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The evolution of seasonal cycle and interannual rainfall, the number of rainy days and daily rainfall types, dry spells frequency of occurrence, onset/cessation/length of rainy season, sowing dates, and the duration of the cropping period, are investigated at local (individual sites) and sub-regional scales (four different rainfall zones) using daily records of station data (83 sites) over Senegal. In the limits of a case study, these analyses complement and update previous studies conducted in the extreme Western Sahel (11?C16° N and 20° W?C10° E). The results unveil noticeable evolution of some of these rain-based factors in the recent periods as compared to the previous dry years. In the regions recording less than 800?mm/year (Sudan and Sahel sub-regions), the positive and statistically significant trends of rainfall amount are associated with new features of increasing frequency of short dry spell category, increasing number of some classes of extreme daily rainfall amounts and shifts in the peak number of rainy days. At sub-regional scales, the starting years (or change points) the magnitude and the signs of the new trends are unevenly distributed in the period post-1990. Earlier and higher amplitude changes are found at local scales and not less than one third of the sites in each sub-regional network are significantly affected. The extreme Southern sub-region exhibits no significant changes. Statistically significant trends are not observed on daily rain records ??10?mm, onset/cessation dates, successful sowing dates, rainy season length, cropping period, medium and extreme dry spell categories. Rather, some of these factors such as the successful sowing date and the cropping season length exhibit significant variability. The onset (cessation) dates of the rainy season are followed (preceded) by extreme dry spell episodes. In the perspectives of climate impact assessments on the local agriculture a sub-regional periodic synopsis of the major rain-based factors of interest to agricultural applications are provided at the end the paper. They document some important internal variability patterns to reckon with in a multi-decadal work over the 1950?C2008 period for this region.  相似文献   
Manisa Fault is a geomorphologically distinct normal dip-slip fault, which oversees the southern edge of the Manisa Graben that is a continuum of the Gediz Graben towards the west. This study aims to determine the neotectonic activity of the Manisa Fault and the most recent time of the change in its stress condition through age-dating data obtained by using 230Th/234U dating methodology applied on the calcite coating that develops over hanging-wall of the Manisa Fault and the calcite veins that occur as fracture fillings. The age of the calcite precipitations associated with the Manisa Fault was determined to be between 307?±?203 and 444?±?101?ka by using the 230Th/234U dating method. Evaluation of the carbonate precipitations on the Manisa Fault along with the age data and the kinematic indicators ascertained that the Manisa Fault switched to a dip-slip normal faulting character from Middle Pleistocene onwards and that the region was under the effect of a NE–SW directional extensional regime. In addition, the opening rate was attempted to be determined using the roll-over anticline structure that advanced depending upon the movement of the fault on the upper horizontal strata of colluviums, which developed in association with the Manisa Fault. Along with the evaluation of the rise in the horizontal stratification in colluvium and the obtained age data, opening rate of the Manisa Fault was determined as 0.01?mm?y?1.  相似文献   
Ji  Fei  Evans  Jason P.  Di Virgilio  Giovanni  Nishant  Nidhi  Di Luca  Alejandro  Herold  Nicholas  Downes  Stephanie M.  Tam  Eugene  Beyer  Kathleen 《Climate Dynamics》2020,55(9-10):2453-2468

The vertical temperature profile in the atmosphere reflects a balance between radiative and convective processes and interactions with the oceanic and land surfaces. Changes in vertical temperature profiles can affect atmospheric stability, which in turn can impact various aspects of weather systems. In this study, we analyzed recent-past trends of temperature over the Australian region using a homogenized monthly upper-air temperature dataset and four reanalysis datasets (NCEP, ERA-Interim, JRA-55 and MERRA). We also used outputs of 12 historical and future regional climate model (RCM) simulations from the NSW/ACT (New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory) Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) project and 6 RCM simulations from the CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment) Australasian project to investigate projected changes in vertical temperature profiles. The results show that the currently observed positive trend in the troposphere and negative trend in the lower stratosphere will continue in the future with significant warming over the whole troposphere and largest over the middle to upper troposphere. The increasing temperatures are found to be latitude-dependent with clear seasonal variations, and a strong diurnal variation for the near surface layers and upper levels in tropical regions. Changes in the diurnal variability indicate that near surface layers will be less stable in the afternoon leading to conditions favoring convective systems and more stable in the early morning which is favorable for temperature inversions. The largest differences of future changes in temperature between the simulations are associated with the driving GCMs, suggesting that large-scale circulation plays a dominant role in regional atmospheric temperature change.

