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During geothermal reservoir development, drilling deep boreholes turns out to be extremely expensive and risky. Thus, it is of great importance to work out the details of suitable borehole locations in advance. Here, given a set of existing boreholes, we demonstrate how a sophisticated numerical technique called optimal experimental design helps to find a location of an additional exploratory borehole that reduces risk and, ultimately, saves cost. More precisely, the approach minimizes the uncertainty when deducing the effective permeability of a buried reservoir layer from a temperature profile measured in this exploratory borehole. In this paper, we (1) outline the mathematical formulation in terms of an optimization problem, (2) describe the numerical implementation involving various software components, and (3) apply the method to a 3D numerical simulation model representing a real geothermal reservoir in northern Italy. Our results show that optimal experimental design is conceptually and computationally feasible for industrial-scale applications. For the particular reservoir and the estimation of permeability from temperature, the optimal location of the additional borehole coincides with regions of high flow rates and large deviations from the mean temperature of the reservoir layer in question. Finally, the presentation shows that, methodologically, the optimization method can be generalized from estimating permeability to finding any other reservoir properties.  相似文献   
Continental slope terraces at the southern Argentine margin are part of a significant contourite depositional system composed of a variety of drifts, channels, and sediment waves. Here, a refined seismostratigraphic model for the sedimentary development of the Valentin Feilberg Terrace located in ~4.1?km water depth is presented. Analyzing multichannel seismic profiles across and along this terrace, significant changes in terrace morphology and seismic reflection character are identified and interpreted to reflect variations in deep water hydrography from Late Miocene to recent times, involving variable flow of Antarctic Bottom Water and Circumpolar Deep Water. A prominent basin-wide aggradational seismic unit is interpreted to represent the Mid-Miocene climatic optimum (~17?C14?Ma). A major current reorganization can be inferred for the time ~14?C12?Ma when the Valentin Feilberg Terrace started growing due to the deposition of sheeted and mounded drifts. After ~12?Ma, bottom water flow remained vigorous at both margins of the terrace. Another intensification of bottom flow occurred at ~5?C6?Ma when a mounded drift, moats, and sediment waves developed on the terrace. This may have been caused by a general change in deep water mass organization following the closure of the Panamanian gateway, and a subsequent stronger southward flow of North Atlantic Deep Water.  相似文献   
Benthic fluxes of copper, copper complexing ligands and thiol compounds in the shallow waters of Venice Lagoon (Italy) were determined using benthic chambers and compared to porewater concentrations to confirm their origin. Benthic copper fluxes were small due to small concentration differences between the porewaters and the overlying water, and the equilibrium concentration was the same at both sites, suggesting that the sediments acted to buffer the copper concentration. Thiol fluxes were ~10 × greater at 50–60 pmol cm?2 h?1, at the two sites. Porewater measurements demonstrated that the sediments were an important source of the thiols to the overlying waters. The overlying waters were found to contain at least two ligands, a strong one, L1 (log K′CuL1 = 14.2) and a weaker one, L2 (log K′CuL2 = 12.5). The concentration of L1 remained relatively constant during the incubation and similar to that of copper, whereas that of L2 was in great excess of copper, its concentration balanced by porewater releases and breakdown, probably due to uptake by microorganisms, similar to that of the thiol compounds. Similarity of the thiol and L2 concentrations and similar complex stability with copper suggest that L2 was dominated by the thiols. The free copper concentration ([Cu´]) in the Lagoon waters was lowered by a factor of 105 as a result of the organic complexation.  相似文献   
Atoll‐like structures of the endemic Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica were encountered in the innermost area of the Stagnone di Marsala, a semi‐enclosed coastal lagoon along the western coasts of Sicily. The area is characterized by limited water exchange with the open sea and by a marked seasonal variation of water salinity and temperature, reaching beyond the theoretical tolerance limits of the species. In the present study we determined the genetic composition of the atoll‐like structures, as well as the growth performance and flowering rate of these stands. We also assessed whether and to what extent the atoll‐like structures are genetically isolated from plants growing in meadows outside the lagoon. For this purpose we utilized 13 microsatellite markers to genotype single shoots sampled inside and outside the lagoon. Lepidochronological analyses were performed on the same shoots to determine the annual rhizome growth rate, the number of leaves and the inflorescences formed as an estimate of growth‐ and reproductive performance over the years. The innermost area of the lagoon showed a lower number of alleles, a lower percentage of polymorphic loci, a lower clonal diversity, but higher heterozygosis excess with respect to the other areas analysed. Spatial autocorrelation was here significant, up to slightly below 300 m. Shoots collected in the atolls exhibited a 25% lower vertical growth rate and 16% lower leaf formation in comparison to those in open‐sea meadows. No flowering events were recorded during 24 years of investigation, whereas inflorescences were observed frequently in meadows outside the lagoon. Results from Fst and factorial correspondence analysis confirmed the expected genetic isolation of the confined atolls with respect to the meadows outside the lagoon and revealed limited gene flow within the lagoon itself. Apparently, the enclosed system of the Stagnone lagoon is genetically isolated, with a possible selection of genotypes adapted to persistent stressful conditions, consistent with reduced growth and lack of flowering events.  相似文献   
The volcanogenic exhalative Tverrfjell deposit occurs in a sequence of predominantely mafic submarine meta-volcanics, interlayered with geosynclinal pelitic sediments, turbidites and volcanic breccias, belonging to the Early Cambrian to Early Arenigian Støren Group. Two major deformational phases and low to medium grade metamorphic conditions are recognized in the study area. Basalts are mainly tholeiitic but alkaline types occur as well. Extensive fractionation produced highly evolved basalts and even andesites. Basalt compositions are comparable to Type II-ocean floor basalt. The copper/zinc ores of the Tverrfjell deposit are strictly confined to an andesitic extrusive body. An extensive magma chamber is postulated to explain magma fractionation, and as a heat source that generated the exhalative Tverrfjell ore body. It is suggested that the deposit was formed at an intraplate volcanic center or back-arc spreading center.
