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Starting November 1999 we are carrying out simultaneous seeing observations with the Solar Differential Image Motion Monitor (S-DIMM) at the Fuxian Lake station of the Yunnan Observatory and a solar scintillometer of the type used in the recent site survey by one of us (Beckers et al., 1997). The purpose was to compare the two methods of assessing the daytime atmospheric seeing for a lake site. We report here the first results of this comparison. We find that the relation between the seeing as measured by the S-DIMM (the Fried parameter r 0) and the scintillation in the solar irradiance (I) differs greatly from the relation found by Seykora (1993) for NSO/Sac Peak. We conclude that the I measurements give a good indication for the amount of near-Earth seeing but that they are a poor proxy for the total atmospheric seeing. We interpret the simultaneous (r 0, I) observations in terms of an atmospheric seeing model and find good quantitative agreement with a model in which a fraction () of the seeing originated near the Earth (ground or water) and the rest (1–) originates at higher layers. For lake sites is small all day and the seeing is determined primarily by the refractive index variations at higher atmospheric layers. For land sites is small in the early morning but rapidly increases as the day progresses, near-Earth seeing dominating there most of the time.  相似文献   
This article aims at analyzing if high-frequency radar observations of surface currents allow to improve model forecasts in the Ligurian Sea, where inertial oscillations are a dominant feature. An ensemble of ROMS models covering the Ligurian Sea, and nested in the Mediterranean Forecasting System, is coupled with two WERA high-frequency radars. A sensitivity study allows to determine optimal parameters for the ensemble filter. By assimilating observations in a single point, the obtained correction shows that the forecast error covariance matrix represents the inertial oscillations, as well as large- and meso-scale processes. Furthermore, it is shown that the velocity observations can correct the phase and amplitude of the inertial oscillations. Observations are shown to have a strong effect during approximately half a day, which confirms the importance of using a high temporal observation frequency. In general, data assimilation of HF radar observations leads to a skill score of about 30% for the forecasts of surface velocity.  相似文献   
The Mirdita Ophiolite Zone in Albania is associated with widespread mélanges containing components of up to nappe-size. We dated matrix and components of the mélange by radiolarians, conodonts, and other taxa. The components consist of radiolarites, pelagic limestones and shallow-water limestones, all of Triassic age, as well as ophiolites. Triassic radiolarite as a primary cover of ophiolite material proves Middle Triassic onset of Mirdita ocean-floor formation. The mélange contains a turbiditic radiolarite-rich matrix (“radiolaritic flysch”), dated as Late Bajocian to Early Oxfordian. It formed as a synorogenic sediment during west-directed thrusting of ophiolite and sediment-cover nappes representing ocean floor and underplated fragments of the western continental margin. The tectonic structures formed during these orogenic events (“Younger Kimmeridian or Eohellenic Orogeny”) are sealed by Late Jurassic platform carbonates. The geological history conforms with that of the Inner Dinarides and adjoining areas; we therefore correlate the Mirdita-Pindos Ophiolite Zone with the Vardar Zone and explain its present position by far-distance west-directed thrusting.  相似文献   
The ecohydrodynamics of the Gibraltar Strait and the Western Alboran Sea is investigated using a 3-D, two-way nested, coupled hydrodynamic/plankton ecosystem model, exploiting the MEDATLAS climatological database. A high-resolution model (~1 km) of the Gibraltar/Western Alboran region embedded within a coarse-resolution model of the West Mediterranean (~5 km) is implemented. The model seasonal climatology of the 3-D circulation and the flow characteristics at the Gibraltar Strait and the Alboran Sea are discussed, and their impact on the plankton ecosystem evolution is explored. An important ecohydrodynamic feature produced by the model is a permanent upwelling zone in the northwestern part of the Alboran Sea in agreement with observations. Model results show that both horizontal and vertical current intensity of the Atlantic Jet increases progressively at the strait to obtain maximum values in the northeastern Mediterranean entrance, inducing an upward displacement of the nitracline. The nutrient-rich water transport through the strait along with the generation of cyclonic vorticity in the northwestern Alboran Sea result in the accumulation of nutrients there and thus induce a permanent fertilisation of this area.  相似文献   
