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Zusammenfassung Das Prinzip der trigonometrischen Messung von Wolkenhöhen wurde mittels Impulslicht sehr hoher Spitzenleuchtdichte (Edelgasfunkenstrecken) zu einer vollautomatischen Registrier-Anlage ausgebaut, die sich durch Tageslichtunabhängigkeit, große Meßhöhen von 1000 bzw. 3000 m und einfache Konstruktionselemente auszeichnet. Es wird sowohl die Wolken-untergrenze wie der Wolkencharakter aufgezeichnet.
Summary The principle of trigonometric measurements of cloud heights was developed, by means of pulse light of very high maximum brightness (rare gas spark gap), to a full-automatic recording apparatus characterized by independence on day light, the possibility of measuring great heights from 1000 to 3000 m, and simple elements of construction. The lower limit as well as the kind of clouds are recorded.

Résumé Mise au point d'une installation entièrement automatique pour la mesure de la hauteur des nuages par voie trigonométrique à l'aide d'impulsions lumineuses de très grande intensité. Le procédé est applicable de jour et de nuit, permet des mesures de 1000 à 3000 m. et utilise un apparaillage simple; il enregistre l'altitude de la base des nuages et le caractère de ceux-ci.

Mit 4 Textabbildungen  相似文献   
中欧盆地三叠系是典型的海陆过渡相沉积,松辽盆地白垩系是含有海侵事件记录的陆相河湖盆地。两盆地的共同特点是:①大陆克拉通上长期发育的大型坳陷盆地;②靠近古大洋和(或)有向海通道;③主要由互层状泥岩、粉砂岩、碳酸盐岩和膏盐层组成;④无典型海相化石,可能发育有半咸水和(或)高盐度生物;⑤海侵层中自生矿物的δ^34S,δ^13C,δ^18O同位素比值及介质盐度指数(Sr/Ba)、碱度指数(Ca Mg)/(Si Al)、还原性指标(Zn Ni)/Ga、硫沉积通量指数(归一化硫含量)等显著高于相邻层位背景值。  相似文献   
In this investigation, a circulation index was used which is capable of tracing blocked states of the hemispheric circulation which has a relevance for a mid-latitude window between 40° and 60°N and between 30°W and 30°E. Results with respect to the seasonality of blocking situations are presented. Additionally, it is shown to which degree the circulation conditions, as they are simulated by the ECHAM5-MPI/OM1 climate model, have a tendency to exhibit blocking. Finally, results are presented which indicate the developments in blocking if the index is applied to scenario runs of the model.  相似文献   
Abstract— The crystal structure of druse clinopyroxene from the D'Orbigny angrite, (Ca0.944 Fe2+0.042 Mg0.010Mn0.004) (Mg0.469Fe2+0.317Fe3+0.035Al0.125Cr0.010Ti0.044) (Si1.742Al0.258) O6, a = 9.7684(2), b = 8.9124(2), c = 5.2859(1) Å, β = 105.903(1)°, V = 442.58 Å3, space group C2/c, Z = 2, has been refined to an R1 index of 1.92% using single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction data. The unit formula, calculated from electron microprobe analysis, and the refined site scattering values were used to assign site populations. The distribution of Fe2+and Mg over the M1 and M2 sites suggests a closure temperature of 1000 °C. Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements were done at room temperature on a single crystal and a powdered sample. The spectra are adequately fit by a Voigt‐based quadrupole‐splitting distribution model having two generalized sites, one for Fe2+with two Gaussian components and one for Fe3+with one Gaussian component. The two ferrous components are assigned to Fe2+at the M1 site, and arise from two different next‐nearest‐neighbor configurations of Ca and Fe cations at the M2 site: (3Ca,0Fe) and (2Ca,1Fe). The Fe3+/Fetot ratio determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy is in agreement with that calculated from the electron microprobe analysis. The results are discussed in connection with the redox and thermal history of D'Orbigny.  相似文献   
We detected additional CAI-like material in STARDUST mission samples of comet 81P/Wild 2. Two highly refractory cometary dust fragments were identified in the impact track 110 [C2012, 0, 110, 0, 0] by applying high resolution synchrotron induced confocal and conventional XRF analysis (HR SR-XRF). The use of a polycapillary lens in front of the detector for confocal spectroscopy dramatically improves the fidelity of particle measurements by removing contribution from the surrounding aerogel. The high spatial resolution (300 × 300 nm2; 300 × 1000 nm2) obtained allowed the detailed non-destructive in situ (trapped in aerogel) study of impacted grains at the sub-μm level.For the two largest particles of the track, the terminal particle and a second particle along the impact track, Ca concentration is up to 30 times higher than CI and Ti is enriched by a factor of 2 compared to CI. High resolution (HR) SR-XRF mapping also reveals that the highest concentrations of Ca, Ti, Fe (and Ni) measured within