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Summary M?ller's assumptions for the carbon dioxide-water vapor overlap region, which lead to the construction of his radiation chart, are reinvestigated in the light of modern theory. A new radiation chart, taking into account the carbon dioxide-water vapor overlap, is constructed using water vapor and carbon dioxide absorption data as furnished byM?ller andElsasser respectively. The results of the radiative fluxes computed from the new chart are compared with equivalent results using the original M?ller and the revised Elsasser radiation diagrams, as well as with measurements.
Zusammenfassung Die Berechtigung derM?llerschen Annahme zur getrennten Behandlung von Kohlens?ure- und Wasserdampfabsorption zwecks Konstruktion eines atmosph?rischen Strahlungsdiagrammes wird im Lichte der modernen Theorie diskutiert. Ein neues Strahlungspapier wird vorgelegt, das die gleichzeitige Anwesenheit von Kohlens?ure und Wasserdampf im gleichen Spektralbereich berücksichtigt. Dieses beruht auf Wasserdampf- und Kohlens?uredaten, die vonM?ller undElsasser vorgegeben wurden. Nach dem neuen Strahlungsdiagramm berechnete Werte werden mit Me?werten und theoretischen Werten verglichen, die mit dem ursprünglichen M?llerschen und mit dem verbesserten Elsasserschen Strahlungspapier ermittelt wurden.

Résumé Au vu des théories modernes, on discute l'hypothèse formulée parM?ller et sa justification, hypothèse selon laquelle il est nécessaire de traiter séparément l'absorption du dioxyde de carbone et celle de la vapeur d'eau lors de l'établissement d'un diagramme du rayonnement atmosphérique. On propose alors un nouvel abaque qui tient compte de la présence simultanée du dioxyde de carbone et de la vapeur d'eau dans la même région spectrale. Cet abaque s'appuie sur les valeurs données parM?ller et parElsasser, valeurs valables pour ces deux gaz. On compare le résultat de calculs effectués avec ce nouvel abaque à des mesures et à des valeurs théoriques ces dernières étant basées tant sur les travaux originaux deM?ller que sur l'abaque amélioré deElsasser.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   
A Kalman filter-based method combining the energy of both L1 C/A and L2C GPS signals in a combined tracking loop method to enhance performance under adverse conditions is developed. Standard tracking methods and the ionospheric effect on GPS signals are reviewed and compared to a new Kalman filter that simultaneously estimates delay, phase and total electron content by combining L1 C/A and L2C code and phase discriminator outputs. The new filter is tested and compared to standard methods for tracking L1 C/A and L2C using both simulated and real data. The new method is found to have improved sensitivity of 3 dB compared to standard L1 tracking and 4.5 dB compared to standard L2C tracking while at the same time providing an accurate estimate of the total electron content along the signal path.  相似文献   
Using surface charts at 0330GMT, the movement of the monsoon trough during the months June to September 1990 at two fixed longitudes, namely 79°E and 85°E, is studied. The probability distribution of trough position shows that the median, mean and mode occur at progressively more northern latitudes, especially at 85°E, with a pronounced mode that is close to the northern-most limit reached by the trough. A spectral analysis of the fluctuating latitudinal position of the trough is carried out using FFT and the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM). Both methods show significant peaks around 7.5 and 2.6 days, and a less significant one around 40–50 days. The two peaks at the shorter period are more prominent at the eastern longitude. MEM shows an additional peak around 15 days. A study of the weather systems that occurred during the season shows them to have a duration around 3 days and an interval between systems of around 9 days, suggesting a possible correlation with the dominant short periods observed in the spectrum of trough position.  相似文献   