Zusammenfassung Die vulkanogen-exhalativ gebildete Tverrfjell-Lagerstätte befindet sich innerhalb einer Abfolge überwiegend mafischer, submariner Metavulkamte, die mit geosynklinalen pelitischen Sedimenten, Turbiditen und vulkanischen Brekkzien wechsellagern. Diese Gesteine gehören zur Støren-Gruppe, die vom Unterkambrium bis zum frühen Arenig reicht. Zwei Hauptdeformationsphasen in Verbindung mit niedrig bis mittelgradiger Metamorphose können im Arbeitsgebiet nachgewiesen werden. Die Basalte sind zumeist tholeiitisch, jedoch treten auch alkalibasaltische Typen auf. Durch starke Fraktionierung sind hoch entwikkelte Basaltmagmen und sogar Andesite entstanden. Die Basalte können mit Typ II-Ozeanbodenbasalten verglichen werden. Die Kupfer/Zinkerze der Tverrfjell-Lagerstätte sind strikt an einen andesitischen Extrusivkörper gebunden. Eine ausgedehnte Magmenkammer wird postuliert, in welcher die Magmenfraktionierung stattfand, und die als Wärmequelle für die Bildung des Tverrfjellerzkörpers angesehen wird. Aufgrund der Untersuchungsergebnisse wird angenommen, daß die Lagerstätte in einem Intraplatten-Vulkanzentrum oder in einem Back-arc spreading centre gebildet wurde.

Résumé Le gisement volcanogénétique exhalatif du Tverrfjell se trouve au sein d'une série de métavolcanites sous-marines, surtout basiques, qui alternent avec des pélites géosynclinales, des turbidites et des brèches volcaniques. Ces roches appartiennent au groupe de Støren qui s'étend du Cambrien inférieur jusqu'à l'éo-Arénigien. Dans cette région, deux phases déformatives majeures ont été reconnues, liées à un métamorphisme de degré faible à moyen.La plupart des basaltes sont de type tholéiitique, mais il existe aussi des basaltes alcalins. Un fractionnement poussé a engendré magmas basaltiques très évolués et même des andésites. Les compositions des basaltes sont comparables à celles du «basalte océanique de type II». La minéralisation en Cu-Zn de Tverrfjell est liée strictement à une masse extrusive andésitique. Pour expliquer le fractionnement magmatique, on admet l'existence d'une de chaleur lors de la formation du gisement de Tverrfjell. Ce gisement a dû se former soit dans un centre volcanique intraplaque, soit dans une zone d'expansion d'arrière-arc.

- Tvenfjell . . , , . Støren, . , . , . , . . . , , Tverrfjell'e. , .
