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The first meteoritic occurrence of CaAl4O7 is described from a Ca-Al-rich inclusion (CAI) in the Leoville carbonaceous chondrite. This CAI consists mainly of gehlenitic melilite, spinel, perovskite, and hibonite. CaAl4O7 is a minor component and occurs within melilite preferentially in portions rich in perovskite.The CAI is enveloped by a succession of three rims (from inside out): (a) hibonite+melilite+spinel+perovskite, (b) diopside, and (c) olivine.On the basis of mineral associations found and from the presence of moderately volatile elements (Fe and Cr) we conclude that the CaAl4O7-bearing CAI from Leoville is of residual nature. CaAl4O7 is apparently stable in the very Mg- and Si-poor environment of this CAI and is probably of igneous origin.The rims are interpreted as products of partial evaporation (rim (a)) and associated re-condensation (rims (b) and (c)).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An der Methode wird die physikalische Unwirklichkeit der Zusammenfassung der Monate Januar, Februar, März und November und Dezember des gleichen Kalenderjahres als Winter und die Unterdrückung wesentlicher Zusammenhänge mit dem Sonnenfleckenzyklus durch Bildung übergreifender Fünfjahresmittel bemängelt. Hinsichtlich des Ergebnisses wird die behauptete Ähnlichkeit der erhaltenen Kurven mit der Sonnenfleckenwelle widerlegt.
Summary It is shown that the practice to define the months of January, February, March and November, December of the same calendar year as winter is not justifiable, from a physical point of view. By using running 5-yearly means important relations to the cycle of sun-spots are suppressed. A proposed similarity of the curves obtained byDammann with the solar cycle is disproved.

Résumé L'auteur montre que l'hiver défini par la période de janvier à mars et de novembre à decembre de la même année est une irréalité physique et que l'emploi de la moyenne mobile de cinq ans masque le cycle des taches solaires; les courbes obtenues parDammann ne correspondent pas rythme des taches.
Whiteschists appear in numerous high- and ultrahigh-pressure rock suites and are characterized by the mineral assemblage kyanite + talc (+-quartz or coesite). We demonstrate that whiteschist mineral assemblages are well stable up to pressures of more than 4 GPa but may already form at pressures of 0.5 GPa. The formation of whiteschists largely depends on the composition of the protolith, which requires elevated contents of Al and Mg as well as low Fe, Ca, and Na contents, as otherwise chloritoid, amphibole, feldspar, or omphacite are formed instead of kyanite or talc. Furthermore, the stability field of the whiteschist mineral assemblage strongly depends on XCO2 and fO2: already at low values of XCO2, CO2 binds Mg to carbonates strongly reducing the whiteschist stability field, whereas high fO2 enlarges the stability field and stabilizes yoderite. Thus, the scarcity of whiteschist is not necessarily due to unusual P–T conditions, but to the restricted range of suitable protolith compositions and the spatial distribution of these protoliths: (1) continental sedimentary rocks and (2) hydrothermally and metasomatically altered felsic to mafic rocks. The continental sedimentary rocks that may produce whiteschist mineral assemblages typically have been deposited under arid climatic conditions in closed evaporitic basins and may be restricted to relatively low latitudes. These rocks often contain large amounts of the clay minerals palygorskite and sepiolite. Marine sediments generally do not yield whiteschist mineral assemblages as marine shales commonly have too high iron contents. Sabkha deposits may have too high CO2 contents. Protoliths of appropriate geochemical composition occur in and on continental crust. Therefore, whiteschist assemblages typically are only found in settings of continental collision or where continental fragments were involved in subduction. Our calculations demonstrate that whiteschists can form by closed-system metamorphism, which implies that the chemical and isotopic composition of these rocks provide constraints on the development of the protoliths.  相似文献   
