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The decomposition rates of Phragmites australis and Fucus vesiculosus were experimentally determined in an estuarine system using the leaf-bag technique. The study was conducted in fifteen sites arranged in five areas, extending from freshwater, outside the tidal range, to the marine environment, near the mouth of the estuary. The leaf-bags (5 mm mesh), were set up with 3.0 g of dried substrate, submerged in the experimental sites at day 0 and collected at days 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60, to follow biomass loss. The biomass loss through the leaching phase (day 3) was about 16% for Phragmites australis and 33% for Fucus vesiculosus and was independent of salinity for both substrates. The difference in the remaining biomass between the two species increased with time and the decomposition rates differed along the salinity gradient. For F. vesiculosus, the decomposition rate was highest near the mouth of the estuary, corresponding to the preferential distribution area of the algae, and decreased towards freshwater. For Phragmites australis, the fastest decay was observed in the mid estuary, where Phragmites australis occurs naturally, confirming previous studies. The decomposition rates measured at different time intervals (0–15, 0–30 and 0–60 days) were always higher for the algae and decreased with time for both species. These results indicate that the use of decomposition rates as a measure of ecosystem integrity or quality status in transitional waters will not be straightforward and must take into account, among others, the test species, the study area positioning along the estuarine gradient, and the time interval for the calculation of the decomposition rate.  相似文献   
Multibeam echosounder data and TOPAS seismic reflection profiles collected during the AntPac 1997, Scan 2004, and Scan 2008 cruises aboard the RV Hespérides reveal a host of surficial geomorphological features as yet poorly investigated in the Scan Basin, south-central Scotia Sea. This area represents one of the deep gateways between the Weddell Sea and the Scotia Sea, since it enables the northward flow of a branch of the Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW). Analysis of the data identifies numerous elongated depressions interpreted as furrows in the southernmost sector of the basin. These furrows show two main trends, i.e., either N?CNNW parallel to, or NE oblique to regional bathymetric contours. These trends plausibly reflect a tectonic influence on the bottom-flow distribution, conditioned by a set of recent, conjugate strike-slip faults that developed on the seafloor under dominant NNE?CSSW compression and orthogonal extension. The furrows exhibit distinct geomorphological patterns at either side of the basin, which can be related to west?Ceast asymmetry in the WSDW flow direction. Consistent with existing knowledge of regional WSDW dynamics, northward WSDW overflows would be channeled along the western part of the basin at higher bottom-current velocities, thereby generating more erosional-type furrows that are straighter, more elongated, and have more abrupt sidewalls than their eastern counterparts. In contrast, weaker southward WSDW would flow along the eastern part of the basin, resulting in more depositional-type furrows that are more curved, less elongated, and have gentler sidewalls.  相似文献   
Recent wave reanalysis databases require the application of techniques capable of managing huge amounts of information. In this paper, several clustering and selection algorithms: K-Means (KMA), self-organizing maps (SOM) and Maximum Dissimilarity (MDA) have been applied to analyze trivariate hourly time series of met-ocean parameters (significant wave height, mean period, and mean wave direction). A methodology has been developed to apply the aforementioned techniques to wave climate analysis, which implies data pre-processing and slight modifications in the algorithms. Results show that: a) the SOM classifies the wave climate in the relevant “wave types” projected in a bidimensional lattice, providing an easy visualization and probabilistic multidimensional analysis; b) the KMA technique correctly represents the average wave climate and can be used in several coastal applications such as longshore drift or harbor agitation; c) the MDA algorithm allows selecting a representative subset of the wave climate diversity quite suitable to be implemented in a nearshore propagation methodology.  相似文献   
Motivated by air quality and numerical modelling applications as well as recent theoretical advancements in the topic, a field experiment, dubbed transition flow experiment, was conducted in Phoenix, Arizona to study the evening transition in complex terrain (shift of winds from upslope to downslope). Two scenarios were considered: (i) the flow reversal due to a change of buoyancy of a cooled slab of air near the ground, and (ii) the formation of a transition front. A suite of in-situ flow, turbulence and particulate matter (PM) concentration sensors, vertically profiling tethered balloons and remote sensors were deployed, and a mesoscale numerical model provided guidance for interpreting observations. The results were consistent with the front formation mechanism, where it was also found that enhanced turbulence associated with the front increases the local PM concentration. During the transition period the flow adjustment was complex, involving the arrival of multiple fronts from different slopes, directional shear between fronts and episodic turbulent mixing events. The upward momentum diffusion from the incipient downslope flow was small because of stable stratification near the ground, and full establishment of downslope flow occurred over several hours following sunset. Episodic frontal events pose challenges to the modelling of the evening transition in complex terrain, requiring conditional parametrizations for subgrid scales. The observed increase of PM concentration during the evening transition has significant implications for the regulatory enforcement of PM standards for the area.