A banded amphibolite sequence of alternating ultramafic, mafic (amphibolite) and silicic layers, tectonically enclosed within Variscan migmatites, outcrops at Monte Plebi (NE Sardinia) and shows similarities with leptyno-amphibolite complexes. The ultramafic layers consist of amphibole (75–98%), garnet (0–20%), opaque minerals (1–5%) and biotite (0–3%). The mafic rocks are made up of amphibole (65–80%), plagioclase (15–30%), quartz (0–15%), opaque minerals (2–3%) and biotite (0–2%). The silicic layers consist of plagioclase (60–75%), amphibole (15–30%) and quartz (10–15%). Alteration, metasomatic, metamorphic and hydrothermal processes did not significantly modify the original protolith chemistry, as proved by a lack of K2O-enrichment, Rb-enrichment, CaO-depletion, MgO-depletion and by no shift in the rare earth element (REE) patterns. Field, geochemical and isotopic data suggest that ultramafic, mafic and silicic layers represent repeated sequences of cumulates, basic and acidic rocks similar to macrorhythmic units of mafic silicic layered intrusions. The ultramafic layers recall the evolved cumulates of Skaergaard and Pleasant Bay mafic silicic layered intrusions. Mafic layers resemble Thingmuli tholeiites and chilled Pleasant Bay mafic rocks. Silicic layers with Na2O: 4–6 wt%, SiO2: 67–71 wt% were likely oligoclase-rich adcumulates common in many mafic silicic layered intrusions. Some amphibolite showing a strong Ti-, P-depletion and REE-depletion are interpreted as early cumulates nearly devoid of ilmenite and phosphates. All Monte Plebi rocks have extremely low Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf content and high LILE/HFSE ratios, a feature inherited from the original mantle sources. The mafic and ultramafic layers show slight and strong LREE enrichment respectively. Most mafic layer samples plot in the field of continental tholeiites in the TiO2–K2O–P2O5 diagram and are completely different from N-MORB, E-MORB and T-MORB as regards REE patterns and Nd, Sr isotope ratios but show analogies with Siberian, Deccan and proto-Atlantic rift tholeiites. Comparisons with Thingmuli, Skaergaard and Kiglapait rocks and with experimental data suggest that the Monte Plebi intrusion was an open-to-oxygen system with fO2 FMQ. Mafic and ultramafic samples yielded Nd(460)=+0.79 /+3.06 and 87Sr/86Sr=0.702934–0.703426, and four silicic samples Nd(460)=–0.53/–1.13; 87Sr/86Sr=0.703239–0.703653. Significant differences in Nd isotope ratios between mafic and silicic rocks prove that both groups evolved separately in deeper magma chambers, from different mantle sources, with negligible interaction with crustal material, and were later repeatedly injected within a shallower magma chamber. The spectrum of Sr and Nd isotope data is consistent with a slightly enriched mantle metasomatized during an event earlier than 460 Ma. The metasomatising component was represented by alkali-Th-rich fluids of crustal origin rather than by sedimentary materials, able to modify alkali and Sr–Nd isotope systematics. Monte Plebi layered amphibolites might represent the first example of a strongly metamorphosed fragment of an early Paleozoic mafic silicic layered intrusion emplaced in a thinning continental crust and then tectonically dismembered by Variscan orogeny.  相似文献   
In spite of the increasing diffusion of tunnel boring machines, conventional tunnelling is still preferred for economic reasons in case of short tunnels, unconventional cross sections or irregular tunnel trajectories. In conventional tunnelling, the mechanical response of the tunnel front is a main concern and, when tunnels are excavated in cohesive soils, this is dominated by the time factor, related to geometry, to the mean excavation rate and to the hydro-mechanical properties of the materials involved. This is particularly evident during excavation standstill: front displacements progressively increase with time and, in many cases, the system response under long-term conditions becomes unstable. In conventional tunnelling, a common technique employed to improve the system response (under both short- and long-term conditions) is the installation of fibreglass tubes within the advance core. In this paper, the mechanical response of both unreinforced and reinforced deep tunnel fronts in cohesive soils is experimentally analysed. In particular, the results of a series of 1 g small-scale tests, taking into account both the influence of the excavation rate (the unloading time) on the system response and the evolution with time of the tunnel face displacements, induced by a rapid reduction in the horizontal stress applied on the tunnel face, are reported.  相似文献   
The orbits of planetcrossing asteroids (and comets) can undergo close approaches and collisions with some major planet. This introduces a singularity in the Nbody Hamiltonian, and the averaging of the equations of motion, traditionally used to compute secular perturbations, is undefined. We show that it is possible to define in a rigorous way some generalised averaged equations of motion, in such a way that the generalised solutions are unique and piecewise smooth. This is obtained, both in the planar and in the threedimensional case, by means of the method of extraction of the singularities by Kantorovich. The modified distance used to approximate the singularity is the one used by Wetherill in his method to compute probability of collision. Some examples of averaged dynamics have been computed; a systematic exploration of the averaged phase space to locate the secular resonances should be the next step.'Alice sighed wearily. I think you might do something better with the time she said, than waste it asking riddles with no answers(Alice in Wonderland, L. Carroll)  相似文献   
On rimmed shelves of Bahamian-type, characterized by chlorozoan associations and typical of tropical seas, carbonate production keeps pace with normal sea-level rise except when rapid rise or drastic environmental changes occurs. On the other hand, open temperate carbonate shelves are characterized by low carbonate production of the foramol association (molluscs, benthic foraminifera, bryozoans, coralline algae, etc.) and generally show seaward relict sediments, because carbonate production cannot keep pace with normal rate of sea-level change.

Several examples of recent drowning foramol carbonate platforms (e.g., large areas of the Mediterranean Sea, eastern-northeastern Yucatan Shelf) as well as analogous ancient drowned foramol-type carbonate platforms (e.g., early to middle Miocene of the Southern Apennines; Miami Terrace) may support the idea that the drowning of many ancient carbonate platforms has been favoured by their biogenic (foramol sensu lato) constitution. Because of their typically low rate of growth, foramol carbonate platforms are fated to be drowned even if the sea-level rise is one with which the normal growth of chlorozoan platforms can keep pace. Similar conditions may also occur in tropical areas where variations in environmental conditions, such as the presence of cold waters, changes in salinity and increased nutrients, preclude the development of chlorozoan associations.  相似文献   

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