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The Mikabu and Sorachi–Yezo belts comprise Jurassic ophiolitic complexes in Japan, where abundant basaltic to picritic rocks occur as lavas and hyaloclastite blocks. In the studied northern Hamamatsu and Dodaira areas of the Mikabu belt, these rocks are divided into two geochemical types, namely depleted (D-) and enriched (E-) types. In addition, highly enriched (HE-) type has been reported from other areas in literature. The D-type picrites contain highly magnesian relic olivine phenocrysts up to Fo93.5, and their Fo–NiO trend indicates fractional crystallization from a high-MgO primary magma. The MgO content is calculated as high as 25 wt%, indicating mantle melting at unusually high potential temperature (T p) up to 1,650 °C. The E-type rocks represent the enrichment in Fe and LREE and the depletion in Mg, Al and HREE relative to the D-type rocks. These chemical characteristics are in good accordance with those of melts from garnet pyroxenite melting. Volcanics in the Sorachi–Yezo belts can be divided into the same types as the Mikabu belt, and the D-type picrites with magnesian olivines also show lines of evidence for production from high T p mantle. Evidence for the high T p mantle and geochemical similarities with high-Mg picrites and komatiites from oceanic and continental large igneous provinces (LIPs) indicate that the Mikabu and Sorachi–Yezo belts are accreted oceanic LIPs that were formed from hot large mantle plumes in the Late Jurassic Pacific Ocean. The E- and D-type rocks were formed as magmas generated by garnet pyroxenite melting at an early stage of LIP magmatism and by depleted peridotite melting at the later stage, respectively. The Mikabu belt characteristically bears abundant ultramafic cumulates, which could have been formed by crystal accumulation from a primary magma generated from Fe-rich peridotite mantle source, and the HE-type magma were produced by low degrees partial melting of garnet pyroxenite source. They should have been formed later and in lower temperatures than the E- and D-type rocks. The Mikabu and Sorachi Plateaus were formed in a low-latitude region of the Late Jurassic Pacific Ocean possibly near a subduction zone, partially experienced high P/T metamorphism during subduction, and then uplifted in association with (or without, in case of Mikabu) the supra-subduction zone ophiolite. The Mikabu and Sorachi Plateaus may be the Late Jurassic oceanic LIPs that could have been formed in brotherhood with the Shatsky Rise.  相似文献   
Wave normal directions of VLF signals propagating through the ionosphere can be determined by measuring Doppler frequency shift of the signals by means of rocket borne receivers. Two rockets were launched to detect the NWC signal of 22.3 kHz which was transmitted from Australia and propagated on two completely different paths, one being propagated through the Earth-ionosphere waveguide and up to the rocket, the other propagated down to the rocket by the whistler mode directly from the source in the opposite hemisphere. The wave normal directions of the latter mode were almost vertically downward in the ionosphere in the northern hemisphere, although substantial error was involved in the determination of the wave normal direction for a part of the upgoing flight of the rockets, due to the relative geometry of the directions of the rocket flight and the geomagnetic field. The effect of the horizontal gradients of the ionosphere on the above results were found to be not significant. From the experimental results it is concluded that field aligned ducts stretching down to the rocket altitudes did not exist, at least, during the rocket flights.  相似文献   
Direct current measurements of the branch current of the Kuroshio intruding into Sagani Bay were carried out during 1989–1990 in order to clarify the frequency characteristics of the eddies in the lee of Izu-Oshima Island, which are well recognized as cold water mass produced by upwelling. Satellite and ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) data indicated that current velocity in the eddy fluctuates with periods of 2–4 days and 6–8 days.When the Kuroshio branch current intruding into Sagami Bay from the western channel is weak and its velocity at the depth of 400 m is approximately 10 cm s–1, the 6–8 day period fluctuation is dominant. On the other hand, when the branch current strongly intrudes from the western channel with a velocity of approximately 20 cm s–1, the 2–4 day period fluctuation dominates. The relationship between the periods and velocities agrees well with theory based on laboratory experiments for a flow of a homogeneous fluid past a circular obstacle. These periods correspond to the time scale of appearance of the eddy caused by the intrusion of the Kuroshio branch current into Sagami Bay and Izu-Oshima Island.  相似文献   
Features of El Niño events and their biological impacts in the western North Pacific are reviewed, focusing on interactions between ENSO and the East Asian monsoon. Impacts of El Niño on the climate in the Far East become evident as ‘cool summers and warm winters’. Effects of climate regime shift on ENSO activities, western boundary currents and upper-ocean stratification, as well as their biological consequences are summarized. These have been:
1. In the western equatorial Pacific, an eastward extension of the warm pool associated with El Niño events induces an eastward shift of main fishing grounds of skip jack and big eye tunas.
2. The surface salinity front in the North Equatorial Current region retreats southward, associated with El Niño events. This leads to a southward shift of the spawning ground of Japanese eel, which is responsible for a reduction in the transport of the larval eels to the Kuroshio and Japanese coastal region, causing poor recruitment.
3. Intensification of winter cooling and vertical mixing associated with La Niña (El Niño) events in the northern subtropical region of the western (central) North Pacific reduces surface chlorophyll concentration levels and larval feeding condition for both Japanese sardines and the autumn cohort of Neon squid during winter–early spring. The semi-decadal scale calm winter that occurred during the early 1970s triggered the first sharp increase of sardine stock around Japan.
4. A remarkable weakening of southward intrusion of the Oyashio off the east coast of Japan during 1988–91, resulted in a decrease in chlorophyll concentrations and mesozooplankton biomass in late spring–early summer of the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region. Changes occurred in the dominant species of small pelagic fish, through successive recruitment failures of Japanese sardine.

