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An extensive characterisation of the magnetic properties of synthetic powders of kuramite, with formal composition Cu3SnS4, was performed. Powders were investigated through superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning and transmission electron microscopies (SEM and TEM) and microanalysis. SEM and TEM reveal the presence of nanodimensioned particles. XRPD clearly shows that Cu3SnS4 crystallised in a cubic sphalerite-type structural model, in spite of the stannite-type tetragonal structure described for the natural phase. This difference arises from a full random distribution of cations. Synthetic kuramite nanopowders exhibit a marked paramagnetism, originated by the presence of Cu(II), definitely assessed by EPR measurements. Moreover, the overall magnetic behaviour of the sample cannot be simply ascribed to diluted paramagnetism, and this suggests the presence of strong superexchange interactions among Cu(II) ions even at room temperature. The main consequences of these results are the definitive assessment of the chemical formula Cu(I)2Cu(II)SnS4 and of a random distribution of Cu(II), Cu(I) and Sn(IV) ions within the available tetrahedral sites.  相似文献   
In foreland thrust belts, abrupt lateral changes in tectonic style, structural–stratigraphic features, and topography usually occur across cross-strike faults. The Central Apennines of Italy offer an exceptional scenario of lateral variations in tectonic setting. Here, the Sangro Volturno oblique thrust ramp (SVOTR) represents the outer thrust front of the Pliocene–Quaternary foreland thrust system, confining southward the axial culmination of the orogen that occurs in the Central Apennines. We present an interpretation of the Pliocene–Quaternary evolution of this cross-strike fault through an integrated dataset including structural-geological mapping and subsurface onshore seismic reflection profiles. The interpretation of the structural framework is augmented by the analysis of low-temperature thermochronometers from 32 new sites extending across the subsurface transverse structure. As evidenced by seismic line interpretation, the localization and development of the SVOTR have been influenced by inherited extensional faults within a positive inversion tectonics context. The regional distribution of the maximum paleotemperature values across the SVOTR constrains the original extent of the allochthonous thrust sheet over all its hanging-wall and footwall blocks. The Pliocene–Quaternary thrusting and inversion of SVOTR caused the strong hanging-wall uplift, which brought to the complete erosion of the allochthonous units and the exhumation of the Adria units. The integrated analysis of low-temperature thermochronometers and structural evidence as applied in the study case can define the role of major cross-strike discontinuities in foreland thrust belts, by constraining and verifying their tectonics inversion significance and the amount of related exhumation.  相似文献   
Abstract. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) have the potential to alter hormone pathways that regulate reproductive processes in wildlife and fisheries. In this research the unexplored hypothesis that Mediterranean top predator species (such as large pelagic fish and marine mammals) are potentially at risk due to EDCs is investigated. In the Mediterranean environment, top predators accumulate high concentrations of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs) and toxic metals, incurring high toxicological risk. Here we illustrate the need to develop sensitive biomarkers for evaluation of toxicological risk in top marine predators (Xiphias gladius, Thunnus thynnus thynnus) and non-lethal techniques, such as non-destructive biomarkers, for the hazard assessment of threatened species exposed to EDCs, such as marine mammals ( Stenella coeruleoalba, Tursiops truncatus, Delphinus delphis and Balaenoptera physalus ).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Von insgesamt 46 beprobten Profilen aus dem Schilfsandstein (Trias, Km2) Westeuropas wurden bislang 41 Profile mit 343 Einheiten und 870 Handstücken mit 1897 Einzelkernen auf ihren paläomagnetischen Inhalt untersucht.Thermische Entmagnetisierungsversuche an 277 Proben zeigen, daß die natürliche remanente Magnetisierung (NRM) von mehreren, an verschiedene Magnetisierungsträger gebundenen Komponenten getragen wird.Als charakteristische remanente Magnetisierung (CARM), von der angenommen wird, daß sie das zur Ablagerungszeit herrschende Paläofeld abbildet, kristallisiert sich für die Sedimentationsräume Weserbergland und Franken eine Deklination (DR=Deklination rotiert) von 60° und eine Inklination (IR=Inklination rotiert) von 30° (DR/IR 60/30) und für Schwaben und die Nordschweiz DR/IR 240/–30 heraus.Neben der stabilen Paläofeldrichtung werden auch sedimentäre und tektonische Gefüge als weitere stabile Magnetisierungsrichtungen abgebildet. Diese Richtungen liegen der Achse maximaler Suszeptibilität (K1 max) parallel.Unter Annahme einer normalen Polarität des Erdmagnetfeldes zur Zeit der Schilfsandsteinablagerung im Weserbergland und Franken und einer reversen Polarität zur Zeit der Ablagerung in Schwaben und der Nordschweiz errechnet sich ein Paläonordpol bei 111 E 28 N; er fällt damit in die Nähe des Triaspoles der Europäischen Polwanderungskurve (McElhinny, 1973).Für den Ablagerungszeitraum des Raibler Sandsteins in den Südalpen wird ein Paläonordpol bei 128 W 48 N errechnet.Die magnetostratigraphische Zeitskala der Trias (Burek, 1970) kann um die Einstufung des Schilfsandsteins in das höhere obere Karn mit beginnender normaler Polarität und dann reverser Polarität ergänzt werden.
