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Fish mortality and hypoxic events occur in many coastal and inland systems and may result from natural or anthropogenically mediated processes. The effects of consequent changes in water biogeochemistry have been investigated for communities of benthic invertebrates and pelagic metazoans. The responses of micro-plankton assemblages, however, have remained largely unstudied. The northern basin of King Harbor, a small embayment within Santa Monica Bay, CA, USA, suffered a massive fish kill in March 2011 as a consequence of acute hypoxia. Dissolved oxygen concentrations < 0.1 ml?l?1 were measured in the northern basin of the harbor for several days following the mortality event, and a strong spatial gradient of oxygen was observed from the northern basin to waters outside the harbor. The microplankton community within King Harbor differed significantly from a diatom-dominated community present in neighboring Santa Monica Bay. The latter region appeared unaffected by physicochemical changes, induced by the fish kill, that were observed within the harbor. A trophic shift was observed throughout King Harbor from a photoautotrophic-dominated assemblage to one of heterotrophic forms, with relative abundances of bacterivorous ciliates increasing by more than 80 % in the most impacted part of the harbor. Significant changes in community structure were observed together with dramatically reduced photosynthetic yield of the remaining phytoplankton, indicating severe physiological stress during the extreme hypoxia.  相似文献   
In this paper, we have attempted a problem of reflection and refraction of plane harmonic SH‐wave at a corrugated interface between two different perfectly conducting self‐reinforced elastic half‐spaces. Rayleigh's method is employed to find out the expressions of reflection and refraction coefficients for first‐ and second‐order approximation of the corrugation. The expressions of these coefficients show that they depend on the properties of half‐spaces, angle of incidence, frequency of the incident wave and are strongly influenced by the corrugation of the interface. Numerical computations are performed for a particular model having special type of interface and the variation of these coefficients are depicted graphically against the angles of incidence, frequency parameter, corrugation parameter at different values of reinforcement parameters. Results of some earlier works are reduced as a particular case of this formulation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present study aims to understand evolution of the Lesser Himalaya, which consists of (meta) sedimentary and crystalline rocks. Field studies, microscopic and rock magnetic investigations have been carried out on the rocks near the South Almora Thrust (SAT) and the North Almora Thrust (NAT), which separates the Almora Crystalline Zone (ACZ) from the Lesser Himalayan sequences (LHS). The results show that along the South Almora Thrust, the deformation is persistent; however, near the NAT deformation pattern is complex and implies overprinting of original shear sense by a younger deformational event. We attribute this overprinting to late stage back-thrusting along NAT, active after the emplacement of ACZ. During this late stage back-thrusting, rocks of the ACZ and LHS were coupled. Back-thrusts originated below the Lesser Himalayan rocks, probably from the Main Boundary Thrust, and propagated across the sedimentary and crystalline rocks. This study provides new results from multiple investigations, and enhances our understanding of the evolution of the ACZ.  相似文献   
This study presents a remote sensing and geographic information systems-based approach for using US EPA’s Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) in urban environment. Cartosat-1 PAN + IRS-P6 LISS-IV merged product was used to map land cover in part of Surat city at 1:10,000 scale. Cartosat-1 stereo pair was used for deriving digital elevation model of the study area. Geo-informatics-based methods were developed for delineation of sub-catchment areas, assignment of sub-catchment outlets and estimation of characteristic width. It was observed that 59% of the developed area in the study region was directly or indirectly connected to the storm water drainage network. Furthermore, dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation on three-day rainfall indicated that the average runoff coefficient on the urbanized sub-catchment areas which were directly connected to the drainage network was 0.92 as against 0.88 on those urbanized sub-catchments without having direct access to storm water drainage.  相似文献   
