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Abstract. The paper provides an overview of the state of the small pelagic fish in the Adriatic Sea. The North Adriatic is reviewed for the 1976–1998 period and the South Adriatic for the 1987–1998 period. First the fluctuations in time and in space of the pelagic biomass, as a whole and per species, are presented. Then the dramatic collapse of anchovy stock and its apparent association with the decrease of surface temperature is discussed. Finally the changes of the anchovy and sardine catches are compared and analysed with respect to their abundances in the sea. The conclusion is that acoustic and satellite methods are able to provide a large amount of information on the variability in the pelagic populations; this is essential for an appropriate management of these resources. There is still a need, however, to refine the methods and to integrate this kind of information with further environmental data (including natural predators).  相似文献   
Nitroaromatic compounds frequently contaminate aquatic systems and may, therefore, impact fish. However, a known pathway of nitroaromatic toxicity in mammals, that of nitroaromatic stimulated superoxide (O2) production, has yet to be addressed in fish. In this study we investigated this pathway in three species of freshwater fish-channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)-exposed to nitrofurantoin (NF), p-nitrobenzoic acid (PNBA) and m-dinitrobenzene (MDNB). Our results indicate that these nitroaromatics elicit a stimulation of O2 production by fish liver fractions. Additionally, results suggests a similarity between, fish and mammals in the nitroreductases which mediate nitroaromatic activation and subsequent O2 production. These findings indicate a potential toxic consequence of fish exposure to nitroaromatic contaminants in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
The Venetian Basin was affected by flexure related to the Southalpine shortening phase during the Middle Miocene – Early Pliocene. This downbending is quantified here using a two‐dimensional flexural model. A recently improved data set on basin geometry based on the bottom of the Serravallian–Tortonian clastic wedge, on palaeobathymetry and gravity anomalies is used to constrain the components of flexure and to test the importance of the initial bathymetry in evaluating the contribution of surface loads to deflection. A good fit is obtained assuming a northward broken plate configuration of the downbent Adriatic plate with an effective elastic thickness of 20 km. Results highlight that, in the studied region, flexure related to the Eastern Southern Alps is totally due to surface loads (topographic load partly replacing initial bathymetry) and that no hidden loads are required. Furthermore, the palaeobathymetry contributes up to 50% to the total flexure in the studied region.  相似文献   
Maintenance of the glutathione (GSH) pathway is critical in guarding against the toxic effects of a variety of pollutants. However, despite their importance as an initial line of defense against waterborne toxicants, little is known regarding the role of fish gills in GSH-mediated xenobiotic metabolism. In these studies, the role of channel catfish gills in the detoxification of 2,4,5,6-tetrachloroisophthalonitrile (chlorothalonil), an electrophilic fungicide, was examined. Chlorothalonil was metabolized in vitro by gill cytosolic and microsomal glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). Chlorothalonil metabolism by cytosolic fructions was reduced markedly when GSH was omitted from reaction mixtures. Microsomal metabolism of chlorothalonil did not occur in the absence of GSH and in the presence of an NADPH-regenerating system lacking GSH. Channel catfish exposed in vivo to chlorothalonil had increased gill GSH and cysteine concentrations after 72 h exposure, and increased gill gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS) activity at 144 h of exposure. Our results show that the gills play an important role in the metabolism and detoxification of chlorothalonil in the channel catfish. Catfish can maintain elevated gill GSH concentrations in the presence of chlorothalonil by increasing gill cysteine concentrations.  相似文献   
Abstract. In this work we have developed a very simple stochastic mathematical model of Ulva spp. growth to quantitatively evaluate the economic costs of algal harvesting and the related benefits in terms of avoided'economic loss'of clam production due to an effective prevention of algal blooms and the consequent anoxic crises. Algal growth was simulated by means of a discrete time difference equation of Ulva biomass where the finite growth rate depends only upon water temperature. In order to explicitly include environmental variability, a seasonal autoregressive model calibrated on available data was used to simulate water temperature. Different harvesting scenarios were analysed in terms of the number of harvesting vessels employed and the threshold biomass of Ulva at which vessels start to operate. Costs of algal harvesting and disposal, as well as monetary damages resulting from the collapse of clam production as a consequence of algal blooms, were assessed by interviewing the managers of the Clam Fishermen's Union of Goro. A Monte Carlo approach was used to estimate the mean and total statistical distribution of costs and benefits of different harvesting strategies. Our analysis shows that the most cost-effective management policy is attained with 4–6 vessels operating at low algal density able to harvest as much Ulva as possible with intensive and short interventions at the beginning of the seasonal growth.  相似文献   
