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A sediment layer (43 cm thick) and surface sediments (5 cm thick) in a submarine limestone cave (31 m water depth) on the fore-reef slope of Ie Island, off Okinawa mainland, Japan, were examined by visual, mineralogical and geochemical means. Oxygen isotope analysis was performed on the cavernicolous micro-bivalve Carditella iejimensis from both cored sediments and surface sediments, and the water temperature within the cave was recorded for nearly one year. These data show that: (1) water temperature within the cave is equal to that at 30 m deep in the open sea; (2) the biotic and non-biotic environments within the cave have persisted for the past 2000 years; (3) mud-size carbonate detritus is a major constituent of the submarine-cave deposit, and may have come mainly from the suspended carbonate mud produced on the emergent Holocene reef flat over the past two millennia; (4) the δ18O-derived temperature (Tδ18O) of C. iejimensis suggests that the species grows between April and July; (5) the Tδ18O of C. iejimensis from cored sediments implies that there were two warmer intervals, at AD 340 ± 40 and AD 1000 ± 40, which correspond to the Roman Warm Period and Medieval Warm Period, respectively. These suggest that submarine-cave sediments provide unique information for Holocene reef development. In addition, oxygen isotope records of cavernicolous C. iejimensis are a useful tool to reconstruct century-scale climatic variability for the Okinawa Islands during the Holocene.  相似文献   
The connectivity of lifeline systems is studied in this paper in terms of two ratios: ‘damage ratio’, which is the degree of physical damage to the system, and is defined as the expected number of failures per unit length or per link; and ‘service ratio’, which is a measurement of system operation. First, the relationship between the two ratios in a historic event is examined. Second, a method is developed for determining this relationship in simple network systems immediately following an earthquake. Density function, expected value and covariance of service ratio are calculated as functions of the damage ratio. Even in a simple checkerboard-type network, the density function of the service ratio has two peaks. Third, the variation in reliability of the network is examined with respect to difference in scale and configuration of the network, which may accompany growth of the community. When the damage ratio is small, the service ratio of a complex network is as large as, or larger, than that of a simple network. This pattern is, however, reversed for larger damage ratios. Finally, the relationship prior to operation restoration is examined. During the initial stages of restoration, the service ratio increases steeply, almost linearly, with decrease in the damage ratio. The increase then slows in the last stages of restoration.  相似文献   
The relationships between the intrusion of gneissose granitoids and the attainment of regional high‐T conditions recorded in metamorphic rocks from the Ryoke belt of the Mikawa area, central Japan, are explored. Seven gneissose granitoid samples (tonalite, granodiorite, granite) were collected from three distinct plutonic bodies that are mapped as the so‐called “Older Ryoke granitoids.” Based on bulk‐rock compositions and U–Pb zircon ages obtained by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, the analyzed granitoids can be separated into two groups. Gneissose granitoids from the northern part of the area give weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 99 ±1 Ma (two samples) and 95 ±1 Ma (one sample), whereas those from the southern part yield 81 ±1 Ma (two samples) and 78–77 ±1 Ma (two samples). Regional comparisons allow correlation of the northern granitoids (99–95 Ma) with the Kiyosaki granodiorite, and mostly with the Kamihara tonalite found to the east. The southern granitoids are tentatively renamed as “78–75 Ma (Hbl)?Bt granite” and “81–75 Ma Hbl?Bt tonalite” (Hbl, hornblende; Bt, biotite). and seem to be broadly coeval members of the same magmatic suite. With respect to available age data, no gneissose granitoid from the Mikawa area shows a U–Pb zircon age which matches that of high‐T metamorphism (ca 87 Ma). The southern gneissose granitoids (81–75 Ma), although they occur in the highest‐grade metamorphic zone, do not seem to represent the heat source which produced the metamorphic field gradient with a low dP/dT slope.  相似文献   
Yuzuru  Yamamoto  Shunsuke  Kawakami 《Island Arc》2005,14(2):178-198
