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Concern has been raised that the increased use of pesticides in intensive aquaculture practices may cause adverse sublethal effects to non-target aquatic species. Azamethiphos is an organophosphate (OP) pesticide used to combat sea lice infestations in farmed salmonids. Here, the sublethal impact on the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, of short term exposure to azamethiphos was determined. The testing regime included biomarkers of exposure (acetylcholinesterase activity), cytotoxicity (neutral red retention), immune function (phagocytic index) and physiological condition (feeding rate). The distribution and sensitivity of M. edulis acetylcholinesterase to inhibition by azamethiphos was first determined, yielding IC(50) values of 0.736 and 1.30 mg l(-1) for gill and haemolymph, respectively. Exposure of mussels to 0.1 mg l(-1) azamethiphos for periods of up to 24h caused a significant reduction in acetylcholinesterase activity in both the haemolymph (P<0.0002) and the gill (P<0.002), alteration in cell viability (P<0.02) and decrease in phagocytic index (P<0.03). The feeding rate remained unaffected. The results support the hypothesis that, in addition to its neurotoxic effects, azamethiphos can modulate haemocyte function and immune defence in M. edulis at environmentally relevant concentrations after only a few hours.  相似文献   
Thermoplastic resin pellets are melted and formed into an enormous number of inexpensive consumer goods, many of which are discarded after a relatively short period of use, dropped haphazardly onto watersheds and then make their way to the ocean where some get ingested by marine life. In 2003 and 2004 pre-production thermoplastic resin pellets and post-consumer plastic fragments were collected and analyzed for contamination for persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Samples were taken from the North Pacific Gyre, and selected sites in California, Hawaii, and from Guadalupe Island, Mexico. The total concentration of PCBs ranged from 27 to 980 ng/g; DDTs from 22 to 7100 ng/g and PAHs from 39 to 1200 ng/g, and aliphatic hydrocarbons from 1.1 to 8600 microg/g. Analytical methods were developed to extract, concentrate and identify POPs that may have accumulated on plastic fragments and plastic pellets. The results of this study confirm that plastic debris is a trap for POPs.  相似文献   
Io’s sublimation-driven atmosphere is modeled using the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. These rarefied gas dynamics simulations improve upon earlier models by using a three-dimensional domain encompassing the entire planet computed in parallel. The effects of plasma heating, planetary rotation, inhomogeneous surface frost, molecular residence time of SO2 on the exposed (non-volatile) rocky surface, and surface temperature distribution are investigated. Circumplanetary flow is predicted to develop from the warm dayside toward the cooler nightside. Io’s rotation leads to a highly asymmetric frost surface temperature distribution (due to the frost’s high thermal inertia) which results in circumplanetary flow that is not axi-symmetric about the subsolar point. The non-equilibrium thermal structure of the atmosphere, specifically vibrational and rotational temperatures, is also examined. Plasma heating is found to significantly inflate the atmosphere on both the dayside and nightside. The plasma energy flux causes high temperatures at high altitudes but plasma energy depletion through the dense gas column above the warmest frost permits gas temperatures cooler than the surface at low altitudes. A frost map (Douté, S., Schmitt, B., Lopes-Gautier, R., Carlson, R., Soderblom, L., Shirley, J., and the Galileo NIMS Team [2001]. Icarus 149, 107-132) is used to control the sublimated flux of SO2 which can result in inhomogeneous column densities that vary by nearly a factor of four for the same surface temperature. A short residence time for SO2 molecules on the “rock” component is found to smooth lateral atmospheric inhomogeneities caused by variations in the surface frost distribution, creating an atmosphere that looks nearly identical to one with uniform frost coverage. A longer residence time is found to agree better with mid-infrared observations (Spencer, J.R., Lellouch, E., Richter, M.J., López-Valverde, M.A., Jessup, K.L, Greathouse, T.K., Flaud, J. [2005]. Icarus 176, 283-304) and reproduce the observed anti-jovian/sub-jovian column density asymmetry. The computed peak dayside column density for Io assuming a surface frost temperature of 115 K agrees with those suggested by Lyman-α observations (Feaga, L.M., McGrath, M., Feldman, P.D. [2009]. Icarus 201, 570-584). On the other hand, the peak dayside column density at 120 K is a factor of five larger and is higher than the upper range of observations (Jessup, K.L., Spencer, J.R., Ballester, G.E., Howell, R.R., Roesler, F., Vigel, M., Yelle, R. [2004]. Icarus 169, 197-215; Spencer et al., 2005).  相似文献   
Little Kickapoo Creek (LKC), a low‐gradient stream, mobilizes its streambed–fundamentally altering its near‐surface hyporheic zone–more frequently than do higher‐gradient mountain and karst streams. LKC streambed mobility was assessed through streambed surveys, sediment sampling, and theoretical calculations comparing basal shear stress (τb) with critical shear stress (τc). Baseflow τb is capable of entraining a d50 particle; bankfull flow could entrain a 51·2 mm particle. No particle that large occurs in the top 30 cm of the substrate, suggesting that the top 30 cm of the substrate is mobilized and redistributed during bankfull events. Bankfull events occur on average every 7·6 months; flows capable of entraining d50 and d85 particles occur on average every 0·85 and 2·1 months, respectively. Streambed surveys verify streambed mobility at conditions below bankfull. While higher gradient streams have higher potential energy than LKC, they achieve streambed‐mobilization thresholds less frequently. Heterogeneous sediment redistribution creates an environment where substrate hydraulic conductivity (K) varies over four orders of magnitude. The frequency and magnitude of the substrate entrainment has implications on hyporheic zone function in fluid, solute and thermal transport models, interpretations of hyporheic zone stability, and understanding of LKC's aquatic ecosystem. