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Cloud types have a substantial influence on precipitation. This paper presents a study of the monthly variations of daytime different cloud types over Iran using data collected from Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard Terra during 2001–2015, MODIS aboard Aqua during 2002–2015, International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) H-series cloud type data during 2001–2009 and precipitation rate associated with different cloud types using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite products during 2001–2009. Different cloud types were determined using MODIS cloud optical thickness and cloud top pressure data based on ISCCP algorithm. The results showed that stratocumulus and cumulus clouds have maximum occurrence frequency over marine areas especially southern seas. The maximum frequency of nimbostratus and deep convective occurrence occurred over mountainous regions particularly at the time of Aqua overpass and cirrus and cirrostratus are observed over southeast of Iran during warm months due to monsoon system. Altostratus cloud is extended in each month except January, at the time of Terra overpass while nimbostratus is seen at the time of Aqua overpass during warm months in the study area. Cumulus and altocumulus clouds have shown remarkable frequency in all months especially over marine regions during warm and fall months. The higher value of precipitation rate is related to altostratus with a rate approximately 7 mm/h at the time of Terra overpass during April. Altostratus has the maximum recorded precipitation rate except in Nov., Dec., Sep., and Jan. at the time of Terra overpass, whereas the maximum precipitation rate is linked to nimbostratus cloud activity (up to 5 mm/h) except for March, April, and Sep. at the time of Aqua overpass. Deep convective (up to 1.32 mm/h), cirrostratus (up to 1.11 mm/h), and cirrus (0.02 mm/h) are observed only in warm months. The results were compared with ISCCP cloud types so that precipitation rate classified from low to high and Spearman rank correlation was calculated. The results showed good agreement between these two cloud type data; however, there were few notable difference between them.  相似文献   
An experimental investigation was undertaken to study the effects of lime-stabilized soil-cushion on the strength behavior of expansive soil. In the present investigation, a series of laboratory tests (Unconfined compression tests and CBR tests) were conducted on both expansive soil alone and expansive soil cushioned with lime-stabilized non-expansive cohesive soil. Lime contents of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% by dry weight of cohesive non-swelling soil was used in the stabilized soil cushion. Both expansive soil and lime stabilized soil cushion were compacted to Standard Proctor’s optimum condition with thickness ratio 2:1. Tests on cushioned expansive soils were conducted at different curing and soaking periods i.e., 7, 14, 28 and 56 days. The test results revealed that maximum increase in strength was achieved after 14 days of curing or soaking period with 8% of lime content.  相似文献   
目的:应用双源CT探讨新西兰兔耳缘静脉注入明胶海绵制造急性肺动脉栓塞(PE)模型的可行性。方法:新西兰兔24只随机分为实验组(n=22只,按栓塞后检查时间分为2h、1d、3d和7d组)与对照组(n=2只)。实验组22只采用经耳缘静脉快速注射明胶海绵栓子制成急性PE模型,栓塞前后均行CTPA及肺灌注检查,检查结束后全部处死。对照组2只新西兰兔经耳缘静脉注入等渗盐水后立即处死。全部行病理检查。结果:22只实验组新西兰兔制模成功20只,其中有2只分别因为栓塞过量和麻醉过量而未取得数据,模型制备成功率为90%。以肺叶为单位,在CT图像上分析100个肺叶影像表现,可见栓塞后2h组对应的肺叶纹理稀疏12叶;1d及3d组对应肺叶呈磨玻璃改变22叶;7d组对应肺叶实变3叶。DEPI均呈现低灌注。病理检查发现:2h组相应肺组织呈鲜红色,未见结构破坏及肺泡渗出;1d组对应肺组织呈水肿、淤血、出血及炎细胞浸润改变;3d组部分肺组织轻度梗死,对应肺组织呈深红色,肺泡间隔增宽,大量炎细胞浸润;7d组肺泡腔被渗出物填充,对应肺组织呈暗红色,实变坏死。实验组共发现3只新西兰兔肺动脉管腔内含明胶海绵。结论:经新西兰兔耳缘静脉注射明胶海绵制作急性肺栓塞动物模型操作简单,成本低廉,成功率较高,是肺栓塞影像学研究较容易制作的实验模型。  相似文献   
首先阐述了美国、欧洲气象卫星组织(EUMETSAT)、日本静止气象卫星的发展历史,从自旋稳定到三轴稳定,从单一载荷到多载荷并行工作,新一代的静止气象卫星的时间、空间和光谱分辨率都大幅提高,然后重点介绍了我国静止气象卫星风云二号和风云四号,相比于自旋稳定的风云二号气象卫星,风云四号卫星的功能和性能实现了跨越式的发展,接着简单介绍了俄罗斯、印度和韩国等其他国家静止气象卫星的发展状况,最后总结了不同时期各国静止气象卫星的发展特点,这对我国后续静止气象卫星的规划和研制有重要参考意义。  相似文献   
目的:运用中医传承计算平台(V3.0)分析中医药治疗肺癌伴恶性胸腔积液的用药规律。方法:计算机检索2000年1月1日至2022年2月28日中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据(WANFANG DATA)、维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)中关于中药复方治疗肺癌伴恶性胸腔积液的文献,分析中药的性味归经、功效、频次、药物组合、关联规则及聚类等。结果:共纳入文献98篇,处方103首,中药197味。频次≥20次的中药有18味,排前10位的依次为葶苈子、茯苓、白术、黄芪、大枣、甘草、泽泻、桂枝、半夏、薏苡仁。四气以寒、温、平为主;五味以甘、苦、辛为主;归经以肺、脾、胃经为主。排前3位的功效依次为补虚、利水渗湿、化痰止咳平喘。用药频次≥20次的中药组合有37组,排前4位的依次为茯苓-葶苈子、白术-茯苓、茯苓-黄芪、大枣-葶苈子。支持度≥25%的核心药物为黄芪、白术、茯苓、甘草、葶苈子、大枣、桂枝、泽泻。中药聚类分析提取到4个核心组合。结论:肺癌伴恶性胸腔积液多属晚期,以气血阴阳俱虚为本,饮停胸胁为标,病机多虚实夹杂。中医药治疗此病多以甘温益气补虚治本,苦寒泻肺利水治标,同时兼以温阳化气。  相似文献   