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the UCLA-ETA regional model’s dynamic downscaling ability to improve the National Center for Environmental Prediction Climate Forecast System (NCEP CFS), winter season predictions over the contiguous United States (US). Spatial distributions and temporal variations of seasonal and monthly precipitation are the main focus. A multi-member ensemble means of 22 winters from 1982 through 2004 are included in the study. CFS over-predicts the precipitation in eastern and western US by as much as 45 and 90 % on average compared to observations, respectively. Dynamic downscaling improves the precipitation hindcasts across the domain, except in the southern States, by substantially reducing the excessive precipitation produced by the CFS. Average precipitation root-mean-square error for CFS and UCLA-ETA are 1.5 and 0.9 mm day?1, respectively. In addition, downscaling improves the simulation of spatial distribution of snow water equivalent and land surface heat fluxes. Despite these large improvements, the UCLA-ETA’s ability to improve the inter-annual and intra-seasonal precipitation variability is not clear, probably because of the imposed CFS’ lateral boundary conditions. Preliminary analysis of the cause for the large precipitation differences between the models reveals that the CFS appears to underestimate the moisture flux convergence despite producing excessive precipitation amounts. Additionally, the comparison of modeled monthly surface sensible and latent heat fluxes with Global Land Data Assimilation System land data set shows that the CFS incorrectly partitioned most of surface energy into evaporation, unlike the UCLA-ETA. These findings suggest that the downscaling improvements are mostly due to a better representation of land-surface processes by the UCLA-ETA. Sensitivity tests also reveal that higher-resolution topography only played a secondary role in the dynamic downscaling improvement.  相似文献   
The Franck-Condon (FC) factors (transition probabilities) and r-centroids have been evaluated by the reliable numerical integration procedure for the bands of the A 3 φ4X 3 φ4 system of astrophysical molecule CoH, using a suitable potential. The dissociation energy D 0 0 = 2.5 ± 0.05 eV for the electronic ground state of CoH has been estimated by fitting Hulburt-Hirschfelder function to the experimental potential energy curve, using the correlation coefficient. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We review the first science results from the Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver (ACBAR); a multi-frequency millimeter-wave receiver optimized for observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) effect in clusters of galaxies. ACBAR was installed on the 2 m Viper telescope at the South Pole in January 2001 and the results presented here incorporate data through July 2002. We present the power spectrum of the CMB at 150 GHz over the range ℓ=150–3000 measured by ACBAR as well as estimates for the values of the cosmological parameters within the context of ΛCDM models. We find that the inclusion of ΩΛ greatly improves the fit to the power spectrum. We also observe a slight excess of small-scale anisotropy at 150 GHz; if interpreted as power from the SZ effect of unresolved clusters, the measured signal is consistent with CBI and BIMA within the context of the SZ power spectrum models tested.  相似文献   
The mutual influence between two whistler mode waves, through cyclotron resonant interaction of each wave with the same set of energetic electrons, is analysed both theoretically and by computer simulations ; this two-wave interaction mechanism seems to be an important process in understanding recently observed phenomena in Siple Station VLF multi-wave injection experiments. A criterion is established to estimate the threshold for the critical frequency spacing (for given wave amplitudes) for a significant mutual interaction between two monochromatic waves to occur. This criterion is based on the overlap of coherence bandwidths associated with the trapping domains of each wave and it takes into account the geomagnetospheric medium inhomogeneity. The effects of a perturbing second wave on electrons trapped by a first wave is discussed, considering the general situation of varying-frequency waves, and a simulation model is used to track the motion of test-electrons in the two-waves field. Conditions leading to detrapping and subsequent trapping by the second wave of previously first-wave trapped electrons are analysed and suggest the possibility of this phenomenon to play an important role in frequency entrainment and energy exchange between two waves.  相似文献   
While the importance of merging, accretion, and infall processesin determining galactic evolution is well established boththeoretically and observationally, details on how such processesare taking place nowadays even in our own Galaxy are stillrelatively poorly known, especially due to large remaininguncertainties on the location and origin of high velocity clouds.In this paper we focus on the possible role that galacticoutflows and gas infall may have on directly triggering starformation in the halo and in galactic disks. While compellingevidence has been accumulating in recent years suggesting thatsome level of star formation directly triggered by outflows isvery likely to exist in the halo of some galaxies, the evidencefor star formation dynamically triggered by infall is far moreelusive due to confusion with other, more efficient large-scalestar forming mechanisms operating in the galactic disk. Despite ofincreasingly realistic simulations of the gas circulation betwenthe gas and the halo and of high velocity cloud impacts ongalactic disks, the efficiency of star formation directlytriggered by such impacts remains an open question.  相似文献   
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