成矿作用则是这些不同源区的流体混合作用并演化的结果。且成矿流体演化早期是来自下伏成熟陆壳的流体与来自赋矿围岩的流体混合,导致早期W成矿;晚期是来自深部花岗质岩浆的流体与浅部赋矿围岩的流体混合作用,导致晚期Sb-Au成矿。W-Sb-Au成矿则是中生代陆内碰撞造山体制下不同期次的流体演化和叠加作用的结果。  相似文献   
For better detecting the spatial-temporal change mode of individual susceptible-infected-symptomatic-treated-recovered epidemic progress and the characteristics of information/material flow in the epidemic spread network between regions,the epidemic spread mechanism of virus input and output was explored based on individuals and spatial regions.Three typical spatial information parameters including working unit/address,onset location and reporting unit were selected and SARS epidemic spread in-out flow in Beijing was defined based on the SARS epidemiological investigation data in China from 2002 to 2003 while its epidemiological characteristics were discussed.Furthermore,by the methods of spatial-temporal statistical analysis and network characteristic analysis,spatial-temporal high-risk hotspots and network structure characteristics of Beijing outer in-out flow were explored,and spatial autocorrelation/heterogeneity,spatial-temporal evolutive rules and structure characteristics of the spread network of Beijing inner in-out flow were comprehensively analyzed.The results show that(1)The outer input flow of SARS epidemic in Beijing concentrated on Shanxi and Guangdong provinces,but the outer output flow was disperse and mainly includes several north provinces such as Guangdong and Shandong.And the control measurement should focus on the early and interim progress of SARS breakout.(2)The inner output cases had significant positive autocorrelative characteristics in the whole studied region,and the high-risk population was young and middle-aged people with ages from 20 to 60 and occupations of medicine and civilian labourer.(3)The downtown districts were main high-risk hotspots of SARS epidemic in Beijing,the northwest suburban districts/counties were secondary high-risk hotspots,and northeast suburban areas were relatively safe.(4)The district/county nodes in inner spread network showed small-world characteristics and information/material flow had notable heterogeneity.The suburban Tongzhou and Changping districts were the underlying high-risk regions,and several suburban districts such as Shunyi and Huairou were the relatively low-risk safe regions as they carried out minority information/material flow.The exploration and analysis based on epidemic spread in-out flow help better detect and discover the potential spatial-temporal evolutive rules and characteristics of SARS epidemic,and provide a more effective theoretical basis for emergency/control measurements and decision-making.  相似文献   
王约赵元龙  林日白王萍丽 《地质论评》2004,50(2):113-119,i001,i002
贵州台江凯里生物群中的遗迹化石Gordia marina Emmons常被保存在水母状化石Pararotadiscus guizhouensis Zhao and Zhu盘体的上下,构成凯里生物群生态特色之一。笔者认为,G.marina可能系蠕形类造迹动物在层面或近层面觅食或吞食富含有机物的沉积物所形成。生活于清澈陆棚环境一定水域的P.guizhouensis,由于突发性快速沉积事件的发生,改变了海水的物化条件,而被“毒死”,并随沉积物安静地沉落于弱氧化-还原环境的海底。在较为缓慢的腐烂过程中,营食沉积物的G.marina造迹生物觅食于P.guizhouensis盘体上下富含有机物的沉积物中。随着沉积物的增厚,P.guizhouensis生物尸体周围的微环境还原性增强,腐烂过程很快被终止,P.guizhouensis生物软体得以保存,浅层或层面觅食性造迹生物亦随即离去,留下其生活活动的潜穴。同时通过研究,还认为G.molassicd(Heer)与G.marina为同义名,可能为G.marina造迹生物的幼体。  相似文献   
利用1951-2008年新疆中部15站的实测降水及博斯腾湖部分实测水文资料,用小波分析等统计方法,进一步分析了近20年新疆中部明显增湿的事实。结果表明:(1)新疆中部过去60年交替出现了3段约20年的干、湿期,近20年明显增湿期的平均雨量比气候值增加了约10%~20%。(2)近20年新疆中部的明显增湿主要出现在夏季。(...  相似文献   
Ground-based measurements are essential for understanding alpine glacier dynamics,especially in remote regions where in-situ measurements are extremely limited.Prom 1 May to 22 July 2005(the spring-summer period),and from 2 October 2007 to 20 January 2008(the autumn-winter period),surface radiation as well as meteorological variables were measured over the accumulation zone on the East Rongbuk Glacier of Mt. Qomolangma/Everest at an elevation of 6560 m a.s.l.by using an automatic weather station(AWS).The...  相似文献   
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