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We present a comparison of methods for the analysis of the numerical substructure in a real‐time hybrid test. A multi‐tasking strategy is described, which satisfies the various control and numerical requirements. Within this strategy a variety of explicit and implicit time‐integration algorithms have been evaluated. Fully implicit schemes can be used in fast hybrid testing via a digital sub‐step feedback technique, but it is shown that this approach requires a large amount of computation at each sub‐step, making real‐time execution difficult for all but the simplest models. In cases where the numerical substructure poses no harsh stability condition, it is shown that the Newmark explicit method offers advantages of speed and accuracy. Where the stability limit of an explicit method cannot be met, one of the several alternatives may be used, such as Chang's modified Newmark scheme or the α‐operator splitting method. Appropriate methods of actuator delay compensation are also discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Constraining global average temperatures to 2 °C above pre-industrial levels will probably require global energy system emissions to be halved by 2050 and complete decarbonization by 2100. In the nationally orientated climate policy framework codified under the Paris Agreement, each nation must decide the scale and method of their emissions reduction contribution while remaining consistent with the global carbon budget. This policy process will require engagement amongst a wide range of stakeholders who have very different visions for the physical implementation of deep decarbonization. The Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) has developed a methodology, building on the energy, climate and economics literature, to structure these debates based on the following principles: country-scale analysis to capture specific physical, economic and political circumstances to maximize policy relevance, a long-term perspective to harmonize short-term decisions with the long-term objective and detailed sectoral analysis with transparent representation of emissions drivers through a common accounting framework or ‘dashboard’. These principles are operationalized in the creation of deep decarbonization pathways (DDPs), which involve technically detailed, sector-by-sector maps of each country’s decarbonization transition, backcasting feasible pathways from 2050 end points. This article shows how the sixteen DDPP country teams, covering 74% of global energy system emissions, used this method to collectively restrain emissions to a level consistent with the 2 °C target while maintaining development aspirations and reflecting national circumstances, mainly through efficiency, decarbonization of energy carriers (e.g. electricity, hydrogen, biofuels and synthetic gas) and switching to these carriers. The cross-cutting analysis of country scenarios reveals important enabling conditions for the transformation, pertaining to technology research and development, investment, trade and global and national policies.

Policy relevance

In the nation-focused global climate policy framework codified in the Paris Agreement, the purpose of the DDPP and DDPs is to provide a common method by which global and national governments, business, civil society and researchers in each country can communicate, compare and debate differing concrete visions for deep decarbonization in order to underpin the necessary societal and political consensus to design and implement short-term policy packages that are consistent with long-term global decarbonization.  相似文献   
The Kimmeridge Clay is considered a major oil source rock for the North Sea hydrocarbon province. The formation is also developed onshore in an organic-rich mudstone facies. This paper examines the possibility of onshore oil generation from the Kimmeridge Clay. Geochemically, onshore basin margin sediments contain rich, potential source horizons with mainly Type l/Type ll oil-prone kerogen, but are immature. Some deeper Cleveland Basin sediments have reached marginal maturity. Burial history reconstruction suggests significant formation palaeoburial depths in central areas of the Cleveland and Wessex Basins. Computed vitrinite isoreflectance contours show the Wealden and Isle of Wight Kimmeridge Clay to be thermally mature. Basin modelling suggests an early Palaeogene onset of oil generation in parts of the Cleveland Basin, while maximum oil generation could have been reached by the formation base in the Isle of Wight area during the late Cretaceous. Although basin subsidence ceased in the Neogene, in the Weald and Isle of Wight, where the formation is still deeply buried, oil generation probably continued for some time during uplift. Thus significant quantities of oil could have been generated. Whether or not this oil is present today however, would depend on the correct timing of suitable migration and trap structures.  相似文献   
The extensive hematite deposit in Meridiani Planum was selected as the landing site for the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity because the site may have been favorable to the preservation of evidence of possible prebiotic or biotic processes. One of the proposed mechanisms for formation of this deposit involves surface weathering and coatings, exemplified on Earth by rock varnish. Microbial life, including microcolonial fungi and bacteria, is documented in rock varnish matrices from the southwestern United States and Australia. Limited evidence of this life is preserved as cells and cell molds mineralized by iron oxides and hydroxides, as well as by manganese oxides. Such mineralization of microbial cells has previously been demonstrated experimentally and documented in banded iron formations, hot spring deposits, and ferricrete soils. These types of deposits are examples of the four “water-rock interaction” scenarios proposed for formation of the hematite deposit on Mars. The instrument suite on Opportunity has the capability to distinguish among these proposed formation scenarios and, possibly, to detect traces that are suggestive of preserved martian microbiota. However, the confirmation of microfossils or preserved biosignatures will likely require the return of samples to terrestrial laboratories.  相似文献   
