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Enteromorpha prolifera (Scheldt Estuary) and E. linza (Thermaikos Gulf) were incubated at three salinities with 100 and 200microgL(-1)Cd and Zn. The objective was to measure effects of Cd, Zn and nitrogen (N) status on the pools of metal-binding non-protein thiols: glutathione and phytochelatins, (gamma-glutamyl-cysteinyl)(n)-glycine (PC). In E. linza, ammonium pools were higher, but amino acid pools, total N and protein contents were lower than in E. prolifera. Reduced glutathione (GSH) pools were positively correlated with free glutamate and protein contents. In E. linza GSH pools increased and the ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione (GSH:(GSH+0.5GSSG)), an indicator of oxidative stress, decreased with Cd contents, indicating Cd-induced glutathione oxidation. Total glutathione pools (reduced plus oxidized) ranged from 16nmolSgdwt(-1) in controls (at 0.5micromolCdgdwt(-1)) to 179nmolSgdwt(-1) (at 1.9micromolCdgdwt(-1)) at the highest cadmium dosage. Cadmium stimulated PC synthesis in E. prolifera which suggests that in N-rich algae, glutathione pools were high enough for PC synthesis. In both species GSH and protein increased with Zn contents, whereas GSH:(GSH+0.5GSSG) decreased, which would indicate Zn-induced oxidative stress; in E. linza, at the highest salinity the glutathione redox ratio decreased from 0.61 (at 2.9micromolZngdwt(-1)) to 0.26 (at 4.9nmolSgdwt(-1)) (at 0.5molCdgdwt(-1)). PCs were not synthesized in response to Zn, which may have resulted in Zn-induced GSH oxidation. The presence of both oxidative effects (Cd, Zn) and detoxification (Cd) could be identified by observing the responses of glutathione and PC pools to metal stress.  相似文献   
O – C diagrams of 78 RR Lyrae variables of the years 1963 to 1978 were used to investigate their comparability with the diagrams of 1895 to 1963. Only 5% have been proved to show a fundamentally deviating trend of the period change.  相似文献   
Am 22. September 1987 wurde am Bulgarischen National Observatorium von ELST, IVANOVA und SHKODROV (1987) ein schnell bewegliches Objekt 17. Größe entdeckt. Durch internationale Zusammenarbeit konnte der Apollotyp-Asteroid 1987SB bis zum 15. Januar 1988 verfolgt werden.  相似文献   
During an observational program of asteroids at the observatory of Haute Provence (France) an asteroid of 17th magnitude was discovered on 22nd January 1988 (Elst 1988). Further observations at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and a preliminary determination of an orbit revealed that it belongs to the “Hungaria” family.  相似文献   
Lovina, classified as an ungrouped ataxite, is controversial and its identity as a meteorite has been questioned. In this work, we use Pb isotopes on targeted troilite nodules in Lovina as a test of its antiquity and provenance. Although precise ages cannot be obtained, LA‐ICP‐MS offers a rapid, straightforward procedure to establish the source of lead, whether ancient (meteoritic) or modern (terrestrial). For nine pristine, unweathered nodules in Lovina, we find a lead isotopic composition of: 206Pb/208Pb = 0.492 ± 0.003 (2σ, MSWD 0.79; 95%) and 207Pb/206Pb = 0.852 ± 0.003 (2σ, MSWD 1.09; 95%) with no detectable uranium. All lead compositions of the troilite fall in the range expected for modern environmental and mantle lead and are distinctly different from the primordial Canyon Diablo Troilite (CDT) composition of ancient meteoritic troilite. Although the origin of Lovina remains unknown, we conclude that lead in the Lovina troilite is unsupported by U decay and originated from a terrestrial source.  相似文献   
Some of the defining characteristics of the IIG iron meteorite group are their high bulk P contents and massive, coarse schreibersite, which have been calculated to make up roughly 11–14 wt% of each specimen. In this study, we produced two data sets to investigate the formation of schreibersites in IIG irons: measurements of trace elements in the IIG iron meteorite Twannberg and experimental determinations of trace element partitioning into schreibersite. The schreibersite‐bearing experiments were conducted with schreibersite in equilibrium with a P‐rich melt and with bulk Ni contents ranging from 0 to 40 wt%. The partitioning behavior for the 20 elements measured in this study did not vary with Ni content. Comparison of the Twannberg measurements with the experimental results required a correction factor to account for the fact that the experiments were conducted in a simplified system that did not contain a solid metal phase. Previously determined solid metal/P‐rich melt partition coefficients were applied to infer schreibersite/solid metal partitioning behavior from the experiments, and once this correction was applied, the two data sets showed broad similarities between the schreibersite/solid metal distribution of elements. However, there were also differences noted, in particular between the Ni and P contents of the solid metal relative to the schreibersite inferred from the experiments compared to that measured in the Twannberg sample. These differences support previous interpretations that subsolidus schreibersite evolution has strongly influenced the Ni and P content now present in the solid metal phase of IIG irons. Quantitative attempts to match the IIG solid metal composition to that of late‐stage IIAB irons through subsolidus schreibersite growth were not successful, but qualitatively, this study corroborates the striking similarities between the IIAB and IIG groups, which are highly suggestive of a possible genetic link between the groups as has been previously proposed.  相似文献   
