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Blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) are an important species in coastal or lagoonal estuaries where adult population characteristics may differ as compared to drowned-river estuaries. Barnegat Bay, in southern New Jersey, is composed of two large embayments: one without and one with a salinity gradient. We tested the influence of physical characteristics on the abundance, sex ratio, and size of adult blue crabs and examined variation in measures of reproductive potential (e.g., sperm stores) in both sexes in Barnegat Bay from June to September, 2008–2009. Population structure was distinct between the embayments due to sex-specific responses to salinity: male abundance was negatively correlated with salinity whereas adult females were more abundant in high salinity because of proximity to Barnegat Inlet. This produced high sex ratios in low salinity areas and low sex ratios in high salinity areas. Summer was a growing season for adult males while in late summer-early fall, juvenile males recruited to the adult size class. The spawning season lasted from May to August and ovigerous females were concentrated near the inlets. Information on female sperm stores and ovarian development identified two cohorts of adult females: females that will spawn in the current summer and females that will not spawn until the following summer. Thus, not all adult females near the spawning grounds were members of the current spawning stock. This suggests that annual estimates of spawning stock size which overlook the proximity of females to spawning are overestimating the current spawning stock in Barnegat Bay and other estuaries.  相似文献   
The distribution, transport, and accumulation of wildfire‐generated pyrogenic carbon (PyC) has important consequences for contaminant transport and carbon cycling, but a conceptual model for PyC accumulation and loss that includes geomorphic processes is lacking. In this study we quantified PyC concentration in soil samples collected from the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico before and after the 2013 Thompson Ridge (TR) fire, and developed a conceptual model describing PyC redistribution. Pre‐fire samples were fortuitously collected 4 years before the TR burn and post‐fire samples were collected at the same locations 15 months following the TR fire. Samples were collected from the O and A horizon, with sites representing a range of slope angle, aspect, burn severity, and geomorphic setting. PyC was determined by a modified chemo‐thermal oxidation method to compare PyC to total organic carbon (TOC). The mean PyC/TOC ratio was significantly higher post‐fire than pre‐fire (0.14 vs 0.12), indicating increased PyC sequestration. O horizon PyC concentrations were more variable and more responsive to fire than the A horizon. Soil horizon, watershed, and geomorphic setting proved to be the most influential factors in predicting PyC concentration changes. PyC concentrations increased most on hillslopes and in low‐severity burn areas, suggesting higher rates of PyC production or post‐fire accumulation. Burn patchiness appears to facilitate PyC accumulation, with lower severity patches trapping PyC mobilized from high severity patches. While PyC content had greater point scale variance following the fire, the fire also homogenized pre‐fire PyC differences between soil horizons and among watersheds within the burn perimeter, differences that appear to develop over time between fires. The O horizon is a larger sink for PyC in the short term following fire, but based on pre‐fire concentrations the A horizon appears to be a more stable sink for PyC. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The tidal stress at the surface of a satellite is derived from the gravitational potential of the satellite's parent planet, assuming that the satellite is fully differentiated into a silicate core, a global subsurface ocean, and a decoupled, viscoelastic lithospheric shell. We consider two types of time variability for the tidal force acting on the shell: one caused by the satellite's eccentric orbit within the planet's gravitational field (diurnal tides), and one due to nonsynchronous rotation (NSR) of the shell relative to the satellite's core, which is presumed to be tidally locked. In calculating surface stresses, this method allows the Love numbers h and ?, describing the satellite's tidal response, to be specified independently; it allows the use of frequency-dependent viscoelastic rheologies (e.g. a Maxwell solid); and its mathematical form is amenable to the inclusion of stresses due to individual tides. The lithosphere can respond to NSR forcing either viscously or elastically depending on the value of the parameter , where μ and η are the shear modulus and viscosity of the shell respectively, and ω is the NSR forcing frequency. Δ is proportional to the ratio of the forcing period to the viscous relaxation time. When Δ?1 the response is nearly fluid; when Δ?1 it is nearly elastic. In the elastic case, tensile stresses due to NSR on Europa can be as large as ∼3.3 MPa, which dominate the ∼50 kPa stresses predicted to result from Europa's diurnal tides. The faster the viscous relaxation the smaller the NSR stresses, such that diurnal stresses dominate when Δ?100. Given the uncertainty in current estimates of the NSR period and of the viscosity of Europa's ice shell, it is unclear which tide should be dominant. For Europa, tidal stresses are relatively insensitive both to the rheological structure beneath the ice layer and to the thickness of the icy shell. The phase shift between the tidal potential and the resulting stresses increases with Δ. This shift can displace the NSR stresses longitudinally by as much as 45° in the direction opposite of the satellite's rotation.  相似文献   
