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Spinel peridotite xenoliths found in the Monte Vulture carbonatite-melilitite volcano have been derived from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath central southern Italy. Clinopyroxene-poor lherzolites and harzburgites are the most common rock types, with subordinate wehrlites and dunites. Small quantities of phlogopite and carbonate are present in a few samples. The peridotites record a large degree of partial melting and have experienced subsequent enrichment which has increased their LILE and LREE contents, but in most cases their HFSE contents are low. Despite being carried to the surface by a carbonatite-melilitite host, the whole-rock and clinopyroxene compositions of the xenoliths have a trace-element signature more closely resembling that of silicate-melt metasomatised mantle rather than carbonatite-metasomatised peridotites. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios for clinopyroxene from the Vulture peridotites are 0.7042-0.7058 and 0.51260-0.5131 respectively. They form a trend away from the depleted mantle to the composition of the host magmas, and show a significant enrichment in 87Sr/86Sr compared with most European mantle samples. The mantle beneath Monte Vulture has had a complex evolution - we propose that the lithosphere had already undergone extensive partial melting before being affected by metasomatism from a silicate melt which may have been subduction-related.  相似文献   
Mantle xenoliths from Paleogene basanites of East Serbia were studied using EMP and LA-ICP-MS techniques in order to better understand mantle characteristics in this region. Five different mantle lithologies have been distinguished: a dunite/harzburgite/lherzolite (D/HZ/L) group, clinopyroxene-rich lherzolites (Cpx-L), clinopyroxene megacrysts (Cpx-M), spinel-rich olivine websterites (OWB1) and spinel-poor olivine websterites (OWB2). D/HZ/L xenoliths are the most common and represent normal mantle composed of typical anhydrous spinel peridotites with well equilibrated, unzoned silicates characterized by high Mg# s. Negative correlations between Mg# and TiO2, Al2O3 and CaO wt% in clinopyroxenes (cpx) and orthopyroxenes (opx) and the Cr–Al trend in spinel (sp) suggest depletion via extraction of basaltic melts. The modal composition of D/HZ/L xenoliths and unusual low-Al opx suggest that the lithospheric mantle underneath East Serbia is more depleted than normal European lithosphere. D/HZ/L xenoliths contain numerous pockets and veins filled by Cr-rich cpx, Ti-rich spinel, altered glass, apatite and rare ilmenite and phlogopite. Petrographic observations, supported by major element contents in sp and cpx, and modelling using trace element contents in cpx, indicate that the pockets and veins formed from infiltration of alkaline melts and reaction with peridotite wall-rock causing opx and spinel replacement. The same alkaline melt-related metasomatism gave rise to the Cpx-L and OWB1 mantle xenoliths and Cpx-M xenocrysts. Trace element contents of cpx in these xenoliths show a distinctively concave downwards REE pattern with a HFSE depletion, very similar to cpx megacrysts from the Pannonian Basin and to vein cpx from Eifel. In contrast, the OWB2 xenoliths show evidence of precipitation from subduction-related mafic to ultramafic melts, as inferred from their opx-rich lithology and unusual Cr-rich spinels. They are probably related to subduction magmatism during the Late Cretaceous.Milivoje Jovanovi: deceased in April 2004  相似文献   
Vein-type, structurally controlled Cu–Au mineralisation hosted by turbidites of late Silurian to earliest Devonian age, forms an important resource close to the eastern margin of the Cobar Basin. Here we report 103 new sulfur isotope analyses, together with homogenisation temperatures and salinity data for 545 primary two-phase fluid inclusions for the mineralised zones from the central area of the Cobar mining district. A range in δ34S values from 3.8 to 11.2‰ (average 7.9‰) is present. Sulfur is likely to have been derived from rock sulfur/sulfide in basin and basement rocks, but there may be an additional connate-derived component. Homogenisation temperatures (Th) for inclusion fluids trapped in quartz and minor calcite veins range from near 150°C to 397°C. Fluid inclusions are characterised by a low CO2 content and low, but variable salinities (2.1–9.1 wt% NaCl equivalent). Generations of inclusion fluids correspond to six paragenetic stages of vein quartz deposition and recrystallisation at the Chesney mine. Primary fluid inclusions in the first two stages were subjected to re-equilibration resulting from increased confining pressure. Their Th range (151–317°C) is considered a minimum for the temperature of these fluids. Sulfide and gold deposition at Chesney appears to be related to fluids of moderately high Th (range 270–397°C) associated with the final paragenetic stage. Th for the ore-related fluids may be close to the solvus of the H2O–NaCl–CO2 system and hence near trapping temperatures. Late-stage entry of a hot, moderately saline ore-forming fluid is implicated as the origin of the Cu–Au mineralisation. However, comparison with geochemical data for the vein-style Zn–Pb–Ag deposits at Cobar demonstrates that differences in metal content for individual zones cannot be attributed to major differences in fluid temperature or salinity. Rather, these differences are probably due to variations in source-rock reservoirs and structural pathways along which the ore-forming fluids moved.  相似文献   
New data from a petrological and geochemical examination of 12 coarse basaltic fines from the Apollo 12 soil sample 12023,155 provide evidence of additional geochemical diversity at the landing site. In addition to the bulk chemical composition, major, minor, and trace element analyses of mineral phases are employed to ascertain how these samples relate to the Apollo 12 lithological basalt groups, thereby overcoming the problems of representativeness of small samples. All of the samples studied are low‐Ti basalts (0.9–5.7 wt% TiO2), and many fall into the established olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite classification of Apollo 12 basaltic suites. There are five exceptions: sample 12023,155_1A is mineralogically and compositionally distinct from other Apollo 12 basalt types, with low pigeonite REE concentrations and low Ni (41–55 ppm) and Mn (2400–2556 ppm) concentrations in olivine. Sample 12023,155_11A is also unique, with Fe‐rich mineral compositions and low bulk Mg# (=100 × atomic Mg/[Mg+Fe]) of 21.6. Sample 12023,155_7A has different plagioclase chemistry and crystallization trends as well as a wider range of olivine Mg# (34–55) compared with other Apollo 12 basalts, and shows greater similarities to Apollo 14 high‐Al basalts. Two other samples (12023,155_4A, and _5A) are similar to the Apollo 12 feldspathic basalt 12038, providing additional evidence that feldspathic basalts represent a lava flow proximal to the Apollo 12 site rather than material introduced by impacts. We suggest that at least one parent magma, and possibly as many as four separate parent magmas, are required in addition to the previously identified olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite basaltic suites to account for the observed chemical diversity of basalts found in this study.  相似文献   
Tertiary basaltic magmatism in Serbia occurred through three episodes: (i) Paleocene/Eocene, when mostly east Serbian mafic alkaline rocks (ESPEMAR) formed, (ii) Oligocene/Miocene, dominated by high-K calc–alkaline basalts, shoshonites (HKCA–SHO) and ultrapotassic (UP) rocks, and (iii) Pliocene episode when rocks similar to (ii) originated. In this study, the geodynamics inferred from petrogenesis of the (i) and (ii) episodes are discussed.

