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We report observations of MeV heavy ions made with Explorer 45 in the earth's radiation belts during the 7-month period June–December 1972 when four major magnetic storms occurred. Significant fluxes of ions heavier than fluorine (i.e. with nuclear charge Z ? 9) were observed stably trapped in the interior of the radiation belts at L ~ 2–4. These energetic very heavy ions, were found to appear suddenly during the August 1972 magnetic storm period and their fluxes decayed during the following months on time scales typically several tens of days. Simultaneously, strong increases in the geomagnetically trapped MeV helium and CNO ion fluxes were observed, and the post-injection flux decay of these ions was found to be slower than that of the Z ? 9 ions. The relative enhancements in trapped fluxes during the storm increased with increasing ion mass and/or increasing ion energy.  相似文献   
The last two successful flybys of Io by Galileo in 2001 (orbits I31, I32) allowed the Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer to enrich its collection of IR spectral image cubes of the satellite. These data cover hemispheric portions of Io, several volcanic centers as well as their surroundings with a spatial resolution ranging from 2 to 93 km pixel−1. They map thermal emission from the hot-spots and the distribution of solid SO2 in the 1.0-4.7 μm spectral range. We obtain maps of SO2 abundance and granularity from the NIMS data using the method of Douté et al. (2002, Icarus 158, 460-482). The maps are correlated to distinguish four different physical units that indicate zones of SO2 condensation, metamorphism and sublimation. We relate these information with visible images from Galileo's Solid State Imaging System and with detailed mapping of the thermal emission produced by Io's surface. Our principal goal is to understand the mechanisms controlling how lava, pyroclastics and gas are emitted by different types of volcanoes and how these products evolve. The 800 km diameter white ring of fallout created by a violent “Pillanian” eruption during summer of 2001 is at least partly composed of solid SO2 and has enriched preexisting regional deposits. Orange materials have been recently or are currently emplaced 240 km south from the main eruption site, possibly as sulfur flows. A similar event may have taken place in the past at Ababinili Patera (12.5° N, 142° W). Carefull study of SO2 maps covering the Emakong region also suggests that sulfur forms the bright channel-fed flow emerging from the south eastern side of the caldera. Within the main caldera of Tvashtar Catena completely cooled patches of crust exist. Elsewhere, the caldera is still cooling from previous episodes of flooding. We confirm that Amirani emits constantly large amount of SO2 gas by interaction of fresh lava with the volatiles of the underlying plains. Nevertheless SO2 frost is not the major component of the bright white ring seen in the SSI images. Over the whole Gish Bar region, SO2 frost seems barely stable and is constantly regenerated. The stability increases along gray filamentary structures which could be faults filled with materials having peculiar thermal properties. Northwest of Gish Bar Patera, a localized bright deposit shows an unusual spectral signature potentially indicative of H2O molecules forming ice crystals or being trapped in a nonidentified matrix. The Chaac region may present a thickened old crust reducing the geothermal flux to levels lower than 0.5 W m−2 and thus creating a cold trap for SO2. Looking at the abundance and degree of metamorphose of SO2, we establish the relative age of different flows and ejecta for the Sobo Fluctus. Finally the assumption that the white patches in visible images indicate SO2 rich deposits is once again challenged. In the Camaxtli region we identify a topographically controlled compact white deposit showing only moderate SO2 abundance. In contrast, we detect two spots of quite pure SO2 ice on the gray flanks of Emakong. Furthermore, the close association of fumarolic SO2 and red S2 already noted for several volcanic centers is observed at Tupan.  相似文献   
