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The role of wood as a driver of landform development appears to have been overlooked in the interpretation of palaeo‐landscape change along river corridors. Deforested river corridors and wood‐free rivers characterize ‘modern’, managed landscapes, but along natural river corridors both driftwood dynamics and tree reproductive strategies can have a dramatic impact on the style and rate of channel and floodplain development. Therefore, we believe that interpretations of the post‐glacial history of river valleys across the northern temperate climatic zone could be usefully reassessed, incorporating the roles of riparian trees. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
It is difficult to estimate sediment transport in braided rivers because of the complex hydraulics of rapidly changing multi-channel systems. This paper describes an algorithm for generating sets of braided-river hydraulic parameters for use with sediment transport equations. The algorithm uses random number-based simulation techniques and empirically determined probability distributions of individual hydraulic variables from the White River (U.S.A.) and the Kawerong River. A test of the suitability of the algorithm for the estimation of sediment transport was carried out over a period of two years using the Meyer-Peter and Muller equation on eight reaches of the Kawerong River in which sediment transport is known. The test produced a mean absolute error of 16.3% suggesting that the algorithm may have some potential in braided-river modelling.  相似文献   
This paper examines present and future resource utilization in the tidal section of the Georges River in the southern part of Sydney. Over the last 30 years, the physical characteristics of the river have changed as a result of urbanization, changed hydrologic regime and sand dredging. Urbanization has resulted in an increase in population from 190,000 in 1947 to 550,000. This has resulted in an increase in runoff, sediment input to the river and waste disposal. The change in hydrologic regime has resulted in a substantial increase in the magnitude and frequency of flooding which has increased erosion. Sand dredging has increased the channel capacity, enlarged the tidal prism and increased water turbidity. It has also resulted in extensive bank erosion in the upper part of the river and extensive deposition lower down as tailings are deposited. Although most of these changes have resulted in the deterioration of environmental quality, use of the river for recreation and as an urban amenity has increased.  相似文献   
Reports of abruptly declining flows of Canada's Athabasca River have prompted concern because this large, free‐flowing river could be representative for northern North America, provides water for the massive Athabasca oil‐sands projects and flows to the extensive and biodiverse Peace–Athabasca, Slave and Mackenzie River deltas. To investigate historic hydrology along the river and its major tributaries, we expanded the time series with interpolations for short data gaps; calculations of annual discharges from early, summer‐only records; and by splicing records across sequential hydrometric gauges. These produced composite, century‐long records (1913–2011) and trend detection with linear Pearson correlation provided similar outcomes to nonparametric Kendall τ‐b tests. These revealed that the mountain and foothills reaches displayed slight increases in winter discharges versus larger declines in summer discharges and consequently declining annual flows (~0.16% per year at Hinton; p < 0.01). Conversely, with contrasting boreal contributions, the Athabasca River at Athabasca displayed no overall trend in monthly or annual flows, but there was correspondence with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation that contributed to a temporary flow decline from 1970 to 2000. These findings from century‐long records contrast with interpretations from numerous shorter‐term studies and emphasize the need for sufficient time series for hydrologic trend analyses. For Northern Hemisphere rivers, the study interval should be at least 80 years to span two Pacific Decadal Oscillation cycles and dampen the influence from phase transitions. Most prior trend analyses considered only a few decades, and this weakens interpretations of the hydrologic consequences of climate change. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The contribution of bioturbation to downslope soil transport is significant in many situations, particularly in the context of soil formation, erosion and creep. This study explored the direct flux of soil caused by Aphaenogaster ant mounding, vertebrate scraping and tree‐throw on a wildfire‐affected hillslope in south‐east Australia. This included the development of methods previously applied to Californian gopher bioturbation, and an evaluation of methods for estimating the volume of soil displaced by tree‐throw events. All three bioturbation types resulted in a net downslope flux, but any influence of hillslope angle on flux rates appeared to be overshadowed by environmental controls over the spatial extent of bioturbation. As a result, the highest flux rates occurred on the footslope and lower slope. The overall contribution of vertebrate scraping (57.0 ± 89.4 g m?1 yr?1) exceeded that of ant mounding (36.4 ± 66.0 g m?1 yr?1), although mean rates were subject to considerable uncertainty. Tree‐throw events, which individually cause major disturbance, were limited in their importance by their scarcity relative to faunalturbation. However, tree‐throw might be the dominant mechanism of biotic soil flux on the mid‐slope provided that it occurs at a frequency of at least 2–3 events ha?1 yr?1. Although direct biotic soil flux appears to be geomorphologically significant on this hillslope, such transport processes are probably subordinate to other impacts of bioturbation at this site such as the enhancement of infiltration following wildfire. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The movement of slugs of bedload from a discrete input point down a river has proved difficult to model using conventional finite-difference formulations of equations of motion. A model is proposed which makes explicit allowance for the mean sediment velocity and, through a dispersion coefficient, the distribution of sediment velocity about the mean. A second comparative model uses the normal mass conservation or sediment transport continuity approach. The models have been tested over a 43-month period using data from seven monitored cross-sections of the Kawerong River on Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea, a system which receives waste from a large copper mine. The dispersion model performs considerably better than the mass-conservation model.  相似文献   
This paper describes an adaptation of the ‘leap-frog’ method of barometric altimetry which enables altimetric surveys to be undertaken by a single operator using a single barometer with no requirement for base stations. The method involves two readings at each station, the first bracketed by readings at the previous station, and the second bracketed by readings at the subsequent station. Linear interpolation is used to estimate what the readings would have been at each station at the time that readings were taken at the adjacent stations. Under suitable meteorological conditions errors are generally less than ±1 m, which is sufficiently accurate for a wide variety of geomorphological applications. The method has significant advantages in terms of cost and/or time over more accurate methods such as electronic distance measurement surveys or survey quality global positioning systems. The paper is accompanied by a Microsoft Excel template spreadsheet, BAROSURV.XLT, which converts temperature and pressure readings to relative elevations, and graphs the results. Notes on the use of BAROSURV.XLT are included in the ASCII text file BAROSURV.NOT.  相似文献   
Although a number of methods for calculating dynamic pseudo-functions have been developed over the years, there is still a lack of understanding as to why a certain method will succeed in some cases but fail in others. In this paper, we describe the results of an assessment of several upscaling methods, namely the Kyte and Berry (KB) method, the Stone method, the Hewett and Archer (HA) method and the Transmissibility-Weighted (TW) method. We have analyzed the equations for deriving the methods and investigated the results of numerical simulations of gas displacing oil, in a variety of models to enable us to gain new insights into these, and related, upscaling methods. In particular, some novel observations on methods based on fluid potential are presented and the issue of using predicted fluid mobilities as a criterion of accuracy of an upscaling method is clarified.  相似文献   
Critiques of the neoliberal governance of agricultural systems have led to a number of political responses which attempt to address the socio-environmental consequences of the dominant regime. In this paper two case study regions (South Australia and England) have been chosen to represent variations in agricultural policy and to highlight subsequent outcomes on the sustainability of agriculture. Interviewed governance stakeholders highlighted issues in regard to the agricultural governance of each area, from social and environmental consequences of minimal policy intervention in South Australia, to issues created by greater economic support in England. As such, the distinct variations in agricultural regimes will continue to demand scholarly attention, in order for the value of diversity within the sector to be more widely understood. The study concludes that it is likely agricultural support will continue to decline in both case study regions. Importantly, however, innovative policy mechanisms that aim to reduce local risks and value local agricultural priorities, without requiring significant financial support, might be the most promising way forward in regard to agricultural system sustainability.  相似文献   
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