The physico-chemical properties of water samples from the two athalassic endorheic lakes Bogoria and Nakuru in Kenya were analysed. Surface water samples were taken between July 2008 and October 2009 in weekly intervals from each lake. The following parameters were determined: pH, salinity, electric conductivity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), the major cations (FAAS and ICP-OES) and the major anions (IC), as well as certain trace elements (ICP-OES). Samples of superficial sediments were taken in October 2009 and examined using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) for their major and trace element content including rare earth elements (REE). Both lakes are highly alkaline with a dominance of Na > K > Si > Ca in cations and HCO3 > CO3 > Cl > F > SO4 in anions. Both lakes also exhibited high concentrations of Mo, As and fluoride. Due to an extreme draught from March to October 2009, the water level of Lake Nakuru dropped significantly. This created drastic evapoconcentration, with the total salinity rising from about 20‰ up to 63‰. Most parameters (DOC, Na, K, Ca, F, Mo and As) increased with falling water levels. A clear change in the quality of DOC was observed, followed by an almost complete depletion of dissolved Fe from the water phase. In Lake Bogoria the evapoconcentration effects were less pronounced (total salinity changed from about 40‰ to 48‰). The distributions of REE in the superficial sediments of Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria are presented here for the first time. The results show a high abundance of the REE and a very distinct Eu depletion of Eu/Eu* = 0.33–0.45.  相似文献   
For historical reasons many national mapping agencies store their topographic data in a dual system consisting of a Digital Landscape Model (DLM) and a Digital Terrain Model (DTM). The DLM contains 2D vector data representing objects on the Earth’s surface, such as roads and rivers, whereas the DTM is a 2.5D representation of the related height information, often acquired by Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS). Today, many applications require reliable 3D topographic data. Therefore, it is advantageous to convert the dual system into a 3D DLM. However, as a result of different methods of acquisition, processing, and modelling, the registration of the two data sets often presents difficulties. Thus, a straightforward integration of the DTM and DLM might lead to inaccurate and semantically incorrect 3D objects.In this paper we propose a new method for the fusion of the two data sets that exploits parametric active contours (also called snakes), focusing on road networks. For that purpose, the roads from a DLM initialise the snakes, defining their topology and their internal energy, whereas ALS features exert external forces to the snake via the image energy. After the optimisation process the shape and position of the snakes should coincide with the ALS features. With respect to the robustness of the method several known modifications of snakes are combined in a consistent framework for DLM road network adaptation. One important modification redefines the standard internal energy and thus the geometrical model of the snake in order to prevent changes in shape or position not caused by significant features in the image energy. For this purpose, the initial shape is utilized creating template-like snakes with the ability of local adaptation. This is one crucial point towards the applicability of the entire method considering the strongly varying significance of the ALS features. Other concepts related to snakes are integrated which enable our method to model network and ribbon-like characteristics simultaneously. Additionally, besides ALS road features information about context objects, such as bridges and buildings, is introduced as part of the image energy to support the optimisation process. Meaningful examples are presented that emphasize and evaluate the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   
New single‐grain 40Ar/39Ar detrital white‐mica ages from the Lulehe section at the eastern Qaidam Basin yield uniform Permian ages between 250 ± 3 and 279 ± 3 Ma throughout the whole Cenozoic sequence. This is inconsistent with the present hinterland, which is composed of early Palaeozoic metamorphic units with subordinate early Palaeozoic and few Permian granites. The new data indicate that Permian tectonic units are likely more widespread at the north‐eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau as known at present, particularly within the Qilian Mountains. The preferred explanation is that the Qaidam block represents a rigid indenter, which indented during late Tertiary times into early Palaeozoic orogenic units. This is consistent with recent findings of a NW‐trending sinistral Permian ductile shear zone and a dextral, NW‐trending Tertiary fault system close to the north‐eastern margin of the Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   
Exploratory synthetic spectra were computed for carbon-rich long-period variables. We used dynamic model atmospheres of Höfner &; Dorfi (1997) and calculated partial pressures, absorption- and scattering coefficients as input for the spectral synthesis code of Jørgensen et al. (1992). First ISO SWS-observations of the carbon-Mira T Dra are compared with our synthetic spectra.  相似文献   
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