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Ground deformation occurring on the southern flank of Mt Etna volcano during the July–August 2001 eruption was monitored by GPS measurements along an E–W profile crossing the fissure system. This profile was measured eight times during the eruption, using the 'stop and go' semi-kinematic technique. Horizontal and vertical displacements between GPS surveys are reported for each station. The most significant event is a deformation episode occurring during the first week of the eruption, between 25–27 July. Displacements were measured on benchmarks close to the eruptive fissure and the tensile 1989 fracture. Data inversions for measured displacements were performed using the Okada model. The model shows the narrowing of the 2001 dyke accompanied by a dextral dislocation along an east-dipping fault, parallel to the 1989 fracture.Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt  相似文献   
Seismic activity that preceded, accompanied, and followed the 17–23 March 1981 Etnean eruption has been statistically analyzed.On the grounds of both time evolution of seismicity and catalogue completeness, three time intervals have been defined (12 February–2 March, 12–17 March, 19–31 March) and for each of these periods both the b coefficient of theGutenberg-Richter's (1956) relationship and the E parameter of the cluster size (Shlien andToksoz, 1970) have been calculated.No significant variations were observed between the first and third periods, while lower values of bothb andE coefficients were found in the second one. These findings might indicate that changes in the seismicity features occur just before the eruption start.Small but fast variations in the stress field acting on the volcano might originate this type of seismic activity, while the importance of the tectonic control on volcanic phenomena seems to be confirmed.  相似文献   
This work attempts to express and analyze the challenges, induced by stratification, affecting the Rossby-topographic eigenmodes of a closed domain with a general uneven bottom of arbitrary shape filled with a uniform fluid in the unperturbed configuration. The modified eigenmodes have been computed analytically: stratification is introduced in the mathematical form of a perturbation of a homogeneous fluid over a non-flat bottom. The eigenmodes lose their barotropic character and differences appear in the dynamical fields (velocity and pressure) from upper to lower layer, as expected. Expressions for the baroclinic and ageostrophic velocity components due to the perturbation are given. The analysis is carried out in the frame of linear shallow water approximation. All terms have been retained apart from nonlinear advection in the governing equations. We find that the frequencies of the eigenmodes change; an analytical expression of frequency correction as a function of layer density difference and interface depth is found. Initial results for some elementary geometrical settings with a waveguide bottom are determined and expressed in a concise, easily readable closed form. The results obtained in the shallow water approximation are expanded in series with respect to the Rossby number. Next, they are compared with the frequency correction obtained in an alternative framework in which the quasi-geostrophic approximation is used, and a purely baroclinic perturbation is imposed from the outset as the result of the introduction of stratification in the otherwise homogeneous fluid. In this scenario, reduced gravity and the ratio of upper to lower layer depth are, in turn, used as the expansion parameters in lieu of the Rossby number.  相似文献   
The rainfall erosivity plays a fundamental role in water soil erosion processes and it can be expressed by its kinetic power. At first in this paper, the raindrop‐size distributions measured, in the period June 2006–March 2014, by an optical disdrometer installed at the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of University of Palermo are aggregated into rainfall intensity classes, having different ranges, and the measured kinetic power values are determined. Measured kinetic power values are initially used for testing the applicability of the kinetic power‐rainfall intensity relationships proposed by Wischmeier and Smith ( 1978 ), used in Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), Brown and Foster ( 1987 ) (RUSLE), and McGregor et al. ( 1995 ) (RUSLE2). Then, the reliability of a theoretical relationship for estimating the kinetic power by rainfall intensity and median volume diameter is verified. Finally, using the literature available datasets, corresponding to measurements carried out by different techniques and in different geographical sites, the analysis demonstrated that the rainfall intensity is not sufficient to determine the rainfall kinetic power. On the contrary, the theoretically deduced relationship allows to reproduce adequately the kinetic power of all available datasets, demonstrating that the knowledge of both rainfall intensity and median volume diameter allows a reliable estimate of the rainfall erosivity.  相似文献   
