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The replacement of the late Precambrian Ediacaran biota by morphologically disparate animals at the beginning of the Phanerozoic was a key event in the history of life on Earth, the mechanisms and the time‐scales of which are not entirely understood. A composite section in Namibia providing biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic data bracketed by radiometric dating constrains the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary to 538.6–538.8 Ma, more than 2 Ma younger than previously assumed. The U–Pb‐CA‐ID TIMS zircon ages demonstrate an ultrashort time frame for the LAD of the Ediacaran biota to the FAD of a complex, burrowing Phanerozoic biota represented by trace fossils to a 410 ka time window of 538.99 ± 0.21 Ma to 538.58 ± 0.19 Ma. The extremely short duration of the faunal transition from Ediacaran to Cambrian biota within less than 410 ka supports models of ecological cascades that followed the evolutionary breakthrough of increased mobility at the beginning of the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   
The Corallian limestone of northern England (UK) is widely exploited for water supplies and exhibits the karstic phenomena of sinking rivers, conduit development and groundwater velocities of several kilometres per day. To test a number of model-derived source protection zones and elucidate contaminant transport mechanisms in the aquifer, three tracer tests were conducted from a set of swallow-holes draining the River Derwent toward public water supply wells in the eastern part of the aquifer. Tracers used included: Enterobacter cloacae (bacteriophage), Photine C (optical brightener), sodium fluorescein (fluorescent dye) and sulphur hexafluoride (dissolved gas), the varying properties of which make them suitable analogues for different types of potential contaminant. Observed tracer transport times and arrival patterns indicate that tracer transport occurs through karstic channels embedded in a network of primary fissures which exert control over tracer concentrations once initial tracer plumes have passed. A dipole flow system is observed between the swallow-holes and the closest abstraction well, whilst previously modelled source protection zones do not accurately reflect either groundwater velocity or those areas of the aquifer supplying the wells. These findings imply that managing such aquifers for potential contamination should rely upon empirical tracer evidence for source-protection zone modelling.  相似文献   
Compound specific hydrogen isotope ratios (δD) of long chain sedimentary n-alkanes, which mostly originate from the leaf waxes of higher terrestrial plants, are increasingly employed as paleoclimate proxies. While soil water is the ultimate hydrogen source for these lipids and the isotopic fractionation during biosynthesis of lipids is thought to remain constant, environmental parameters and plant physiological processes can alter the apparent hydrogen isotopic fractionation between leaf-wax lipids and a plant’s source water. However, the magnitude and timing of these effects and their influence on the isotopic composition of lipids from higher terrestrial plants are still not well understood. Therefore we investigated the seasonal variability of leaf-wax n-alkane δD values for two different temperate deciduous forest ecosystems that are dominated by two different tree species, Beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Maple (Acerpseudoplatanus).We found significant seasonal variations for both tree species in n-alkane δD values of up to 40‰ on timescales as short as one week. Also, the isotopic difference between different n-alkanes from the same plant species did vary significantly and reached up to 50‰ at the same time when overall n-alkane concentrations were lowest.Since δD values of soil water at 5 and 10 cm depth, which we assume represent the δD value of the major water source for the investigated beech trees, were enriched in autumn compared to the spring by 30‰, whereas n-alkane δD values increased only by 10‰, we observed variations in the apparent fractionation between beech leaf derived n-alkanes and soil water of up to 20‰ on a seasonal scale. This observed change in the apparent fractionation was likely caused by differences in leaf water isotopic enrichment. Based on mechanistic leaf water models we conclude that changes in the isotopic difference between water vapor and soil water were the most likely reason for the observed changes in the apparent fractionation between n-alkanes and soil water.The large variability of n-alkane concentrations and δD values over time implies a continuous de novo synthesis of these compounds over the growing season with turnover times possibly as short as weeks. The signal to reach the soil therefore represents an integrated record of the last weeks before leaf senescence. This holds true also for the sedimentary record of small catchment lakes in humid, temperate climates, where wind transport of leaf-wax lipids is negligible compared to transfer through soil and the massive input of leaves directly into the lake in autumn.  相似文献   
Variations in surface morphology and lithology provide an opportunity to study lithologic and morphologic influences on the spatial pattern of stream-sediment geochemistry within two contrasting environments of the Eastern Alps (Hohe Tauern Range and Gurktaler Alpen Range). The fractal dimension, a measure of surface roughness over a variety of scales, is used to model the dissipation of erosive products due to climatic controlled denudation and fluvial mass transport. Based on a spatial correlation analysis, specific elemental concentrations are used as indicators for a dominant lithotype. Fractal geometry of these elements has been estimated by sequential Gaussian simulation of the area/perimeter relationship (Dal) and by the estimation of multifractal spectra. It is shown that within a 510–780 km2 survey area the spatial variations of Al, Ga, Ni and Ca can be approximated by single fractals but for those of Ag and Sn multifractal models must be used. Fractal properties derived from simulated surfaces are explainable by the process controlling the spatial structure of the data. Climatic and tectonic parameters apparently influences Dal at large scales. At smaller scales rock-type variation exert an additional influence on Dal.  相似文献   
Summary The strong cooling rates of the surface air, which are observed in Fairbanks in winter immediately following clearing of the sky, can, in the first hours, be explained solely by the negative radiation balance. Later on, gravity drainage of cold air from the surrounding hills into the lower valley contributes about 30% to the observed energy loss of the air above the valley. Energy balance calculations show that the negative radiation balance is compensated mainly by sensible (62%) and soil heat flux (32%) while condensation contributes only a small 6%.
