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Juvenile Senegalese soles were exposed through 28-day laboratory and field (in situ) bioassays to sediments from three sites of the Sado estuary (W Portugal): a reference and two contaminated by metallic and organic contaminants. Fish were surveyed for ten hepatic histopathological alterations divided by four distinct reaction patterns and integrated through the estimation of individual histopathological condition indices. Fish exposed to contaminated sediments sustained more damage, with especial respect to regressive changes like necrosis. However, differences were observed between laboratory- and field-exposed animals, with the latest, for instance, exhibiting more pronounced fatty degeneration and hepatocellular eosinophilic alteration. Also, some lesions in fish exposed to the reference sediment indicate that in both assays unaccounted variables produced experimental background noise, such as hyaline degeneration in laboratory-exposed fish. Still, the field assays yielded results that were found to better reflect the overall levels of contaminants and physico-chemical characteristics of the tested sediments.  相似文献   
The present study compared the carapace structure of Carcinus maenas in two nearby sites (2 km apart) within Minho estuary, submitted to different physicochemical and ecological conditions (water temperature, pH, crabs’ density and sex ratio). The carapace structure of the carapace and chelae of the crabs presented significant differences between sampling sites (t-test; p < 0.01). The SIMPER analysis revealed that the Weight/CW and Thickness/CW ratios explained all the dissimilarities found among sites. Overall, the male carapace was proportionally thicker at station 2 (t-test; p < 0.01), while the female carapace was proportionally thicker at station 1 (t-test; p < 0.001). A thicker carapace can be advantageous when competing for food or a sexual partner. We hypothetized that, since at station 2, the density of individuals was twice higher than at station 1, it is likely that agonistic encounters are more frequent, thus favouring a thicker carapace.  相似文献   
A model describing macroalgal early life stages and adult dynamics was used to quantify the effects of non-adult forms on the productivity of adult macroalgae in a eutrophic estuary. Predictions indicate that during years with mild winters and low rainfall, spring blooms will occur at the expense of the growth and reproduction of overwintering adults and without the contribution of the spore bank. In these circumstances, there is a positive correlation between the intensity of the blooms and the biomass of overwintering adults until a maximum threshold value. On the contrary, in years with high rainfall and low or inexistent biomass of overwintering adults, the onset of adult’s growth depends on the biomass of viable dormant spores, the growing season occurs later and adult productivity is very limited. Long-term predictions for climate change scenarios suggest that, in general, global warming will have adverse affects on Ulva intestinalis productivity, with the adults being more affected than the early life stages.  相似文献   
We investigate the ability of GPS to detect volcanic plumes at Mt. Etna, Italy. We use a robust statistical approach to highlight whether the presence of a volcanic plume in the atmosphere may really affect the GPS undifferenced post-fit phase residuals. The proposed method has been tested for the September 4–5, 2007 activity of Mt. Etna. This eruption produced powerful lava fountains forming a weak, a few kilometers high plume for several hours, representing typical activity at Etna over the last 5 years. We analyzed data from nineteen Etna permanent GPS stations located on the volcano flanks at different heights and applied a statistical test based on four main steps: (a) realization of a simplified model representing the volcanic plume in atmosphere; (b) evaluation of the GPS satellite and station couples intersecting the plume; (c) calculation of the volcanic plume region crossed by the GPS signal; (d) application of a robust statistical test in order to see whether the volcanic plume affected the GPS signals. Results show that during the September 4–5, 2007 explosive activity, the GPS residuals definitely include the contribution of the volcanic plume. Our analysis shows that values of the GPS residuals are ten times smaller than those found for the Miyakejima eruption (Japan), highlighting a likely relationship between residuals and eruption intensity. In the future, data derived from the GPS stations located on Etna’s flanks could be used to improve the alerting system of volcanic ash, already operating at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo.  相似文献   