We report on the first space–VLBI observations of the OH 34.26+0.15 maser in two main-line OH transitions at 1665 and 1667 MHz. The observations involved the space radio telescope on board the Japanese satellite HALCA and an array of ground radio telescopes. The map of the maser region and images of individual maser spots were produced with an angular resolution of 1 mas, which is several times higher than the angular resolution available on the ground. The maser spots were only partly resolved and a lower limit to the brightness temperature     was obtained. The maser seems to be located in the direction of low interstellar scattering, an order of magnitude lower than the scattering of a nearby extragalactic source and pulsar.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates a relationship between changes of magnetic susceptibility and microstructure developing in minerals of a magnetite‐bearing ore, experimentally shocked to pressures of 5, 10, 20, and 30 GPa. Shock‐induced effects on magnetic properties were quantified by bulk magnetic susceptibility measurements while shock‐induced microstructures were studied by high‐resolution scanning electron microscopy. Microstructural changes were compared between magnetite, quartz, amphibole, and biotite grains. In the 5 GPa sample, a sharp drop of magnetic susceptibility correlates with distinct fragmentation as well as with formation of shear bands and twins in magnetite. At 10 GPa, shear bands and twins in magnetite are accompanied by droplet‐shaped nanograins. In this shock pressure regime, quartz and amphibole still show intensive grain fragmentation. Twins in quartz and foam‐shaped, highly porous amphibole are formed at 20 and 30 GPa. The formation of porous minerals suggests that shock heating of these mineral grains resulted in localized temperature spikes. The identified shock‐induced features in magnetite strongly advise that variations in the bulk magnetic susceptibility result from cooperative grain fragmentation, plastic deformation and/or localized amorphization, and probably postshock annealing. In particular, the increasing shock heating at high pressures is assumed to be responsible for a partial defect annealing which we suggest to be responsible for the almost constant values of magnetic susceptibility above 10 GPa.  相似文献   
Io's neutral sodium emission cloud was monitored during the period of Voyager 1 encounter from two independent ground-based sites. Observations from Table Mountain Observatory verified the continued existence of the “near-Io cloud” (d < 1.5 × 105 km, for 4πI > 1 kR; R denotes Rayleigh) while those from Wise Observatory showed a deficiency in the weaker emission at greater distances from Io. The sodium cloud has been monitored from both observatories for several years. These and other observations demonstrate that the behavior of the cloud is complex since it undergoes a variety of changes, both systematic and secular, which can have both time and spatial dependencies. The cloud also displays some characteristics of stability. Table Mountain images and high-dispersion spectra (resolution ~0.2 A?) indicate that the basic shape and intensity of the “near cloud” have remained relatively constant at least since imaging observations began in 1976. Wise Observatory low-dispersion spectra (resolution ~1 A?) which have been obtained since 1974 demonstrate substantial variability of the size and intensity of the “far cloud” (d ? 1.5 × 105 km) on a time scale of months or less. Corresponding changes in the state of the plasma associated with the Io torus are suggested, with the period of Voyager 1 encounter represented as a time of unusually high plasma temperature and/or density. Dynamic models of the sodium cloud employing Voyager 1 plasma data provide a reasonable fit to the Table Mountain encounter images. The modeling assumptions of anisotropic ejection of neutral sodium atoms from the leading, inner hemisphere of Io with a velocity distribution characteristic of sputtering adequately explain the overall intensity distribution of the “near cloud”. During the Voyager 1 encounter period there appeared a region of enhanced intensity projecting outward from Io's orbit and inclined to the orbital plane. This region is clearly distinguished from the sodium emission normally aligned with the plane of Io's orbit. The process responsible for this phenomenon is not yet understood. Similar but less pronounced features are also present in several Table Mountain images obtained over the past few years.  相似文献   