In the Schilfsandstein (Triassic, Km2) of Western Europe 41 sections with 343 units and 1897 cores were sampled for palaeomagnetic investigations. By thermal demagnetization experiments different magnetic minerals were determined as carriers of the natural rémanent magnetization (NRM).The characteristic remanent magnetization (CARM) reflecting the palaeofield direction is described in the Weserbergland and Franken by DR/IR 60/30 (DR = declination after tectonic correction/IR=inclination after tectonic correction) and in Schwaben and Northern Switzerland by DR/IR 240/–30.In addition stable directions are reported which are related to sedimentary and tectonic fabric. These directions are parallel to the axis of maximum susceptibility (Klmax).Assuming normal polarity for the magnetic field during deposition of the Schilfsandstein in the Weserbergland and Franken and assuming reversed polarity in Schwaben and Northern Switzerland a palaeonorthpole is estimated at 111 E 28 N. This poleposition fits near the Triassic poleposition of the European polar wandering curve (McElhinny, 1973).The poleposition of the Bergamasker Alps (Raibler Sandstein, Southern Alps) is figured out at 128 W 48 N.The triassic magnetostratigraphic time scale ofBurek (1970) can be completed as far as the Schilfsandstein is to arrange into the highest Upper Carnian starting with normal polarity going on with reversed polarity.

Résumé Dans le Grès à roseaux (Trias, Km 2) de l'Europe occidentale, 343 prélèvements provenant de 41 profils et 1897 carrottes extraites de 870 échantillons ont fait l'objet de recherches paléomagnétiques. — Des essais de démagnétisation thermique sur 277 échantillons ont révélé différents minéraux magnétiques comme étant les porteurs de l'aimantation rémanente naturelle (NRM). — L'aimentation rémanente caractéristique (CARM) reflétant la direction du paléochamp magnétique au moment de la sédimentation donne des valeurs de 60/30 pour DR/IR (DR=déclinaison après correction tectonique, — IR=inclinaison après correction tectonique) dans le Weserbergland et en Franconie et 240/– 30 pour DR/IR en Souabe et dans la Suisse septentrionale. — En plus de la direction stable du paléo champ, on a trouvé d'autres directions d'aimentation stables reliées aux structures sédimentaires et tectoniques. Ces directions sont parallèles à l'axe de la susceptibilité magnétique maximale (K1 max). — En supposant une polarité normale du champ magnétique terrestre au moment de la sédimentation du Grès à roseaux dans le Weserbergland et la Franconie, et une polarité inversée pendant sa formation en Souabe et en Suisse septentrionale, il en résulte une position géographique de 111 E et 28° N pour le paléopôle Nord, ce qui coïncide à peu près avec la position du pôle triasique sur la courbe polaire de l'Europe (McElhinny, 1973). Pendant la sédimentation du Grès de Raibler dans les Alpes bergamasques, le paléopôle Nord se trouvait à 128° O 48° N. — L'echelle magnétostratigraphique pour le Trias (Burek, 1970) peut maintenant être complétée en datant le Grès à roseaux dans la partie supérieure du Carnien supérieur, débutant par une aimantation normale et continuant par une aimantation inversée.

343 41 ( ) 1897 870 . 277 , — NRM — . — CARM —, , , , , (DR = Deklination rotiert) 60°, (IR = Inklination rotiert) 30° (DR/IR 60/30), DR/IR 240/-30. , . /1makc. , 111 E 28 N, . ., . 128 W 48 N. (Burek, 1970) . . , .