Abstract: The solubility of gold was studied in water and aqueous NaCl (1– 5 m) solutions under oxygen and sulfur buffered conditions between 300–500C at a constant pressure 1 kb. Two buffer assemblages HMP and PPM were used. Analysis of the scatter in measured values in log mAu–mNaCl–T frame fixed linear dependence between log mAu and T at any studied iso‐pleth (mNaCl) in the form of log mAu = a. T(C) + b. Coefficients of the equation were calculated for water and NaCl (1, 3, 5 m) solutions. The maximum solubility characterizes the NaCl‐free system in the presence of HMP. In the case, Au solubility increases from (log mAu) –6. 72 to –5. 04 at 300 and 500C, respectively. In the presence of PPM, maximum of Au solubility was obtained for the 5 mNaCl solution. In a similar manner solubility rises from –6. 54 to –5. 77 at 300 and 500C, accordingly. In studied fO2/fS2 area the behavior of Au solubility testified that: (i) – a composite interaction between chloride and hydrosulfide speciation of gold affects its total solubility; (ii) – in addition of NaCl up to about 1. 5 m the solubility decreases, more pronounced in the presence of HMP; (iii) – the contribution of chloride in total Au solubility is more for PPM despite of lower fO2value, than for HMP. The solubility of platinum was studied in the Pt–Cl–S–H2O system between 300 and 500C, 1 kb. PPM solid buffer controlled oxidation state, pH and sulfur activity of solutions (H2O, 1 mNaCl and 0. 1 mHCl). Under the conditions, PtS precipitated from the solutions with increasing temperature and acidity. The PtS solubility in the 0. 1 mHCl solutions lowers slightly in the range of 300–500C from –5. 30 to –5. 60 (in log mPt) that is typical to the hydrosulfide species. It was deduced that reducing media, regulated by the PPM assemblage, suppress activity of chloride species of Pt. More oxidizing conditions were modeled in runs using mixtures of Mn(II), Mn(III) and Mn(IV) oxides to buffer the aqueous‐chloride solutions between 300 and 500C, 1 kb. It was found that MnO tends to oxidize at T below 400C forming intermediate Mn‐hydroxides (β–MnOOH, Mn (OH)2 and Mn2(OH)3Cl). These phases are metastable and transfer to Mn3O4 with increasing duration. Generation of the Mn‐hydroxides leads to a change of physical‐chemical parameters of the solutions, such as water activity, pH and Eh. The last results in abrupt increase in the noble metals dissolution. At stable existence of only Mn3O4, the solubility of both Pt and Au lowers to equilibrium values. Essential catalysis effect of Pt on intensity and rate of Mn(II) oxidation was found. The dominant role of chloride of Pt and Au was defined under most oxidized conditions, specified by Mn2O3–MnO2 buffer. So at 400C, dissolved Au (log mAu) increases from –4. 40 in water to –1. 00 in 0. 1 mHCl, and ones of Pt (log mPt) from –4. 80 to –2. 90 accordingly. Thus, mixing of hydrosulfide and chloride solutions, as well as transformation of the systems to the stable state act upon total solubility of the noble metals.  相似文献   
The 2006 western Java tsunami deposited a discontinuous sheet of sand up to 20 cm thick, flooded coastal southern Java to a depth of at least 8 m and inundated up to 1 km inland. In most places the primarily heavy mineral sand sheet is normally graded, and in some it contains complex internal stratigraphy. Structures within the sand sheet probably record the passage of up to two individual waves, a point noted in eyewitness accounts. We studied the 2006 tsunami deposits in detail along a flow parallel transect about 750 m long, 15 km east of Cilacap. The tsunami deposit first becomes discernable from the underlying sediment 70 m from the shoreline. From 75 to 300 m inland the deposit has been laid down in rice paddies, and maintains a thickness of 10–20 cm. Landward of 300 m the deposit thins dramatically, reaching 1 mm by 450 m inland. From 450 m to the edge of deposition (around 700 m inland) the deposit remains <1 mm thick. Deposition generally attended inundation—along the transect, the tsunami deposited sand to within about 40 m of the inundation limit. The thicker part of the deposit contains primarily sand indistinguishable from that found on the beach 3 weeks after the event, but after about 450 m (and roughly coinciding with the decrease in thickness) the tsunami sediment shifts to become more like the underlying paddy soil than the beach sand. Grain sizes within the deposit tend to fine upward and landward, although overall upward fining takes place in two discrete pulses, with an initial section of inverse grading followed by a section of normal grading. The two inversely graded sections are also