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耿涛 《物探与化探》2007,31(5):391-398
利用最新取得的区域重力资料,参考航磁、遥感、区域地质资料,对青藏高原狮泉河-康西瓦地区重力场分区、断裂构造体系、构造单元、局部异常、深部构造、成矿远景区(带)等进行了研究.对阿尔金走滑断裂西南端的走向和延伸提出了一些新的看法;讨论了2条重力低值带的成因;推断了班公湖-怒江结合带下部莫霍面隆起的高度,从重力角度提出了对班公湖-怒江结合带的认识;认为青藏块体在拼合后地壳有2个加厚中心;新圈定了一个中、新生代沉积盆地,并进行了初步研究;结合地质、矿产、航磁等资料,初步划分出4个成矿远景区(带).  相似文献   
九江-瑞昌地震的精确定位及其发震构造初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
联合采用双差法和主事件法,对2005年11月26日发生在江西省九江县与瑞昌市交界的5.7级地震序列进行了重新定位,并在此基础上讨论了5.7级主震的震源机制解和可能的发震构造。结果显示:精定位后震源位置的估算误差在EW方向上平均为0.31km,NS方向上平均为0.40km,竖直方向上平均为0.48km,故而得到了更加精细的空间分布图像。此次地震序列在NNW-NW向呈现优势分布,震源深度主要集中在8~14km,又以10~12km最具优势。主震的震源位置大致为北纬29.69°,东经115.74°,震源深度约10.8km。结合地震序列优势分布、主震震源机制解和震区NE向、NW向断裂发育的构造背景,初步推测本次地震序列的主震可能是由瑞昌盆地内的一条NW向隐伏断层活动引发的,发震断层的性质有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   
利用最新取得的区域重力资料,参考航磁、遥感、区域地质资料,对青藏高原狮泉河—康西瓦地区重力场分区、断裂构造体系、构造单元、局部异常、深部构造、成矿远景区(带)等进行了研究。对阿尔金走滑断裂西南端的走向和延伸提出了一些新的看法;讨论了2条重力低值带的成因;推断了班公湖—怒江结合带下部莫霍面隆起的高度,从重力角度提出了对班公湖—怒江结合带的认识;认为青藏块体在拼合后地壳有2个加厚中心;新圈定了一个中、新生代沉积盆地,并进行了初步研究;结合地质、矿产、航磁等资料,初步划分出4个成矿远景区(带)。  相似文献   
借助HS6288系列噪声分析仪,对河南省长垣县城区噪声进行了实地监测。依据国家城市区域环境噪声标准,并结合综合污染指数法和模糊综合评价法对监测结果进行分析评价。结果表明,长垣县城区总体噪声水平为4级(中污染),声环境已出现恶化。在分析长垣县城区噪声污染及其分布的同时,结合实地调查,提出了一些针对小城镇噪声污染防治的对策。  相似文献   
Study on cut-off low-pressure systems with floods over Northeast Asia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The cut-off lows (COLs) during the period from June to August 1998 leading to the record flood in Northeast Asia, especially in Northeast China, has been investigated in this paper. The results are as follows: the blocking highs benefited significantly the formation and maintenance of COLs over Northeast China; an obvious frontogenesis zone existed in Northeast China and it implies that baroclinity played an important role in the initiation of COLs, especially in middle and upper troposphere; the maxima of the potential vorticity anomaly were located in the upper troposphere, then extended downwards to the middle and the lower troposphere. The pronounced interaction between systems in upper-middle and low troposphere can be revealed; the moisture supply was from South China, and even from East China Sea and South China Sea. The strong southerly current transported very rich moisture to Northeast China. The maximum of the convergence of moisture flux was below 850 hPa. Obvious interaction between the middle and lower latitude systems was found in the study. Also, the summer monsoon showed significant impacts on the sustained heavy rainfalls related with the COLs over Northeast China; the upward motion could be caused by the lifting of the large scale dynamic forcing and there was no obvious releasing of latent heating in the upper-middle troposphere. The cold dome in the COLs was quite different both from the warm core in tropical cyclone and from the weaker warm core in Meiyu (Baiu) front low. The calculation of vorticity budget shows that both the horizontal advection term and horizontal divergence term contributed importantly to the maintenance and the strengthening of positive relative vorticity. Finally, the complex dynamical characteristics regarding the COLs are discussed and further investigation is proposed.  相似文献   
IMU/DGPS辅助航空摄影是近年来开始广泛应用的航摄新技术,该技术的使用设备十分昂贵,而且,其设备中的航空摄影管理系统不一定是必需的,本文通过改造徕卡的ASCOT系统,使其和APPLANIX公司的POS AV 510一起完成某摄区的IMU/DGPS辅助航空摄影,充分利用已有的设备,为IMU/DGPS辅助航空摄影提供了一种新的设备配置方案。  相似文献   
利用卫星图像研究西藏羌塘及邻区的断裂活动性   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
李建华 《地震地质》1998,20(3):10-207
利用1/50万彩色合成镶嵌的卫星图像,对羌塘块体及邻近大约50万km2地区的断裂活动性进行分析判读。根据断裂的影像特征,将所判读的断裂分成全新世活动、晚更新世活动和第四纪早、中期活动3类。结合本世纪以来的地震活动,分析了主要断裂的活动性。例如位于羌塘盆地以北,全新世明显左行走滑的玛尔盖茶卡-若拉错断裂带上,1997年11月8日发生了玛尼7.5级地震,是该断裂带现代活动的表现  相似文献   
1976年唐山地震发震断裂的活动性研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
震后野外考察及航空摄影发现的地裂缝带,说明唐山断裂与1976年唐山7.8级大地震的发震构造有密切关系。用卫星遥感信息和浅层地震勘探结果对唐山断裂的活动性做了新的研究。卫星图像解释结果表明:震前一年多时间内,NE向的唐山断裂被NNW向断裂截切而NWW向断裂受到牵引,因而显示出右旋走滑的活动形迹。浅层地震勘探结果则证明,唐山断裂是倾向NW,高倾角的右旋走滑正断层,它断错了全新统(Q4)、晚更新统(Q3)、中更新统(Q2)和早更新统(Q1)地层  相似文献   
全面、系统地分析研究了菏泽5.9级地夺前地下流体异常时空分布及其场兆、源兆特征。结果表明,异常空间分布与活动构造密切相关,断裂端部和交汇处是异常响应的第三地区。单位面积异常台项数,震中及附近地区远高于外围地区。震前1个月左右,异常台项月频次大幅度增高,单项异常的时间演化有持续型、完整型和突跳型三种类型。源兆异常具有中期、短期、临震异常配套、水化我组分同步异常变化、宏观异常多点成片、持续时间长、幅度  相似文献   
Crustose lichens are distributed extensively in karst areas in Southern China. They can be found on the surface of carbonate rocks. Through biophysical and biochemical processes, crustose lichens reform the subsurface of carbonate rocks and in the meanwhile change their physical and chemical properties: (1) the mechanical strength decreases by 17.04° on average (up to 33.2° ); (2) the chemical solution surface area increases from 28.26% to 75.36% (lichen microholes considered only); and (3) the water-holding capacity is greatly improved. Comparative field experiments between biokarst samples underneath crustose lichens and fresh rock samples with the same composition and texture show that the corrosional rate of carbonate rocks of the former is 1.264-1.643 times higher than that of the latter. Crustose lichens are considered as an activator of the surface corrosion of carbonate rocks.  相似文献   
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