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通过对新疆东部三塘湖盆地、甘肃北山柳园地区以及邻区二叠纪玄武岩的地球化学特征对比研究,认识到新疆东部-甘肃北山地区及邻区二叠纪形成的系列断陷带内,同期产生的玄武岩具有不同的地球化学特征和岩浆来源,其形成的统一动力学机制主要是可能由于造山带增厚的岩石圈大范围拆沉而导致的大范围亏损地幔部分熔融岩浆和源自上、下地幔边界的小型地幔柱岩浆的作用。这种地幔柱不是核幔边界深部地幔柱的成因,而可能是早期俯冲洋壳的分离掉落后,中亚造山带范围内可能在上、下地幔之间存在更广泛的部分熔融岩浆的原因。由造山带增厚岩石圈大范围拆沉作用而导致的大范围亏损地幔部分熔融岩浆和源自上、下地幔边界的小型地幔柱岩浆的作用,可能是中亚造山带二叠纪深部壳幔作用最壮观的表现方式。同时也以大范围玄武岩喷发、裂谷、大规模后造山幔源花岗岩和超镁铁岩的侵位以及大规模成矿作用而成为独特的“中亚型造山带”而有别于其它造山带。  相似文献   
The upper reaches of the Minjiang River are in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, where active faults are well developed and earthquakes frequently occur. Anomalous climate change and the extremely complex geomechanical properties of rock and soil have resulted in a number of geohazards. Based on the analysis of remote sensing interpretations, geological field surveys, geophysical prospecting and geological dating results, this paper discusses the developmental characteristics of the Gamisi ancient landslide in Songpan County, Sichuan Province, and investigates its geological age and formation mechanism. This study finds that the Gamisi ancient landslide is in the periglacial region of the Minshan Mountain and formed approximately 25 ka BP. The landslide initiation zone has a collapse and slide zone of approximately 22.65×106–31.7×106 m3 and shows a maximum sliding distance of approximately 1.42 km, with an elevation difference of approximately 310 m between the back wall of the landslide and the leading edge of the accumulation area. The landslide movement was characterized by a high speed and long runout. During the sliding process, the landslide body eroded and dammed the ancient Minjiang River valley. The ancient river channel was buried 30-60 m below the surface of the landslide accumulation area. Geophysical prospecting and drilling observations revealed that the ancient riverbed was approximately 80-100 m thick. After the dam broke, the Minjiang River was migrated to the current channel at the leading edge of the landslide. The Gamisi ancient landslide was greatly affected by the regional crustal uplift, topography, geomorphology and paleoclimatic change. The combined action of periglacial karstification and climate change caused the limestone at the rear edge of the landslide fractured, thus providing a lithological foundation for landslide occurrence. Intense tectonic activity along the Minjiang Fault, which runs through the middle and trailing parts of the Gamisi ancient landslide, may have been the main factor inducing landsliding. Studying the Gamisi ancient landslide is of great significance for investigating the regional response to paleoclimatic change and geomorphologic evolution of the Minjiang Fault since the late Pleistocene and for disaster prevention and mitigation.  相似文献   
基于2009年5-10月喜马拉雅山北坡珠峰绒布冰川流域实测水文气象数据、 50 m分辨率DEM和中国第一次冰川编目资料, 在HYCYMODEL水文模型中加入冰川消融子模块, 模拟了绒布冰川流域径流过程.冰川消融子模块以海拔5 180 m基站的实测日气温、 日降水作为模型输入, 把气温、 降水插值到该流域40个高程带中, 分别计算各高程带的冰川消融和裸地蒸发, 并考虑液态降水对冰面的加热作用.野外气象观测表明: 2009年5-10月流域海拔5 180~5 750 m内, 月气温递减率在0.63~0.73 ℃·(100m)-1之间, 均值为0.70 ℃·(100m)-1; 同期降水观测显示, 海拔5 180 m以下降水梯度为-7.3 mm·(100m)-1, 该高度之上降水梯度为22 mm·(100m)-1. HYCYMODEL水文模型的敏感性检验表明, 该流域径流变化主要受气温影响, 降水变化引起的径流变化较小, 气温和降水变化对流域径流的影响是非线性的.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地西部油气藏的破坏类型与机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油气藏破坏是一种普遍的自然现象,地质历史时期任何类型的油气聚集都是短暂的动态变化史体,均随着时间的推移,在某些地质因素的影响下遭到破坏。根据构造演化史和成藏史研究,柴达木盆地西部上新世-第四纪是原生油气藏的破坏和次生油气藏的形成时期。野外地质考察发现油气藏破坏的地面显示类型多样,主要有:油砂、固体沥青和石蜡以及泥火山或油墩子。对油气藏的破坏因素分析表明:柴西油气藏破坏类型主要有断裂活动破坏、油藏抬升剥蚀破坏和异常高压作用破坏3种类型,而且油气藏破坏往往是断裂活动和汕藏抬升综合作用的结果。该研究对当地的油气勘探具有一定的参考和指导意义。  相似文献   
