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The quaternary volcanic complex of Mount Amiata is located in southern Tuscany (Italy) and represents the most recent manifestation of the Tuscan Magmatic Province. The region is characterised by a large thermal anomaly and by the presence of numerous CO2-rich gas emissions and geothermal features, mainly located at the periphery of the volcanic complex. Two geothermal systems are located, at increasing depths, in the carbonate and metamorphic formations beneath the volcanic complex. The shallow volcanic aquifer is separated from the deep geothermal systems by a low permeability unit (Ligurian Unit). A measured CO2 discharge through soils of 1.8 × 109 mol a−1 shows that large amounts of CO2 move from the deep reservoir to the surface. A large range in δ13CTDIC (−21.07 to +3.65) characterises the waters circulating in the aquifers of the region and the mass and isotopic balance of TDIC allows distinguishing a discharge of 0.3 × 109 mol a−1 of deeply sourced CO2 in spring waters. The total natural CO2 discharge (2.1 × 109 mol a−1) is slightly less than minimum CO2 output estimated by an indirect method (2.8 × 109 mol a−1), but present-day release of 5.8 × 109 mol a−1 CO2 from deep geothermal wells may have reduced natural CO2 discharge. The heat transported by groundwater, computed considering the increase in temperature from the infiltration area to the discharge from springs, is of the same order of magnitude, or higher, than the regional conductive heat flow (>200 mW m−2) and reaches extremely high values (up to 2700 mW m−2) in the north-eastern part of the study area. Heat transfer occurs mainly by conductive heating in the volcanic aquifer and by uprising gas and vapor along fault zones and in those areas where low permeability cover is lacking. The comparison of CO2 flux, heat flow and geological setting shows that near surface geology and hydrogeological setting play a central role in determining CO2 degassing and heat transfer patterns.  相似文献   
Abstract. The taxonomical and trophic structures of the vagile fauna communities of the leaf stratum in a Posidonia oceanica meadow at Ischia (Gulf of Naples, Italy) were investigated at five stations along a depth gradient (1 to 25 m). Sampling was performed in July, November, February, and May. The analyzed groups - polychaetes, molluscs, tanaids, isopods, amphipods, and decapods - exhibited similar distributional trends in all seasons, with coenotic discontinuities occurring at well-defined depths. The same zonation pattern was produced by feeding-guild analysis. Eleven trophic groups were identified. The most abundant groups were: Herbivores, which were found mainly at the shallow stations; Herbivores-deposit feeders, which were widely distributed along the transect; Deposit feeders-carnivores, found mainly at the deep stations.
This study suggests that in the Posidonia leaf stratum, herbivores and herbivores-deposit feeders, as consumers of epiphytic micro- and macroflora and deposited particulate organic matter, play an important role in the energy transfer from producers to higher trophic levels of the system.  相似文献   
A short history of the series with daily observations of barometric pressure in Padova (since 1725) is made, with special reference to the types of barometers used, their locations, the types of corrections (which were only partial in the early period), the calibrations and the comparison with primary instruments. The paper also describes the homogenisation of the series and the procedures used to fill the small gaps. The Padova series was compared with previously well investigated series from the ADVICE and IMPROVE projects and especially with the nearby Milan series in order to check its reliability. Trend analysis shows an increase in pressure (some 1 hPa) during the last a hundred year. This trend is a common feature for Northern Italy. An effect of the increased air pressure is a local lowering of the Northern Mediterranean Sea level by 1 cm. The part of the year mostly affected by this increase is from late spring to August and corresponds to an extension of the hot season, characterised by an earlier start, and longer duration of the Azores Anticyclone. This reduces the penetration of the Atlantic disturbances in the Northern Mediterranean and the precipitation associated with the passage of fronts. This change is associated with an increase in thermoconvective activity with thunderstorms and heavy precipitation. This explains why, in the last decades, the annual total amount of precipitation is slightly decreased and at the same time the frequency of intense rainfall is increased. Moreover, a comparison of the day-to-day pressure variability with the Western Mediterranean Oscillation (WeMO) indicates a significant positive correlation during the late autumn-early winter period. An increase of the WeMO index means a strengthening of the baric dipole from Azores to Northern Italy, that could be explained by a deepening of the cyclonic circulation over northern Italy from November to January.  相似文献   
The impact of volcanic eruptions on forest ecosystems can be investigated using dendrochronological records. While long-range effects are usually mediated by decreased air temperatures, resulting in frost rings or reduced maximum latewood density, local effects include abrupt suppression of radial growth, occasionally followed by greater than normal growth rates. Annual rings in Mexican mountain pine (Pinus hartwegii Lindl.) on Nevado de Colima, at the western end of the Mexican Neovolcanic Belt, indicate extremely low growth in 1913 and 1914, following the January 1913 Plinian eruption of Volcán de Fuego, 7.7 km to the south. That event, which is listed among the largest explosive eruptions since A.D. 1500, produced ashflow deposits up to 40 m thick and blanketed our study area on Nevado de Colima with a tephra fallout 15–30 cm deep. Radial growth reduction in 1913–14 was ≥30% in 73% of the sampled trees. We geostatistically investigated the ecological impact of the eruption by mapping the decrease in xylem increment and found no evidence of a spatial structure in growth reduction. Little information has been available to date on forest species as biological archives of past environments in the North American tropics, yet this historical case study suggests that treeline tropical sites hold valuable records of prehistoric phenomena, including volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   