This paper reviews key characteristics of kimberlites on the Ekati property, NWT, Canada. To date 150 kimberlites have been discovered on the property, five of which are mined for diamonds. The kimberlites intrude Archean basement of the central Slave craton. Numerous Proterozoic diabase dykes intrude the area. The Precambrian rocks are overlain by Quaternary glacial sediments. No Phanerozoic rocks are present. However, mudstone xenoliths and disaggregated sediment within the kimberlites indicate that late-Cretaceous and Tertiary cover (likely <200 m) was present at the time of emplacement. The Ekati kimberlites range in age from 45 to 75 Ma. They are mostly small pipe-like bodies (surface area mostly <3 ha but up to 20 ha) that typically extend to projected depths of 400–600 m below current surface. Pipe morphologies are strongly controlled by joints and faults. The kimberlites consist primarily of variably bedded volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK). This is dominated by juvenile constituents (olivine and lesser kimberlitic ash) and variable amounts of exotic sediment (primarily mud), with minor amounts of xenolithic wall-rock material (generally <5%). Kimberlite types include: mud-rich resedimented VK (mRVK); olivine-rich VK (oVK); sedimentary kimberlite; primary VK (PVK); tuffisitic kimberlite (TK) and magmatic kimberlite (MK). The presence and arrangement of these rock types varies widely. The majority of bodies are dominated by oVK and mRVK, but PVK is prominent in the lower portions of certain kimberlites. TK is rare. MK occurs primarily as precursor dykes but, in a few cases, forms pipe-filling intrusions. The internal geology of the kimberlites ranges from simple single-phase pipes (RVK or MK), to complex bodies with multiple, distinct units of VK. The latter include pipes infilled with steep, irregular VK blocks/wedges and at least one case in which the pipe is occupied by well-defined sub-horizontal VK phases, including a unique, 100-m-thick graded sequence. The whole-rock compositions of VK samples suggest significant loss of kimberlitic fines during eruption followed by variable dilution by surface sediment and concurrent incorporation of kimberlitic ash. Diamond distribution within the kimberlites reflects the amount and nature of mantle material sampled by individual kimberlite phases, but is modified considerably by eruption and depositional processes. The characteristics of the Ekati kimberlites are consistent with a two-stage emplacement process: (1) explosive eruption/s causing vent clearing followed by formation of a significant tephra rim/cone of highly fragmented, olivine-enriched juvenile material with varying amounts of kimberlitic ash and surface sediments (predominantly mud); and (2) infilling of the vent by direct deposition from the eruption column and/or resedimentation of crater rim materials. The presence of less fragmented, juvenile-rich PVK in the lower portions of certain pipes and the intrusion of large volumes of MK to shallow levels in some bodies suggest emplacement of relatively volatile-depleted, less explosive kimberlite in the later stages of pipe formation and/or filling. Explosive devolatilisation of CO2-rich kimberlite magma is interpreted to have been the dominant eruption mechanism, but phreatomagmatism is thought to have played a role and, in certain cases, may have been dominant.  相似文献   
The basaltic Martian meteorite Yamato 980459 consists of large olivine phenocrysts and often prismatic pyroxenes set into a fine-grained groundmass of smaller more Fe-rich olivine, chromite, and an interstitial residual material displaying quenching textures of dendritic olivine, chain-like augite and sulfide droplets in a glassy matrix. Yamato 980459 is, thus, the only Martian meteorite without plagioclase/maskelynite. Olivine is compositionally zoned from a Mg-rich core to a Fe-rich rim with the outer few micrometers being especially rich in iron. With Fo84 the cores are the most magnesian olivines found in Martian meteorites so far. Pyroxenes are also mostly composite crystals of large orthopyroxene cores and thin Ca-rich overgrowths. Separate pigeonite and augites are rare. On basis of the mineral compositions, the cooling rates determined from crystal morphologies, and crystal grain size distributions it is deduced that the parent magma of Yamato 980459 initially cooled under near equilibrium conditions e.g., in a magma chamber allowing chromite and the Mg-rich silicates to form as cumulus phases. Fractional crystallization at higher cooling rates and a low degree of undercooling let to the formation of the Ca-, Al-, and Fe-rich overgrowths on olivine and orthopyroxene while the magma was ascending towards the Martian surface. Finally and before plagioclase and also phosphates could precipitate, the magma was very quickly erupted quenching the remaining melt to glass, dendritic silicates and sulfide droplets. The shape preferred orientation of olivine and pyroxene suggests a quick, thin outflow of lava. According to the shock effects found in the minerals of Yamato 980459, the meteorite experienced an equilibration shock pressure of about 20-25 GPa. Its near surface position allowed the ejection from the planet’s surface already by a single impact event and at relatively low shock pressures.  相似文献   