碱性暗色矿物作为具有特殊指示意义的矿物,其存在对岩浆演化过程具有重要的意义。毛家屯花岗岩体位于兴蒙造山带东部的小兴安岭—张广才岭南段,岩体内部发育碱性暗色矿物。以毛家屯岩体内部发育的碱性暗色矿物为研究对象,进行了矿物学和矿物化学电子探针分析。研究表明,碱性角闪石的类型为铁-镁铝钠闪石,具有富碱,尤其富钠、富硅、富铁、贫钙、镁、钛等特征。辉石的类型为霓辉石,化学特征上高硅-高钠,高铁,低钛、镁、铝、锰。碱性暗色矿物主岩为碱性岩,成因类型为铝质A型花岗岩类。毛家屯花岗岩碱性角闪石具有很低的M值,证明其来源于地壳物质的熔融。毛家屯花岗岩中碱性角闪石的特征指示,在结晶过程中,岩浆体系处于封闭还原条件,且岩体从中央到边部存在偏酸性和偏基性组分分带现象。结合前人的同位素和年代学方面的分析资料,认为毛家屯碱性花岗岩形成于造山后期伸展转换环境中。  相似文献   
昆仑山北坡岛状冻土区西大滩大型饮用矿泉群成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对昆仑山北坡岛状冻土区西大滩大型饮用矿泉群水文地质、导水与控水断裂、水化学等方面实地调查和EH-4高频、电测深勘探的基础上,认为矿泉群的补给源为昆仑山玉珠峰一带的现代冰川底部冰雪覆盖融区水、冰雪消融水、大气降水和地表水.补给源水通过具多期活动性的F3和F4正断层组破碎带补给深层地下水.深层地下水在西倾近南北向正断层组F2及F2-1,2的导水断层破碎带富集并继续向北径流,径流至F1南倾活动性逆断层上盘时,形成富水"三角区",并沿F1断层破碎带排泄出地表,是西大滩大型饮用矿泉群形成的主因.  相似文献   
古气候是影响陆相层序发育的一个重要因素,其周期性变化是源于天文旋回的驱动力(即米兰柯维奇假说)。米兰柯维奇天文旋回包括偏心率旋回、倾斜率旋回和岁差旋回,这几个轨道参数所驱动的古气候变迁,分别形成了周期为10万年(或40万年)、4万年及2万年的高频层序,即小层序组、小层序及小层单元,研究结果表明,泌阳断陷湖盆的高频层序是由地球轨道旋回所驱动的古气候周期性变迁所形成的。  相似文献   
Abandoned mines are of high potential risk as they could be a large underground storage of pollutants(heavy metals and organic wastes, etc.). Various physical, chemical and biological reactions would take place when groundwater flows into underground spaces, which makes abandoned mine a huge potential hazard to groundwater environment. The recovery of groundwater level is one of the key elements controlling the reactions and causing such hazards. This paper simulated groundwater level recovery processes in the abandoned mines, Fengfeng coalfield by using the computer program FEFLOW. The paper integrated the pipe flow model, "three zones" model and groundwater inrush(discharge) model in the simulation of groundwater in the complex laneway-aquifer system. Groundwater flow in the laneway systems was considered pipe flow and described in Bernoulli equation. The water-bearing medium(coal seam roof) overlying the laneway systems was divided into "three zones" composed of the caving zone, fissure zone and bending zone based on the disruption degrees of previous mining. Groundwater in the Ordovician limestone aquifer(bottom of coal seam) flowing into laneway systems was considered a major inrush/recharge source, and its flow rate was calculated by an inrush(discharge) model which was newly developed in this study and incorporated into FEFLOW. The results showed that it would take approximately 95 days for groundwater in abandoned mines to recover to regional groundwater level elevation, and the total amount of water filling up would be about 1.41195×10~7 m~3, which is consistent with the actual data. The study could be of theoretical and practical significance to mitigate abandoned mines' hazards and improve mine groundwater utilization.  相似文献   
麦兹盆地位于西伯利亚板块南缘阿尔泰陆缘活动带中,是一个重要的铅、锌、铁矿化集中区,其中著名的有蒙库大型铁矿床、可可塔勒大型铅锌矿床,是阿尔泰南缘多金属成矿带中最重要的成矿盆地之一。盆地内矿床、矿点多为火山喷流热水沉积成因,层控特征明显,具有规模大、形态规则、厚度及有用组分稳定等特点。铁矿成矿与早泥盆世早期细碧角斑质火山作用相伴,而铅锌成矿则与早泥盆世晚期长英质火山喷流沉积作用相伴。通过对麦兹盆地成矿地质特征和典型矿床中矿体分布变化规律的研究,认为北西向同生断裂、火山沉积洼地、火山喷发中心(火山机构)共同控制铅锌矿的产出,矿体还受到后期褶皱、变质作用的改造。根据有利层位、火山岩相、喷流沉积岩、热液蚀变、矿化组合、铁帽、控矿构造和地球化学异常等综合找矿评价标志,分析了可可塔勒矿区深部、什根特、铁热克萨依、H-48号异常的铅锌找矿潜力,并探讨了盆地内铁、金的找矿潜力,指出了进一步找矿的方向与有利地段。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地英雄岭地区新生代构造演化动力学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过分析柴达木盆地英雄岭 (YL)地区地质、2D/ 3D地震、遥感、重磁电和钻探等资料 ,提出了喜马拉雅运动几个阶段在该区的构造动力学响应特征。研究认为喜马拉雅运动晚期 ,英雄岭地区西南侧的阿卡腾能山因近SN向的区域挤压作用 ,产生了顺时针方向的旋转及隆升作用 ,从而在干柴沟一带形成了强烈的SE向局部挤压应力场 ,基底大幅隆升 ,而在英雄岭隆起的南侧则产生了局部的拉张构造环境。喜马拉雅山中期运动在该区的主要表现形式就是使古近纪的张扭构造环境转变为新近纪的坳陷构造环境 ,英雄岭西南的阿尔金地区发生隆升作用 ,沉积中心发生向东和向北的迁移。通过分析主干断裂、构造块体和沉积凹陷的分布特征等 ,得出喜马拉雅早期英雄岭及邻区发育局部拉张环境 ,为较为稳定的断陷湖盆发育期 ,沉积了一套优质烃源岩。英雄岭地区潜在勘探领域主要有构造裂缝型圈闭、地层岩性圈闭及渐新世断凸构造圈闭等。  相似文献   
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