The ESPEMAR (62–39 Ma) occur mainly as mantle xenolith-bearing basanites. Their geochemical features, such as the REE patterns, elevated HFSE contents and depleted Sr–Nd isotope signatures, indicate a relatively small degree of melting of an isotopically depleted mantle source. Their mantle-normalized trace element patterns are flat to concave and “bell-shaped”, characteristic of an OIB source free of subduction component. 87Sr/86Sri and 143Nd/144Ndi isotope ratios (0.7030–0.7047 and 0.5127–0.5129, respectively) indicate a depleted source for the ESPEMAR similar to the European Asthenospheric Reservoir (EAR).

The HKCA–SHO rocks (30–21 Ma) occur as basalts, basaltic andesites and trachyandesites. They show enrichment in LILE and depletion in HFSE with all the distinctive features of calc–alkaline arc-type magmatism. This is coupled with somewhat enriched Sr–Nd isotope signature (87Sr/86Sri=0.7047–0.7064, 143Nd/144Ndi=0.5124–0.5126). All these features are characteristic of subduction-related metasomatism and fluxing of the HKCA–SHO mantle source with fluids/melts released from subducted sedimentary material.

UP rocks (35–21 Ma) appear as (i) Si-rich lamproites and related rocks and (ii) olivine leucitites and related rocks. UP rocks have high-LILE/HFSE ratios with enrichment for some LILE around 1000× primitive mantle, troughs at Nb and Ti, and peaks of Pb in their mantle-normalized patterns. They also show highly fractionated REE patterns (La/Yb up to 27, LaN up to 400). The isotopic ratios approach crustal values (87Sr/86Sri=0.7059–0.7115 and 143Nd/144Ndi=0.5122–0.5126), and that signature is typical for ultrapotassic rocks worldwide.

The Paleocene/Eocene episode and formation of the ESPEMAR is referred to as asthenospheric-derived magmatism. This magmatism originated through passive riftlike structures related to possible short relaxational phases during predominantly collisional and compressional conditions. The Oligocene/Miocene episode and formation of HKCA–SHO and UP rocks were dominated by lithospheric-controlled magmatism. Its origin is connected with the activity of a wide dextral wrench corridor generated along the axis of the Dinaride orogen which collapsed in response to thickened crust caused by earlier compressional processes.