Recent sediments of eight small lakes in the northern winter range of Yellowstone National Park were cored to examine stratigraphic records of past changes in limnology and local environment that might be attributed to grazing and other activities of elk, bison, and other large ungulates. Cores of undisturbed sediment were analyzed at close intervals to depths covering the last 100–150 years according to chronologies established by lead-210 dating. Pollen analyses were made to show change in regional vegetation, and diatom and geochemical analyses were made to reveal possible limnological changes resulting from soil erosion and nutrient input from the lake catchments.Variations in sedimentary components prior to establishment of the Park in 1872 indicate some natural variability in environmental factors e.g., erosional inputs in landslide areas west of Gardiner. All lakes had abundant nutrient inputs.After the Park was founded, fire suppression may have been responsible for small increases in pollen percentages of various conifers and Artemisia tridentata (big sagebrush) at different times in different lakes. Perceptible decreases in pollen of willow, aspen, alder, and birch at different times may reflect local ungulate browsing, although drier climatic conditions may have been a factor as well.The most striking manifestation of accelerated erosion in a catchment was found at a lake located beside a road constructed in the 1930s. In contrast to changes at this site, the record of erosion at other lakes is hardly perceptible. Changes in sediment-accumulation rates seen at most sites result from redistribution of sediment within the lake after initial deposition.In the century following Park establishment, the abundance of planktonic diatoms relative to benthic taxa varies among lakes and may reflect differential nutrient inputs or changes in lake level. Four of the five lakes analyzed for diatoms show in the last few decades an increase in planktonic relative to benthic species, implying elevated nutrient inputs. The recent flora, however, is similar to that in pre-Park levels which suggests that these lakes have not been perturbed outside their normal range. Increased nutrient supply in recent decades for at least two of the lakes is supported by the geochemical data, which show an increase in biogenic silica and in organic matter.As a whole, our investigation of the sedimentary record does not support the hypothesis that ungulate grazing has had a strong direct or indirect effect on the vegetation and soil stability in the lake catchments or on the water quality of the lakes.  相似文献   
Monometamorphic metasediments of Paleozoic or Mesozoic age constituting Schneeberg and Radenthein Complex experienced coherent deformation and metamorphism during Late Cretaceous times. Both complexes are part of the Eoalpine high-pressure wedge that formed an intracontinental suture and occur between the polymetamorphosed Ötztal–Bundschuh nappe system on top and the Texel–Millstatt Complex below. During Eoalpine orogeny Schneeberg and Radenthein Complexes were south-dipping and they experienced a common tectonometamorphic history from ca. 115 Ma onwards until unroofing of the Tauern Window in Miocene times. This evolution is subdivided into four distinct tectonometamorphic phases. Deformation stage D1 is characterized by WNW-directed shearing at high temperature conditions (550–600°C) and related to the initial exhumation of the high-pressure wedge. D2 and D3 are largely coaxial and evolved during high- to medium-temperature conditions (ca. 450 to ≥550°C). These stages are related to advanced exhumation and associated with large-scale folding of the high-pressure wedge including the Ötztal-Bundschuh nappe system above and the Texel–Millstatt Complex below. For the area west of the Tauern Window, F2/F3 fold interference results in the formation of large-scale sheath-folds in the frontal part of the nappe stack (formerly called “Schlingentektonik” by previous authors). Earlier thrusts were reactivated during Late Cretaceous normal faulting at the base of the Ötztal–Bundschuh nappe system and its cover. Deformation stage D4 is of Oligo-Miocene age and accounted for tilting of individual basement blocks along large-scale strike-slip shear zones. This tilting phase resulted from indentation of the Southern Alps accompanied by the formation of the Tauern Window.  相似文献   
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