Abstract   The structure, paleomagnetism and biostratigraphy of the Nishizaki and Kagamigaura formations on the southern Boso Peninsula, central Japan, were investigated to determine the chronographic constraints on the accretion, post-Late Miocene rotation and regional tectonics in the Izu–Bonin island arc collision zone. The geological structures on the southern Boso Peninsula are characterized by an east–west trending and south-verging fold and thrust belt that curves toward the northwest–southeast in the northwest extent of the Nishizaki Formation. Two stages of tectonic rotation were revealed by paleomagnetic and structural studies. The first is believed to have occurred after the accretion of the Nishizaki Formation and before the deposition of the Kagamigaura Formation, while the second is confidently correlated with the 1 Ma Izu block collision. The northwest extent of the Nishizaki Formation was rotated clockwise by approximately 65–80°, whereas the rotation was only 25–30° in the east, and 11–13° in the overlying Kagamigaura Formation. Radiolarian biostratigraphy suggests a depositional age of 9.9–6.8 Ma (Upper Miocene period) for the Nishizaki Formation and 4.19-3.75 Ma (Pliocene period) for the lower Kagamigaura Formation. These results indicate that the age of accretion and first-stage rotation of the Nishizaki Formation can be constrained to the interval of 6.80–3.75 Ma. This structure most likely represents the northward bending caused by collisions of the Tanzawa and Izu blocks with the Honshu island arc, and suggests rapid processes of accretion, collision, uplift and the formation of new sedimentary basins within a relatively short period of time (2.61–3.05 my).  相似文献   
We have observed an outburst of P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (SW1) on 25–26 July 1987 using a CCD imager with R-band filter. The total brightness increased from 15.5 mg (25d) to 14.4 mag (26d) during tabout 24 hrs. The southward elongated coma of 25 was detected. The radial surface brightness (B) profiles are plotted against apparent distance p from the nucleus. The logarithmic derivative k = d ln B/d ln p for the inner coma is found to have steepened from k = –1.40 (25d) to k = –1.69 (26d), whereas that for the outer coma showed no appreciable change (k = –1.19 ~ –1.22). The ellipticity of the isophotal contour of the inner coma increased about 15% fro 25d to 6d. It is concluded that the scale of this outburst was smaller than the typical ones whose magnitude change is 5–8 mag. From recent findings on the outburst natur eof SW1 including ours, a working model of the nuclues is proposed.  相似文献   
Degree of partial melting of pelitic migmatites from the Aoyama area, Ryoke metamorphic belt, SW Japan is determined utilizing whole-rock trace element compositions. The key samples used in this study were taken from the migmatite front of this area and have interboudin partitions filled with tourmaline-bearing leucosome. These samples are almost perfectly separated into leucosome (melt) and surrounding matrix (solid). This textural feature enables an estimate of the melting degree by a simple mass-balance calculation, giving the result of 5–11 wt.% of partial melting. Similar calculations applied to the migmatite samples, which assume average migmatite compositions to be the residue solid fraction, give degree of melt extraction of 12–14 wt.% from the migmatite zone. The similarity of the estimated melting degree of 5–11 wt.% with that in other tourmaline–leucogranites, such as Harney Peak leucogranite and Himalayan leucogranites, in spite of differences in formation process implies that the production of tourmaline leucogranites is limited to low degrees of partial melting around 10 wt.%, probably controlled by the breakdown of sink minerals for boron such as muscovite and tourmaline at a relatively early stage of partial melting. Because the amount of boron originally available in the pelitic source rock is limited (on average 100 ppm), 10 wt.% of melting locally requires almost complete breakdown of boron sink mineral(s) in the source rock, in order to provide sufficient boron into the melt to saturate it in tourmaline. This, in turn, means that boron-depleted metapelite regions are important candidates for the source regions of tourmaline leucogranites.  相似文献   