Three distinct alkaline magmas, represented by shonkinite, lamprophyre and alkali basalt dykes, characterize a significant magmatic expression of rift-related mantle-derived igneous activity in the Mesoproterozoic Prakasam Alkaline Province, SE India. In the present study we have estimated emplacement velocities (ascent rates) for these three varied alkaline magmas and compared with other silicate magmas to explore composition control on the ascent rates. The alkaline dykes have variable widths and lengths with none of the dykes wider than 1 m. The shonkinites are fine- to medium-grained rocks with clinopyroxene, phologopite, amphibole, K-feldspar perthite and nepheline as essential minerals. They exhibit equigranular hypidiomorphic to foliated textures. Lamprophyres and alkali basalts characteristically show porphyritic textures. Olivine, clinopyroxene, amphibole and biotite are distinct phenocrysts in lamprophyres whereas olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase form the phenocrystic mineralogy in the alkali basalts. The calculated densities [2.54–2.71 g/cc for shonkinite; 2.61–2.78 g/cc for lamprophyre; 2.66–2.74 g/cc for alkali basalt] and viscosities [3.11–3.39 Pa s for shonkinite; 3.01–3.28 Pa s for lamprophyre; 2.72–3.09 Pa s for alkali basalt] are utilized to compute velocities (ascent rates) of the three alkaline magmas. Since the lamprophyres and alkali basalts are crystal-laden, we have also calculated effective viscosities to infer crystal control on the velocities. Twenty percent of crystals in the magma increase the viscosity by 2.7 times consequently decrease ascent rate by 2.7 times compared to the crystal-free magmas. The computed ascent rates range from 0.11–2.13 m/sec, 0.23–2.77 m/sec and 1.16–2.89 m/sec for shonkinite, lamprophyre and alkali basalt magmas respectively. Ascent rates increase with the width of the dykes and density difference, and decrease with magma viscosity and proportion of crystals. If a constant width of 1 m is assumed in the magma-filled dyke propagation model, then the sequence of emplacement velocities in the decreasing order is alkaline magmas (4.68–15.31 m/sec) > ultramafic-mafic magmas (3.81–4.30 m/sec) > intermediate-felsic magmas (1.76–2.56 m/sec). We propose that SiO2 content in the terrestrial magmas can be modeled as a semi-quantitative “geospeedometer” of the magma ascent rates.  相似文献   
The devastating earthquake that struck Nepal in 25 April (Mw7.8) and 12 May (Mw7.3) 2015 have triggered numerous landslides and reactivated existing landslides extending over large areas. These two shocks mostly affected the northwest and northeast region of Kathmandu which accelerated large region along with southward up thrusting in the region. To detect the event of the landslides in time and space satellite images have been analysed using space remote sensing techniques like pseudo colour transformation technique and was employed to pre and post-earthquake images of the event to bring out only landslide affected areas from the image by masking the remaining part, where field based survey of the landslides provided information on real nature of it, slope and rock type. Surprisingly the observed mass movements are mostly belong to debris flow and rock fall types beginning from the top part of the ridge slope with south-westerly faces i.e. sun facing. Further, satellite images of different dates could be gathered which facilitated analysis on development of landslide with time. This study also revealed that the NE–SW trending geological faults have controlled the landslide occurrence especially in Ramche area and along the Bagmati river valley near Shital-chowk village on Kathmandu-Hetauda road.  相似文献   
The western coast of India (Kachchh) has ubiquitous preservations of Quaternary carbonate deposits popularly known as “miliolites”. Field-based detail documentation of the nature and distribution of miliolites supported by sedimentology and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) microtextural studies indicates that the miliolites were primarily deposited by wind as aeolinites and are termed “primary miliolites (PM)”. These were subsequently fluvially eroded and deposited and such deposits are termed “secondary miliolites (SM)”. The PM are dated between 28 ka to 16 ka largely clustering around the Last Glacial Maxima (LGM). In comparison, the fluvially reworked SM occurs as valley-fill deposits and were deposited episodically during 23 ka to 10 ka before present. Climatically, the deposition of PMs suggests enhanced aridity whereas SMs represent episodic strengthening of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM). The bedding attitudes of the PMs indicate that they were deposited predominantly by the northeasterly winds whereas the presence of the deflation lag deposits suggests downwind migration of sands during the equilibrium condition (reduced sediment supply). The aeolian parameters (based on the grain size and wind velocities) for PMs indicate high shear velocity (~23 to 48 cm−1) and high transport rate (< 0.1 to 0.2 g/cm s). The short average flying distance implies that the biogenic sands were transported in multiple pulses (from coast to inland) at rates varying from ~200 m/h to ~1 km/h. Comparing our data with related occurrences along the biologically productive coasts in the mid-latitudinal belt indicates that the regional/global aridity during the lowered sea level was responsible for inland occurrences of aeolinites, particularly during the LGM. The strengthened northeast monsoon winds during the LGM was conducive to upwelling and production of biogenic carbonates along the coasts. The subsequent reworking of the aeolinites were mainly the results of local variability in precipitation.  相似文献   