The Paulistana and Santa Filomena Complexes are situated in the southern part of the Borborema Province (northeastern Brazil), in the Riacho do Pontal Orogen, and represent meta-volcano-sedimentary sequences. We present compositional variations in the metasedimentary rocks and new U–Pb detrital zircon data. Major and trace elements indicate that the metasedimentary rocks from the Paulistana and Santa Filomena Complexes are composed mostly of immature to mature sediments derived from felsic-intermediate sources with moderate to slightly high chemical weathering. The geochemical signatures of the sediment protoliths for both complexes are characteristic of continental magmatic arc settings with minor contribution from recycled sediment sources. The source area for the Paulistana Complex rocks follow the compositional trend between calc-alkaline granites and granodiorites, whereas the Santa Filomena Complex rocks have a more restricted composition trending to more granodioritic sources. For the Paulistana Complex, two main source ages were identified: (1) Tonian (ca. 950 Ma – sample RPE-58) and Tonian–Stenian (ca. 1.0 Ga – sample RPE-103). These data coupled with geochemical information suggest that the Cariris Velhos arc system was the main source area for the Paulistana Complex. Regarding the Santa Filomena metasedimentary rocks, potential source-areas include: (1) Neoarchaean rocks (~2.6 Ga) represented by the adjacent basement rocks of the Riacho do Pontal Orogen; (2) Rhyacian–Orosirian rocks (2.2–2.0 Ga) of the Riacho do Pontal Orogen and the Pernambuco–Alagoas terrain, which include an augen-gneiss with arc-related geochemical signature; (3) Statherian granites (1.7–1.6 Ga); and (4) Cariris Velhos crust (1000–920 Ma). The metasedimentary rocks of the Paulistana Complex were deposited in a rift stage (ca. 900 Ma), which is related to the break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent. The metasedimentary rocks of the Santa Filomena Complex most probably were deposited in another rift stage (ca. 750–700 Ma) and could be correlatives of the rift formation of the Canindé Domain (Sergipano Orogen).  相似文献   
A microbeam (electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction and Raman) study of pseudomorphs after magmatic perovskite from kimberlite (Iron Hill, Wyoming, USA) and carbonatite (Prairie Lake, Ontario, Canada) showed that the early product of perovskite replacement in these samples is kassite, a monoclinic (space group P21/a) polymorph of CaTi2O4(OH)2. This mineral can be readily distinguished from its dimorph cafetite (space group P21/n) based on the presence of strong signals at ~120, 300, 330, 450, 470 and 690 cm?1, and the absence or very low intensity of signals at ~250, 420, 600, 800 and 825 cm?1 in its Raman spectrum. The strongest X-ray diffraction lines, measured for the Prairie Lake material, are [d obs in Å (I) hkl]: ~3.29 (100) 022; 112, \( {\mathrm{11}}{\overline 2} \) ; 1.764 (61) \( {\mathrm{13}}{\overline 4} \) ; 2.284 (45) 132; 2.601 (24) 130; 2.050 (17) 222; 4.81 (16) 002; 2.034 (15) 042; 2.308 (14) 202; 1.778 (14) \( {\mathrm{20}}{\overline 4} \) . Diffraction lines at 3.60, 2.99, 2.79, 2.57, 2.56 and 1.91 Å, characteristic of cafetite, are not observed. The electron-microprobe analyses of kassite give formulae close to the stoichiometric composition. Progressive Ca leaching leads to replacement of kassite by anatase + calcite, which are also commonly observed as direct products of perovskite alteration in silica-undersaturated igneous rocks. Raman spectroscopy is the fastest and most reliable technique to identify submicroscopic anatase–calcite intergrowths that can be easily mistaken for kassite (cafetite) based on electron-microprobe data. Thermodynamic calculations indicate that conversion of perovskite into kassite and, subsequently, anatase requires initially high levels of f(H2O) in the system, followed by an increase in f(CO2) at either decreasing or constant T and f(H2O). The implications of perovskite–kassite–anatase phase relations for deciphering the late-stage evolution of kimberlites and carbonatites are discussed.  相似文献   
Stochastic characteristics of the Benue River streamflow process are examined under conditions of data austerity. The streamflow process is investigated for trend, non-stationarity and seasonality for a time period of 26 years. Results of trend analyses with Mann-Kendall test show that there is no trend in the annual mean discharges. Monthly flow series examined with seasonal Kendall test indicate the presence of positive change in the trend for some months, especially the months of August, January, and February. For the stationarity test, daily and monthly flow series appear to be stationary whereas at 1%, 5%, and 10% significant levels, the stationarity alternative hypothesis is rejected for the annual flow series. Though monthly flow appears to be stationary going by this test, because of high seasonality, it could be said to exhibit periodic stationarity based on the seasonality analysis. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) There is seasonality in both the mean and variance with unimodal distribution. (2) Days with high mean also have high variance. (3) Skewness coefficients for the months within the dry season period are greater than those of the wet season period, and seasonal autocorrelations for streamflow during dry season are generally larger than those of the wet season. Precisely, they are significantly different for most of the months. (4) The autocorrelation functions estimated "over time" are greater in the absolute value for data that have not been deseasonalised but were initially normalised by logarithmic transformation only, while autocorrelation functions for i = 1, 2 365 estimated "over realisations" have their coefficients significantly different from other coefficients.  相似文献   
