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利用一个斜压两层海洋模式解析地研究了赤道东、西太平洋对信风张弛的响应特征.研究表明:当赤道上空偏东信风张弛或转为西风时,由于打破了海洋原来的平衡关系,结果在赤道东、西太平洋的温跃层附近产生了扰动并开始传播.西太平洋温跃层附近的扰动向东传播的速度远大于东太平洋扰动向西传播的速度,而且与东太平洋温跃层扰动向西传播的狭窄范围和小振幅相比,西太平洋温跃层扰动向东传播的范围和强度均很大.这与最近几次强厄尔尼诺增暖事件暖水从赤道西太平洋向赤道中、东太平洋的迅速传播特征是一致的.  相似文献   
I~IOXThe half-lives of natural radioactive nuclides "'Ra, 226Ra and 228Ra are 3. 66 d, 5. 76 a,1600 a respectively, hence, the marine process with various time scales can be researched by taking these nuclides as tracers. Because these nuclides can be determined by measuring them or theirdaughters' a,g, y-rays, they have been applied extensively in oceanography research. Huang(1996), Huang et al. (1996 a,b) and Chen (1996) have given reviews on it.Since the contents of "'Ra, 226Ra and 228…  相似文献   
南黄海中部沉积物微量元素的环境记录研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过对南黄海中部E2站位沉积柱样部分微量元素的特征研究,讨论了近200a来与南黄海中部沉积物相关的主要环境气候演变.铅和金、铂族元素显示人类现代工农业活动对环境的影响在南黄海中部沉积物有明显记录;过渡金属元素和不活泼元素的记录显示小冰期(泛指1550~1850年)的结束,气温的升高对南黄海中部沉积区的氧化-还原条件和黄河流域的风化程度产生了影响;黄河的改道对南黄海中部沉积物陆源碎屑的输入产生影响.  相似文献   
对7株赤潮原甲藻28S rDNA 5'端部分序列进行扩增、克隆和序列测定,并从GeneBank上获取14个原甲藻28S rDNA序列,用NJ法和ME法构建了原甲藻属的系统树,并对序列进行分析.结果表明,7株原甲藻28S rDNA扩增序列长度为950~958 bp,通过NJ法和ME法构建的系统树完全一致.大部分分离自不同海域的同种原甲藻的序列高度保守,而不同种间在序列高变区却有较大的差异.但来自南海海域的海洋原甲藻(Prorocentrum micans)与分离自其他海域的株系序列差异较大,甚至超出了有些种间的差异.由28S rDNA高变区获得的序列,有望成为浮游植物特异性分子探针设计的良好靶区域.  相似文献   
红树林生态系统处于海洋与陆地的动态交界面,遭受海水周期性浸淹,因而在结构与功能上具有既不同于陆地生态系统,也不同于海洋生态系统的特性。红树林作为初级生产者,为林区动物、微生物提供食物与营养,为鸟类、昆虫、鱼虾等提供栖息、繁衍场所。因此,红树植物对维护生态平衡、保护海岸生态系统起着重要的作用[1-2]。近年来由于工农业的发展,沿海城市人口与经济的增长,大量的污染物汇集于河口、海湾区,使这些地区的重金属污染日趋严重,特别是在直接向红树林区倾污排废的地区更是如此。  相似文献   
In this paper AlGaInP light emitting diodes with different types of electrodes: Au/Zn/Au-ITO Au/Ti-ITO Au/Ge/Ni-ITO and Au-ITO are fabricated. The photoelectricity properties of those LEDs are studied. The results show that the Au/Zn/Au electrode greatly improves the performance of LEDs compared with the other electrodes. Because the Au/Zn/Au electrode not only forms a good Ohmic contact with indium tin oxide (ITO), but also reduces the specific contact resistances between ITO and GaP, which are 1.273×10-6 Ω · cm2 and 1.743×10-3 Ω ·cm2 between Au/Zn/Au-ITO and ITO-GaP respectively. Furthermore, the textured Zn/Au-ITO/Zn electrode is designed to improve the performances of LEDs, reduce the forward-voltage of the LED from 1.93 to 1.88 V, and increase the luminous intensity of the LEDs from 126 to 134 mcd when driven at 20 mA.  相似文献   
-Nonlinear tidal waves in a kind of estuary are studied in the paper using one-dimensional nonlinear hydrody-namic equations with friction. The estuary has exponentially varying width B=B0 e-bx and uniform depth h. The one-dimensional hydrodynamic equations are solved by perturbation method. It was found that our solution included two special cases, Pelisenpeki's solution and Airy's solution. The former can be got by letting b=0 in our solutions, and the latter by setting 6 = 0 and f= 0 (f is linear frictional coefficient). In terms of the second-order solution, the physical mechanism of nonlinear tidal waves in estuaries with gradually varying cross-section is explored. It is shown that, under the assumption of linear friction coefficient, shallow water constituent waves consist of two parts, one is produced by shallow water nonlinear effect outside the estuary, the other is generated by shallow water nonlinear effect inside estuary. In addition, the physical mechanism of the residual tidal current and  相似文献   
In October and November of 1977 and September and October of 1978,a quantitative survey of benthic animals was conducted in the East China Sea Continental Shelf and its adjacent waters(26°00'-34°00'N,124°00'-129°00'E,water depth 39-1550m),where 307 stations were dredged and 1200 samples collected.  相似文献   
A fully automated optimization process is provided for the design of ducted propellers under open water conditions, including 3D geometry modeling, meshing, optimization algorithm and CFD analysis techniques. The developed process allows the direct integration of a RANSE solver in the design stage. A practical ducted propeller design case study is carried out for validation. Numerical simulations and open water tests are fulfilled and proved that the optimum ducted propeller improves hydrodynamic performance as predicted.  相似文献   
1 Introduction A vertical wall is one of the typical maritime sheltering structures in the coastal region, which is mainly subjected to wave forces. It has been a com- mon engineering assumption adopted for design pur- poses that normally incident wave fo…  相似文献   
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