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山东省场地类别分布及地震动峰值加速度区划调整   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
首先,本文搜集了山东省5220个建设工程场地的资料,引入"分布区"的概念,统计分析了山东省场地类别的区域分布并进行了分区。然后,根据《中国地震动参数区划图(GB18306-2015)》中的山东省地震动峰值加速度区划以及Ⅲ类场地调整系数,对山东省Ⅲ类场地分布区的地震动峰值加速度区划进行了调整,得到了考虑场地类别分区的山东省地震动峰值加速度区划图,增进了对山东省地震灾害风险空间分布的认识。结果表明,山东省场地类别分布与地貌分区有很强的相关性,Ⅰ-Ⅱ类场地分布区包括鲁中南山地丘陵区(西南部的山间平原地带除外)以及鲁东丘陵区,Ⅲ类场地分布区包括鲁西北-鲁西南平原区和鲁中南山地丘陵区西南部山间平原地带。Ⅰ-Ⅱ类场地分布区约占全省陆地面积的59.5%,Ⅰ-Ⅱ类场地分布区与Ⅲ类场地分布区的面积比例约为1.47。地震动峰值加速度区划图经过调整后,Ⅶ度及以上设防区域占全省陆地面积的比例由79%提高到90%,10个地级市的峰值加速度有提高。  相似文献   
吴浩云  刘敏  金科  陈红  甘升伟 《湖泊科学》2023,35(3):1009-1021
太湖是流域洪水集散地、水资源调配中心,也是长三角水生态环境的晴雨表,其水位高低影响防洪、供水、水生态、水环境等系统功能,使得太湖面临统筹调度问题日益凸显。本文以太湖为主要研究对象,基于多年实测数据,采用数理统计、河网水动力模型计算,分析流域降雨、进出湖水量和水生态环境演变规律及其与太湖水位的互馈关系,综合考虑不同调度期流域防洪、供水、水生态、水环境目标及其承受风险的时空差异性,优化太湖调度水位,并在此基础上提出太湖调度功能区划图。结果表明,在设计洪水和供水条件下,通过调度水位调整,统筹调控流域水工程,前期预降太湖水位,后期适抬太湖水位,实现太湖多目标调度,可有效保障流域防洪、供水和航运安全,改善河湖生态环境,共绘美丽太湖。  相似文献   
The Chin Shan porphyry copper-gold deposit is located in the south of China in Fujian province. This is a large deposit containing more than 1000 t industrial reserves of gold and more than 0.5 mln. t of copper. It is related to a very complex polygenic and polychronic type of porphyritic plutonogenic hydrothermal deposits formed during the final stage of the formation of volcano-plutonic granite dioritic complex of the Cretaceous age. Later post-magmatic fluids of the Late Mesozoic (Kimmeridgian) epoch of tectonic magmatic activation also took part in ore formation. The gold-silver and polymetallic activation is related to precisely this epoch. The modern shape of the deposit and all industrial ores appeared in the Quaternary period during the formation of the unique extended oxidation zone.  相似文献   
珠江口不同沉积有机质的来源及相对含量   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过分析珠江口表层沉积物的C、N元素及C、N稳定同位素,发现其总有机碳(TOC,干重%)含量为0.06%-1.02%,其中深圳湾-内伶仃岛-澳门和珠海附近海域及香港、大亚湾附近海域表层沉积物中的TOC含量较高。总氮(TN,干重%)含量为0.03%-O.19%,TOC和TN的比值范围为1.36-7.84,反映了沉积有机质的混合来源。沉积物的^15N值为3.86‰-6.39‰,δ^13Corg值为-24.76‰--21.98‰,表明珠江口的沉积有机质主要来源于海洋有机质和陆源有机物。从河口向西,δ^13Corg值偏轻,表明由河流带入的陆源有机质受科氏力作用主要在珠江西岸沉积。  相似文献   
Duringtheprocessofnationaleconomy'stransi-tion,thedeterminantpowerofeconomicdevelopmenthaschangedgraduallyfromcentralgovemmenttolocalgovemments.Cities,asthecenterofregionaleconomicdevelopment,notonlydeterminethecompetitivenessoftheregionbuthavebecomethemainimpetusforthechangesofmacroeconomicpatternasweIl.Sotaking2o9perfecture-levelcitiesasresearchsubjects,weanalyzethemacropatternofurbancompetitivenessandcomprehendtheinternalimpetusandmechanismofre-gionaldevelopment,whichhavegreatsignificanceon…  相似文献   
This paper proposes a simplified analytical solution considering non-Darcian and wellbore storage effect to investigate the pumping flow in a confined aquifer with barrier and recharge boundaries. The mathematical modelling for the pumping-induced flow in aquifers with different boundaries is developed by employing image-well theory with the superposition principle, of which the non-Darcian effect is characterized by Izbash’s equation. The solutions are derived by Boltzmann and dimensionless transformations. Then, the non-Darcian effect and wellbore storage are especially investigated according to the proposed solution. The results show that the aquifer boundaries have non-negligible effects on pumping, and ignoring the wellbore storage can lead to an over-estimation of the drawdown in the first 10 minutes of pumping. The higher the degree of non-Darcian, the smaller the drawdown.  相似文献   