density graded, with denser grains at the base, and less dense grains at the top. The two normally graded sections show no trends in density. The inversely graded sections show high density sediment to the base and become less dense upward and represents traction carpet flows at the base of the tsunami. These are suggestive of high shear rates in the flow. Because of the grain sorting in the traction carpet, the landward-fining trends usually seen in tsunami deposits are masked, although lateral changes of mean sediment grain size along the transect do show overall landward fining, with more variation as the deposit tapers off. The deposit is also thicker in the more seaward portions than would be produced by tsunamis lacking traction carpets.  相似文献   
The Golden Pride gold deposit (∼3 Moz) is located in the central part of the Nzega Greenstone Belt at the southern margin of the Lake Victoria Goldfields in Tanzania. It represents an inferred Late Archaean, orogenic gold deposit and is hosted in intensely deformed meta-sedimentary rocks in the hanging wall of the approximately E–W striking Golden Pride Shear Zone. The hanging-wall sequence also includes felsic (quartz porphyritic) to mafic (lamprophyric) intrusions, as well as banded iron formations. Hydrothermal alteration phases associated with mineralisation are dominated by sericite and chlorite. Two main ore types can be distinguished, chlorite and silica ore, both occupying dilational sites and structural intersections in the hanging wall of the main shear zone. Sulphide minerals in both ore types include pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, pyrite and accessory sphalerite, galena, sulphosalts and Ni–Co–Bi sulphides. Gold and tellurides are late in the paragenetic sequence and associated with a secondary phase of pyrrhotite deposition. Sulphur isotope compositions range from −6 to 7 per mil and are interpreted to reflect contributions from two distinct sources to the mineralising fluids in the Golden Pride gold deposit. A redox change, potentially induced by the intrusion of mafic melts, together with structural elements in the hanging wall of the Golden Pride Shear Zone, are interpreted to be the main controls on gold mineralisation in this deposit.  相似文献   
Seventeen basalt grindstone fragments from central Jordan's Karak Plateau were studied. Most of these artifacts are vesicular or amygdaloidal with calcite as the dominant mineral filling the voids. The major minerals are olivine (with iddingsite rims), plagioclase, clinopyroxene, magnetite, and apatite. Glass is present in some samples. One basalt fragment is quite different in appearance and composition and may have come from flows closer to the Dead Sea. Grindstone fragment compositions plot in the tephrite‐basanite and basalt fields. A plot of the concentrations of niobium, zirconium, and yttrium reveal that the sample compositions plot in the “within‐plate alkali basalt” and “within‐plate tholeiite” fields. The acquisition of basalts for preparing such implements appears to have been random. Some may have been introduced through trade and migration. Archaeological and environmental studies on the Karak Plateau are urgently needed because Jordan's population growth and economic development are destroying many sites and their environmental contexts. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The collections of Carboniferous rocks from sections of the Russian Platform (Gzhelian, Moscovian, Bashkirian, and Visean stages) are studied. The new mean paleomagnetic poles are obtained from the Gzhelian, Moscovian, and Visean layers of the Carboniferous of the Russian Platform. In the redbed Gzhelian and Moscovian rocks, the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) components with the inclination shallowing are revealed, which is due to the presence of the large hematite particles or particle aggregates associated with the interaction between the magnetic and clay particles. Based on the obtained determinations and the results contained in the World paleomagnetic database, the trajectory of the apparent polar wander path (APWP) for the East European Platform is constructed in the interval from the Devonian to Early Permian. The Carboniferous kinematics of the East European Platform is estimated.  相似文献   
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