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Leaching processes are believed to be responsible for the unusually low-ash content (sometimes less than 1%) of the thick (up to 35 m) Cretaceous coals located in the Greymouth coalfield, South Island, New Zealand. Although leaching of inorganics in peat is a generally accepted process, little is known about leaching after burial. The “Main” and “E” seams in the Greymouth coalfield show good correlation between low ash and bed thickness. The ash content, however, is often less than 1%, which is lower than most known modern analogues (i.e. peat). There are several lines of evidence that suggest that mineral matter may have been removed from the coal not only in the peat stage but also after burial. For example, etching features found in quartz grains and clay aggregates indicate that some leaching processes have taken place. In addition, liptinitic material (e.g., bitumen) in the cleat networks supports the conclusion that there has been some movement of solutions through the coal after burial. These solutions may have helped to remove some of the inorganics originally within the Greymouth coals.  相似文献   
Current correlations between the Pretoria and Postmasburg Groups of the Transvaal Supergroup are shown to be invalid. The Postmasburg Group is also demonstrated to be broadly conformable with the underlying Ghaap Group and therefore considerably older (2.4 Ga) than previously supposed. The new stratigraphy documents an extensive (100 Ma) and continuous cold-climate episode with a glacial maximum at the Makganyene Formation diamictite. Iron formations of the underlying Asbesheuwels and Koegas Subgroups and overlying Hotazel Formation have similar origins, related, respectively, to the onset and cessation of the glacial event. This interpretation of the Transvaal Supergroup stratigraphy has significant implications for various Palaeoproterozoic environmental models and for the timing of the development of an oxygenated atmosphere.  相似文献   
Particles leaving the neutral sheet in the distant magnetotail at times display adiabatic trajectory sequences characterized by an inflection toward the equator and subsequent mirroring in its vicinity. We demonstrate that this low-latitude mirroring results primarily from a centrifugal deceleration due to the fast direction-changing E×B drift. This effect which we refer to as “centrifugal trapping” appears both in guiding centre and full particle treatments. It thus does not directly relate to nonadiabatic motion. However, pitch angle scattering due to nonadiabatic neutral sheet interaction does play a role in reducing the parallel speed of the particles. We show that centrifugal trapping is an important mechanism for the confinement of the slowest (typically below the equatorial E×B drift speed) plasma sheet populations to the midplane vicinity.  相似文献   
Exploratory variography was used to examine the spatial continuity of water–well yields in the Pinardville 7 Minute Quadrangle in southern New Hampshire and to link the variography to the characteristics of the fractured igneous and metamorphic rocks within the aquifer system. In addition to the analyses of variograms computed by using data from 939 wells, analyses were performed on subsets of the data that were stratified according to the level of yield and to five rock types. The stratification according to yield was defined by using the industry standard of a high-yield well that produces 40 gallons per minute or more. The stratification of the low-yield wells by rock type was defined by using the classification on the bedrock map for the State of New Hampshire. Although the variability is high in the low-yield wells, as indicated by the large nugget value, overall continuity ranges to 6000 feet in the fracture zones in which these wells have been drilled. This continuity is dominant in the northwesterly direction, as indicated by the directional variography. This result is consistent with the general trend in the larger tectonic configuration of the region. A lack of spatial correlation for 81 high-yield wells is consistent with the geologic interpretation that these wells occur in locally determined configurations of sheeting and steeply dipping fractures. Yield data in only three of the five rock types were sufficient for variography. Within these three, the dominant direction of the correlation structure ranged from northwesterly for the Massabesic Gneiss Complex to northeasterly for the Rangeley Formation to northerly for the Spaulding Granite, where the signature of the continuity in the low-yield wells is predominately attributed to the fracture system.  相似文献   
Summary Neumann [1] has shown that the mean lapse rate through the whole troposphere decreases from the Equator to the North Pole. The present note shows also that the mean tropospheric lapse rate above the surface layers has little latitudinal variation either in January or July and has a mean value of 6.4°C/km.
Zusammenfassung Neumann [1] hat gezeigt, daß der mittlere vertikale Gradient der Temperatur durch die ganze Troposphäre vom Äquator bis zum Nordpol abnimmt. In unserer Untersuchung wird gezeigt, daß in der Troposphäre der mittlere vertikale Temperaturgradient oberhalb der bodennahen Schichten weder im Januar noch im Juli große Veränderungen in den verschiedenen Breitengraden aufweist und einen mittleren Wert von 6.4°C/km hat.

Résumé Neumann [1] a montré que les valeurs du gradient vertical moyen de température diminuent dans tous les niveaux de la troposphère de l'équateur au pôle Nord. Dans la présente étude on montre que, dans la troposphère, au-dessus des couches atmosphériques proches de la surface du sol, le gradient vertical moyen de température ne présente pas de différences importantes entre le diverses latitudess, ni en janvier, ni en juillet, et que sa valeur moyenne est de 6.4°C/km.
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