Weather represents the daily state of the atmosphere. It is usually considered as a chaotic nonlinear dynamical system. The objectives of the present study were (1) to investigate multifractal meteorological trends and rhythms at the Amazonian area of Ecuador and (2) to estimate some nonlinear invariants for describing the meteorological dynamics. Six meteorological variables were considered in the study. Datasets were collected on a daily basis from January 1st 2001 to January 1st 2005 (1,460 observations). Based on a new multifractal method, we found interesting fractal rhythms and trends of antipersistence patterns (Fractal Dimension >1.5). Nonlinear time series analyses rendered Lyapunov exponent spectra containing more than one positive Lyapunov exponent in some cases. This sort of hyperchaotic structures could explain, to some extent, larger fractal dimension values as the Kaplan–Yorke dimension was also in most cases larger than two. The maximum prediction time ranged from ξ?=?1.69 days (approximately 41 h) for E/P ratio to ξ?=?14.71 days for evaporation. Nonlinear dynamics analyses could be combined with multifractal studies for describing the time evolution of meteorological variables.  相似文献   
本文的资料是国际矿物学协会新矿物及矿物命名委员会提供的,以资矿物学家在新矿物研究工作中参考和对比。CNMMN鼓励其成员将本文提交其所在国家的有关刊物发表。中译文由中国新矿物及矿物命名委员会供稿。文中所列的已经批准的新矿物的名称及其详细资料,将由每个新...  相似文献   
Through early lithification, cyanobacterial mats produced vast amounts of CaCO3 on Precambrian carbonate platforms (before 540 Myr ago). The superposition of lithified cyanobacterial mats forms internally laminated, macroscopic structures known as stromatolites. Similar structures can be important constituents of Phanerozoic carbonate platforms (540 Myr to present). Early lithification in modern marine cyanobacterial mats is thought to be driven by a metabolically-induced increase of the CaCO3 saturation state (ΩCaCO3) in the mat. However, it is uncertain which microbial processes produce the ΩCaCO3 increase and to which extent similar ΩCaCO3 shifts were possible in Precambrian oceans whose chemistry differed from that of the modern ocean. I developed a numerical model that calculates ΩCaCO3 in cyanobacterial mats and used it to tackle these questions. The model is first applied to simulate ΩCaCO3 in modern calcifying cyanobacterial mats forming at Highborne Cay (Bahamas); it shows that while cyanobacterial photosynthesis increases ΩCaCO3 considerably, sulphate reduction has a small and opposite effect on mat ΩCaCO3 because it is coupled to H2S oxidation with O2 which produces acidity. Numerical experiments show that the magnitude of the ΩCaCO3 increase is proportional to DIC in DIC-limited waters (DIC < 3-10 mM), is proportional to pH when ambient water DIC is not limiting and always proportional to the concentration of Ca2+ in ambient waters. With oceanic Ca2+ concentrations greater than a few millimolar, an appreciable increase in ΩCaCO3 occurs in mats under a wide range of environmental conditions, including those supposed to exist in the oceans of the past 2.8 Gyr. The likely lithological expression is the formation of the microsparitic stromatolite microtexture—indicative of CaCO3 precipitation within the mats under the control of microbial activity—which is found in carbonate rocks spanning from the Precambrian to recent. The model highlights the potential for an increase in the magnitude of the ΩCaCO3 shift in cyanobacterial mats throughout Earth’s history produced by a decrease in salinity and temperature of the ocean, a decrease in atmospheric pCO2 and an increase in solar irradiance. Such a trend would explain how the formation of the microsparitic stromatolite microtexture was possible as the ΩCaCO3 of the ocean decreased from the Paleoproterozoic to the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   
Pollen‐based quantitative estimates of seasonal precipitation from Lake Pergusa and lake‐level data from Lake Preola in Sicily (southern Italy) allow three successive periods to be distinguished within the Holocene: an early Holocene period before ca. 9800 cal a BP with rather dry climate conditions in winter and summer, a mid‐Holocene period between ca. 9800 and 4500 cal a BP with maximum winter and summer wetness, and a late Holocene period after 4500 cal a BP with declining winter and summer wetness. This evolution observed in the south‐central Mediterranean shows strong similarities to that recognized in the eastern Mediterranean. But, it contrasts with that reconstructed in north‐central Italy, where the mid‐Holocene appears to be characterized by a winter (summer) precipitation maximum (minimum), while the late Holocene coincided with a decrease (increase) in winter (summer) precipitation. Maximum precipitation at ca. 10 000–4500 cal a BP may have resulted from (i) increased local convection in response to a Holocene insolation maximum at 10 000 cal a BP and then (ii) the gradual weakening of the Hadley cell activity, which allowed the winter rainy westerlies to reach the Mediterranean area more frequently. After 4500 cal a BP, changes in precipitation seasonality may reflect non‐linear responses to orbitally driven insolation decrease in addition to seasonal and inter‐hemispheric changes of insolation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We propose a new formal definition of discovery for a Solar System object. It is based on an objective and mathematically rigorous algorithm to assess when a set of observations is enough to constitute a discovery. When this definition is satisfied, in almost all cases the orbit is defined well enough to establish the nature of the object discovered (Main Belt vs. Near Earth Asteroid, Trans-Neptunian vs. long period comet). The frequency of occurrence of exceptions is estimated by a set of numerical experiments. The availability of a non-subjective definition of discovery allows some rules to be adopted for the assignment of discovery credit with a minimum risk of dispute. Such rules should be fair, encourage good practice by the observers and acknowledge the contribution of the orbit computers providing the identifications and the orbits, as well as the one of all the contributing observers.  相似文献   
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