To explain conditions of these two magmatic events, a three-stage geodynamic model has been proposed: (1) subduction–termination/collision stage (Paleocene/Eocene), (2) collision stage (Eocene) and (3) postcollision/collapse stage (Oligocene/early Miocene).  相似文献   

Access to fresh water is one of the major issues of northern and sub-Saharan Africa. The majority of the fresh water used for drinking and irrigation is obtained from large ground water basins where there is minor contemporary recharge and the aquifers cross national borders. These aquifers include the Nubian Aquifer System shared by Chad, Egypt, Libya, and Sudan; the Iullemeden Aquifer System, extending over Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Benin, and Algeria; and the Northwest Sahara Aquifer System shared by Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia. These resources are subject to increased exploitation and may be severely stressed if not managed properly as witnessed already by declining water levels. In order to make appropriate decisions for the sustainable management of these shared water resources, planners and managers in different countries need an improved knowledge base of hydrological information. Three technical cooperation projects related to aquifer systems will be implemented by the International Atomic Energy Agency, in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and United Nations Development Programme/Global Environmental Facility. These projects focus on isotope hydrology studies to better quantify ground water recharge and dynamics. The multiple isotope approach combining commonly used isotopes 18O and 2H together with more recently developed techniques (chlorofluorocarbons, 36Cl, noble gases) will be applied to improve the conceptual model to study stratification and ground water flows. Moreover, the isotopes will be an important indicator of changes in the aquifer due to water abstraction, and therefore they will assist in the effort to establish a sustainable ground water management.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Late Miocene (11.6–9.5 Ma) granitoid intrusion on the island of Serifos (Western Cyclades, Aegean Sea) is composed of syn- to...  相似文献   
On February 24, 1979, a deeply oxidized mass of iron meteorite was excavated from bauxite at an open cut mine on the Gove Peninsula, Northern Territory, Australia. The meteorite, measuring 0.75–1 m in diameter and of unknown total weight, was found at coordinates 12°15.8′S, 136°50.3′E. On removal from the ground, the meteorite is reported to have disintegrated rapidly. A preliminary analysis at the mine laboratory reportedly gave 8.5 wt% Ni. A modern analysis of oxidized material gave Ni = 32.9, Co = 3.67 (both mg g?1), Cr = 168, Cu = 195, Ga = 22.5, Ge = <70, As = 4.16, W = 1.35, Ir = 10.5, Pt = 21.2, Au = 0.672 (all μg g?1), Sb = <150, and Re = 844 (both ng g?1). Competent fragments of oxidized material retain a fine to medium Widmanstätten pattern with an apparent average bandwidth of 0.5 mm (range 0.2–0.9 mm in plane section). Primary mineralogy includes rare γ–taenite and daubréelite, and secondary minerals produced by weathering include awaruite (with up to 78.5 wt% Ni) and an, as yet, unnamed Cu‐Cr‐bearing sulfide with the ideal formula CuCrS2 that is hitherto unknown in nature. Deep weathering has masked many of the features of the meteorite; however, the analysis normalized to the analyses of fresh iron meteorites favors chemical group IIIAB. The terrestrial age of the meteorite is unknown, although it is likely to be in the Neogene (2.5–23 Ma), which is widely accepted as the major period of bauxite formation in the Northern Territory of Australia. Gove is the second authenticated relict meteorite found in Australia.  相似文献   
Mantle xenocrysts from early Triassic kimberlite pipes from Kharamai,Ary-Mastakh and Kuranakh fields in the Anabar shield of Siberia revealing similar compositional trends were studied to estimate the superplume influence on the subcratonic lithosphere mantle(SCLM).Pressure-temperature(PT) reconstructions using monomineral thermobarometry for 5 phases show division of the SCLM beneath the Kharamai field into 6 units:pyroxenitic Fe-rich(1-2 GPa) and Mg-rich(2-3 GPa) layers;middle with two levels of Gar-Sp pyroxenites at ~3 and 4-5 GPa;Gar-dunite-harzburgites ~4.5-6.5 GPa subjected to Ilm-Px vein metasomatism;and a Mg-rich dunite lower part.In the Anabar shield(Ary-Mastakh,Dyuken and Kuranakh fields) mantle lithosphere is composed of three large units divided into two parts:upper part with amphiboles and phlogopite;two levels of pyroxenites and eclogites at 3 and 4 GPa,and a lower part composed of refertilized dunites.Diagrams showing P-Fe~#Gar clusters for garnets and omphacites illustrate the differences between SCLM of these localities.Differences of Triassic SCLM from Devonian SCLM are in simple layering;abundance of Na-Cr-amphiboles and metasomatism in the upper SCLM part,thick pyroxenite-eclogite layer and lower part depletion,heated from SCLM base to 5.0 GPa.Kharamai mantle clinopyroxenes represent three geochemical types:(1) harzburgitic with inclined linear REE,HFSE troughs and elevated Th,U;(2) lherzolitic or pyroxenitic with round TRE patterns and decreasing incompatible elements;(3) eclogitic with Eu troughs,Pb peak and high LILE content.Calculated parental melts for garnets with humped REE patterns suggest dissolution of former Cpx and depression means Cpx and garnets extraction.Clinopyroxenes from Ary-Mastakh fields show less inclined REE patterns with HMREE troughs and an increase of incompatible elements.Clinopyroxenes from Kuranakh field show flatter spoon-like REE patterns and peaks in Ba,U,Pb and Sr,similar to those in ophiolitic harzburgites.The PT diagrams for the mantle sections show high temperature gradients in the uppermost SCLM accompanied by an increase of P-Fe~#Ol upward and slightly reduced thickness of the mantle keel of the Siberian craton,resulting from the influence of the Permian-Triassic superplume,but with no signs of delamination.  相似文献   
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