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Noble-gas systematics show that Brachino is not a member of the SNC-group of meteorites. The whole-rock K-Ar gas retention age is (3.11 ± 0.07) AE as compared to the 1.3 AE solidification ages of SNCs; the content of radiogenic129 Xe* of (3.47 ±. 15) × 10?10 cm3 STP/g is about two orders of magnitude higher, and the129 Xe/132 Xe ratio (11.0), the ratio of radiogenic129 Xe* to fissiogenic136 Xef (300), and the ratio36 Ar/132 Xe in the trapped gases are about one order of magnitude higher than observed for SNCs. The same evidence argues strongly against any simple genetic relationship with eucrites. The noble-gas abundance pattern resembles closely that in silicate inclusions from the iron meteorites Campo del Cielo and Udei Station. Abundances of cosmic-ray produced3 He and21 Ne (5.7 and. 99 × 10?8 cm3 STP/g, resp.) indicate an exposure age of ~ 2.4 Ma. Irradiation conditions appear to have been perfectly normal except for an unaccountably low content of spallogenic 38Ar. Losses by diffusion of radiogenic4 He are severe; they must have occurred at or before the onset of the exposure of the meteoroid to the cosmic radiation.  相似文献   
Orange, ochre-coloured, light green and dark blue varieties of kyanite, ideally Al2SiO5, from Loliondo, Tanzania, have been characterised by electron microprobe analysis and polarised infrared and optical absorption spectroscopy. All colour varieties show elevated Fe contents of 0.39 to 1.31 wt.% FeO, but Ti contents only in the range of the EMP detection limit. Orange and ochre-coloured crystals have Mn contents of 0.23 and 0.06 wt.% MnO, respectively, the dark blue kyanite contains 0.28 wt.% Cr2O3, while the light green sample is nearly free from transition metal cations other than Fe. Polarised infrared spectra reveal OH defect concentrations of 3 to 17 wt.ppm H2O with structural OH defects partially replacing the OB (O2) oxygen atoms. Polarised optical absorption spectra show that the colour of all four varieties is governed by crystal field d-d transitions of trivalent cations, i.e. Fe3+ (all samples), Mn3+ (orange and ochre) and Cr3+ (blue kyanite), replacing Al in sixfold coordinated triclinic sites of the kyanite structure. Intervalence charge transfer, the prevalent colour-inducing mechanism in ‘usual’ (Cr-poor) blue kyanites, seems to play a very minor, if any, role in the present samples. Crystal field calculations in both a ‘classic’ tetragonal and in the semiempirical Superposition Model approach, accompanied by distance- and angle-least-squares refinements, indicate that Fe3+ preferably occupies the Al4 site, Cr3+ prefers the Al1 and Al2 sites, and Mn3+ predominantly enters the Al1 site. In each case specific local relaxation effects were observed according to the crystal chemical preferences of these transition metal cations. Furthermore, the high values obtained in the calculations for the interelectronic repulsion parameter Racah B correspond to a high ionic contribution to Me3+–O bonding in the kyanite structure. In the particular case of the blue sample, band positions specifically related to the high Racah B value enable this ‘unusual’ type of blue colouration of kyanite solely due to Cr3+ cations.  相似文献   
The WWF-Natural Marine Reserve of Miramare (Trieste, Italy) is located in a major industrial and vacation area in the Adriatic Sea. Consequently, noise emanating from boating and shipping is an inevitable factor for local fishes. This study investigates the effects of ambient and ship noise on representatives of three vocal fish families with different hearing abilities. Ambient and ship noise were recorded, their sound pressure levels measured and played back in the lab. Auditory sensitivity was determined in Chromis chromis, Sciaena umbra and Gobius cruentatus, utilizing the auditory evoked potential recording technique. Compared to lab conditions, hearing thresholds determined during ambient noise playbacks were barely masked. Contrary, the noise emanating from a cabin-cruiser substantially reduced auditory sensitivity relative to thresholds in ambient noise. This masking effect was most pronounced in the frequency range where acoustic communication takes place. Boat noise potentially affects acoustic communication in fishes inhabiting the reserve.  相似文献   
AVO investigations of shallow marine sediments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Amplitude‐variation‐with‐offset (AVO) analysis is based on the Zoeppritz equations, which enable the computation of reflection and transmission coefficients as a function of offset or angle of incidence. High‐frequency (up to 700 Hz) AVO studies, presented here, have been used to determine the physical properties of sediments in a shallow marine environment (20 m water depth). The properties that can be constrained are P‐ and S‐wave velocities, bulk density and acoustic attenuation. The use of higher frequencies requires special analysis including careful geometry and source and receiver directivity corrections. In the past, marine sediments have been modelled as