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Analytical protocols for SHRIMP‐SI oxygen isotope analysis (δ18O) of a suite of zircon reference materials (RMs) are presented. Data reduction involved a robust estimate of uncertainties associated with the individual spot as well as for groups where the spot data are combined. The repeatability of δ18O measurements is dependent on both the analytical conditions and the choice of the primary reference material. Under optimised conditions, repeatability was often better than 0.4‰ (2s) allowing sample uncertainties to be obtained to better than 0.2‰ (at 95% confidence limit). Single spot uncertainty combined the within‐spot precision with the scatter associated with repeated measurements of the primary zircon reference material during a measurement session. The uncertainty for individual spots measured under optimised conditions was between 0.3 and 0.4‰ (at 95% confidence). The analytical protocols described were used to assess a variety of zircon RMs that have been used for geochronology and for which laser fluorination oxygen isotope data are available (Temora 2, FC1, R33, QGNG and Ple?ovice), as well as zircons that have been used as RMs for trace element or other types of determination (Mud Tank, Monastery, 91500, AS57, AS3, KIM‐5, OG1, SL13, CZ3 and several other Sri Lankan zircons). Repeated analyses over nine sessions and seven different mounts show agreement within analytical uncertainty for Temora 2, FC1, R33, QGNG, Ple?ovice and 91500, when normalised to Mud Tank. For existing ion microprobe mounts with these materials, an appropriate δ18O can be determined. However, care should be taken when using zircons from the Duluth Complex (i.e., FC1, AS57 and AS3) as reference materials as our data indicated an excess scatter on δ18O values associated with low‐U zircon grains.  相似文献   
关于黄河形成时代的一些认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以黄河中游河套盆地-晋陕峡谷-三门峡盆地-三门峡峡谷-郑州邙山段黄河形成时代为主要研究内容,辅以黄河上游兴海盆地-共和盆地段黄河出现的时代来探讨统一黄河形成的时代。黄河上游兴海盆地共发育9级黄河阶地,ESR和OSL年代结果表明,最高三级阶地分别形成于200ka,100ka和80ka; 中游河套盆地普遍发育一套湖相沉积,其中盆地东南端托克托台地郝家窑剖面湖相沉积的亮度和烧失量数据呈现一致的由下向上波动上升变化趋势,反映沉积物碳酸盐含量在不断增高,湖水盐度在增大,可能指示了湖泊处于封闭的环境,OSL结果显示湖相沉积结束的年代在100ka前后; 三门峡盆地东端发育的最高黄河阶地年代为150ka,而指示古三门湖湖水外泄的河湖相白砂层结束时间是200ka。文章总结对比前人的研究成果,认为共和运动才是形成统一黄河的主因,尽管如此,上游兴海-共和河段及中游三门峡河段黄河(分别形成于200ka和200~150ka)出现要早于河套地区(100ka),而晋陕峡谷最晚贯通。也就是说,现今统一的黄河形成于100ka前后。  相似文献   
郯庐断裂中段新生代右行走滑位移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据走滑拉分盆地中盆地沉降(或抬升)速率与边界断层走滑速率之间的数值关系,通过对夹在郯庐断裂中段两分支断层间的潍北凹陷沉积埋藏史的恢复,间接求取郯庐断裂中段新生代右行走滑位移。潍北凹陷内不同构造位置4口井的埋藏史恢复结果表明:凹陷新生代经历了古近纪早、中期的快速沉降,古近纪末-新近纪初的抬升剥蚀和中新世以来的缓慢沉降3个阶段;各阶段的平均沉降速率分别为0.142 9、-0.072 8、0.032 5 km/Ma。通过对太平洋板块与欧亚板块间俯冲速率和方向变化的分析推断,中新世中期(39.5 Ma)太平洋板块由北西向俯冲转而变成正西向俯冲所产生的西南向应力分量是导致新生代郯庐断裂开始右行走滑的主要因素,且走滑活动持续至今。根据走滑活动发生和持续的时间,结合各个时期内潍北凹陷的沉降和抬升速率,计算出郯庐断裂中段新生代右行走滑位移量为15 km左右。  相似文献   
台特玛湖位于塔里木盆地东北隅,属新疆若羌县,是现塔里木河和车尔臣河的归宿地。它是由阿尔金山山前平原和塔里木河及车尔臣河冲积平原交汇处的低地积水形成的,过去曾与罗布泊相通。湖泊沉积物以细沙为主,在强劲的东北风吹蚀下,极易就地起沙。1982~1998年曾连续干涸17年,使湖西岸发展成强度沙漠化,若长期干涸,将会演变成一片沙海。这将会严重威胁218国道和将要修建的环塔里木盆地铁路以及新疆至青海铁路,对塔里木盆地东部重镇若羌的发展带来很大的影响。保护台特玛湿地,还可为候鸟迁徙提供栖息地,并可发展养鱼和育苇。湖面应保持最小面积为10~30km2,根据水面蒸发系数计算约需3000×104~4500×104m3的水量。入湖水量由塔里木河和车尔臣河各承担一半。要求塔里木河每年从大西海子下泄水量2.3×108m3,除维护下游绿色走廊生态用水外,可有1500×104~2500×104m3的水量入湖。车尔臣河向台特玛湖输水方便快捷,其上游不宜修建大型水库,使中下游水量达到1.5×108~2.0×108m3,保证所分担的水量不成问题,并通过对其下游三角洲整治,还可增加向台特玛湖的输水量,使之成为台特玛湖的主要补给水源。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界山西组页岩气成藏条件及勘探潜力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界页岩气的勘探潜力,对鄂尔多斯盆地二叠系山西组富有机质泥页岩样品有机地球化学、物性特征及等温吸附等方面测试获得的参数进行了数理统计和测井响应特征分析。研究发现:有效泥页岩单层厚度变化较大,最厚可达15 m以上,盆地主体部位w(TOC)一般大于1.0%,有机质类型主要为Ⅱ2型及Ⅲ型,镜质体反射率平均为1.66%,属于成熟-高成熟阶段,有利于有机质热解生气,具备页岩气成藏的基本地质条件。黏土矿物主要以伊利石(44.9%)和高岭石(33.6%)为主,泥页岩孔隙度平均为3.98%,渗透率平均为0.133×10-3 μm2。泥页岩吸附含气量平均为1.94 m3/t。综合考虑泥页岩有效厚度、有机质丰度、有机质类型、热演化程度以及含气量等因素,预测鄂尔多斯盆地山西组页岩气有利区主要位于天环坳陷西北角、陕北斜坡带东北角及盆地中南部等区域。  相似文献   