Rb-Sr isochron age of fluid inclusions in quartz from the Fuwan super-large silver deposit is 68 - 6 Ma, the silver deposit is characterized by high μ values (10.67 - 10.95 ), which are much higher than those of the ore-hosted Paleozoic strata and are close to those of ores hosted in the Proterozoic metamorphic basement in western Guangdong Province. Based on the Pb isotopic characteristics, coupled with much high background silver contents (200-1000ng/g) in the Proterozoic basement and relatively low silver contents in the Paleozoic strata in the region of the Sanshui Basin, it is concluded that the ore-forming material of the super-large silver deposit came mainly from the old basement. The super-large silver deposit related genetically to the intense volcanic activities during the Upper Cretaceous to Eogene. The formation of the Fuwan super-large silver deposit is controlled by the following favorable geological conditions : ( 1 ) The intersection of deep faults and contemporaneous faults at the margin of the Sanshui Basin led to the formation of an excellent structure as passageway for ore fluids; (2) The special ore-hosted rock association forms a ore gathering-trap structure that favors the precipitation of ore; (3) The silver-rich old basement, multi-stage mineralization and multi-episode volcanic activities which constitute a geothermal convection system.  相似文献   
范文龙  董峰  傅雨田 《遥感学报》2014,18(Z1):30-34
针对中国科学院上海技术物理研究所研制的1500元红外线列焦平面探测器的输出特性,提出了以低噪声运放为核心的信息获取电路和以FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)为核心的数据预处理的设计方案,实现了驱动电路和探测器的良好匹配,较好地发挥了探测器高灵敏度的特性.测试结果表明,该方案不仅对系统获得优于50 mK噪声等效温差的高灵敏度成像起到了重要作用,足够宽的量化设计还保证了系统的动态范围和图像的丰富层次.该设计方案已成功应用在一些其他类型的红外焦平面探测器中.  相似文献   
The levels and distribution of tris-(2,3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate (TBC) and hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) of surface sediments in the Yellow River Delta wetland had been investigated. The concentrations of TBC and ∑ HBCDs ranged from 0.20 to 29.03 ng·g? 1 dw and below limits of detections (LODs) to 20.25 ng·g? 1 dw. The average composition profile of three HBCDs isomers were 10.1%, 6.1% and 83.8% for α-, β- and γ-HBCD, respectively. Moreover, correlation analysis indicated there are similar sources among three isomers and positive correlations between total organic carbon (TOC) content and concentrations of TBC and HBCDs. The mass inventory of TBC,α-, β-, γ-HBCD, ΣHBCDs in surface sediments of Yellow River Delta wetland were estimated about 725.50, 72.76, 44.29, 548.34, 665.39 kg. Therefore, further investigations on potential human health and environmental risk assessments of TBC and HBCDs were needed.  相似文献   
Gas washing has been known in the Tazhong area of the Tarim Basin, but its quantitative assessment has not yet been reported. Here the influence of gas washing fractionation in the area was discussed based on the gas chromatogram data of 68 oils and the results of the mixing experiments of a black oil and a condensate. The results show that the intensity of gas washing fractionation decreased generally from northern to southern part and vertically from deep reservoirs to shallow reservoirs. The gas washing fractionation was mainly controlled by fault systems in this area, with the increase of n-alkane mass depletion positively correlated to the number and scale of faults. Gas washing fractionation appears to have affected the hydrocarbon property, and as a result the diversity of the crude oils is markedly controlled by gas washing. In addition, the occurrence of waxy oil in this area may be resulted from multiple factors including gas washing, mixed filling and migration fractionation. Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB202303) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40672091)  相似文献   
Comprehensive atmospheric studies have demonstrated that carbonaceous particles are one of the main components of atmospheric aerosols over Europe. The aim of our study was to establish an automated elemental analyser interfaced to a stable isotope mass spectrometer (EA-IRMS) method at the Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental Studies (HEKAL), as a suitable method of quantification of total carbon mass in individual PM2.5 aerosol samples. Total carbon (TC) mass and simultaneous stable isotopic ratios were determined for both test standard and genuine aerosol samples. Finally, the results were compared to the ones obtained independently by an alternative sealed tube combustion method developed previously at HEKAL. The TC recovery tests of standard material prepared by the sealed tube method confirmed at least a carbon recovery yield of 92% for a broad range of carbon mass (100–2000 μg). The stable isotopic results confirmed that sealed tube method is reproducible and suitable to be used as a reference to verify our new EA-IRMS method. The EA-IRMS TC measurements of genuine aerosols gave on average 3% higher carbon recovery yield, relative to the uncorrected results of the sealed tube method. The comparison of the stable isotopic results by the two methods for aerosols also showed minimal differences. Consequently, the possibility of simultaneous TC and stable isotopic analyses makes the EA-IRMS method a very attractive alternative for continuous measurement of aerosols, with an accuracy and reliability similar to other commercial devices.  相似文献   
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