Zusammenfassung Die starken Abkühlungsraten der bodennahen Luftschicht, die im Winter in Fairbanks beobachter werden, wenn die Bewölkung abnimmt, können in den ersten Studen allein durch die negative Strahlungsbilanz erklärt werden. Später hat der katabatische Wind, der kalte Luft von den Fairbanks umgebenden Hügeln in das niedriger liegende Tal bringt, einen Anteil an dem Energieverlust der Luft über dem Tal von etwa einem Drittel. Die Berechnung der Wärmebilanz zeigt, dass die negative Strahlungsbilanz hauptsächlich vom sensiblen Wärmestrom (62%) und dem Wärmestrom aus dem Boden (32%) kompensiert wird, während die Kondensation nur 6% beiträgt.
Microcosm tests were conducted to investigate the effects of the estrogenic substances nonylphenol (NP) and 17α‐ethinylestradiol (EE) on aquatic ecosystems. Maximum concentrations of 9 to 120 μg L—1 NP resp. 49 to 724 ng L—1 EE were induced by controlled release. The controlled release method allows the establishment of a continuous concentration course. The microcosms proved to run robustly with abiotic conditions close to natural. They developed biocenosis with similar characteristics as in natural ecosystems and, considering their given level of complexity, they can be used to describe possible risks for the environment. Both tested chemicals unveiled the potential to affect the plankton communities in the tested concentration range. NP exposure caused a reduction of Cladocera and Copepoda abundances and disturbed the phytoplankton structure. A NOECcommunity of 30 μg L—1 was calculated. In the first EE study, a flood in the lake where the microcosm water was collected caused additional stress and thereby a high variability, both between the microcosms and in each microcosm over time. Probably therefore the only effect found was a reduction of Copepoda abundance. In a second EE study Cladocera and Copepoda abundances were reduced, from which the phytoplankton benefited. Although a final interpretation is difficult for results of microcosm tests, there are indications that the found effects of EE and perhaps also NP may be caused at least partially by endocrine disruptive activity.  相似文献   
Intensive meteorological observations were carried out at three sites along the slope of Adélie Land, Antarctica, with the goal of documenting summertime meteorological features of the katabatic zone. Three observational sites were placed at 5 km (D10), 110 km (D47), and 210 km (D57) from the coast, and frequency distributions of meteorological parameters were obtained at each site. Some meteorological features at D47 and D57 (interior sites) were different than at D10 (the coastal site); namely, mean air temperatures averaged for the whole observational period showed more pronounced diurnal variations at the interior sites than at the coastal site. These variations could be represented by sinusoidal curves. Wind speeds also showed diurnal variations, whose extremes appeared several hours later than the temperature extremes. The prevailing wind direction for all sites was southerly, about 30° east of the fall line, with small variations in wind direction. The strength and the height of temperature inversions were examined in two different layers (0 to 50 m, 50 to 300 m) at D47. A strong, shallow inversion layer formed at night, however, completely vanished during the day. On the other hand, an upper level inversion whose strength was weak persisted. The katabatic characteristics of the surface wind found at D47 in summer could be due to this upper level temperature inversion.A contribution to I.A.G.O. (Interaction-Atmosphere-Glace-Ocean).  相似文献   
Geotechnical systems, consisting of soil and embedded solid structures, are practically stable if inevitable actions cause at most harmless redistributions. This kind of robustness can often be achieved with limit state design, i.e. by assuming representative snapshots of worst cases. Changes in configuration and state due to changing boundary conditions can be better judged with quasi-static numerical simulations using validated constitutive relations. The ever-present fractality of the ground may be neglected as long as the system is stable, whereas it gets dominant during a progressive loss of stability with jerky critical phenomena which elude mathematical treatment until present. In this sense geotechnical systems can be or get sensitive, i.e. further actions can trigger detrimental chain reactions with seismogeneous collapse of the soil fabric, pore pressure increase up to liquefaction, erosion, cracking of ground and structural parts and/or tilting. The geotechnical risk can be better mitigated by taking into account chain reactions with wild randomness. It can be further reduced by monitoring the seismic emission in addition to mass flows, structural deformations and pore pressures. The paper is to clarify notions and concepts.  相似文献   
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