We study the seismic vulnerability of the interdependent European gas and electricity transmission networks from a topological point of view, whereby the electricity network depends on the gas network through gas‐fired power plants. First, we assessed the seismic response for each independent network; then we analyzed the increased vulnerability due to their interdependency. We implemented a probabilistic reliability model that encompasses the spatial distribution of both network structures and their seismic hazard exposure using a Geographic Information System. We characterized the network interdependency using the strength of coupling of the interconnections, together with the seismic response of the independent—gas—network. We calculated the network fragility curves of the independent and dependent networks in terms of various performance measures (connectivity loss, power loss, and impact on the population) and found that the gas network is more seismically vulnerable than the electricity network. The interdependency introduces an extra vulnerability to the electricity network response that decreases with the extensiveness of the networks' damage states. Damage was also evaluated at a local level in order to identify the most vulnerable parts of the network, where it was found that the potential for the highest power loss is located in southeast Europe. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A multiproxy approach (textural characteristics, heavy metal concentrations and benthic foraminifera data) was adopted to study the OMEX core KSGX 40, collected at the Galicia Mud Deposit (NW Iberian outer continental shelf) and recording the last ca. 4.8 ka cal BP. Geochemical profiles of Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Al and Ca show significant temporal variations. Benthic foraminifera productivity proxy suggests that the recorded muddy events were contemporaneous of a higher Corg flux to the marine benthic environment. The higher flux of organic matter, following a long-term intensification of the upwelling and coinciding with a finer sedimentation, led to depressed levels of oxygen beneath the water-sediments interface and to early diagenetic processes of several redox-sensitive elements.  相似文献   
River engineering projects are developing rapidly across the globe, drastically modifying water courses and sediment transfer. Investigation of the impact of engineering works focuses usually on short-term impacts, thus a longer-term perspective is still missing on the effects that such projects have. The ‘Jura Water Corrections’ – the largest river engineering project ever undertaken in Switzerland – radically modified the hydrological system of Lake Biel in the 19th and 20th Century. The deviation of the Aare River into Lake Biel more than 140 years ago, in 1878, thus represents an ideal case study to investigate the long-term sedimentological impacts of such large-scale river rerouting. Sediment cores, along with new high-resolution bathymetric and seismic reflection datasets were acquired in Lake Biel to document the consequences of the Jura Water Corrections on the sedimentation history of Lake Biel. Numerous subaquatic mass transport structures were detected on all of the slopes of the lake. Notably, a relatively large mass transport complex (0·86 km2) was observed on the eastern shore, along the path of the Aare River intrusion. The large amount of sediment delivered by the Aare River since its deviation into the lake likely caused sediment overloading resulting in subaquatic mass transport. Alternatively, the dumping since 1963 in a subaquatic landfill of material excavated during the second phase of river engineering, when the channels flowing into and out of Lake Biel were widened and deepened, might have triggered the largest mass transport, dated to 1964 or 1965. Additional potential triggers include two nearby small earthquakes in 1964 and 1965 (MW 3·9 and 3·2, respectively). The data for this study indicate that relatively large mass transports have become recurrent in Lake Biel following the deviation of the Aare River, thus modifying hazard frequency for the neighbouring communities and infrastructure.  相似文献   
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