Twelve Cr(III) molecules and six Cr(VI) molecules of geochemical interest in the system Cr-H-O-Cl were investigated by ab initio Density Functional Theory in the aim of determining stationary state geometries, electronic energies and vibrational properties. The vibrational analysis conducted on the 50Cr, 52Cr, 53Cr and 54Cr isotopomers indicates important separative effects which result in mass spectrometric measurable fractionation factors in a wide thermal range. The effect of the central cation on the computed vibrational modes is interpreted in terms of Redlich’s product rule with the introduction of an isotopic ergodicity factor related to the effect of bulk molecular masses and momenta of inertia about the principal rotational axes. After the initial gas phase optimization, some relevant molecules were subjected to the effects of reaction field through Onsager’s Model, Tomasi’s continuum Model and Conductor-like Screening Model procedures. Structures and vibrational properties prove in all cases not to be severely affected by solvation, although the effect of the reaction field is to reduce somewhat the isotopic fractionation in Cr(III)-Cr(VI) aqueous redox equilibria, with respect to the gaseous state. Some of the computed separative effects are applicable to geochemical investigations.  相似文献   
An isolated block of Precambrian basement rocks and Mesozoic sediments is exposed at Kella along the western margin of the Central Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), surrounded by Tertiary to Quaternary volcanic rocks. Apatite fission‐track thermochronology on two basement samples yielded ages of 7.2 ± 1.0 Ma and 6.7 ± 3.0 Ma and a long mean track length (>14.5 μm). Rapid Late Miocene cooling is attributed to denudation related to rifting. Despite the paucity of data, due to the absence of suitable lithologies in the area, our data confirm that the Central MER is younger than 8 Ma as recently proposed on the basis of field evidence and radiometric dating of volcanics. This implies that the Central MER formed after the Northern MER, indicating a diachronous development of this third arm of the Red Sea–Gulf of Aden–Ethiopian Rift system. Terra Nova, 00, 000–000, 2010  相似文献   
A late glacial to early Holocene lacustrine and peat succession, rich in conifer remains and including some palaeolithic flint artefacts, has been investigated in the Palughetto intermorainic basin (Venetian Pre‐Alps). The geomorphological and stratigraphical relationships, 14C dates and pollen analyses allow a reconstruction of the environmental history of the basin and provide significant insights into the reforestation and peopling of the Pre‐Alps. The onset of peat accumulation is dated to 14.4–14.1 kyr cal. BP, coinciding with reforestation at middle altitudes that immediately post‐dates the immigration of Larix decidua and Picea abies subsp. europaea. Plant macrofossils point to the expansion of spruce about 14.3 kyr cal. BP, so far one of the earliest directly dated in the late glacial period of southern Europe. The previous hypothesis of an early Holocene spruce immigration in the Southern Alps from Slovenia needs reconsideration. Organic sedimentation stopped at the end of the Younger Dryas and was followed by the evolution of hydromorphic soils containing lithic artefacts, anthropic structures and wood charcoal. The typological features of the flint implements refer human occupation of the site to the end of the recent Epigravettian. Charcoals yielded dates either consistent with, or younger than, the archaeological chronology, in the early and middle Holocene. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The recently created exclusive economic zones constitute windfall gains for some coastal states. However, windfall gains, such as the New World's gold for Spain and oil for OPEC, are notoriously difficult to transform into permanent wealth and income streams. These difficulties are discussed in this paper. In addition, a case study of the asset values of fisheries in areas of the NW and W Central Pacific Ocean is presented in detail. For nine countries, the changes in catch, both quantity and value, which resulted from establishment of the EEZ are used as estimators of the windfall gains.  相似文献   
A Conjugated Toop-Samis-Flood-Grjotheim (CTSFG) model is developed by combining the framework of the Toop-Samis polymeric approach with the Flood-Grjotheim theoretical treatment of silicate melts and slags. Electrically equivalent ion fractions are computed over the appropriate matrixes (anionic and cationic) in a Temkin notation for fused salts, and are used to weigh the contribution of the various disproportionation reactions of type:
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