Concentrations of Pb and K were determined in a series of veneer layers chiseled in sequence from the outside toward the center of each of the five 1500–5500yr old ice core sections that had been drilled in Greenland and Antarctic ice. They were analogs of very old ice samples analyzed earlier by Herronet al. (1977) and Craginet al. (1975), who reported high concentrations of Pb in them. Lead contamination, existing at exterior concentrations of about 106 ng/kg ice, had intruded to the centers of the cores, establishing interior values of at least 1.4 ng/kg ice in three electromechanically drilled Camp Century core sections taken from fluid filled drill holes. Corresponding Pb concentration changes were 3 × 104 ng/kg ice to 1.2 ng/kg ice in two thermally drilled New Byrd Station core sections taken from non-fluid filled drill holes. Contamination made the lowest center concentrations serve only as upper limits to the original concentrations of Pb in the ice.Potassium concentrations decreased from exterior values of about 5 × 105 ng/kg ice to an interior value of 2 × 103 ng/kg ice in the Camp Century core sections and from 8 × 104 ng/kg ice to 9 × 102 ng/kg ice in New Byrd Station core sections. Potassium contamination effects were not large within the central portions of the cores.These data verify earlier findings by Murozumiet al. (1969) and extend to a broader geographical significance the general validity of their observation of a ~ 300-fold increase of Pb concentrations in the Greenland ice sheet during the past 3000 yr. Our findings refute claims by Herronet al. (1977) and Craguinet al. (1975) that 100-fold excesses of natural Pb exist in 800 yr old Greenland ice above levels contributed by silicate dusts. Our new data also show that average Pb concentrations of 26 ng Pb/kg ice, claimed by Boutron and Lorius (1979) to be natural and present for 60 yr in snow strata in Antarctica, did not exist in old Antarctic ice, and that Pb concentrations have increased at least 10-fold in that ice during the past century.Virtually all of the present day ~300-fold excess of Pb above natural levels in Greenland ice can be shown to be caused by industrial Pb emissions to the atmosphere on the basis of the following factors: (1) the historic increase of Pb in snow strata coincides with the historic increase of industrial Pb production and atmospheric emissions (2) mass inventories of industrial emissions can account for the excess Pb in polar snow (3) new quantitative measurements of Pb emissions from volcanic plumes by Buat-Menard and Arnold (1978), Pattersonet al. (1981), and Buat-Menardet al. (1981), and from sea spray by Ng and Patterson (1981) and Settle and Patterson (1981). show that these natural sources cannot account for 99% of the excess Pb above contributions by silicate dusts observed today in the atmosphere; and (4) the historic increase of Pb in snow strata is paralleled by analogous increases of excess Pb shown by isotopic tracers to be industrial in water-laid sediments in a remote continental region (Shirahataet al., 1980). It is now known, however, that snows display about a 10-fold greater excess of industrial Pb above crustal silicate concentrations than exists in the air above the snows.  相似文献   
Aquatic macrophytes play a key role in providing habitat, refuge and food for a range of biota in shallow lakes. However, many shallow lakes have experienced declines in macrophyte vegetation in recent decades, principally due to eutrophication. As changes in macrophyte composition and abundance can affect overall ecological structure and function of a lake, an assessment of the timing and nature of such changes is crucial to our understanding of the wider lake ecosystem. In the typical absence of historical plant records, the macro-remains of macrophytes preserved in lake sediments can be used to assess long-term changes in aquatic vegetation. We generated recent (150–200 years) plant macrofossil records for six English lakes subject to conservation protection to define past macrophyte communities, assess trajectories of ecological change and consider the implications of our findings for conservation targets and strategies. The data for all six lakes reveal a diverse submerged macrophyte community, with charophytes as a key component, in the early part of the sedimentary records. The stratigraphies indicate considerable change to the aquatic vegetation over the last two centuries with a general shift towards species more typically associated with eutrophic conditions. A common feature is the decline in abundance of low-growing charophytes and an increase in tall canopy-forming angiosperms such as fine-leaved Potamogeton species, Zannichellia palustris and Callitriche species. We hypothesise, based on findings from long-term datasets and palaeoecological records from enriched shallow lakes where plants are now absent, that the observed shifts provide a warning to managers that the lakes are on a pathway to complete macrophyte loss such that nutrient load reduction is urgently needed. It is the sound understanding of present-day plant ecology that affords such reliable interpretation of the fossil data which, in turn, provide valuable context for current conservation decisions.  相似文献   
