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Several large deployments of neutrally buoyant floats took place within the Antarctic Intermediate (AAIW), North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), and the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) of the South Atlantic in the 1990s and a number of hydrographic sections were occupied as well. Here we use the spatially and temporally averaged velocities measured by these floats, combined with the hydrographic section data and various estimates of regional current transports from moored current meter arrays, to determine the circulation of the three major subthermocline water masses in a zonal strip across the South Atlantic between the latitudes of 19°S and 30°S. We concentrate on this region because the historical literature suggests that it is where the Deep Western Boundary Current containing NADW bifurcates. In support of this notion, we find that a net of about 5 Sv. of the 15–20 Sv that crosses 19°S does continue zonally eastward at least as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Once across the ridge it takes a circuit to the north along the ridge flanks before returning to the south in the eastern half of the Angola Basin. The data suggest that the NADW then continues on into the Indian Ocean. This scheme is discussed in the context of distributions of dissolved oxygen, silicate and salinity. In spite of the many float-years of data that were collected in the region a surprising result is that their impact on the computed solutions is quite modest. Although the focus is on the NADW we also discuss the circulation for the AAIW and AABW layers.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ausgedehnte Granodiorit- und Granitmagmen intrudierten am Südrand des Rhodope-Massivs (Symvolongebirge und Kavala-Gebiet, Nordgriechenland) syntektonisch in bezug auf eine Formung, die durch überwiegend flach nach NE bis ENE tauchende Faltungs- und Scherungsachsen gekennzeichnet ist (B2-Tektonik). Die metamorphen Hüllgesteine wurden von der B2-Tektonik ebenfalls kräftig erfaßt. Ihr älteres Gefüge, das durch mittelsteil nach NNW tauchende B1-Achsen bestimmt war, kommt daher nur noch reliktisch vor. Der Mineralbestand sowohl der Magmatite als auch ihres metamorphen Rahmens wurde im Zuge der B2-Tektonik retrograd metamorph umgewandelt.Radiometrische Altersbestimmungen lassen erkennen, daß die magmatischen Gesteine spätestens im Oberkarbon kristallisierten, anschließend jedoch wiederholt aufgewärmt wurden. Das Alter der prämagmatischen Metamorphose der Hüllgesteine und der mit dieser in Zusammenhang stehenden B1-Tektonik kann demnach nicht jünger als kaledonisch sein.
Extensive granodioritic and granitic magmas were intruded in the southern margin of the Rhodope-Massif (Symvolon mountains and Kavala region, northern Greece). The intrusions took place syntectonically to a deformation which is characterized by predominantly gently NE to ENE plunging fold- and shear-axes (B2-folding). The mantling rocks, which have been metamorphosed long before this B2-folding have an older structure which is characterized by mediumly NNW plunging B1-axes, visible only in relicts. During the B2-folding the mineral contents of the igneous rocks and their metamorphic mantling rocks have been metamorphosed retrogressively.Radiometric dating indicates that the crystallization of the magmatic rocks have a minimum age of Upper-Carboniferous, but subsequently these rocks were reheated repeatedly. The age of the premagmatic metamorphism of the mantling rocks and that of the related B1-foldnig, therefore, cannot be younger than Caledonic.

Résumé Dans la partie sud du massif du Rhodope (montagnes du Symvolon et région de Kavala, Grèce du Nord) existent de grandes intrusions de magmas granodioritiques et granitiques. Les intrusions eurent lieu syntectoniquement au cours d'une phase de déformation caractérisée par des axes de plis et de cisaillement, généralement à plongement faible vers le NE à ENE (tectonique B2). Les roches encaissantes, qui furent métamorphisées longtemps avant cette phase de tectonique B2, ont une structure plus ancienne, caractérisée par des axes B1 plongeant moyennement vers le NNW. Cette structure est reconnaissable seulement dans des parties réiduelles. Durant la tectonique B2 les roches éruptives et les roches encaissantes métamorphisées subirent un métamorphisme rétrograde.Des datations radiométriques indiquent, pour la cristallisation des roches magmatiques, au minimum un âge Carbonifère supérieur. Dans la suite ces roches furent réchauffées â plusieures reprises. Le métamorphisme plus ancien des roches encaissantes et la tectonique B1 associée à ce métamorphisme ne peuvent donc pas Être plus récents que l'époque calédonienne.