A new method for modeling wave propagation is described here, its application is discussed, and its results are compared with those obtained using the conventional correlation and unit impulse response methods. The method uses spectral analysis by minimizing the mean square values of the system input and output when subjected to a constraint, and is effective in detecting arrival times of incident and reflected waves and in revealing their relative amplitudes as well. The method is applied to simple models and to the strong motion records obtained at the TTRL (Koto-ku, Minamisuna) and Chiba vertical arrays during three earthquakes in Japan. The travel times evaluated by the NIOM method agree with the results obtained by the geophysical measurements of S-wave velocity at the sites. The method is also effective in showing the amplification property of shallow layers at the TTRL and Chiba sites.  相似文献   
A comparative study of ecosystems and biogeochemistry at time-series stations in the subarctic gyre (K2) and subtropical region (S1) of the western North Pacific Ocean (K2S1 project) was conducted between 2010 and 2013 to collect essential data about the ecosystem and biological pump in each area and to provide a baseline of information for predicting changes in biologically mediated material cycles in the future. From seasonal chemical and biological observations, general oceanographic settings were verified and annual carbon budgets at both stations were determined. Annual mean of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity at the oligotrophic station S1 were comparable to that at the eutrophic station K2. Based on chemical/physical observations and numerical simulations, the likely “missing nutrient source” was suggested to include regeneration, meso-scale eddy driven upwelling, meteorological events, and eolian inputs in addition to winter vertical mixing. Time-series observation of carbonate chemistry revealed that ocean acidification (OA) was ongoing at both stations, and that the rate of OA was faster at S1 than at K2 although OA at K2 is more critical for calcifying organisms.  相似文献   
The thiol peptide phytochelatins (PC2; the polymer with n = 2) are efficient metal-chelating compounds produced by phytoplankton and higher plants. Both PC2 and their precursor glutathione (GSH) are related to detoxification mechanisms. GSH and PC2 were quantified using liquid chromatography with fluorescent detection and observed in the particulate phase along a salinity gradient of the Tamar Estuary (SW UK), a heavily metal impacted site, at concentrations up to 274 and 16.5 μmol (g chl a)−1, respectively. The peptides predominated within low (0–5) and mid-salinities (5–20). Down-estuary, at sites farther from metal sources and salinities higher than 20, PC2 showed a sharp decrease or were not detected. High PC2/GSH ratios indicated areas with augmented concentrations of bioavailable metals at the tidal limit, near Cu mines and the mid-estuary where resuspension of sediments occurs. By following typical partitioning patterns previously reported for dissolved Cu and Zn, the production of thiol peptides, notably PC2, reflected a rapid interaction between the particulate and dissolved phases.  相似文献   
This study represents an attempt to determine the sources of vermillion found in ancient Japanese burial mounds of the 1st–6th centuries A.D., by comparing their ratios of sulfur isotopes with those of cinnabar ore samples collected in Japan and China. Cinnabar ore samples were taken from three mines in central Japan (Niu in Mie, Yamato in Nara, and Sui in Tokushima prefectures), and from Wanshan in China, where mining activity has been recorded back to the 6th century A.D. and earlier. When the ratios of a 34S and 32S were compared with the Canyon Diablo meteorite standard, a high δ34S value of +22.6 ± 3.6‰ was found for the Wanshan mine, as opposed to low values ranging from −7.3 ± 1.9 to −2.1 ± 1.6‰ for the Japanese mines. The ratios of sulfur isotopes in vermillion collected from ancient Japanese burial mounds also divided into two groups. High ratios (+11.1 to +22.8‰) were found in 1st‐ and 2nd‐ century burials in the western regions of northern Kyushu and San'in, suggesting that local, powerful chiefs obtained vermillion through relations with China. Lower ratios (−8.4 to −2.0‰) were found in burials of the 2nd through 6th centuries in central Japan, where the ancient Yamato dynasty emerged as the first unified polity around the end of the 2nd century A.D. We, therefore, conclude that the Yamato dynasty exploited local sources of vermillion, rather than depending solely on China. The present study demonstrates the feasibility of determining sources of vermillion using sulfur isotope ratios, and the relevance of such findings for archaeological research. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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