This paper presents an analytical solution for determining the dynamic characteristics of axially loaded piles embedded in elastic-poroelastic layered soil of finite thickness. The interface between the elastic and poroelastic soil coincides with the groundwater table level, which is explicitly taken into account in the solution. The pile is modelled as elastic one-dimensional rod to account for the effect of its dynamic characteristics on the response of the soil-pile system. The solution is based on Biot's poroelastodynamic theory and the classical elastodynamic theory, which we use to establish the governing equations of the soil and pile. Accordingly, the pile base resistance, shaft reaction, and the complex impedance of soil-pile system are obtained using the method of Hankel integral transformation. Following the validation of the derived solution, we identify the main parameters affecting the vertical dynamic impedance of the pile via a parametric study. The presented method poses as an efficient alternative for quickly estimating the dynamic characteristics of axially loaded piles, without having to resort to complex numerical analyses.  相似文献   
We propose a simplified model of outflow/jet driven by the Blandford–Payne (BP) process from advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAF) and derive the expressions of the BP power and disk luminosity based on the conservation laws of mass, angular momentum and energy. We fit the 2–10 keV luminosity and kinetic power of 15 active galactic nucleus (AGNs) of sub-Eddington luminosity. It is found that there exists an anti-correlation between the accretion rate and the advection parameter, which could be used to explain the correlation between Eddington-scaled kinetic power and bolometric luminosity of the 15 samples. In addition, the Ledlow–Owen relation for FR I/II dichotomy is re-expressed in a parameter space consisting of logarithm of dimensionless accretion rate versus that of the BH mass. It turns out that the FR I/II dichotomy is determined mainly by the dimensionless accretion rate, being insensitive to the BH mass. And the dividing accretion rate is less than the critical accretion rate for ADAFs, suggesting that FR I sources are all in the ADAF state.  相似文献   
After the volcanic eruption in Iceland on April 14, 2010, the volcanic ash cloud spread over Europe including Russia, that resulted in the air traffic collapse for several days. Presented are the results of computations of the volcanic ash spreading obtained with the FLEXPART Lagrangian dispersion model, as well as the results of the lidar sounding over Troitsk (Moscow region). The obtained model and experimental results agree well with each other and indicate the existence of settling layer of volcanic ash at the height of 4?C6 km, that is corroborated by the data of observations in Europe. The largest uncertainty in the model computations is caused by the lack of information on the volume of the emission of micron particles transported with the wind to the large distance. The comparison of model results with the observational data can enable to correct the source function and to obtain more realistic estimates of volcanic ash concentrations, that is a key factor of the air traffic control.  相似文献   
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