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The Permian sandstone and breccia aquifer of Dumfries has an important role in supplying water to the principal town in southwest Scotland. The area comprises mainly pastoral farmland with some industry and fish farming. Ongoing development of the aquifer has revealed the existence of complex groundwater flow through fractures and increasing nitrate concentrations. To further investigate these issues, the age and quality of groundwater throughout the aquifer has now been assessed using standard hydrogeochemical techniques together with CFCs and SF6 as residence time indicators. The aquifer consists of sandstone- and breccia-dominated units: the Locharbriggs Sandstone in the east and the Doweel Breccia in the west. Groundwater throughout the aquifer is of Ca–Mg–HCO3 type and moderately mineralised; pH is near neutral. The observed groundwater chemistry is the product of maritime rainfall modified by the dissolution of carbonate material in the breccia, sandstone and surficial deposits. CFC and SF6 concentrations are interpreted on the basis of mixing between older (>50 years) and recent (1990s) components. Although there is generally a higher proportion of older water within the Locharbriggs Sandstone compared to the Doweel Breccia, stable isotope evidence suggests that the older water component in the interbedded sandstones of the breccia is of much greater antiquity, possibly containing an element of palaeowater. Concentrations of nitrate across the aquifer can be directly related to the amount of recent recharge. Modern groundwater contains approximately 9 mg l–1 NO3-N and pre-1950s groundwater has approximately 2 mg l–1 NO3-N. Nitrate concentrations measured at individual boreholes are explained by the relative proportions of modern and pre-1950s groundwater. If current practices continue, the concentrations of nitrate measured across the Dumfries Basin will rise as the proportion of pre-1950s groundwater diminishes.
Resumen El acuífero de areniscas y brechas Pérmicas de Dumfries desempeña un papel importante en el abastecimiento a la ciudad principal del Sudoeste de Escocia. El área comprende sobretodo tierras de pastoreo y granjas, junto con algunas industrias y piscifactorías. El desarrollo iniciado en el acuífero ha revelado la existencia de un complicado flujo subterráneo a través de las fracturas y de un aumento progresivo en la concentración de nitrato. Con el fin de profundizar en el conocimiento de estos temas, se ha determinado la edad y calidad de las aguas subterráneas en todo el acuífero por medio de técnicas hidrogeoquímicas estándar y de indicadores del tiempo de residencia como los clorofluorcarbonados (CFCs) y el fluoruro de azufre (SF6). El acuífero está formado por las areniscas de Locharbriggs, al Este, y las brechas de Doweel, hacia el Oeste. Las aguas subterráneas son de tipo bicarbonatadas cálcico-magnésicas y presentan una mineralización moderada, mientras que el pH es prácticamente neutro. La química de las aguas subterráneas es el resultado del aerosol marino modificado por la disolución de materiales carbonatados en las brechas, areniscas y depósitos superficiales. Las concentraciones de CFCs y SF6 se interpretan a partir de una mezcla de aguas entre una componente antigua (más de 50 años) y una reciente (de la década de 1990). Aunque en general se da una mayor proporción de aguas antiguas en las areniscas de Locharbriggs que en las Brechas de Doweel, los isótopos estables sugieren que la componente de aguas antiguas en las intercalaciones de areniscas que aparecen en la formación de brechas es mucho más antigua, y que, posiblemente, se trate de paleoaguas. Las concentraciones de nitrato en el acuífero pueden ser relacionadas directamente con la aportación de recarga reciente. Las aguas subterráneas modernas contienen aproximadamente 9 mg l–1 de nitrato, mientras que las aguas subterráneas anteriores a 1950 tienen unos 2 mg l–1. Se puede explicar las concentraciones de nitrato en pozos individuales por las proporciones relativas de aguas subterráneas modernas y anteriores a 1950. Si las prácticas actuales continúan, se producirá un aumento de las concentraciones de nitrato en la cuenca de Dumfries debido a la disminución de la proporción de aguas antiguas.

