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Using a double resonant KTiOPO4 (KTP) intracavity optical parametric oscillator operating at degenerated point of 2 μm, we demonstrate a unique mid-infrared source based on difference frequency generation in GaSe crystal. The output tuning range is 8.42-19.52 μm, and a peak power of 834 W for type-I phase matching scheme and 730 W for type-II phase matching scheme are achieved. Experimental results show that this oscillator is a good alternative to the generator of a compact and tabletop mid-infrared radiation with a widely tunable range.  相似文献   
This work analyzes the annual fluctuation of the observation data of the Mingantu Solar radio Telescope(MST) in S, C and X bands. It is found that the data vary with local air temperature as the logarithmic attenuation of equipment increases with temperature and frequency. A simplified and effective calibration method is proposed, which is used to calibrate the MST data in 2018–2020, while the correction coefficients are calculated from data in 2018–2019. For S, C and X bands, the root mean square errors of one polarization are 2.7, 5.7 and 20 sfu, and the relative errors are 4%, 6% and 8% respectively. The calibration of MUSER and SBRS spectra is also performed. The relative errors of MUSER at 1700 MHz,SBRS at 2800 MHz, 3050 MHz and 3350 MHz are 8%, 8%, 11% and 10% respectively. We found that several factors may affect the calibration accuracy, especially at X-band. The method is expected to work for other radio telescopes with similar design.  相似文献   
Fast radio bursts(FRBs) are bright radio pulses from the sky with millisecond durations and Jansky-level flux densities. Their origins are still largely uncertain. Here we suggest a new model for FRBs. We argue that the collision of a white dwarf with a black hole can generate a transient accretion disk, from which powerful episodic magnetic blobs will be launched. The collision between two consecutive magnetic blobs can result in a catastrophic magnetic reconnection, which releases a large amount of free magnetic energy and forms a forward shock. The shock propagates through the cold magnetized plasma within the blob in the collision region, radiating through the synchrotron maser mechanism,which is responsible for a non-repeating FRB signal. Our calculations show that the theoretical energetics, radiation frequency, duration timescale and event rate can be very consistent with the observational characteristics of FRBs.  相似文献   
广西十万大山盆地下二叠统生物礁古油藏及隐伏礁预测   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
陈学时  耿忠霞 《地质学报》1999,73(4):350-359
广西宁明县亭亮下二叠统茅口组生物礁古油藏,为十万大山盆地已暴露破坏的礁古油藏之一。该古油藏的含沥青储层主要分布于礁体的上部和顶部,含沥青礁灰岩厚达98m以上,礁储层次生溶孔的形成与分布主要受控于深埋有机溶剂作用,同时在空间上还与礁顶部古风化壳和不整合面密切相关,论文深入探讨了礁古油藏形成的主要成岩作用类型及其埋藏一构造发展史,有机质演化史及成岩孔隙演化史三者的配置关系和成藏机理,另据地震和电法资料  相似文献   
江面平流雾的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任遵海  孙学金 《气象科学》2000,20(2):189-193
本文利用二维平流雾模式研究了海上暖湿空气平流到长江冷水面上形成平流雾的过程,对影响平流雾形成的两个主要因子(水面温度水平梯度和平流风速)与平流雾区的关系进行了数值研究,为江面平流雾的预报提供了思路.  相似文献   
辽西地区构造系统的形成与东北亚区域构造演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨庚  郭华 《铀矿地质》2002,18(4):193-201