Recent observations of stellar composition suggest that elements in the Sun are significantly more abundant than in other stars. The reduction in the available element budget implies a drastic revision in current models of interstellar dust. Theoretical models are therefore exploring fluffy, porous physical structure for the grain material. Since a detailed exact treatment of extinction cross-sections is mandatory for a correct understanding of the nature of interstellar dust, we present a technique based on the multipole expansions of the electromagnetic field, which has proven to be general, flexible and powerful in treating scattering of light by porous, composite, arbitrarily shaped particles. The results of this study speak in favour of core–mantle structures characterized by the presence of porosities.  相似文献   
Experimental data have been used to establish the temperature coordinates for Warner's [1] scale of lunar metamorphic grades. A model of an ejecta blanket with a hot base layer overlain by a cold top layer can produce the observed features of the Apollo 14 breccias. The breccia formation process probably encompassed temperatures between 700°C and at least 1100°C and was a reasonably rapid process (hours to days).  相似文献   
This paper presents two and three dimensional simulations of the interaction of shocks with media with large numbers of dense inclusions. An approximate model of the interaction of a starburst wind with the surrounding galactic ISM illustrates issues which must be addressed in global models of ISM dynamics. As a step towards developing the sub-grid model of multiphase turbulence, we define and study a form of ‘multiphase Riemann problem’. This allows us to develop macroscopic characteristics of the flows which may be compared to such subgrid models.  相似文献   
A simulation framework based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is introduced to model problems involving the interaction between flowing water and soil deformation. Changes in soil porosity and associated permeability are automatically adjusted within this framework. The framework’s capabilities are presented and discussed for three geotechnical problems caused by flowing water. The comparison between simulation results and experiments shows that SPH with the proposed concept is capable of quantitatively simulating the hydro-mechanical processes beyond limit state with satisfactory agreement. To improve the computational stability, a correction procedure and a new algorithm for the selection of the optimal time step are introduced.  相似文献   
A lack of understanding exists of the origin and textural characteristics of Saudi Arabian Red Sea coastal sediments. This paper concerns the southern coastline of Jizan on the Saudi Red Sea. It is some 160 km long characterised by either narrow rocky headlands with intermittent pocket beaches or wide low-lying beaches dissected by wadis. Granulometric testing of samples from 135 locations showed that beach sand size was mainly very fine to medium grained (M z = 3.93 Ø), sorting ranged from 1.65 to 0.41 and skewness values from ?051 to 0.39, being mainly negative; dune sands were medium to fine grained (M z = 1.13 Ø; average sorting 2.8), while skewness variations within dune samples indicated symmetrical to fine skewed values (б Ι = 0.55 to 0.89). Most foreshore samples were derived from wadis. Wadi mud levels can be high, e.g. Baysh (84%), and wadi Samrah (90%) with mean grain size ranging from very fine to medium sand (M z = 3.9 Ø), sorting being well to poor (0.45 to 1.52) due to sediment influxes. Sabkha had a wide range of sand/mud and significantly higher carbonate percentages than other environments. Sediment source differences and littoral reworking contributed to grain size variation. The carbonate content varied between 1.5 and 31.5% due to hinterland contributions, and spatial analysis showed increasing quantities of carbonate minerals towards the south. On the wider geographical front, findings from Jizan are similar to those of the Northern United Arab Emirates (UAE), including sabkhas, being composed of sand, skeletal carbonate, fine fluvial material and wind-blown silt and clay components of wadi origin. Further work on the northeastern Red Sea edge can hopefully confirm these findings.  相似文献   
Upper Devonian carbonates of the Toc Tat Formation in the Si Phai Pass area of Dong Van District, northern Vietnam were deposited in carbonate platform, slope, and basin environments. These carbonates yield abundant conodonts indicative of the Palmatolepis nasuta, Pa. linguiformis and Pa. triangularis zones, the Frasnian–Famennian stage boundary being identified by the first occurrence of Pa. triangularis. Two positive carbon isotope excursions are recognized, the lower excursion peaking in the interval of the lower to middle Pa. nasuta Zone, whilst the upper excursion peaks just above the local Frasnian–Famennian boundary. Based on the biostratigraphy, these excursions equate to the Lower and Upper Kellwasser events. Locally, tentaculitoid taxa (Nowakia, Styliolina, Homoctenus, and Metastyliolina?) are abundant in the interval of the Pa. nasuta Zone, but show a drastic decline in abundance before the Lower Kellwasser Event, and only two taxa survived into the Famennian.  相似文献   
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