A hybrid electromagnetic‐statistic approach for the detection and localization of a perfectly‐conducting circular cylinder, buried in a lossless half‐space, is presented. We use the results of a cylindrical wave approach forward solver as input data for our detection procedure. We use a sub‐array processing structure and apply several algorithms for the direction of arrival estimation. By triangulating the found directions of arrival, a set of crossings, condensed around the object locations, is obtained. To process the crossing pattern, we developed a statistical model for the crossings distribution and employed hypothesis testing procedures to identify a collection of small windows containing the target. By defining a suitable threshold from a desired false alarm rate and dividing the region in small windows it is possible to ascribe each window to the ground or to the object. Numerical results are presented for a cylinder in a vacuum and in a dielectric half‐space, both in a central and in a peripheral position with respect to the array centre. Different values of the cylinder radius and of the distance from the array are considered.  相似文献   
In 2007–2008, we installed on Mt. Etna two deep tilt stations using high resolution, self-leveling instruments. These installations are a result of accurate instrument tests, site selection, drilling and sensor positioning that has allowed detecting variations related to the principal diurnal and semidiurnal tides for first time on Mt. Etna using tilt data.  相似文献   
The classical response spectrum method continues to be the most popular approach for designing base‐isolated buildings, therefore avoiding computationally expensive nonlinear time‐history analyses. In this framework, a new method for the seismic analysis and design of building structures with base isolation system (BIS) is formulated and numerically validated, which enables one to overcome the main shortcomings of existing techniques based on the response spectrum method. The main advantages are the following: first, reduced computational effort with respect to an exact complex‐valued modal analysis, which is obtained through a transformation of coordinates in two stages, both involving real‐valued eigenproblems; second, effective representation of the damping, which is pursued by consistently defining different viscous damping ratios for the modes of vibration of the coupled BIS‐superstructure dynamic system; and third, ease of use, because a convenient reinterpretation of the combination coefficients leads to a novel damping‐adjusted combination rule, in which just a single response spectrum is required for the reference value of the viscous damping ratio. The proposed approach is specifically intended for design situations where (i) the dynamic behaviour of seismic isolators can be linearised and (ii) effects of nonproportional damping, as measured by modal coupling indexes, are negligible in the BIS‐superstructure assembly. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Spain is a low-to-moderate seismicity area with relatively low seismic hazard. However, several strong shallow earthquakes have shaken the country causing casualties and extensive damage. Regional seismicity is monitored and surveyed by means of the Spanish National Seismic Network, maintenance and control of which are entrusted to the Instituto Geográfico Nacional. This array currently comprises 120 seismic stations distributed throughout Spanish territory (mainland and islands). Basically, we are interested in checking the noise conditions, reliability, and seismic detection capability of the Spanish network by analyzing the background noise level affecting the array stations, errors in hypocentral location, and detection threshold, which provides knowledge about network performance. It also enables testing of the suitability of the velocity model used in the routine process of earthquake location. To perform this study we use a method that relies on P and S wave travel times, which are computed by simulation of seismic rays from virtual seismic sources placed at the nodes of a regular grid covering the study area. Given the characteristics of the seismicity of Spain, we drew maps for M L magnitudes 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0, at a focal depth of 10 km and a confidence level 95 %. The results relate to the number of stations involved in the hypocentral location process, how these stations are distributed spatially, and the uncertainties of focal data (errors in origin time, longitude, latitude, and depth). To assess the extent to which principal seismogenic areas are well monitored by the network, we estimated the average error in the location of a seismic source from the semiaxes of the ellipsoid of confidence by calculating the radius of the equivalent sphere. Finally, the detection threshold was determined as the magnitude of the smallest seismic event detected at least by four stations. The northwest of the peninsula, the Pyrenees, especially the westernmost segment, the Betic Cordillera, and Tenerife Island are the best-monitored zones. Origin time and focal depth are data that are far from being constrained by regional events. The two Iberian areas with moderate seismicity and the highest seismic hazard, the Pyrenees and Betic Cordillera, and the northwestern quadrant of the peninsula, are the areas wherein the focus of an earthquake is determined with an approximate error of 3 km. For M L 2.5 and M L 3.0 this error is common for almost the whole peninsula and the Canary Islands. In general, errors in epicenter latitude and longitude are small for near-surface earthquakes, increasing gradually as the depth increases, but remaining close to 5 km even at a depth of 60 km. The hypocentral depth seems to be well constrained to a depth of 40 km beneath the zones with the highest density of stations, with an error of less than 5 km. The M L magnitude detection threshold of the network is approximately 2.0 for most of Spain and still less, almost 1.0, for the western sector of the Pyrenean region and the Canary Islands.  相似文献   
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