elastic materials. However, viscoelastic models which include absorption are more realistic. At angles of incidence greater than 40°, AVO functions derived from viscoelastic models differ from those with purely elastic properties in the absence of a critical angle of incidence. The influence of S‐wave velocity on the reflection coefficient is small (especially for low S‐wave velocities encountered at the sea‐floor). Thus, it is difficult to extract the S‐wave parameter from AVO trends. On the other hand, P‐wave velocity and density show a considerably stronger effect. Attenuation (described by the quality factor Q) influences the reflection coefficient but could not be determined uniquely from the AVO functions. In order to measure the reflection coefficient in a seismogram, the amplitudes of the direct wave and the sea‐floor reflection in a common‐midpoint (CMP) gather are determined and corrected for spherical divergence as well as source and streamer directivity. At CMP locations showing the different AVO characteristics of a mud and a boulder clay, the sediment physical properties are determined by using a sequential‐quadratic‐programming (SQP) inversion technique. The inverted sediment physical properties for the mud are: P‐wave velocity α=1450±25 m/s, S‐wave velocity β=90±35 m/s, density ρ=1220±45 kg/m3, quality factor for P‐wave QP=15±200, quality factor for S‐wave QS=10±30. The inverted sediment physical properties for the boulder clay are: α=1620±45 m/s,β=360±200 m/s,ρ=1380±85 kg/m3,QP=790±660,QS=25±10.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Unterperm bildet sich mit den küstennahen Innenschelf-Sedimenten der Unteren Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (UPK) und über der klastischen Fazies der im hochenergetischen Intertidal-Subtidal-Grenzbereich entstandenen Grenzlandbänke (GB) die Karbonatplattform der Oberen Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (OPK) heraus. Ökologische Zonenfolgen, die eine zunehmende Verschiebung zu küstenferneren Bereichen anzeigen, weisen die OPK als Ablagerungen des subtidalen Außenschelf-Bereiches aus.Verschieden alte Schelfrandriffe (Karnische Alpen, Sextener Dolomiten) und die Klastischen Trogkofelschichten als Innenschelfentwicklung im E und SE setzen die Entwicklung der Plattform in der Trogkofelstufe fort.Bodenunruhen mit Brekzienbildungen in den Klastischen Trogkofelschichten gipfeln in einem Zerbrechen der Karbonatplattform an der Wende Unter/Mittelperm und führen zur Ablagerung der Tarviser Brekzie in lokalen Senken.Mit den im W zunächst noch kontinentalen, in den Karnischen Alpen und Westkarawanken aber überwiegend marinen Grödener Schichten und den bei fortschreitender Transgression abgelagerten Bellerophonschichten setzt der alpidische Sedimentationszyklus ein.
Paleontological and sedimentological data of Permian rocks from the Carnic Alps and its neighbouring areas south of the Periadriatic Lineament could fit to the following paleogeographical patterns:The Untere Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (UPK) of the Rattendorfer Schichten were cyclically deposited in the inner-shelf area. During the upper UPK erosive activities and source areas of the clastics were changing. Increasing sedimentation of clastics due to the temporary erosion of metamorphic rocks and acid plutonites characterizes the Grenzland-Bänke (GB), deposited in a near-shore high-energy environment with intertidal to subtidal conditions (mega-ripples). The outer shelf sedimentation pattern of the Obere Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (OPK) is indicated by special associations of organisms in subtidal offshore areas.On this carbonate platform some knoll reefs of different age were built up during the Trogkofel stage (Carnic Alps, Sextener Dolomiten). Towards the east and southeast the platform shows again characteristics of the inner shelf (Klastische Trogkofel-Schichten).Synsedimentary tectonic activities during the late Lower Permian are manifested by the carbonate breccias of the Klastische Trogkofel-Schichten (Garnie Alps, Karawanken, Slovenia). The components of these breccias are dated as Middle Carboniferous to late Lower Permian. A further destruction of the platform at the Lower/Middle Permian boundary results in the sedimentation of the Tarviser Brekzie.The alpidic cycle Starts with the sedimentation of the clastic Grödener Schichten which during the first phase of sedimentation were deposited as continental clastics in South Tyrol but as predominately marine sediments in the Carnic Alps and in the Karawanken.The increasing transgression during the Upper Permian results in the deposition of bituminous sediments and basal evaporites of the Bellerophon-Schichten. In the south-western near-coast area the evaporites are dominating (facies fiammaza) whereas in northeastern South Tyrol gypsum with open marine carbonates prevails (facies badiotica). The Bellerophon-Schichten of the Carnic Alps indicate connections with the marine Zazar-Schichten in the Save area and with the limestones and dolomites of the Velebit mountains.