Rhodope ( Symrolon Kavala, ) - . , , , , NE ENE (B2- ). 2. , B1 NNW, . , , . , , , , . , - B1 .
The aim of this work is to review studies to evaluate how emissions from fish cage farms cause eutrophication effects in marine environments. The focus is on four different scales: (i) the conditions at the site of the farm, (ii) the local scale related to the coastal area where the farm is situated, (iii) the regional scale encompassing many coastal areas and (iv) the international scale including several regional coastal areas. The aim is to evaluate the role of nutrient emissions from fish farms in a general way, but all selected examples come from the Baltic Sea. An important part of this evaluation concerns the method to define the boundaries of a given coastal area. If this is done arbitrarily, one would obtain arbitrary results in the environmental consequence analysis. In this work, the boundary lines between the coast and the sea are drawn using GIS methods (geographical information systems) according to the topographical bottleneck method, which opens a way to determine many fundamental characteristics in the context of mass balance calculations. In mass balance modelling, the fluxes from the fish farm should be compared to other fluxes to, within and from coastal areas. Results collected in this study show that: (1) at the smallest scale (<1 ha), the "footprint" expressing the impact areas of fish cage farm often corresponds to the size of a "football field" (50-100 m) if the annual fish production is about 50 ton, (2) at the local scale (1 ha to 100 km2), there exists a simple load diagram (effect-load-sensitivity) to relate the environmental response and effects from a specific load from a fish cage farm. This makes it possible to obtain a first estimate of the maximum allowable fish production in a specific coastal area, (3) at the regional scale (100-10,000 km2), it is possible to create negative nutrient fluxes, i.e., use fish farming as a method to reduce the nutrient loading to the sea. The breaking point is to use more than about 1.1 g wet weight regionally caught wild fish per gram feed for the cultivated fish, and (4) at the international scale (>10,000 km2) related to the Baltic Proper, the contribution from fish farms to the overall nutrient fluxes are very small. We have also given two case-studies at the local scale where the impact of the fish farm emissions are greatest and the idea is to identify coastal areas unsuitable and suitable for fish cage farms and the reasons why. It should also be stressed that the results presented here are exemplified using emissions from fish farms, but that the underlying principles to evaluate the ecosystem effects of nutrient discharges from point source emissions are valid in a wider and more general perspective.  相似文献   
In spite of the fundamental role the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays for global climate stability, no direct current measurement of the Denmark Strait Overflow, which is the densest part of the AMOC, has been available until recently that resolve the cross-stream structure at the sill for long periods. Since 1999, an array of bottom-mounted acoustic instruments measuring current velocity and bottom-to-surface acoustic travel times was deployed at the sill. Here, the optimization of the array configuration based on a numerical overflow model is discussed. The simulation proves that more than 80% of the dense water transport variability is captured by two to three acoustic current profilers (ADCPs). The results are compared with time series from ADCPs and Inverted Echo Sounders deployed from 1999 to 2003, confirming that the dense overflow plume can be reliably measured by bottom-mounted instruments and that the overflow is largely geostrophically balanced at the sill.  相似文献   
Many glaciers in alpine regions are currently rapidly receding and thinning at historically unobserved rates causing changes in the velocity field and in normal and shear stresses affecting the surface expression of structures within the ice. We studied the distribution of brittle and ductile structures at the surface of Pasterze Glacier during a 14-year period by analysing orthophotos and digital elevation models of five stages (1998, 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012). A structural glaciological mapping key was applied. Normal faults, strike-slip faults, en échelon structures (systematic stepping of fractures), thrust faults, and band ogives were distinguished. Results indicate substantial deceleration and glacier thinning in 1998–2012. Glacier thinning was not homogenous over time related to the uneven distribution of supraglacial debris causing differential ablation or the selective ablation effects of subglacial water channels. Peculiar supraglacial features observed are circular collapse structures with concentric crevasses which form when the ice between the surface and the roof of water channels decreases. The total length of brittle structures increased from 38.4 km to 56.9 km whereas