Water quality data from 56 wells, aquifer characteristics, soil types and land use in the city suburb of Dakar were compared to assess the effects of land use on the Thiaroye groundwater quality. The study area encompassed an unsewered densely populated zone, agricultural land, low density villages, and undeveloped land located in the sand dunes. A method similar to GIS technologies was applied to evaluate the degree of vulnerability of the different parts of the aquifer in relation to urban development, land use and aquifer characteristics. The aquifer parameters (hydraulic conductivity, groundwater level depth, recharge, soil type) were re-evaluated qualitatively into three class rankings (high, moderate and low), depending on the likelihood for contaminants reaching the water table, then combined using the two matrix Boolean logic based approaches to identify the nine classes of vulnerability assessed in the aquifer domain. An attempt was made to explain the distribution of nitrate concentration with the assessed vulnerability. In the area assessed, in the densely populated zone running from Pikine, to Thiaroye and Yeumbeul, very high nitrate concentrations correspond with the highest vulnerability index (H1). Nitrate contamination in this area is a consequence of point-source seepage from individual septic systems improperly built in this area. In the eastern part of the aquifer, high nitrate concentrations at Deni B. Ndao, Mbawane and Golam localities coincide with a moderate vulnerability assessment. The major source of nitrate in these areas is induced by agricultural activities.  相似文献   
The main anatectic granite of the Velay complex is unique among major French Massif Central Hercynian granitoids in that rather than having an entirely lower crustal source, it formed by mixing between partial melts of the meta-igneous lower crust and ‘upper crustal’ country rock schists and orthogneisses. The geochemical variations in the Velay main anatectic granites cannot, however, be explained by mixing alone as their compositions range to lower SiO2, with higher Al2O3, Fe2O3 and TiO2 and lower Na2O and CaO, than either end member in mixing. The variations are interpreted as being due to the presence of up to 35% restite in minimum melts of country rock compositions. Primary restites form equilibrium assemblages represented by biotite, ilmenite and surmicaceous enclaves which consist of biotite ± apatite, zircon and almandine. The main anatectic granites more rarely contain schist and gneiss enclaves, quartz resisters and plagioclase restites. Secondary restites are mainly represented by cordierite, and possibly K-feldspar, which formed by recrystallisation of primary biotite-rich restites. The unique characteristics of the Velay main anatectic granites are likely to be due, in part, to its late formation close to the end of the Hercynian orogeny. The metasedimentary lower crust may have become too refractory to yield large volumes of melt following partial melting to form the other major Massif Central granitoids. The heat necessary for partial melting at higher crustal levels was transferred from the lower crust by the intrusion of I-type granites and low volume diorites from the mantle. Upper crustal anatexis was mainly controlled by muscovite breakdown reactions (< 830 to 850 °C) and the liberation of water due to the recrystallisation of biotite to cordierite. The temperatures necessary for biotite breakdown were only achieved locally and resulted in the formation of high-LREE granites.  相似文献   
A study of environmental chloride, deuterium, oxygen-18, and tritium in deep sand profiles (35 m) has been carried out in order to estimate their relative value for measuring average groundwater recharge. The investigation was located at a 0.1-km2 site in Quaternary sands near the northwestern coast of Senegal in a zone of rainfed agriculture. By using a steady-state model for duplicate unsaturated zone chloride profiles, the long-term average recharge at the site was estimated to be 30 mm yr–1 or around 10% of the average precipitation (290 mm). The chloride concentration of adjacent shallow groundwater was relatively uniform and comparable to the unsaturated zone average, while the spatial variability in the depth distribution of Cl in the unsaturated zone was considerable. Stable isotope (deuterium and oxygen-18) data show that there is some isotopic enrichment due to direct evaporation through the soil surface. The degree of heavy isotope enrichment is proportional to the extent of evaporative loss and there is good correspondance with the chloride enrichment. Nevertheless, stable isotopes cannot be used quantitatively to estimate the recharge. The excellent preservation of the peak in thermonuclear tritium in precipitation in the unsaturated zone at depths between 12 and 20 m enables an estimated annual recharge of 24 mm yr–1 in this area to be calculated, using the piston flow model. Agreement therefore between Cl and3H as tools for recharge measurement is reasonable over the site.  相似文献   
Relativistic shocks can accelerate particles by the first-order Fermi mechanism; the particles then emit synchrotron emission in the post-shock gas. This process is of particular interest in the models used for the afterglow of gamma-ray bursts. In this paper we use recent results in the theory of particle acceleration at highly relativistic shocks to model the synchrotron emission in an evolving, inhomogeneous and highly relativistic flow. We have developed a numerical code that integrates the relativistic Euler equations for fluid dynamics with a general equation of state, together with a simple transport equation for the accelerated particles. We present tests of this code and, in addition, we use it to study the gamma-ray burst afterglow predicted by the fireball model, along with the hydrodynamics of a spherically-symmetric relativistic blast wave.