Résumé L'aquifère des grès et brèches du Permien de Dumfries joue un rôle important dans l'alimentation en eau de la principale ville du sud-ouest de l'Écosse. La région est principalement soumise à de l'élevage pastoral avec quelques industries et des piscicultures. La progression de l'exploitation de cet aquifère a révélé l'existence d'un écoulement souterrain complexe en fractures et des concentrations en nitrate croissantes. Dans le but d'étudier ces deux points plus en détail, l'âge et la qualité de l'eau souterraine dans tout l'aquifère ont été évalués en utilisant des techniques hydrogéochimiques conventionnelles avec les CFC et SF6 comme marqueurs du temps de séjour. L'aquifère est constitué par des unités dominées par des brèches et des grès: les grès de Locharbriggs à l'est et les brèches de Doweel à l'ouest. L'eau souterraine dans tout l'aquifère a un faciès bicarbonaté calcique et magnésien et est moyennement minéralisée; le pH est proche de la neutralité. Le chimisme observé de l'eau souterraine résulte des apports marins par la pluie modifiés par la dissolution du matériau carbonaté des brèches, des grès et des formations superficielles. Les concentrations en CFC et SF6 sont interprétées sur la base d'un mélange entre des composantes ancienne (>50 ans) et récente (années 1990). Bien qu'il y ait en général une plus forte proportion d'eau ancienne dans les grès de Locharbriggs que dans la brèche de Doweel, les isotopes stables suggèrent que la composante d'eau ancienne dans les grès interstratifiés des brèches est beaucoup plus ancienne, contenant probablement un élément d'eau fossile. Les concentrations en nitrate dans l'aquifère peuvent être directement reliées au taux de recharge récente. L'eau souterraine moderne contient approximativement 9 mg l–1 en NO3-N et l'eau souterraine d'avant 1950 environ 2 mg l–1 en NO3-N. Les concentrations en nitrate mesurées dans des forages individuels sont expliquées par des proportions relatives d'eaux souterraines moderne et antérieure à 1950. Si les pratiques actuelles continuent, les concentrations en nitrate mesurées dans le bassin de Dumfries augmenteront alors que la part de l'eau souterraine d'avant 1950 diminuera.

采用立式亚沸石英蒸馏器,在非流动条件下进行了海水蒸发实验,以研究海水一空气界面硼同位素的行为。将具有不同pH值的天然海水在不同温度下平静地蒸发,采用冷水收集海水蒸汽,实现了无流动空气的真实的蒸发过程,共进行了3种类型的实验。 实验1 将不同pH值((7.71-8.49)的海水在27℃,33℃和40℃下蒸发,蒸发时连续地补充高纯水以维持蒸发液体的体积恒定。收集海水蒸汽,进行蒸汽的硼同位素组成、硼和氯浓度的测定。 实验2将天然海水在33℃下蒸发,蒸发时不补加高纯水.搏派承药蒸干。分捌收集海水蒸汽和蒸干后的固体盐,进行蒸汽和固体盐的硼同位素组成测定。并同时测定不同蒸发阶段海水的pH值。 实验3 将加人不同硼量的天然海水在40℃下蒸发.蒸发时连续地补充高纯水以维持蒸发液体的体积恒定,收集海水蒸汽,进行硼同位素和硼浓度的测定。 硼浓度的结果表明:①在实验1中,蒸汽的硼浓度变化范围是1.51-10.7 μg/L,平均值为5.16 μg/L,随海水pH值升高而降低,但与蒸发温度无关;②在实验2和3中蒸汽硼的浓度要远远高于实验1,而且蒸汽硼浓度与海水硼浓度具有线性的正相关关系;③蒸汽相的Cl/B比(摩尔比值:平均23.4)远远低于海水的Cl/B比(摩尔比值:1485),这表明蒸发时没有将海水喷雾的细珠引人蒸汽中。 硼同位素结果表明: (1)在实验1中,蒸汽的δ11B值除一个以外均低于海水B(OH)3的δ11B值,而高于海水B(OH)4-的δ11B值,而且都比海水的δ11B值高,蒸汽与海水间的平均硼同位素分馏系数为1.0019,这表明在海水蒸发时,11B富集在蒸汽相中。此结果与以前所进行的硼溶液蒸发实验结果一致,但与以前所进行的海水蒸发实验结果完全相反。以前的海水蒸发实验结果表明,10B在蒸汽相富集。这种截然相反的结果要归结于蒸发条件的差异,以前蒸发的海水蒸汽是由流动空气带出,此时非平衡的动力因素将起到重要作用,造成质量轻的10B优先进人蒸汽相。而本次实验在非空气流动条件下进行,B(OH)3和B(OH)-4间的同位素平衡将起主导作用。显然,燕汽的δ11B值与海水的pH值没有明显的关系。 (2)在实验2中,蒸汽与海水间的硼同位素分馏系数要远远高于实验1,特别当海水蒸干前的500 mL蒸汽,分馏系数高达1.0182。而蒸干后的固体盐的δ11B值明显低于原始海水,分馏系数为0.9973。这充分表明,在海水蒸发时,11B优先被蒸发而进人燕汽相。海水蒸发时蒸汽相的δ11B值随蒸发程度呈平方指数形式增加,这与蒸发时残留海水的δ11B值急剧升高有关。 (3)实验3中,蒸汽的δ11B值随海水硼浓度的增加而升高,当硼浓度为19.7 μg/mL和63.5 μg/mL时,硼同位素分馏系数分别为1.0072和1.0107。 海水蒸发时的硼同位素分馏可用于对大气降雨硼来源的研究。在不同时期采集的西宁雨水的δ11B值为12.1‰和9.0‰,受风向的影响甚微,表明西宁地区的大气环境受海洋影响较小,大气中的硼主要来源于陆地。但南海西江石油平台大气降雨的δ11B值明显受风向所控制,高δ11B值(33.2‰)表明其海洋来源,而低δ11B值(8.4‰)表明其陆地来源。以往文献所报道的陆地及其沿海大气降雨的δ11B值变化范围很宽(0.8‰~35‰),但是它们都低于海水的δ11B值,这表明陆地及其沿海大气中的硼主要来源于陆地。 海水中的硼将因洋壳低温蚀变、沉积物吸附以及生物碳酸盐共沉淀从海洋中迁出,这些过程均造成海水10B的贫化。惟独海水蒸发时会造成海水10B的富集,但由于此时硼同位素分馏小,而且与其他因素相比,被海水蒸汽迁出的硼量低,根据计算,海水燕发对古海洋硼同位素组成的影响完全可以忽略不计。  相似文献   
Much of the development literature and the theory of urban transition have been based on an arbitrary division of production space into city and countryside. Despite growing recognition of the need for an integrated approach to urban-rural relations, controversial issues related to the definition and measurement of the phenomenon remain unresolved. This case study of spatial transformation in China’s Pearl River Delta analyzes with greater precision the geographic extent and functional attributes of a zone of urban-rural interaction located outside and between major metropolitan centers. This zone has been the spatial focus of industrial and commercial development, although most of its population remains officially classified as “agricultural.” The peri-urban zone was initially left behind by the central cities in terms of its contribution to the regional economy. After a decade of postreform development, this zone has moved ahead of the central cities and become the region’s main destination for in-migrants and foreign investment. The growth of the zone of urban-rural interaction outside the central cities has absorbed a significant amount of the increased urban population, but it has not brought about a reduction of regional economic inequality because of the persistence of a backward economy in the periphery. Theoretical questions are raised concerning the validity of several fundamental assumptions underlying the conventional model of urban transition.  相似文献   
Luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) provide insights into star formation (SF) and nuclear activity (AGN) under extreme conditions. We are carrying out a multi-wavelength (X-rays, ultraviolet through mid-infrared, and radio) program to obtain high angular resolution observations of a volume-limited sample of local LIRGs. The typical distances to these LIRGs (D=35–75 Mpc) allow us to identify star clusters and H II regions on scales of tens to hundreds of parsecs. We present here recent results on properties of the massive star-forming regions and star clusters in two LIRGs in our sample, Arp 299 and NGC7469.  相似文献   
Spectra of Venus, Mars, and Jupiter between 45 and 115 μm have been obtained at a resolving power of ~10, observing from the NASA Lear Jet at an altitude of 13.7 km. The results are calibrated with lunar observations, and show Mars and Venus to have relatively constant brightness temperatures over this wavelength region, with Venus appearing somewhat warmer at longer wavelengths. The brightness temperature of Jupiter decreases slightly toward longer wavelengths.  相似文献   
An investigation is presented of the collapse of a 630 m segment (Fukae section) of the elevated Hanshin Expressway during the 1995 Kobe earthquake. The earthquake has, from a geotechnical viewpoint, been associated with extensive liquefactions, lateral soil spreading, and damage to waterfront structures. Evidence is presented that soil–structure interaction (SSI) in non‐liquefied ground played a detrimental role in the seismic performance of this major structure. The bridge consisted of single circular concrete piers monolithically connected to a concrete deck, founded on groups of 17 piles in layers of loose to dense sands and moderate to stiff clays. There were 18 spans in total, all of which suffered a spectacular pier failure and transverse overturning. Several factors associated with poor structural design have already been identified. The scope of this work is to extend the previous studies by investigating the role of soil in the collapse. The following issues are examined: (1) seismological and geotechnical information pertaining to the site; (2) free‐field soil response; (3) response of foundation‐superstructure system; (4) evaluation of results against earlier studies that did not consider SSI. Results indicate that the role of soil in the collapse was multiple: First, it modified the bedrock motion so that the frequency content of the resulting surface motion became disadvantageous for the particular structure. Second, the compliance of soil and foundation altered the vibrational characteristics of the bridge and moved it to a region of stronger response. Third, the compliance of the foundation increased the participation of the fundamental mode of the structure, inducing stronger response. It is shown that the increase in inelastic seismic demand in the piers may have exceeded 100% in comparison with piers fixed at the base. These conclusions contradict a widespread view of an always‐beneficial role of seismic SSI. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In the 1990s, several major earthquakes occurred throughout the world, with a common observation that near fault ground motion (NFGM) characteristics had a distinct impact on causing damage to civil engineering structures that could not be predicted by using far field ground motions. Since then, seismic responses of structures under NFGMs have been extensively examined, with most of the studies focusing on structures with relatively short fundamental periods, where the traveling wave effect does not need to be considered. However, for long span bridges, especially arch bridges, the traveling wave (only time delay considered) effect may be very distinct and is therefore important. In this paper, the results from a case study on the seismic response of a steel arch bridge under selected NFGMs is presented by considering the traveling wave effect with variable apparent velocities. The effects of fling step and long period pulses of NFGMs on the seismic responses of the arch bridge are also discussed.  相似文献   
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