To study the time-varying influence of the Congo River and the Benguela Current on the deposition at the Angola Continental Margin, a high-resolution reflection seismic survey was carried out on the northern Congo Fan. Four seismostratigraphic units have been defined for the upper 800 m (1000 ms TWT) of the data. The units record different depositional environments, ranging from pre-establishment of the Congo River drainage system to the influence of the Benguela Current. An indication of a general change in the turbidite system is provided by a shift in channel distribution and a relocation of the depocentre of coarse material. The ascent of salt is recorded up to the Pliocene. Gas that has migrated out of Lower Cretaceous shales and that was produced from large quantities of organic matter in the younger sediments can be found on the flanks and on top of the salt domes. In a few places, this gas even ascends to the ocean floor along structural pathways through the topmost unit.  相似文献   
The response of the San Pietro monumental bell-tower located in Perugia, Italy, to the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence is investigated, taking advantage of the availability of field data recorded by a vibration-based SHM system installed in December 2014 to detect earthquake-induced damages. The tower is located about 85 km in the NW direction from the epicenter of the first major shock of the sequence, the Accumoli Mw6.0 earthquake of August 24th, resulting in a small local PGA of about 30 cm/s2, whereby near-field PGA was measured as 915.97 cm/s2 (E–W component) and 445.59 cm/s2 (N–S component). Similar PGA values also characterized the two other major shocks of the sequence (Ussita Mw5.9 and Norcia Mw6.5 earthquakes of October 26th and 30th, respectively). Despite the relatively low intensity of such earthquakes in Perugia, the analysis of long-term monitoring data clearly highlights that small permanent changes in the structural behavior of the bell-tower have occurred after the earthquakes, with decreases in all identified natural frequencies. Such natural frequency decays are fully consistent with what predicted by non-linear finite element simulations and, in particular, with the development of microcracks at the base of the columns of the belfry. Microcracks in these regions, and in the rest of tower, are however hardly distinguishable from pre-existing ones and from the physiological cracking of a masonry structure, what validates the effectiveness of the SHM system in detecting earthquake-induced damage at a stage where this is not yet detectable by visual inspections.  相似文献   
In the quantitative evaluation of radar-rainfall products (maps), rain gauge data are generally used as a good approximation of the true ground rainfall. However, rain gauges provide accurate measurements for a specific location, while radar estimates represent areal averages. Because these sampling discrepancies could introduce noise into the comparisons between these two sensors, they need to be accounted for. In this study, the spatial sampling error is defined as the ratio between the measurements by a single rain gauge and the true areal rainfall, defined as the value obtained by averaging the measurements by an adequate number of gauges within a pixel. Using a non-parametric scheme, the authors characterize its full statistical distribution for several spatial (4, 16 and 36 km2) and temporal (15 min and hourly) scales.  相似文献   
The recent detection of a transient absorption feature in the X-ray prompt emission of GRB 990705 showed the importance of such observations in the understanding of gamma-ray bursts and their progenitors. We investigate the time dependence of photoionization edges during the prompt emission of bursts in different environments. We show that their variability can be used to infer the density and geometry of the surrounding medium, giving important clues to unveil the nature of the burst progenitor.  相似文献   
Thermoluminescence (TL) dating has been used to determine the age of the meteorite impact crater at Gebel Kamil (Egyptian Sahara). Previous studies suggested that the 45 m diameter structure was produced by a fall in recent times (less than 5000 years ago) of an iron meteorite impactor into quartz‐arenites and siltstones belonging to the Lower Cretaceous Gilf Kebir Formation. The impact caused the complete fragmentation of the impactor, and the formation of a variety of impactites (e.g., partially vitrified dark and light materials) present as ejecta within the crater and in the surrounding area. After a series of tests to evaluate the TL properties of different materials including shocked intra‐crater target rocks and different types of ejecta, we selected a suite of light‐colored ejecta that showed evidence of strong thermal shock effects (e.g., partial vitrification and the presence of high‐temperature and ‐pressure silica phases). The abundance of quartz in the target rocks, including the vitrified impactites, allowed TL dating to be undertaken. The variability of radioactivity of the intracrateric target rocks and the lack of direct in situ dosimetric evaluations prevented precise dating; it was, however, possible to constrain the impact in the 2000 BC–500 AD range. If, as we believe, the radioactivity measured in the fallback deposits is a reliable estimate of the mean radioactivity of the site, the narrower range 1600–400 BC (at the 2σ confidence level) can be realistically proposed.  相似文献   
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