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This work focuses on developing multidisciplinary researches concerning weathering profiles related to landscape evolution of the Capo Vaticano promontory on the Calabria Tyrrhenian side (southern Italy). In this area, the tectonic uplift, occurred at least since Pleistocene, together with the Mediterranean climatic conditions, is the main cause of deep weathering and denudation processes. The latter occurred on the outcropping rocks of the crystalline-metamorphic basement, made up of weathered granitoids, in turn belonging to the Monte Poro granitoid complex (intermediate to felsic plutonic rocks covered by Cenozoic sedimentary successions). Field observations coupled to borehole explorations, geophysical surveys, and minero-petrographical analyses allowed the characterization of the granitoid outcrops typical of the studied area in terms of kind and degree of slope instability. This characterization was based on suitable correlations verified between several factors as weathering degree, elastic properties of rocks, and discontinuity features. Weathering profiles are mainly composed by rock masses varying from completely weathered rock with corestones of highly weathered rock (classes IV–V) to slightly weathered rocks (class II). The weathered rocks are involved in several landslide typologies such as debris flow (frequency 48.5%), translational slide (frequency 33.3%), and minor rock fall and rotational slide (frequency 9%). The achieved data allowed the establishment of a general correlation between weathering degree and type of slope instability. Debris flow-type instabilities are predominant on the steeper slopes, involving very poor rock masses ascribed to the shallowest portions of the weathering class IV. Translational slides are less widespread than the previous ones and often involve a mixture of soil and highly weathered rocks. Rotational slides are more frequently close to the top of the slopes, where the thicknesses of more weathered rocks increase, and involve mainly rock masses belonging to the weathering classes IV and V. Rock falls mostly occur on the vertical escarpments of the road cuts and are controlled by the characteristics of the main discontinuities. The assessment of rock mass rating and slope mass rating, based on the application of the discontinuity data, allowed respectively an evaluation of the quality of rock masses and of the susceptibility of rock slopes to failure. The comparison between the last one and the real stability conditions along the cut slopes shows a good correspondence. Finally, the geological strength index system was also applied for the estimation of rock mass properties. The achieved results give a worthy support for a better understanding of the relationship between the distribution of landslides and the geological features related to different weathering degrees. Therefore, they can provide a reliable tool to evaluate the potential stability conditions of the rock slopes in the studied area and a general reference framework for the study of weathering processes in other regions with similar geological features.  相似文献   
The mechanism of the disruption, both lithospheric thinning and oceanization of the commonly accepted long‐term‐stable Archaean craton, is still an open question. The available models, all imply a bottom to top process. With the construction of a 1660‐km‐long transect across the eastern North China Craton (NCC), we demonstrate that both the P‐wave velocity and density in the lowermost crust beneath the central section are significantly higher than in the corresponding parts of the south and north sections on the transect. These features are interpreted as geophysical signature of lower crustal underplating, which supplies sufficiently high gravitational potential energy to trigger lateral flow of the lower crust. This magma underplating‐triggered bilateral lower crust flow may facilitate the lithospheric thinning by means of asthenosphere upwelling and decompression melting, which infill the gap produced by the lower crust flow. The underplating‐triggered lower crustal flow can provide an alternative mechanism to explain the NCC lithosphere disruption, which highlights the crustal feedback to Archaean lithosphere disruption, from top to bottom.  相似文献   

La découverte, dans le Nord des Marches (Italie), de nouveaux gisements de Poissons Cyprinodontidae appartenant à l’espèce Aphanius crassicaudus (AGASSIZ), conduit à réexaminer, à la lumière des données lithostratigraphiques, la signification géodynamique des ichthyofaunes messiniennes de ce secteur de l’Apennin. Après avoir précisé la position stratigraphique et la répartition paléogéographique des gisements étudiés, les auteurs montrent que le développement des faunes à Aphanius crassicaudus (AGASSIZ) dans les eaux saumâtres du domaine continental n’implique pas la disparition corrélative du milieu marin. En effet, certains genres marins sont parfois présents à côté de cette espèce, comme c’est le cas dans le gisement de Pésaro. Les auteurs contestent en outre l’interprétation selon laquelle le fait qu’aucune ichthyofaune marine ne soit connue dans le Messinien supérieur d’Italie puisse suffire à conclure que la Méditerranée était asséchée pendant le dépôt de la « Formation à colombacci »  相似文献   
A detailed analysis of the earthquake effects on the urban area of Rome has been conducted for the L??Aquila sequence, which occurred in April 2009, by using an online macroseismic questionnaire. Intensity residuals calculated using the mainshock and four aftershocks are analyzed in light of a very accurate and original geological reconstruction of the subsoil of Rome based on a large amount of wells. The aim of this work is to highlight ground motion amplification areas and to find a correlation with the geological settings at a subregional scale, putting in evidence the extreme complexity of the phenomenon and the difficulty of making a simplified model. Correlations between amplification areas and both near-surface and deep geology were found. Moreover, the detailed scale of investigation has permitted us to find a correlation between seismic amplification in recent alluvial settings and subsiding zones, and between heard seismic sound and Tiber alluvial sediments.  相似文献   
An X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) study of the Fe local environment in natural amethyst (a variety of α-quartz, SiO2) has been carried out. Room temperature measurements were performed at the Fe K-edge (7,112 eV), at both the X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) regions. Experimental results were then compared with DFT calculations. XANES experimental spectra suggest Fe to occur mainly in the trivalent state, although a fraction of Fe2+ is identified. EXAFS spectra, on the other hand, reveal an unusual short distance for the first coordination shell:  = 1.78(2) Å, the coordination number being 2.7(5). These results allow to establish that Fe replaces Si in its tetrahedral site, and that numerous local distortions are occurring as a consequence of the presence of Fe3+ variably compensated by protons and/or alkaline ions, or uncompensated. The formal valence of Fe, on the basis of both experimental and DFT structural features, can be either 4+ or 3+. Taking into account the XANES evidences, we suggest that Fe mainly occurs in the trivalent state, compensated by protons, and that a minor fraction of Fe4+ is stabilised by the favourable local structural arrangement.  相似文献   
Riassunto L'Autore, accennato alla carta del Palazzo del 1892 e dimostrata la necessità di una più precisa carta rispondente alle accresciute esigenze civili e militari, tratta del nuovo rilievo magnetico d'Italia basato su ben 1529 stazioni eseguite dall'Istituto Geografico Militare dal 1932 al 1937 e quindi della nuova carta magnetica con le isogone al 1° gennaio 1940 testé pubblicata dallo stesso Istituto.
Zusammenfassung Der Verf., nach Erwähnung der erdmagnetischen Karte von Palazzo des Jahres 1892 hervorhebt die Notwendigkeit einer genaueren den vermehrten zivilen und militärischen Ansprüchen entsprechender Aufnahme; eine solche neue erdmagnetische Aufnahme Italiens ist vom Istituto Geografico Militare in den Jahren 1932–1937 durchgeführt worden und zwar mit zusammen 1529 Stationen. Diese Arbeit wird beschrieben und erörtet besonders in Zusammenhang mit der hier vorgestellten neuen Isogonen-Kart, bezogen auf dem 1. Januar 1940.