游客满意度是衡量旅游地竞争力的关键因素之一,已受到众多旅游研究者的关注。在其热点研究中,有关冰川旅游游客满意度及不同游客属性间满意度差异的研究鲜见。选取达古冰川与海螺沟冰川为研究区,通过对游客属性细分,运用模糊多准则决策法(F-MCDM)及引入需求弹性理论对冰川旅游游客满意度进行了综合评价和敏感性分析,探讨了提升冰川旅游游客满意度的对策建议。结果表明:达古冰川游客实际满意度总体高于海螺沟冰川,两地均以管理与服务的满意度最高,消费状况与交通的满意度最低。就游客属性的相对满意度而言,两地均呈现男性满意度高于女性,高消费游客满意度高于低消费游客,高忠诚度游客满意度高于低忠诚度游客;两地相对满意度的差异表现在年龄、受教育程度、客源地和到访次数方面。相较于达古冰川,海螺沟冰川满意度敏感性更高,同等改进力度下游客满意度的提高更为明显高效,就两地满意度敏感性最高的景观特色而言,达古冰川1%的改善将提升游客满意度0.30%,而海螺沟冰川可提升0.45%;对于不同游客属性的满意度敏感性,两地均以不愿推荐、不愿重游和未达到期望的游客最高。最后依据满意度敏感性分析结果,为两地冰川旅游发展提出了关键属性改进、营销策略创新和旅游产品开发等针对性建议。  相似文献   
矿产资源远景调查目的主要就是圈定找矿靶区及寻找隐伏矿体,磁法勘探对于寻找铁铜矿有较大的优势。在云南武定地区开展的1:5万磁法测量工作,共圈出了四个异常区块(A、B、C、D异常区)。在B异常区块进行1:1万高精度磁测,解析延拓显示位于该区块东南部的三度体异常具有深源性,规模较大,并出现较大的磁异常梯度带,且处于主控矿构造断裂带上,划定为该区域的重点勘探远景区。  相似文献   
王欣  王健  张举  傅力浦  孟勇  张欣 《地质科学》2013,48(4):1295-1301
Oktavites spiralis是志留纪兰多维列统特列奇阶的笔石带化石之一,具有重要的地层意义。为更精确地描述这一属种,对产自陕西岚皋地区的Cyrtograptus lapworthi笔石带的O.spiralis不同发育阶段的标本进行了详细研究,从而对其始部发育情况有了更深入的认识。同时,对O.spiralis发育过程的研究也可以成为对该属进行精确厘定的手段之一。  相似文献   
Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are acting as an indispensable tool for geodetic research and global monitoring of the Earth, and they have been rapidly developed over the past few years with abundant GNSS networks, modern constellations, and significant improvement in mathematic models of data processing. However, due to the increasing number of satellites and stations, the computational efficiency becomes a key issue and it could hamper the further development of GNSS applications. In this contribution, this problem is overcome from the aspects of both dense linear algebra algorithms and GNSS processing strategy. First, in order to fully explore the power of modern microprocessors, the square root information filter solution based on the blocked QR factorization employing as many matrix–matrix operations as possible is introduced. In addition, the algorithm complexity of GNSS data processing is further decreased by centralizing the carrier-phase observations and ambiguity parameters, as well as performing the real-time ambiguity resolution and elimination. Based on the QR factorization of the simulated matrix, we can conclude that compared to unblocked QR factorization, the blocked QR factorization can greatly improve processing efficiency with a magnitude of nearly two orders on a personal computer with four 3.30 GHz cores. Then, with 82 globally distributed stations, the processing efficiency is further validated in multi-GNSS (GPS/BDS/Galileo) satellite clock estimation. The results suggest that it will take about 31.38 s per epoch for the unblocked method. While, without any loss of accuracy, it only takes 0.50 and 0.31 s for our new algorithm per epoch for float and fixed clock solutions, respectively.  相似文献   
Improvement of pseudo-static method for slope stability analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
traditional In this paper, two drawbacks pseudo-static method (vertical of the slice method) in the slope stability evaluation have been studied. First, the sliding mass is divided into vertical slices according to this method, which is irrational to some extent in the seismic design of slope. Second, only peak ground acceleration (PGA) is considered, and the effects of shaking frequency and duration on slope stability are neglected. And then, based on the theory of elastic wave and the summarized geological model, this paper put forwards an improved method of pseudo-method by using the theory of elastic wave and Hilbert-Huang transform. The improved pseudostatic method gives reasonable considerations to the time-frequency effects of seismic wave and its rationality has been verified by the shaking table test. This method can evaluate the safety of a slope, the happening time and the scale of landslides. At the same time, this method also can improve the high accuracy of the evaluation of the safety of the slope.  相似文献   
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