In 2011, the discovery of shatter cones confirmed the 28 km diameter Tunnunik complex impact structure, Northwest Territories, Canada. This study presents the first results of ground‐based electromagnetic, gravimetric, and magnetic surveys over this impact structure. Its central area is characterized by a ~10 km wide negative gravity anomaly of about 3 mGal amplitude, roughly corresponding to the area of shatter cones, and associated with a positive magnetic field anomaly of ~120 nT amplitude and 3 km wavelength. The latter correlates well with the location of the deepest uplifted strata, an impact‐tilted Proterozoic dolomite layer of the Shaler Supergroup exposed near the center of the structure and intruded by dolerite dykes. Locally, electromagnetic field data unveil a conductive superficial formation which corresponds to an 80–100 m thick sand layer covering the impact structure. Based on the measurements of magnetic properties of rock samples, we model the source of the magnetic anomaly as the magnetic sediments of the Shaler Supergroup combined with a core of uplifted crystalline basement with enhanced magnetization. More classically, the low gravity signature is attributed to a reduction in density measured on the brecciated target rocks and to the isolated sand formations. However, the present‐day fractured zone does not extend deeper than ~1 km in our model, indicating a possible 1.5 km of erosion since the time of impact, about 430 Ma ago.  相似文献   
Reverse geocoding, which transforms machine‐readable GPS coordinates into human‐readable location information, is widely used in a variety of location‐based services and analysis. The output quality of reverse geocoding is critical because it can greatly impact these services provided to end‐users. We argue that the output of reverse geocoding should be spatially close to and topologically correct with respect to the input coordinates, contain multiple suggestions ranked by a uniform standard, and incorporate GPS uncertainties. However, existing reverse geocoding systems often fail to fulfill these aims. To further improve the reverse geocoding process, we propose a probabilistic framework that includes: (1) a new workflow that can adapt all existing address models and unitizes distance and topology relations among retrieved reference data for candidate selections; (2) an advanced scoring mechanism that quantifies characteristics of the entire workflow and orders candidates according to their likelihood of being the best candidate; and (3) a novel algorithm that derives statistical surfaces for input GPS uncertainties and propagates such uncertainties into final output lists. The efficiency of the proposed approaches is demonstrated through comparisons to the four commercial reverse geocoding systems and through human judgments. We envision that more advanced reverse geocoding output ranking algorithms specific to different application scenarios can be built upon this work.  相似文献   
Marine colloidal material (1 kDa–0.2 μm) was isolated by cross-flow ultrafiltration followed by diafiltration and freeze-drying from surface waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB), as well as from estuarine waters of Galveston Bay. Elemental characterization of isolated colloidal material included organic carbon (OC) and selected trace metal (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Co, Ni, Cr, Be, Fe, Al, Mn, V, Ba, and Ti) determinations. It was found that levels of these metals in marine colloids ranged from <0.1 to 50 μg/g colloidal matter, except for Fe which generally had a concentration >120 μg/g. Most metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Al, Mn, V, and Ti) had an average concentration >1 μg/g while concentrations of Cd, Co and Be were usually <1 μg/g. Metal concentrations (μg/g) in isolated colloids were, in general, higher in Galveston Bay than in the Gulf of Mexico, suggesting either high abundance of trace metals in estuarine waters or differences in organic matter composition. Higher colloidal metal concentrations in the MAB than in the Gulf of Mexico might be due to higher terrestrial inputs in the MAB. Colloidal metal concentrations (μg/g) were generally lower than those in average soils, continental crust and suspended particles. However, metal/aluminum ratios (Me/Al) in isolated marine colloids were significantly higher than those for average soils and continental crust. Most importantly, colloids had a metal composition and metal/OC ratio (Me/C) similar to humic substances and marine plankton, suggesting that marine colloids largely originate from planktonic sources and are composed of predominately organic components. The Me/C ratios of Galveston Bay colloids followed the sequence of Cu>Ni, Cr, Zn>Mn>Co>Pb, Cd, which is similar to the Irving–Williams order except for Mn, suggesting that the interaction of metals with marine colloids is determined by the affinity of metals for specific organic ligands.  相似文献   
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