Improving image classification and its techniques have been of interest while handling satellite data especially in hilly regions with evergreen forests particularly with indistinct ecotones. In the present study an attempt has been made to classify evergreen forests/vegetation in Moulirig National Park of Arunachal Pradesh in Eastern Himalayas using conventional unsupervised classification algorithms in conjunction with DEM. The study area represents climax vegetation and can be broadly classified into tropical, subtropical, temperate and sub-alpine forests. Vegetation pattern in the study area is influenced strongly by altitude, slope, aspect and other climatic factors. The forests are mature, undisturbed and intermixed with close canopy. Rugged terrain and elevation also affect the reflectance. Because of these discrimination among the various forest/vegetation types is restrained on satellite data. Therefore, satellite data in optical region have limitations in pattern recognition due to similarity in spectral response caused by several factors. Since vegetation is controlled by elevation among other factors, digital elevation model (DEM) was integrated with the LISS III multiband data. The overall accuracy improved from 40.81 to 83.67%. Maximum-forested area (252.80 km2) in national park is covered by sub-tropical evergreen forest followed by temperate broad-leaved forest (147.09 km2). This is probably first attempt where detailed survey of remote and inhospitable areas of Semang sub-watershed, in and around western part of Mouling Peak and adjacent areas above Bomdo-Egum and Ramsingh from eastern and southern side have been accessed for detailed ground truth collection for vegetation mapping (on 1:50,000 scale) and characterization. The occurrence of temperate conifer forests and Rhododendron Scrub in this region is reported here for the first time. The approach of DEM integrated with satellite data can be useful for vegetation and land cover mapping in rugged terrains like in Himalayas.  相似文献   
Mn-rich ilmenites (up to 7 % MnO) have been identified in dykes cutting the Malanjkhand porphyry copper mining area in Madhya Pradesh. The dykes are hydrothermally altered and are of tholeiitic affinities. Lamprophyres have been reported from nearby areas. The presence of Mn-rich Ilmenites in the Malanjkhand copper mine dykes and the occurrence of lamprophyres and the pervasive potassium metasomatism in the area strongly suggests a possibility of finding diamondiferous rocks in the area. Such high-Mn bearing ilmenites are associated with diamondiferous deposits in other parts of the world, e.g. Juina kimberlites, Brazil. Mn-bearing ilmenite is considered as an indicator mineral for kimberlite/diamond occurrences. The presence of kimberlite pipes in Raipur district and the association of Mn-rich ilmenite with kimberlites is a fortuitous coincidence for venture-some mining companies. A probable explanation for the origin of manganese layers in the context of ‘rift’ tectonic environment is offered. Also a possible link between the dykes, quartz veins in the Malanjkhand granitic rocks and the copper mineralization is proposed.  相似文献   
A problem of reflection and transmission of elastic waves at a plane interface between a uniform elastic solid half-space and a porous elastic half-space containing two immiscible fluids is investigated. The theory developed by Lo, Sposito and Majer for porous media containing two immiscible fluids is employed to find out the reflection and transmission coefficients. The incident wave is assumed to propagate through the uniform elastic half-space and two cases are considered. In the first case, a beam of plane longitudinal wave is assumed to be incident and in the second case, a beam of transverse wave is assumed to be incident at the interface. By taking granite as impervious elastic medium and columbia fine sandy loam containing air-water mixture as porous medium, reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained. By neglecting the inertial coupling coefficients, these coefficients are reduced to those obtained by Tomar and Arora using the theory of Tuncay and Corapcioglu. It is found that the inertial coupling parameters significantly affect the phase speeds and the amplitude ratios of the transmitted waves.  相似文献   
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