Article Outline

1. Introduction
2. Linkage between Asian monsoon and ENSO
2.1. Features of Asian monsoon and its role in ENSO
2.2. Influence of ENSO events on summer and winter climate and hydrographic conditions in the western North Pacific
3. Evidence of biotic impacts of ENSO events in the western and central North Pacific
3.1. Eastward shift or spread of fishing grounds of skipjack, bigeye and albacore
3.2. Decrease of recruitment rate of neon squid and Japanese eel
3.3. Increase of plankton biomass in El Niño winters in the northern subtropical gyre south of Japan
3.4. Bleaching phenomena of corals around the Okinawa Islands
4. Discussion
4.1. Modulation of extra-tropical effect of ENSO by inter-decadal variations
4.2. Effects of ENSO and ocean/climate regime shifts on plankton biomass and population variation of small pelagic fish
5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

During El Niño events the climate in Northeast Asia is generally cool and wet in summer, and warm and calm in winter (Kurihara and Kimura). In the 1998 summer, near the end of 1997/98 El Niño, the East China Sea and southern part of the Japan Sea were covered with abnormally low saline water. This was the result of the huge amounts of fresh water that were discharge from the Yangtze River and caused poor year classes of Japanese common squid.During the recent cold regime that persisted between 1976/77 and 1987/88 in the North Pacific, Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus, maintained a higher stock level, whereas stocks of anchovy, Engraulis spp., remained low (Kasai; Yasuda and Nakata).To clarify the features of this biological response associated with El Niño events and climate regime shifts, in this paper we provide evidence of several environmental and biological responses in the western and central North Pacific. First, we review the linkage between ENSO and the Asian Monsoon. Second, we present data on the extra-tropical effects of El Niño and La Niña on marine ecosystems and the ocean environment. Finally, we describe the modification of extra-tropical effects of ENSO by interdecadal variations in the ocean and the atmosphere.

