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The initial flooding waters from twenty-four consecutive tides were examined for changes in water properties as the flood-front traversed the intertidal zone. The flood-front water temperature depended on the time of flooding as well as the sun’s insolation. On warm sunny days, the water temperature at the leading edge of the tide successively increased as the water flooded the tidal flat. In contrast, during cloudy days, and early morning and evening samplings, the flood-front water decreased during flooding. Flood-front water temperatures on warm days exceeded 34°C, some 15°C higher than the water observed in the deeper tidal channels. Flood-front salinities increased progressively across the intertidal zone regardless of local weather conditions, and were primarily controlled by mixing of surface waters with interstitial waters during the flooding process. Particulate matter concentrations were dependent on the interaction between small amplitude waves and varying intertidal bottom slope. Extreme variability in the particulate matter concentration across the tidal flat was in part caused by alternate resuspension and settling of fecal pellets composed of silty-clay aggregates which partly form the bottom sediment of the test area. The texture of the suspended particulate matter coarsens near shore, where wave resuspension became more effective on a steeper portion of the intertidal zone. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY009 00003  相似文献   
Pale-blue to pale-green tourmalines from the contact zone of Permian pegmatites to mica schists and marbles from different localities of the Austroalpine basement units (Rappold Complex) in Styria, Austria, are characterized. All these Mg-rich tourmalines have small but significant Li contents, up to 0.29 wt% Li2O, and can be characterized as dravite, with FeO contents of ?~?0.9–2.7 wt%. Their chemical composition varies from X (Na0.67Ca0.19?K0.02?0.12) Y (Mg1.26Al0.97Fe2+ 0.36Li0.19Ti4+ 0.06Zn0.01?0.15) Z (Al5.31?Mg0.69) (BO3)3 Si6O18 V (OH)3? W [F0.66(OH)0.34], with a?=?15.9220(3), c?=?7.1732(2) Å to X (Na0.67Ca0.24?K0.02?0.07) Y (Mg1.83Al0.88Fe2+ 0.20Li0.08Zn0.01Ti4+ 0.01?0.09) Z (Al5.25?Mg0.75) (BO3)3 Si6O18 V (OH)3? W [F0.87(OH)0.13], with a?=?15.9354(4), c?=?7.1934(4) Å, and they show a significant Al-Mg disorder between the Y and the Z sites (R1?=?0.013–0.015). There is a positive correlation between the Ca content and?<?Y-O?>?distance for all investigated tourmalines (r?≈?1.00), which may reflect short-range order configurations including Ca and Fe2+, Mg, and Li. The tourmalines have XMg (XMg?=?Mg/Mg?+?Fetotal) values in the range 0.84–0.95. The REE patterns show more or less pronounced negative Eu and positive Yb anomalies. In comparison to tourmalines from highly-evolved pegmatites, the tourmaline samples from the border zone of the pegmatites of the Rappold Complex contain relatively low amounts of total REE (~8–36 ppm) and Th (0.1–1.8 ppm) and have low LaN/YbN ratios. There is a positive correlation (r?≈?0.91) between MgO of the tourmalines and the MgO contents of the surrounding mica schists. We conclude that the pegmatites formed by anatectic melting of mica schists and paragneisses in Permian time. The tourmalines crystallized from the pegmatitic melt, influenced by the metacarbonate and metapelitic host rocks.  相似文献   
We report measurements of the absolute isotope abundance of Ca in Ca-Al-rich inclusions from the Allende and Leoville meteorites. Improved high precision measurements are reported also for 46Ca. We find that nonlinear isotope effects in Ca are extremely rare in these inclusions. The absence of nonlinear effects in Ca, except for the effects in FUN inclusions, is in sharp contrast to the endemic effects in Ti. One fine-grained inclusion shows an excess of 46Ca of (7 ± 1)%., which is consistent with addition of only 46Ca or of an exotic (1) component with 46Ca1 ~ 48Ca1. FUN inclusion EK-1-4-1 shows a small 46Ca excess of (3.3 ± 1.0)%.; this confirms that the exotic Ca components in EK-1-4-1 were even more deficient in 46Ca relative to 48Ca than is the case for normal Ca. The Ca in the Ca-Al-rich inclusions shows mass dependent isotope fractionation effects (as deduced from the absolute 40Ca44Ca) which have a range from ?3.8 to +6.7%. per mass unit difference. This range is a factor of 20 wider than the range previously established for bulk meteorites and for terrestrial and lunar samples. Ca and Mg isotope fractionation effects in the Ca-Al-rich inclusions are common and attributed to kinetic isotope effects which imply the production of the inclusions by complex sequences of condensation, vaporization and recondensation. A correlation was found between Ca and Mg isotope fractionation effects and inclusion type. A possible correlation between isotope fractionation and rare earth element abundance patterns is discussed.  相似文献   
An unvegetated muddy tidal flat was sampled to determine the changes in surface pore water content and salinity during exposure. Local evaporation accounted for 61% of the upper intertidal surface salinity, with evaporation rates increasing salinity as high as 2.2‰ per hour. In contrast, only 37% of the decrease in pore water content was attributed to evaporative processes. This suggests that drainage (a combination of porosity and permeability) controlled the water content rather than local evaporative conditions.  相似文献   