Résumé L'Auteur, après avoir mentionné la carte magnétique du Prof. Palazzo (1892) et démontré la nécessité d'une carte plus précise et plus correspondante à l'accroissement des exigences civiles et militaires, s'entretient sur le nouveau levé magnétique d'Italie, qui se base sur les observations de 1529 stations, esecutées par l'Istituto Geografico Militare entre 1932 et 1937; ensuite il illustre la nouvelle carte magnétique des isogones, au l.er Janiver 1940, qui vient d'être publiée par le même Institut et qui est jointe au présent mémoire.

Quest'articolo è in parte un riassunto di quanto io stesso ebbi a scrivere in alcune memorie precedenti edite dall'Istituto Geografico Militare e dalla Società Italiana per il Progresso delle Scienze.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the effects of thermal stresses on selected carbonate rocks used as dimension stones. They are Mesozoic calcareous and dolomitic rocks cropping out in Apulia (southern Italy) that, for their physico-mechanical and aesthetic properties, have always been finding a large application both as ornamental stones and as simple construction materials; their use is attested not only in Italy, in works of archaeological, historical and artistic interest too. The cause–effect relationships of thermal degradation were studied by means of an artificial accelerated ageing test, in order to provide a perspective about the decay of carbonate stones due to diurnal and seasonal temperature fluctuations, as well as thermal shocks during events of fire development. The stone samples were subjected to thermal cycles in a muffle furnace, ranging from 100 to 700 °C; after each cycle, several non-destructive and semi-destructive tests were carried out: mass and volume measurements, mercury intrusion porosimetry, sclerometer tests, ultrasonic tests, thin-section observations and determination of chromatic alterations through image analysis and Munsell charts method. In this way, the qualitative and quantitative modifications induced in fabric, physical and mechanical properties were discussed. The results highlight the fundamental role of depositional and diagenetic fabric that, together with mineralogical composition, represents the most significant discriminating factor in the response of the stone to thermal stresses.  相似文献   
An analysis of the historical and cultural context of a large number of literary works illuminates the concept of landscape, a recurrent theme in contemporary humanistic geography. In this context, the works of Ippolito Nievo present an opportunity to look closer at the socio-economic circumstances of his time while also offering suggestive interpretative elements about the attitudes held concerning the wetlands of the lower Friulan plain.  相似文献   
The main objective of the LAgrangian Transport EXperiment (LATEX) project was to study the influence of coastal mesoscale and submesoscale physical processes on circulation dynamics, cross-shelf exchanges, and biogeochemistry in the western continental shelf of the Gulf of Lion, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. LATEX was a five-year multidisciplinary project based on the combined analysis of numerical model simulations and multi-platform field experiments. The model component included a ten-year realistic 3D numerical simulation, with a 1 km horizontal resolution over the gulf, nested in a coarser 3 km resolution model. The in situ component involved four cruises, including a large-scale multidisciplinary campaign with two research vessels in 2010. This review concentrates on the physics results of LATEX, addressing three main subjects: (1) the investigation of the mesoscale to submesoscale processes. The eddies are elliptic, baroclinic, and anticyclonic; the strong thermal and saline front is density compensated. Their generation processes are studied; (2) the development of sampling strategies for their direct observations. LATEX has implemented an adaptive strategy Lagrangian tool, with a reference software available on the web, to perform offshore campaigns in a Lagrangian framework; (3) the quantification of horizontal mixing and cross-shelf exchanges. Lateral diffusivity coefficients, calculated in various ways including a novel technique, are in the range classically encountered for their associated scales. Cross-shelf fluxes have been calculated, after retrieving the near-inertial oscillation contribution. Further perspectives are discussed, especially for the ongoing challenge of studying submesoscale features remotely and from in situ data.  相似文献   
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