燕山造山带东部辽西地区的构造填图,地质研究,以及中生代火山-沉积岩系的同位素资料 ,提供了东北亚和燕山板内造山带的演化历史。华北板块北部燕山-辽西地区自中元古宙至中生代,与整个华北克拉通一起,接受相同的地台盖层沉积,其沉积历史完全相同。在中晚三叠世之后,该区沉积了中生代火山碎屑岩和陆相沉积岩,并发生强烈的构造变形,这才有别于华北克拉通的其它稳定区。同位素资料表明,兴隆沟期火山岩,蓝旗期火山岩和义县期火山岩形成时间分别为200-170Ma,170-155Ma,140-100Ma。按构造成因和系统的指导思想,将该区构造构造归并成3种构造系统,即逆冲推覆构造系,正滑断裂系和走滑断裂系。这3种断裂系统的发育顺序是:逆冲推覆构造形成于早白垩世中期(相当于义县组,九佛堂组之间的界面);正滑断裂构造系是九佛堂组和阜新组的同沉积构造;走滑断裂构造系形成最晚,为晚白垩世形成的构造。其中早期逆冲推覆构造起了主导作用,奠定了本区构造格局的基本格架,晚期构造的叠加并未从根本上改变已有的构造格局。三叠纪到早白垩世期间,在欧亚板块向南挤压和古太平洋板块向北向西方向的挤压作用下,于早白垩世中期形成本区的逆冲推覆构造;早白垩世晚期受古来洲大陆区域扩张的影响,形成了辽西地区的正滑断裂系,晚白垩世北北东向的走滑断裂系形成则与郯庐断裂活动有关。  相似文献   
Extreme weather events have played an important role in driving the ecosystem dynamics in high altitude areas,but the underlying mechanism remains unclear.To understand if and how the soil processes of an ecosystem react to extreme drought,we manipulated a once-in-a-century meteorological extreme drought in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau,which is also known as the "forerunner of global weather changes".The extremity was determined by statistical extreme weather events with respect to a historical reference period from April to September during 1962-2004,where the local historical precipitation data was calculated and intensified to 100-year recurrent drought event with GumbelⅠdistribution.The indicators we measured included soil microbial biomass C/N/P and soil enzymatic activities of phosphatase(AP) disbounding organic phosphate,cellobiohydrolase(CBH),βglucocidase(BG),N-releasing enzyme N-acetylglucosaminidase(NAG) as well as soil respirations,during and after the treatments.It was found that the manipulated event induced a rapid shift in microbial biomass and activities,indicating a lower resistance of the underground process.However,the microbial and biochemical parameters saw rapid recovery after the event,which meant the soil processes enjoyed high resilience.The high responsiveness and lag-time effects of the soil indicators rendered new horizons for us to evaluate the interaction between the extremes and the ecosystem stability.Our study indicated that the once-in-a-century extreme drought induced very short term response in the soil biotic process,and the soil processes worked to buffer against such events under the observation period.  相似文献   
Ringing artifact degradations always appear in the deconvolution of geophysical data. To address this problem, we propose a postprocessing approach to suppress ringing artifacts that uses a novel anisotropic diffusion based on a stationary wavelet transform (SWT) algorithm. In this paper, we discuss the ringing artifact suppression problem and analyze the characteristics of the deconvolution ringing artifact. The deconvolution data containing ringing artifacts are decomposed into different SWT subbands for analysis, and a new multiscale adaptive anisotropic filter is developed to suppress these degradations. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed method and describe the experiments in detail.  相似文献   
英格庄金矿为胶东牟平-乳山成矿带上的一个中型金矿床。该矿床矿体严格受金牛山断裂带控制,呈脉状、透镜状和囊状平行斜列式产出;矿体平均厚1.58~1.98m,平均品位3.96×10^-6~4.77×10^-6。矿石类型主要为黄铁矿石英脉型;矿石中金属矿物主要为银金矿、自然金、黄铁矿等。围岩蚀变包括绢云母化、硅化、绿泥石化、黄铁矿化等。研究表明,英格庄金矿床为一中低温热液脉型金矿,属Groves等提出的造山型金矿范畴。  相似文献   
对于大气层以下的传统可见光天文导航,存在白天日照强烈而无法观测星体,数据缺乏连续性,可观测恒星数量少,无法实现全天时天文导航等问题。文中设计并探究利用红外探测器焦平面成像技术来取代可见光CCD成像技术的短波红外天文导航方法,分析短波红外波段相对于可见光波段,在大气层内白天观星实现全天时天文导航的优势,并对其可行性进行实验分析。实验结果表明,基于红外探测器的天文导航方法,在太阳辐射较弱的清晨或黄昏等时段,可以成功拍摄到可见光CCD仪器无法观测到的短波红外波段的恒星,对于实现全天时天文导航具有一定的参考意义。夜间短波红外波段的可供观测恒星数量远远多于可见光恒星数量,这对于增加多余观测量,保证连续测量输出,提高天文导航定位定向的精度,具有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   
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