the extent of the glacier tongue decreased by 25%. The fracture density doubled from 0.009 to 0.018 m/m2. Areas of the glacier tongue which were up to 100 m away from the nearest brittle structure increased by 16%. The visual appearance of thrust faults shifted upglacier due to decreasing glacier velocity causing horizontal shortening or due to exhumation of faults that did not previously extend to the surface. A large number of brittle structures are progressively independent from glacier motion. Our study suggests that glacier tongues which are in a state of rapid decay and thinning are prone to fracturing due to normal fault formation and glacier disintegration. Water further increases ablation rates substantially if rather large amounts drain through supra-, en- or subglacial water channels. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
This study aims at sharpening the existing knowledge of expected seasonal mean climate change and its uncertainty over Europe for the two key climate variables air temperature and precipitation amount until the mid-twentyfirst century. For this purpose, we assess and compensate the global climate model (GCM) sampling bias of the ENSEMBLES regional climate model (RCM) projections by combining them with the full set of the CMIP3 GCM ensemble. We first apply a cross-validation in order to assess the skill of different statistical data reconstruction methods in reproducing ensemble mean and standard deviation. We then select the most appropriate reconstruction method in order to fill the missing values of the ENSEMBLES simulation matrix and further extend the matrix by all available CMIP3 GCM simulations forced by the A1B emission scenario. Cross-validation identifies a randomized scaling approach as superior in reconstructing the ensemble spread. Errors in ensemble mean and standard deviation are mostly less than 0.1 K and 1.0 % for air temperature and precipitation amount, respectively. Reconstruction of the missing values reveals that expected seasonal mean climate change of the ENSEMBLES RCM projections is not significantly biased and that the associated uncertainty is not underestimated due to sampling of only a few driving GCMs. In contrast, the spread of the extended simulation matrix is partly significantly lower, sharpening our knowledge about future climate change over Europe by reducing uncertainty in some regions. Furthermore, this study gives substantial weight to recent climate change impact studies based on the ENSEMBLES projections, since it confirms the robustness of the climate forcing of these studies concerning GCM sampling.  相似文献   
Sets of 20 soda ash glasses, 16 soda lime glasses and 23 wood ash glasses mainly from excavations in Europe (additional soda ash glasses from Egypt) were analysed on 61 chemical elements. Average SiO2 is about 62% in soda glasses and 50% in wood ash glasses. The three groups of glasses contain on average 13% Na2O, 18% Na2O and 13% K2O as fluxes to lower the melting temperature of quartz at their production. The starting materials beside quartz were halophytic plant ash for soda ash glass, trona (Na3H(CO3)2·2H2O) and lime (clamshells) for soda lime glass and beech ash for wood ash glass. Each of the three major glass types contains specific Rare Earth Element (REE) concentrations mainly contained in quartz and its intergrown minerals. 50 Paleozoic and Mesozoic sandstones from Central Europe represent the quartz composition. The REE pattern of these glasses apparently indicates major compositional stages of the Continental Earth's Crust. The boron to lithium and sodium to potassium ratios as in seawater suggest reactions of materials for soda glass with seawater. Negative Ce anomalies in the three glasses are caused by reactions of quartz with seawater.  相似文献   
Iron-poor and refractory lithophile element (RLE) rich forsterite grains occur in all major types of unequilibrated chondrites. In our laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) minor and trace element study we show that refractory forsterites (RF) from carbonaceous (CC), unequilibrated ordinary (UOC) and a Rumuruti chondrite (RC) have similar chemical compositions with high RLE concentrations and low concentrations of Mn, Fe, Co and Ni. Fractionation of RLEs and rare earth elements (REEs) is in agreement with formation by crystallization from a RLE rich silicate melt. Low concentrations and the fractionation of moderately siderophile elements (Fe, Co, Ni) in RFs suggests formation at low oxygen fugacity, possibly in equilibrium with primitive Fe,Ni metal condensates in a gas of solar composition. Anomalously high Ti in the parental melt can be explained by Ti3+/Ti4+ ∼1.5, supporting formation of RF in highly reducing conditions. Low Mn concentrations indicate formation at high temperatures (>∼1160 K). The model of formation of RFs and the accompanying physico-chemical conditions during their formation as well as their relation to non refractory olivine are discussed.  相似文献   
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