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概述了绿松石的使用历史和产地来源。利用质子激发X射线荧光光谱(PIXE)、X射线衍射(XRD)及扫描电镜(SEM)技术对来自伊朗、湖北郧县和西藏等地的绿松石样品进行岩石矿物学特征分析,从成分组成方面探讨绿松石的呈色机理。结果显示,不同产地、不同质地绿松石的成分组成存在较大差别,但主成分含量基本一致;绿松石的颜色主要由其中CuO和Fe2O3的含量比值变化决定,比值由大至小,实现了绿松石颜色由天蓝色到绿色的转变。  相似文献   
黄龙的景观是在数万年的岩溶地质作用下的产物。近年来黄龙钙华出现了干涸、变黑、沙化等现象严重地影响了景观的观赏性。水资源在黄龙钙华发展变化中起着重要的作用,笔者通过收集并分析黄龙地区的监测数据,针对监测系统不健全.时序数据缺乏的特点,选用对时序数据要求不高、预测效果较好的灰色系统模型,以岩溶水体的pH值为指标预测了钙华未来的发展情况。采用地质统计学空间分析的克里金插值法,对预测结果进行插值获得了整个景区的钙华预测结果。笔者按pH值将钙华演化情况划为强侵蚀、弱侵蚀、堆积3种类型,指出黄龙钙华景观目前正处于动态平衡与消亡重组阶段。  相似文献   
Although ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks are present in many collisional orogenic belts, almost all exposed UHP metamorphic rocks are subducted upper or felsic lower continental crust with minor mafic boudins. Eclogites formed by subduction of mafic lower continental crust have not been identified yet. Here an eclogite occurrence that formed during subduction of the mafic lower continental crust in the Dabie orogen, east‐central China is reported. At least four generations of metamorphic mineral assemblages can be discerned: (i) hypersthene + plagioclase ± garnet; (ii) omphacite + garnet + rutile + quartz; (iii) symplectite stage of garnet + diopside + hypersthene + ilmenite + plagioclase; (iv) amphibole + plagioclase + magnetite, which correspond to four metamorphic stages: (a) an early granulite facies, (b) eclogite facies, (c) retrograde metamorphism of high‐pressure granulite facies and (d) retrograde metamorphism of amphibolite facies. Mineral inclusion assemblages and cathodoluminescence images show that zircon is characterized by distinctive domains of core and a thin overgrowth rim. The zircon core domains are classified into two types: the first is igneous with clear oscillatory zonation ± apatite and quartz inclusions; and the second is metamorphic containing a granulite facies mineral assemblage of garnet, hypersthene and plagioclase (andesine). The zircon rims contain garnet, omphacite and rutile inclusions, indicating a metamorphic overgrowth at eclogite facies. The almost identical ages of the two types of core domains (magmatic = 791 ± 9 Ma and granulite facies metamorphic zircon = 794 ± 10 Ma), and the Triassic age (212 ± 10 Ma) of eclogitic facies metamorphic overgrowth zircon rim are interpreted as indicating that the protolith of the eclogite is mafic granulite that originated from underplating of mantle‐derived magma onto the base of continental crust during the Neoproterozoic (c. 800 Ma) and then subducted during the Triassic, experiencing UHP eclogite facies metamorphism at mantle depths. The new finding has two‐fold significance: (i) voluminous mafic lower continental crust can increase the average density of subducted continental lithosphere, thus promoting its deep subduction; (ii) because of the current absence of mafic lower continental crust in the Dabie orogen, delamination or recycling of subducted mafic lower continental crust can be inferred as the geochemical cause for the mantle heterogeneity and the unusually evolved crustal composition.  相似文献   