This paper is an introduction to the special issue on a role of participation in dealing with the interactions between environment and fisheries. In this introduction, we explore the recent discussion on the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management (EBAFM) and extract important points for implementation of EBAFM from the social science literature on participation and participatory processes in environmental management. The introduction finishes by describing the analytical framework for studying participatory processes.  相似文献   
Retrospective understanding of the magnitude and pace of urban expansion is necessary for effective growth management in metropolitan regions. The objective of this paper is to quantify the spatial–temporal patterns of urban expansion in the Greater Kumasi Sub-Region (GKSR)—a functional region comprising eight administrative districts in Ghana, West Africa. The analysis is based on Landsat remote sensing images from 1986, 2001 and 2014 which were classified using supervised maximum likelihood algorithm in ERDAS IMAGINE. We computed three complementary growth indexes namely; Average Annual Urban Expansion Rate, Urban Expansion Intensity Index (UEII) and Urban Expansion Differentiation Index to estimate the amount and intensity of expansion over the 28-year period. Overall, urban expansion in the GKSR has been occurring at an average annual rate of 5.6 %. Consequently, the sub-region’s built-up land increased by 313 km2 from 88 km2 in 1986 to 400 km2 in 2014. The analysis further show that about 72 % of the total built-up land increase occurred in the last 13 years alone, with UEII value of 0.605 indicating a moderate intensity of urban expansion. Moreover, the metropolitan-core of the sub-region, being the focal point of urban development and the historical origins of expansion, accounted for more than half of the total built-up land increase over the 28-year period. Over the last decade and half however, urban expansion has spilled into the neighbouring peripheral districts, with the highest intensity and fastest rate of expansion occurring in districts located north and north east of the sub-regional core. We recommend a comprehensive regional growth management strategy grounded in effective strategic partnerships among the respective administrative districts to curb unsustainable urban expansion.  相似文献   
Mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts from Guaniamo, Venezuela kimberlites record equilibration conditions corresponding to a limited range of sampling in the lithosphere (100-150 km). Within this small range, however, compositions vary considerably, but regularly, defining a strongly layered mantle sequence. Major and trace element compositions suggest the following lithologic sequence: highly depleted lherzolite from 100 to 115 km, mixed ultra-depleted harzburgite and lherzolite from 115 to 120 km, relatively fertile lherzolite from 120 to 135 km, and mixed depleted harzburgite and relatively fertile lherzolite from 135 to 150 km. Based on comparison with well-documented mantle peridotites and xenocrysts from elsewhere, we conclude that the Meso-proterozoic Cuchivero Province (host to the Guaniamo kimberlites) is underlain by depleted and ultra-depleted shallow Archean mantle that was underplated, and uplifted, by Proterozoic subduction, perhaps more than once. These Proterozoic subduction events introduced less-depleted oceanic lithosphere beneath the Archean section, which remains there and is the source of the abundant Guaniamo eclogite-suite diamonds that have ocean-floor geochemical signatures. Although diamond-indicative low-Ca Cr-pyrope garnets are abundant, they are derived primarily from the shallow depleted layer within the field of graphite stability, and the rare peridotite-suite diamonds are either metastably preserved at these shallow depths, or were derived from the small amount of depleted lithosphere sampled by these kimberlites that remains within the diamond stability field (the mixture of Archean and Proterozoic mantle in the depth range 135-150 km).  相似文献   
Using groundwater quality data from the Lusatian post-mining district a hydrogeochemical model is derived for the evolution of mining affected groundwaters in pyrite-rich dumps which consist mainly of silicates and variable amounts of calcite. Pyrite oxidation paralleled by buffer processes leads to gypsum saturation in a significant portion of the water. Gypsum precipitation controls SO4 and Ca concentrations in groundwaters above an ionic strength (I) of 60 mM. It has been found that there is always a clear relationship between I, SO4 and Ca concentrations. In particular, there is a tendency that Ca concentrations decrease with increase in ionic strength above = 60 mM and a striking rareness of samples with SO4 concentrations between 20 and 30 mM above an ionic strength of 100 mM. These observations are explained by a genetic model. This model also explains the observed relationship between the c(Fe)/c(SO4)-ratio, the ionic strength, and the observed pH-values. Based on the field data and supported by geochemical equilibrium calculations, it is shown that silicate weathering along with calcite dissolution must be a significant buffering process at least in some areas.  相似文献   
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