each grain belongs to different areas of the respective maps which indicate that the particles are composed of several chemically diverse mineral phases. This is in agreement with the finding of a complex phase assemblage of highly refractory minerals in the first ever detected Stardust mission CAI grain “Inti” of Track 25.Principle component analysis (PCA) is a powerful tool for extracting the dominant mineral components and was applied to the two grains indicating that regions in the terminal particle and the second particle are consistent with anorthite or grossite and gehlenite, monticellite or Dmitryivanovite (CaAl2O4), respectively.Our new findings demonstrate that the HR SR-XRF with confocal geometry and PCA analysis is capable of identifying CAI-like fragments without the need to extract particles from the aerogel matrix which is a time-consuming, complex and destructive process.Furthermore, the detection of new CAI-like fragments in the coma dust of comet 81P/Wild 2 strengthens the observation that strong mixing effects and, therefore, mass transport before or during comet formation must have occurred at least up to the region where Kuiper Belt comets formed (30 AU).  相似文献   
Lower Messinian stromatolites of the Calcare di Base Formation at Sutera in Sicily record periods of low sea‐level, strong evaporation and elevated salinity, thought to be associated with the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Overlying aragonitic limestones were precipitated in normal to slightly evaporative conditions, occasionally influenced by an influx of meteoric water. Evidence of bacterial involvement in carbonate formation is recorded in three dolomite‐rich stromatolite beds in the lower portion of the section that contain low domes with irregular crinkly millimetre‐scale lamination and small fenestrae. The dominant microfabrics are: (i) peloidal and clotted dolomicrite with calcite‐filled fenestrae; (ii) dolomicrite with bacterium‐like filaments and pores partially filled by calcite or black amorphous matter; and (iii) micrite in which fenestrae alternate with dark thin wispy micrite. The filaments resemble Beggiatoa‐like sulphur bacteria. Under scanning electron microscopy, the filaments consist of spherical aggregates of dolomite, interpreted to result from calcification of bacterial microcolonies. The dolomite crystals are commonly arranged as rounded grains that appear to be incorporated or absorbed into developing crystal faces. Biofilm‐like remains occur in voids between the filaments. The dolomite consistently shows negative δ13C values (down to ?11·3‰) and very positive δ18O (mean value 7·9‰) that suggest formation as primary precipitate with a substantial contribution of organic CO2. Very negative δ13C values (down to ?31·6‰) of early diagenetic calcite associated with the dolomite suggest contribution of CO2 originating by anaerobic methane oxidation. The shale‐normalized rare earth element patterns of Sutera stromatolites show features similar to those in present‐day microbial mats with enrichment in light rare earth elements, and M‐type tetrad effects (enrichment around Pr coupled to a decline around Nd and a peak around Sm and Eu). Taken together, the petrography and geochemistry of the Sutera stromatolites provide diverse and compelling evidence for microbial influence on carbonate precipitation.  相似文献   
Current studies of bearing capacity for shallow foundations tend to rely on the hypothesis of an isolated footing. In practice a footing is never isolated; it is mostly in interaction with other footings. This paper focuses on a numerical study using the finite-difference code Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC), to evaluate the bearing capacity for two interfering strip footings, subjected to centered vertical loads with smooth and rough interfaces. The soil is modeled by an elasto-plastic model with a Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion and associative flow rule. The interference effect is estimated by efficiency factors, defined as the ratio of the bearing capacity for a single footing in the presence of the other footing to that of the single isolated footing. The efficiency factors have been computed individually to estimate the effects of cohesion, surcharge, and soil weight using Terzaghi’s equation, both in a frictional soil with surcharge pressures and in a cohesive-frictional soil with surcharge pressures. The results have been compared with those available in the literature.  相似文献   
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