南岭稀土花岗岩、钨锡花岗岩及其成矿作用的对比   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
南岭地区的钨锡和稀土矿床都与花岗岩类有直接成因联系,但二者的成矿作用有许多不同之处.钨锡是典型的热液成矿,而稀土则主要形成于风化作用.随着花岗岩类的分异演化,岩石中的W、Sn等元素含量逐渐增加,因此钨锡等矿床主要与高度分异演化的晚阶段小岩体有关;但是稀土的表现与钨锡不同,由于花岗岩类的分异演化导致稀土栽体黑云母及许多副矿物的减少,因此稀土元素含量在晚阶段岩体中反而降低.赣南的五里亭-大吉山岩体、桂东北的花山-姑婆山岩体等提供了很好的范例.因此,南岭地区与风化壳型稀土矿床有关的岩石主要有印支期准铝质花岗岩,燕山期A型花岗岩,燕山中-晚期黑云母二长花岗岩等.  相似文献   
利用“绿洲系统能量与水分循环过程观测与数值研究”的观测资料和酒泉站的地面和探空气象资料,计算了酒泉绿洲夏季大气边界层的加热(冷却)率,分析了酒泉绿洲近地面层和行星边界层的大气加热(冷却)率逐日变化,研究了不同典型天气下大气加热(冷却)率的变化特征。结果表明,酒泉绿洲近地面层和行星边界层内,大气加热(冷却)率具有明显的逐日变化特征;近地面层和行星边界层及整个大气层白天的大气加热率和夜晚的大气冷却率基本相当,大气能量基本守恒;日照时数、云量和特殊天气过程(如冷空气活动、沙尘天气和降水等)对大气加热(冷却)率有很大影响。  相似文献   
紫外线辐射强度预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据本站逐日总辐射观测资料,计算出紫外线辐射量,然后反查出该量与地面天气要素问的关系,从而根据每天的气象要素预报作出紫外线辐射强度预报。  相似文献   
1 引言 黑龙江省大兴安岭地区面积8.46×104km2,在2006年以前大兴安岭地区气象部门有6个地面气象观测站,平均1.41×104km2有一个地面观测站,气象站在空间密度和观测频次上,不能适应中小尺度天气系统的监测要求.目前,大兴安岭地区共有52个观测站覆盖在大兴安岭的所有乡镇、林场,平均30 km有1个雨量站.实行了1 h一次的自动上传气温、雨量数据.通过对2007年1~9月的加密观测前后资料的对比分析,揭示了大兴安岭地区的气候变化规律,为林区的气象服务提供科学的依据.  相似文献   
Guangzhou spring rainfall mainly exhibits interannual variation of Quasi-biannual and interdecadal variation of 30 yrs, and is in the period of weak rainfall at interdecadal time scale. SST anomalies (SSTA) of Nino3 are the strongest precursor of Guangzhou spring rainfall. They have significant positive correlation from previous November and persist stably to April. Nino3 SSTA in the previous winter affects Guangzhou spring rainfall through North Pacific subtropical high and low wind in spring. When Nino3 SSTA is positive in the previous winter, spring subtropical high is intense and westward, South China is located in the area of ascending airflow at the edge of the subtropical high, and water vapor transporting to South China is intensified by anticyclone circulation to the east of the Philippines. So Guangzhou spring rainfall is heavy. When Nino3 SSTA is negative, the subtropical high is weak and eastward, South China is far away from the subtropical high and is located in the area of descending airflow, and water vapor transporting to South China is weak because low-level cyclonic circulation controls areas to the east of the Philippines and north wind prevails in South China. So Guangzhou spring rainfall is weak and spring drought is resulted.  相似文献   
近50年浙江省旱、涝气候变化及特征   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
用1951-1999年资料详细研究了浙江省的年、季的旱、涝气候变化特征。主要结果:浙江省夏季降水量表现出稳定的增加,其他季节(特别是秋季)的降水有不同程度的减少。每年在浙江省出现大范围旱(或涝)的可能性很大(约80%)。1985年以后浙江每年都要发生大范围的季节性的旱涝。浙江省年、季降水量旱涝有年代际变化。旱、涝发生的气候频率已经有了明显的变化,特别是夏季。奇异谱分析与最大熵谱分析的结果表明夏季、秋季与年的降水量有明显的长期趋势变化,它们还有10年左右的周期,而冬季降水的2年周期振荡特别明显。  相似文献   
首先对贵阳近500 a(1470—2008年)旱涝等级资料进行增补,利用该资料进行等级序列展开频次和多尺度分析。结果表明:近58 a,贵阳出现极端旱、偏旱的频次明显高于过去近500 a的平均状况;汛期出现偏旱和旱的次数明显增多,旱重于涝的趋势非常明显。从年代际和百年际尺度看,210 a周期是贵阳旱涝振荡的主周期,而50 a周期是次周期,且20世纪80年代的干旱程度高于历史上任何一个年代;从年际和年代际尺度上,24 a周期是贵阳旱涝振荡的主周期,而7 a周期是次周期;汛期降水偏少,一般与旱灾对应一致,但若降水偏多,对应汛期各月降水分布均匀,则不一定对应涝灾。最后,结合诊断结果,借助IPCC AR4最新的模式预估数据集,预估贵阳汛期降水在未来10 a左右将处于旱涝交替频发期,之后至21世纪40年代中期将处于少雨阶段,可能会出现较长时期的干旱。  相似文献   
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