2. Linkage between Asian monsoon and ENSO

2.1. Features of Asian monsoon and its role in ENSO

Climate of the western North Pacific is dominated by monsoon winds and precipitation. In summer, the southeast monsoon develops between the Tibetan Low and the North Pacific Subtropical High (Fig. 1a). When the summer monsoon encounters the Japanese mountain range, it produces a considerable amount of precipitation on the Pacific side of Japan. In winter, however, the northwesterly monsoon develops between the Siberian High and the Aleutian Low superimposed on the westerly wind (Fig. 1b).  相似文献   
Hydrographic observations have revealed detailed structure of the Bottom Water in the Japan Sea. The Yamato Basin Bottom Water (YBBW) exhibits higher temperatures and lower dissolved oxygen concentrations than those found in the Japan Basin Bottom Water (JBBW). Both Bottom Waters meet around the boundary region between the Yamato and the Japan Basins, forming a clear benthic front. The structure of the benthic front suggests an estuary-like water exchange between both Basins, with the inflow from the Japan Basin passing under the outflow from the Yamato Basin. It is inferred from the property distributions that the JBBW flowing into the Yamato Basin is entrained by the cyclonic circulation in the basin, and modified to become the YBBW. Vertical diffusion and thermal balance in the YBBW are examined using a box model. The results show that the effect of geothermal heating has about 70% of the magnitude of the vertical thermal diffusion and both terms cancel the advection term of the cold JBBW from the Japan Basin. The box model also estimates the turnover time and vertical diffusivity for the YBBW as 9.1 years and 3.4 × 10−3 m2s− 1, respectively.  相似文献   
NWA 8785 is a remarkable EL3 chondrite with a high abundance (~34 vol%) of an Fe-rich matrix. This is the highest matrix abundance known among enstatite chondrites (ECs) and more similar to the matrix abundances in some carbonaceous and Rumuruti chondrites. X-ray diffraction and TEM data indicate that the fine-grained portion of the NWA 8785 matrix consists of nanoscale magnetite mixed with a noncrystalline silicate material and submicron-sized enstatite and plagioclase grains. This is the first report of magnetite nanoparticles in an EL3. The Si content of the metal (0.7 wt%), presence of ferroan alabandite, and its O isotopic composition indicate NWA 8785 is EL3-related. Having more abundant matrix than in other ECs, and that the matrix is rich in magnetite nanoparticles, which are not present in any other EC, suggest classification as an EL3 anomalous. Although we cannot completely exclude any of the mechanisms or environments for formation of the magnetite, we find a secondary origin to be the most compelling. We suggest that the magnetite formed due to hydrothermal activity in the meteorite parent body. Although ECs are relatively dry and likely formed within the nebular snow line, ices may have drifted inward from just beyond the snow line to the region where the EL chondrites were accreting, or more likely the snow line migrated inward during the early evolution of the solar system. This may have resulted in the condensation of ices and provided an ice-rich region for accretion of the EL3 parent body. Thus, the EL3 parent body may have had hydrothermal activity and if Earth formed near the EC accretion zone, similar bodies may have contributed to the Earth's water supply. NWA 8785 greatly extends the range of known characteristics of ECs and EC parent body processes.  相似文献   
Abstract Nekoma volcano forms part of the arc axis volcanic array of the North-eastern Honshu arc, Japan, which is commonly characterized by medium-K lava suites. However, Nekoma is exceptional because many of its lavas are low-K. This anomaly has been a matter of debate. Nekoma was active from 1.1 to 0.35 Ma. The volcano consists of thick andesite flows and domes associated with block and ash flow deposits produced during lava dome formation. A horseshoe-shaped collapse caldera was formed at the summit and small lava domes extruded into the caldera. Stratigraphy, published K–Ar ages, and tephrochronology define three stages of volcanic activity, about 1.1 Ma (Stage 1), 0.8–0.6 Ma (Stage 2) and 0.45–0.35 Ma (Stage 3; post caldera stage). Low-K andesites occur in all stages. Extremely low-K andesite was also associated in Stage 2 and medium-K andesite was dominant in Stage 3. In general, lavas changed from low-K to medium-K after caldera formation. Geochemical study of the Nekoma lavas shows that both low-K and medium-K lavas are isotopically similar and were derived from a common source. Adatara and Azuma volcanoes, which lie close to Nekoma, also have both low-K and medium-K andesites. However, Sr isotope ratios or temporal-spatial variations in K-level lava classification vary between the three centers. Comparisons of K suites and Sr isotope ratios with frontal arc volcanoes in North-east–Honshu suggest source heterogeneity existed in both medium- and low-K suites. The K contents of lavas and their Sr isotopes are not simply related. This requires re-examination of models for chemical variation of andesites in arcs.  相似文献   
In this study, variations in carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes resulting from gross primary production (GPP), net ecosystem exchange (NEE), and respiration (R e) of soybean (Glycine max L.) were investigated by the Eddy Covariance method during the growing period from June to November 2005 on an irrigated sand field at the Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University in Tottori, Japan. Although climatic conditions were humid and temperate, the soybeans required frequent irrigation because of the low water holding capacity of the sandy soil at the field site. Finally, it has been found that the accumulated NEE, GPP, and R e fluxes of soybean over 126 days amount to ?93, 319, and 226 gC m?2, respectively. Furthermore, the average ratio of GPP to R e was 1.4 and the average ratio of NEE to GPP was about ?0.29 for the growth period of soybean. Daily maximum NEE of ?3.8 gC m?2 occurred when LAI was 1.1.  相似文献   
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