The U.S. Geological Survey National Minerals Information Center (NMIC) is the U.S. Government agency tasked with the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information on the production, consumption, import, export, and other measures of the flows of non-fuel mineral commodities of importance to the U.S. economy and national security. The NMIC and its agency predecessors have maintained a database of this information, collected and published annually, dating back to the beginning of the twentieth century. Time series analysis of annual information from the NMIC provides the opportunity to identify trends in the supply chains of the minerals and metals which are increasingly in demand for advanced technologies. The identification of trends in data for net import reliance, country concentration of production, global demand, price volatility, and other measures, when combined with world governance indicators, can be used to focus attention on individual mineral commodities where supply chain restrictions may develop. Specific examples for U.S. net import reliance, global tantalum primary mining, and mineral criticality screening are presented to illustrate the utility of time series analysis of trends in mineral commodity supply and demand, the types of data required, and the limitations of currently available information.  相似文献   
This article presents findings of a study that explored how culture influenced support for wildfire mitigation in Peavine Métis Settlement, an Aboriginal community located in Alberta, Canada. Community-based research was completed using interviews, focus groups, and participant observation. The results show that cultural factors appeared to influence wildfire mitigation preferences. Participants indicated the current state of the forest was not natural, and that mitigation activities would likely improve forest health. Participants supported Settlement Council-led wildfire mitigation activities at both the residential and community level due to a preference for communal action and collective problem solving. Participants also were found to distrust “outsiders” and preferred programs developed by members of their own community. The results of this study show that wildfire mitigation programs based on local culture can be well supported in an Aboriginal community.  相似文献   
Northwest Africa (NWA) 4734 is an unbrecciated basaltic lunar meteorite that is nearly identical in chemical composition to basaltic lunar meteorites NWA 032 and LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02205. We have conducted a geochemical, petrologic, mineralogic, and Sm‐Nd, Rb‐Sr, and Ar‐Ar isotopic study of these meteorites to constrain their petrologic relationships and the origin of young mare basalts. NWA 4734 is a low‐Ti mare basalt with a low Mg* (36.5) and elevated abundances of incompatible trace elements (e.g., 2.00 ppm Th). The Sm‐Nd isotope system dates NWA 4734 with an isochron age of 3024 ± 27 Ma, an initial εNd of +0.88 ± 0.20, and a source region 147Sm/144Nd of 0.201 ± 0.001. The crystallization age of NWA 4734 is concordant with those of LAP 02205 and NWA 032. NWA 4734 and LAP 02205 have very similar bulk compositions, mineral compositions, textures, and ages. Their source region 147Sm/144Nd values indicate that they are derived from similar, but distinct, source materials. They probably do not sample the same lava flow, but rather are similarly sourced, but isotopically distinct, lavas that probably originate from the same volcanic complex. They may have experienced slightly different assimilation histories in route to eruption, but can be source‐crater paired. NWA 032 remains enigmatic, as its source region 147Sm/144Nd definitively precludes a simple relationship with NWA 4734 and LAP 02205, despite a similar bulk composition. Their high Ti/Sm, low (La/Yb)N, and Cl‐poor apatite compositions rule out the direct involvement of KREEP. Rather, they are consistent with low‐degree partial melting of late‐formed LMO cumulates, and indicate that the geochemical characteristics attributed to urKREEP are not unique to that reservoir. These and other basaltic meteorites indicate that the youngest mare basalts originate from multiple sources, and suggest that KREEP is not a prerequisite for the most recent known melting in the Moon.  相似文献   
Previous model experiments of the 8.2 ka event forced by the drainage of Lake Agassiz often do not produce climate anomalies as long as those inferred from proxies. In addition to the Agassiz forcing, there is new evidence for significant amounts of freshwater entering the ocean at 8.2 ka from the disintegration of the Laurentide ice sheet (LIS). We use the Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3) to test the contribution of this additional meltwater flux. Similar to previous model experiments, we find that the estimated freshwater forcing from Lake Agassiz is capable of sustaining ocean and climate anomalies for only two to three decades, much shorter than the event duration of ~150 years in proxies. Using new estimates of the LIS freshwater flux (~0.13 Sv for 100 years) from the collapse of the Hudson Bay ice dome in addition to the Agassiz drainage, the CCSM3 generates climate anomalies with a magnitude and duration that match within error those from proxies. This result is insensitive to the duration of freshwater release, a major uncertainty, if the total volume remains the same. An analysis of the modeled North Atlantic freshwater budget indicates that the Agassiz drainage is rapidly transported out of the North Atlantic while the LIS contribution generates longer-lasting freshwater anomalies that are also subject to recirculation by the subtropical gyre back into the North Atlantic. Thus, the meltwater flux originating from the LIS appears to be more important than the Agassiz drainage in generating 8.2 ka climate anomalies and is one way to reconcile some model-data discrepancies.  相似文献   
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