Résumé L'étude paléontologique et sédimentologique du Permien des Alpes carniques et des régions septentrionales, voisines du linéament périadriatique, a permis d'en tracér une equisse paléogéographique. - Les Untere Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (UPK) qui marquent le début des Rattendorfer Schichten, constituent une sédimentation cyclique de nature littorale, à laquelle succède, à la suite d'une activité érosive intense, les Grenzlandbänke (GB) caractérisés par un facies clastique de haute énergie, avec, dans ce dernier, des intervalles où apparaissent des roches métamorphiques et des roches plutoniques acides. Ce milieu, parcouru par des courants instables, nous indique un domaine mitoyen» subtidal-intertidal «(méga-ripples), à labase des marées. Des faunes et flores, variées et abondantes, sont distribuées dans une succession de zones écologiques de plus en plus distantes de la côte. Les Obere Pseudoschwagerinen-Kalke (OPK), déposés ensuite, se sont donc formés sur le plateau continental extérieur à caractère subtidal.Sur cette plate-forme à formations carbonatées, et au cours de l'étage de Trogkofel, des récifs ont pu s'installer, tandis que l'E et le SW de la plate-forme, plus rapprochés de la côte, ont reçu une sédimentation clastique (Klastische Trogkofelschichten). — Les mouvements de la fin du Permien inférieur se sont traduits par des brèches intercalées dans les Klastische Trogkofelschichten; des fragments de roches du Carbonifère moyen (étage de Moscow) sont inclus dans ces brèches. Enfin cette tendance arrive à son comble à la limite Permien inférieur/Permien moyen, lorsque la plateforme se désintègre avec formation de la Taviser Brekzie dans des effondrements local.Le cycle de sédimentation alpin débute par les Grödener Schichten — encore terrestres à l'Ouest, mais surtout marines dans les Alpes carniques et les Karawanken occidentales — et par les Bellerophonschichten marquant une mer en transgression.

, , (GB) , ( ) (UPK). , , , , . — , — , -, . . , . . , — — .
Aeolian sands are widespread in the European sand‐belt. While there is a consensus about the timing of increased aeolian activity and, in contrast, of surface stabilization during the Lateglacial, knowledge about Holocene aeolian dynamics is still very sparse. It is generally assumed that aeolian processes have been closely connected to human activities since at least the Neolithic period. A compilation of 189 luminescence dates from aeolian sands of Holocene age and 301 14C‐dates from palaeo‐surfaces, comprising palaeosols, buried peats and archaeological features from the whole sand‐belt, is plotted as histograms and kernel density plots and divided into sub‐phases by cluster analysis. This is also done separately for the dates from the areas west and east of the river Elbe. Our results show that aeolian activity did not cease with the end of the Younger Dryas but continued in the whole European sand‐belt until the Mid‐Atlantic (c. 6500 a BP), presenting evidence of vegetation‐free areas at least at the local scale. During the subsequent time period evidence of aeolian sedimentation is sparse, and surface stabilization is indicated by a cluster of palaeo‐surfaces ascribed to the early Subboreal (c. 5000 cal. a BP). The agglomeration of luminescence ages around 4000 years is probably connected with intensified land use during the Late Neolithic. Younger phases of aeolian sedimentation are indicated by clusters of luminescence ages around 1800 years, a group of luminescence ages from the Netherlands and NW Germany around 900 years, and a group of ages around 680 years in Germany. Among the dates from palaeo‐surfaces, clusters were identified around 2700, 1300 and 900 cal. a BP as well as around 690 cal. a BP in the western part and 610 cal. a BP in the eastern part of the sand‐belt. The clusters within the luminescence ages and the 14C‐dates coincide with phases where increased human impact can be deduced from archaeological and historical sources as well as from environmental history.  相似文献   
The properties of nano- and microparticles (60 nm-200 μm) of the dust formed by mass blasting in the iron ore open pit of the Lebedinsky Mining and Concentrating Combine have been studied. Data on the morphology of particles, their magnetic properties, mineralogy, and dimensions have been obtained. Quartz, magnetite, and mica were identified among these particles. The dust mostly consisted of fragmented iron ore formation from the rock massif involved in the blasting.  相似文献   
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