We find that, while broadly speaking the behaviour of the emission is similar to that already predicted with semi-analytic approaches, the detailed behaviour is somewhat different. The 'breaks' in the synchrotron spectrum behave differently with time, and the spectrum above the final break is harder than had previously been expected. These effects are due to the incorporation of the geometry of the (spherical) blast wave, along with relativistic beaming and adiabatic cooling of the energetic particles leading to a mix, in the observed spectrum, between recently injected 'uncooled' particles and the older 'cooled' population in different parts of the evolving, inhomogeneous flow.  相似文献   
The southern Cobar Superbasin includes the Mount Hope, Cobar and Rast troughs and adjacent Winduck, Mouramba and Kopyje shelves. These stratotectonic units host a range of mineral systems within deformed upper Silurian to Lower Devonian rocks. Despite the metallogenic importance of the terrane the regional metamorphic- and alteration-related mineral assemblages have not been systematically described until now. Here, we present a study using the HyLogger? spectral scanner to systematically map changes in both background and alteration-related mineralogy for 14 mineral systems across the Nymagee area. The study found that, with the exception of the late diagenetic zone assemblages associated with the Winduck Shelf, the mineral assemblages for zones away from mineralisation are consistent with uniform sub- to lowest-greenschist facies metamorphic conditions, with no evidence for a regional, thermal field gradient across the basin. By contrast, proximal to mineralisation, there are significant changes in alteration-related mineral abundances and species reflecting elevated fluid temperatures. For several zones, including Browns Reef, Great Central, Hera, May Day, Nymagee and Shuttleton, there is a systematic change in chlorite composition from Fe- and/or Fe–Mg-chlorites to more Mg-rich varieties towards mineralisation. In addition, talc was noted for May Day, Mineral Hill and Shuttleton. The change in chlorite composition suggests that these ore-forming fluids were undersaturated with respect to iron. Furthermore, although present in discrete zones, carbonate alteration is not a dominant alteration type. However, at Manuka and Blue Mountain, the mineralisation is associated with carbonate-rich (calcite, ankerite, dolomite) units that have been dolomitised (Mg alteration) but not all dolomite-rich zones are mineralised. For Mineral Hill, there are systematic changes to mineral species/chemistry with observed data consistent with Parkers Hill being proximal to the centre of a mineralising system. The G and H Lode area (Southern Ore Zone) is slightly more distal whereas the Pearse deposit may represent a zone more distal again.  相似文献   
High nitrate concentrations, above the WHO guideline of 50 mg l−1, were observed in samples of shallow wells reaching the Yeumbeul suburb (Senegal) area groundwater. This groundwater is exploited by 7000 houses and therefore there are health implications. Correlations between parameters such as nitrate content (NO3) in the groundwater and soil water, the distance between shallow wells and family latrines, and soil water chloride (Cl) and colon bacillus content led to two possible sources of groundwater pollution: first, contamination by non impervious and shallow latrines; and second, the leaching of soil NO3 from waste organic matter carried in groundwater.  相似文献   
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