A study to explain the emission of nitric oxide from a marsh soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the period 18–21 September 1989, soil NO emission was studied at Halvergate Marshes, Norfolk (U.K.) within the framework of the BIATEX-LOVENOX joint field experiment. Using a dynamic chamber technique, 186 measurements at four plots were performed showing a net NO flux of 7.2–14.6×10–12 kgN m–2 s–1. Soil samples from a soil profile (1.0 m) at a representative site and from the uppermost layer (0.1 m) of each of the four plots were sent to the laboratory for (a) detailed physical and chemical soil analysis, (b) determination of NO production rates, NO uptake rate constants, and NO compensation mixing ratios, and (c) characterization of the microbial processes involved. A diffusive model (Galbally and Johansson, 1989) was applied to the laboratory results to infer NO fluxes of the individual soil samples. When we compared these fluxes with those measured in the field, we found agreement within a factor 2–4. Furthermore, laboratory studies showed, that NO was produced and consumed only in the upper soil layer (0–0.1 m depth) and that the NO production and consumption activities observed in the Halvergate marsh soil were most probably due to the anaerobic metabolism of denitrifying bacteria operating in anaerobic microniches within the generally aerobic soil.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Bearbeitung der durchCharles Barrois (1882) klassisch gewordenen Küstenprofile Asturiens führte zu einer Anzahl neuer stratigraphischer Erkenntnisse. So gehört die bisher in den übergang Ludlow/Devon gerechnete Folge der klastischen Furada-Zone noch ganz in das Gotlandium, während die Kalke und Mergel der Nieva-Schichten das tiefere Devon repräsentieren. In die EmsStufe zu stellen sind die überwiegend schiefrigen Ferroñes- und wahrscheinlich der Hauptanteil der Aguión-Schichten. Das Eiflium besteht aus Kalken (Basis- und Moniello-Kalke), darüber liegt die mächtige Serie desGosseletia-Sandsteins. Im Givet sind massige Korallen-Hydrozoen-Kalke mitStringocephalus burtini Defr. entwickelt (Untere Candás-Kalke). Bis zum Mittleren Frasnium reichen die stärker tonigen Oberen Candás-Kalke. Oberes Frasnium, Famennium und ein gro\er Teil des Unterkarbons werden durch die geringmächtigen Eisensandsteine von Piñeres vertreten, denen konkordant und offenbar ohne grö\ere Schichtlücke Goniatiten-Knollenhalke (Marbre griotte) des Oberen Visé aufliegen.
Resumen Recientes estudios sobre la costa asturiana nos han proporcionado nuevos conocimientos estratigráficos. Las capas de Furada que hasta el presente eran consideradas como eslabón entre el Ludlow y el Devónico hay que encuadraclas en el Gotlandiense. Las calizas de Nieva representan el punto de partida del Devoniano. Los estratos de Ferroñnes y probablemente la mayor parte de los de Aguión pertenecen al Emsiense. El Eifeliense se compone en su base de calizas sobre las que se extiende la imposante serie de areniscas deGosseletia. En el Givetiense se han desarrollado calizas masivas de corales en que se contiene elStringocephalus burtini Defr. (calizas inferiores de Candás). Las calizas superiores de Candás, mas arcillosas que los anteriores, llegan hasta el Frasniense medio. Las arensiscas ferríferas de Piñeres representan el periodo Frasniense superior, el Famenniense e incluso gran parte del carbonifero inferior, sobre estas capas, sin interrupciones estratigráficas y concordando con ellas descansan la calizas de goniatites del Viséense superior (Mabre griotte).
A combined inorganic and organic geochemical study was carried out on marls and mudstones collected from the Lower Miocene Lopare Basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of 46 samples collected from two boreholes, Pot 1 (depth of 193 m) and Pot 3 (depth of 344 m), showed that element abundances like boron (B), lithium (Li), strontium (Sr), uranium (U), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) are much higher than average than in the upper continental crust (UCC). Chemical composition indicates at least two sources: (i) Mesozoic ophiolites occurring in the north of the investigated area, and (ii) dacito-andesitic pyroclastics (Mesozoic to Cenozoic). Lopare Basin sedimentation was influenced by strong evaporation resulting in a partly hypersaline lake, which formed during a warm climatic period, probably during the Miocene Climatic Optimum. A brief episode of humid climate conditions resulted in the basin filling-up and deposition of felsic sediments enriched in thorium (Th). Organic geochemistry shows that the majority of studied sediments contains predominantly immature to marginally mature algal organic matter (OM). The biomarker patterns are generally in agreement with the geological history of the Lopare Basin and inorganic and mineralogical data. Conversely, the molecular distribution of n-alkanes as reliable climatic and δ-MTTC as paleosalinity indicators do not support this conclusion.  相似文献   
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